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《古典文献论丛》集中了赵逵夫先生近二十年来在文献学领域的研究成果,在文献学理论、出土文献、敦煌文献、宋前戏剧文献、诗赋文献等方面贡献颇多。这部论文集充分体现了赵逵夫先生厚重的传统目录学观念、在历史文献研究中清晰的历史概念和在宏观视野下进行微观研究的学术理念。  相似文献   
The Sarek Dyke Swarm (SDS) crops out in the Sarektjåkkå Nappe (SN) of the Seve-Kalak Superterrane in the northern Swedish Caledonides. The SN has two main components: (1) a 4–5 km thick succession of rift-related sedimentary rocks, which is intruded by (2) a suite of tholeiitic dykes (the SDS) constituting 70–80% of the nappe. The nappe was deformed during Caledonian thrusting, but dykes and sedimentary rocks in the interior of the eastern parts of the SN are preserved in a pristine state. The tholeiitic dykes of the SDS commonly occur in sheeted dyke complexes, and up to 11 successive generations can be identified from crosscutting relations. The SN represents the fossil continent–ocean transition between the Baltic craton and the Iapetus Ocean, marking the initiation of seafloor spreading. Bubble-shaped pods and veinlets of diorite are present in the SDS sheeted dyke complexes. The pods are absent in the oldest dykes, but the younger a dyke, the more frequent the pods. The diorite pods are the equivalent of gabbro pegmatites, and both cogenetic and coeval with the dykes. The rapid successive emplacement of tholeiitic magma raised the ambient temperature in the dyke complex, so that crystallization in the youngest dykes mimicked similar processes in gabbro plutons. Six zircon fractions, from the diorite pods including two single grains, were analysed geochronologically by the U–Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry method. The data yield a linear array of points that are 0.4–0.8% normally discordant, indicating a crystallization age of 608±1 Ma (207Pb/206Pb=607.9±0.7 Ma, MSWD=0.33). This age is inferred to date the onset of seafloor spreading in the Iapetus Ocean along the Baltoscandian margin.  相似文献   
The overall pattern of deglaciation of the southern part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet has been considered established, although details of the chronology and ice sheet dynamics are less well known. Even less is known for the south Swedish Upland because the area was deglaciated mostly by stagnation. Within this area lies the conspicuous Vimmerby moraine, for which we have used the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) exposure dating technique to derive the exposure age of six glacially transported boulders. The six 10Be cosmogenic ages are internally consistent, ranging from 14.9 ± 1.5 to 12.4 ± 1.3 ka with a mean of 13.6 ±0.9 ka. Adjusting for the effects of surface erosion, snow burial and glacio-isostatic rebound causes the mean age to increase only by c. 6% to c. 14.4± 0.9 ka. The 10Be derived age for the Vimmerby moraine is in agreement with previous estimates forthe timing of deglaciation based on radiocarbon dating and varve chronology. This result shows promise for further terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide exposure studies in southern Sweden.  相似文献   
城镇发展适宜性研究有助于了解城镇发展的优势条件,为确定城镇建设规划的扩展方向提供依据。在北极与亚北极开展研究对中国开展在城镇化、重大基础设施、廊道建设方面的国际合作有重大意义。本文使用多源数据,在采样的基础上利用逐步法的思想进行变量筛选,共筛选出5个显著指标,用logistic方法拟合出最终的模型进行城镇发展适宜性评价,最终得到研究区城镇发展适宜性分级图。研究结果表明:筛选后的显著指标对研究区城镇分布的影响作用大小排序为,温度(正向)、交通网密度(正向)、海拔高度(反向)、人口密度(正向)、距港口距离(反向);温度、交通网密度、海拔高度、人口密度、距最近港口距离增加1个单位,城镇发展的几率分别比原来增加了38.4%、16.7%、9%、0.4%、0.1%;研究区的Ⅰ(不适宜)、Ⅱ(中度适宜)、Ⅲ(高度适宜)的城镇发展适宜性均值分别为0.03、0.16、0.68(分别约占研究区总面积的76.82%、21.82%、1.37%);城镇发展适宜性总体呈现出随纬度升高而降低、随经度升高而增加的趋势,适宜城镇发展的气候地理条件是温带大陆性湿润气候带和温带海洋性气候带以及平原与低地地区;研究区的城镇发展适宜性俄罗斯西北部为0.08、瑞典为0.07、芬兰为0.06、挪威为0.03。俄罗斯西北部城镇发展适宜性整体上呈现出北低南高,南部呈现两边高中间低的空间布局;瑞典呈现出西北低东南高,沿海大于内陆的空间布局;芬兰呈现出北(高原)低南(沿海)高,中部次高的空间布局;挪威呈现出南部沿海高,西部沿海次高,其他区域低的空间布局。  相似文献   
A. H. N. Rice  W. Frank 《Tectonophysics》2003,374(3-4):219-236
The relative significance of early (Finnmarkian) and late (Scandian) Caledonian deformation in N. Norway is uncertain. Early studies suggested pervasive Finnmarkian deformation whilst later results indicated a restricted Finnmarkian domain. The present work suggests it was more widespread than accepted and that inter Finnmarkian–Scandian deformation occurred. 40Ar/39Ar dating of 2–6 and 6–11 μm pelitic fractions from the lower to mid-greenschist facies Tanahorn Nappe (five samples; base Middle Allochthon) and the epizone Løkvikfjellet and Barents Sea Groups (three samples; North Varanger Region) in the north Scandinavian Caledonides show slightly discordant spectra. Most spectra from the Tanahorn Nappe preserve possible evidence of an early Caledonian event in the high temperature steps, with recoil/excess Ar effects in the low temperature steps; no pre-Caledonian relict component has been recorded. The results indicate Finnmarkian deformation continued to 460 Ma, with Scandian reactivation at 425–415 Ma. From the North Varanger Region, a strongly crenulated sample yielded plateau ages (444–442 Ma); means of combined young steps from weakly to uncrenulated samples gave 470–450 Ma, suggesting penetrative strike-slip deformation occurred in the late Finnmarkian to inter-Finnmarkian–Scandian period. No Scandian ages were recorded in the North Varanger Region. Reassessment of published data from the Laksefjord Nappe and Gaissa Thrust Belt suggests they were affected by Finnmarkian deformation.  相似文献   
