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蔡家雄 《湖南地质》1994,13(3):155-162
在△T异常解释课题中,一个新的角度参量─—视磁化特征角的拟定,最大限度地简化了球体磁场表达式。从而才有可能通过特殊解法,给出了球体磁场的极值与拐点公式。作者据此建立了四种不受正常场制约、仅需异常的局部持征曲线即可全面解释三度异常的解释方法。屏障分解、叠加判别、三元迭代的设计,为解释三度体叠加异常给出了简单而易行的途径。  相似文献   
Practical VTI approximations: a systematic anatomy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Transverse isotropy (TI) with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI) often provides an appropriate earth model for prestack imaging of steep-dip reflection seismic data. Exact P-wave and SV-wave phase velocities in VTI media are described by complicated equations requiring four independent parameters. Estimating appropriate multiparameter earth models can be difficult and time-consuming, so it is often useful to replace the exact VTI equations with simpler approximations requiring fewer parameters. The accuracy limits of different previously published VTI approximations are not always clear, nor is it always obvious how these different approximations relate to each other. Here I present a systematic framework for deriving a variety of useful VTI approximations. I develop first a sequence of well-defined approximations to the exact P-wave and SV-wave phase velocities. In doing so, I show how the useful but physically questionable heuristic of setting shear velocities identically to zero can be replaced with a more precise and quantifiable approximation. The key here to deriving accurate approximations is to replace the stiffness a13 with an appropriate factorization in terms of velocity parameters. Two different specific parameter choices lead to the P-wave approximations of Alkhalifah (Geophysics 63 (1998) 623) and Schoenberg and de Hoop (Geophysics 65 (2000) 919), but there are actually an infinite number of reasonable parametrizations possible. Further approximations then lead to a variety of other useful phase velocity expressions, including those of Thomsen (Geophysics 51 (1986) 1954), Dellinger et al. (Journal of Seismic Exploration 2 (1993) 23), Harlan (Stanford Exploration Project Report 89 (1995) 145), and Stopin (Stopin, A., 2001. Comparison of v(θ) equations in TI medium. 9th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy). Each P-wave phase velocity approximation derived this way can be paired naturally with a corresponding SV-wave approximation. Each P-wave or SV-wave phase velocity approximation can then be converted into an equivalent dispersion relation in terms of horizontal and vertical slownesses. A simple heuristic substitution also allows each phase velocity approximation to be converted into an explicit group velocity approximation. From these, in turn, travel time or moveout approximations can also be derived. The group velocity and travel time approximations derived this way include ones previously used by Byun et al. (Geophysics 54 (1989) 1564), Dellinger et al. (Journal of Seismic Exploration 2 (1993) 23), Tsvankin and Thomsen (Geophysics 59 (1994) 1290), Harlan (89 (1995) 145), and Zhang and Uren (Zhang, F. and Uren, N., 2001. Approximate explicit ray velocity functions and travel times for P-waves in TI media. 71st Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, 106–109).  相似文献   
一个双波地形重力波拖曳参数化方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王元  唐锦赟  伍荣生 《气象学报》2007,65(5):733-743
当地形次尺度强迫的作用与显式的经典动力作用效应相当时,地形重力波拖曳力对于环流的维持,以及动量和热量通量输送的动力效应变得十分显著。这种地形次尺度拖曳作用项可通过参数化的方法,在动力方程中加入额外的小项而引入数值模式。目前成熟的地形重力波拖曳参数化方法,如第1代基于线性单波理论的参数化方案;以及侧重考虑了临界层作用等因素对拖曳力的额外贡献的第2代参数化方案,都无法有效表达风速垂直变化引起的波动应力随高度变化的特征。基于上述考虑,本文给出了一个双波参数化方案用于计算地形重力波拖曳中由线性自由传播重力波造成的波动应力的垂直分布。通过二阶WKB近似,它对由风速垂直变化引起的对波动应力的选择性临界层吸收过程和经典的临界层吸收过程做了显式处理;而在不发生临界层吸收现象的地区,则用两个单波同时在垂直方向上进行应力的传播,并利用波饱和标准进行应力耗散。进一步地在真实地形(以大别山地区为个例)条件下的测试结果表明,通过在不同理想风速廓线以及北半球冬季中纬度纬向平均风廓线下对波动应力垂直分布的计算,证明该方案确实能有效地给出应力随高度变化的特征。  相似文献   
The boundary faults of faulted basins generally have segmental growth characteristics. Quantitative analysis of fault growth processes and combined models is of great significance for basin formation and evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. Taking the Fulongquan fault depression in the southern part of the Songliao Basin as an example, using the 3D seismic data and using the fault-displacement length analysis method, the segmental growth and evolution process of the boundary fault is systematically studied, and the control effect of the spatial and temporal differential evolution of boundary faults on faulted basins is analyzed. The study shows that the segmental growth control of the boundary fault of Fulongquan fault depression forms a series of semi-mantle shoals; the sedimentary center of the Shahezi-Yingcheng fault is controlled to migrate from south to north; The slanting and thrusting activities control the height of the anticline trap; the transformation of the boundary fault property controls the evolution of the basin's tectonic pattern from the tandem semi-mantle to the faulted anticline.  相似文献   
逐步逼近曲化平方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
位场资料的常规处理解释方法是建立在平面数据理论之上的,然而实际的位场数据大多为曲面数据,若把曲面数据当成平面数据进行处理,必然导致很大的误差,因此有必要进行“曲化平”处理. 曲化平目前存在的主要问题是计算精度低、计算量大,因此,研究快速、精度高且适合大数据量处理的曲化平方法具有重要的价值. 本文在已有的泰勒级数曲化平方法基础上提出了逐步逼近技术和平均平面技术,使得曲面位场资料处理的精度得到了很大提高. 最后通过理论模型和实际资料的处理验证了该方法的应用效果.  相似文献   
刘崧 《地球物理学报》1988,31(06):687-694
本文推导并评价了一个新的计算视复电阻率的近似公式,其视振幅表达式为|ρs(ω)|≈ρs(ω)|ρs(ω)=ρs(ω)|,视相位表达式为φs(ω)≈sum from i=1 to n(Bi(ω)φi(ω)),这里Bi(ω)是按各介质复电阻率振幅计算的稀释系数。此近似公式比迄今为止已发表过的同类近似公式都精确,可在频率域激电法数值模拟计算视复电阻率时应用。  相似文献   
本文基于线性规划的数学模型,利用岩(矿)石化学分析资料,佐以矿物相的鉴定结果,能准确计算出岩(矿)石中真实矿物组成。在没有矿物化学成分分析数据的情况下,通过迭代、逼进,能同时给出岩矿石的真实矿物组成及矿物化学成分的逼近值,若进一步结合矿物晶体化学原理进行修正,可得出更为准确的结果。线性规划的数学模型还能应用于矿物端员组成的计算,天然及人工系统的物理化学平衡、岩石学混合计算等各个方面。  相似文献   
There is a correspondence between flow in a reservoir and large scale permeability trends. This correspondence can be derived by constraining reservoir models using observed production data. One of the challenges in deriving the permeability distribution of a field using production data involves determination of the scale of resolution of the permeability. The Adaptive Multiscale Estimation (AME) seeks to overcome the problems related to choosing the resolution of the permeability field by a dynamic parameterisation selection. The standard AME uses a gradient algorithm in solving several optimisation problems with increasing permeability resolution. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm which combines a gradient search and a stochastic algorithm to improve the robustness of the dynamic parameterisation selection. At low dimension, we use the stochastic algorithm to generate several optimised models. We use information from all these produced models to find new optimal refinements, and start out new optimisations with several unequally suggested parameterisations. At higher dimensions we change to a gradient-type optimiser, where the initial solution is chosen from the ensemble of models suggested by the stochastic algorithm. The selection is based on a predefined criterion. We demonstrate the robustness of the hybrid algorithm on sample synthetic cases, which most of them were considered insolvable using the standard AME algorithm.  相似文献   
迭代法属于逐次逼近法,应用很广。它是求解函数方程、方程组和微分方程等的一种基本而重要的数值方法。在具体求解时,需要给出控制迭代过程结束的条件。现有的某些计算方法(或数值分析)的教材和书,在论述求解函数方程的计算方案、流程图(或框图)及算法语言程序时,常常将此条件取为相邻两次迭代值xk、xk-1的差小于给定的准确度本文指出这个条件是不完全的,讨论了该条件的正确表达式,由误差估计式给出了控制迭代过程结束条件的五种形式。  相似文献   
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