Kyanite‐ and phengite‐bearing eclogites have better potential to constrain the peak metamorphic P–T conditions from phase equilibria between garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + quartz/coesite than common, mostly bimineralic (garnet + omphacite) eclogites, as exemplified by this study. Textural relationships, conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling have been used to constrain the metamorphic evolution of the Tromsdalstind eclogite from the Tromsø Nappe, one of the biggest exposures of eclogite in the Scandinavian Caledonides. The phase relationships demonstrate that the rock progressively dehydrated, resulting in breakdown of amphibole and zoisite at increasing pressure. The peak‐pressure mineral assemblage was garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + coesite, inferred from polycrystalline quartz included in radially fractured omphacite. This omphacite, with up to 37 mol.% of jadeite and 3% of the Ca‐Eskola component, contains oriented rods of silica composition. Garnet shows higher grossular (XGrs = 0.25–0.29), but lower pyrope‐content (XPrp = 0. 37–0.39) in the core than the rim, while phengite contains up to 3.5 Si pfu. The compositional isopleths for garnet core, phengite and omphacite constrain the P–T conditions to 3.2–3.5 GPa and 720–800 °C, in good agreement with the results obtained from conventional geothermobarometry (3.2–3.5 GPa & 730–780 °C). Peak‐pressure assemblage is variably overprinted by symplectites of diopside + plagioclase after omphacite, biotite and plagioclase after phengite, and sapphirine + spinel + corundum + plagioclase after kyanite. Exhumation from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) conditions to 1.3–1.5 GPa at 740–770 °C is constrained by the garnet rim (XCaGrt = 0.18–0.21) and symplectite clinopyroxene (XNaCpx = 0.13–0.21), and to 0.5–0.7 GPa at 700–800 °C by sapphirine (XMg = 0.86–0.87) and spinel (XMg = 0.60–0.62) compositional isopleths. UHP metamorphism in the Tromsø Nappe is more widespread than previously known. Available data suggest that UHP eclogites were uplifted to lower crustal levels rapidly, within a short time interval (452–449 Ma) prior to the Scandian collision between Laurentia and Baltica. The Tromsø Nappe as the highest tectonic unit of the North Norwegian Caledonides is considered to be of Laurentian origin and UHP metamorphism could have resulted from subduction along the Laurentian continental margin. An alternative is that the Tromsø Nappe belonged to a continental margin of Baltica, which had already been subducted before the terminal Scandian collision, and was emplaced as an out‐of‐sequence thrust during the Scandian lateral transport of nappes.  相似文献   
The consistent geographical and altitudinal distribution of autochthonous block fields (mantle of bedrock weathered in situ) and trimlines in southern Norway suggests a multi-domed and asymmetric Late Weichselian ice sheet. Low-gradient ice-sheet profiles in the southern Baltic region, in the North Sea, and along the outer fjord areas of southern Norway, are best explained by movement of ice on a bed of deforming sediment, although water lubricated sliding or a combination of the two, may not be excluded. The ice-thickness distribution of the Late Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet is not in correspondence with the modern uplift pattern of Fennoscandia. Early Holocene crustal rebound was apparently determined by an exponential, glacio-isostatic rise. Later, however, crustal movements appear to have been dominated by large-scale tectonic uplift of the Fennoscandian Shield, centred on the Gulf of Bothnia, the region of maximum lithosphere thickness.  相似文献   
Weichselian advances of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet have generated several glacitectonically deformed structures in the southwestern Baltic Sea area. One example is the 100 km2 large Jasmund Glacitectonic Complex (JGC), which was formed proglacially and consists of two subparallel-orientated sets of composite ridges that represent a northern and southern structural complex. The two-part morphological structure of the JGC suggests a formation by two ice advances, one approaching from NE and one from SE direction. So far, this divided structure has been assumed to have been formed by short-time ice-front oscillations during an MIS 2 ice advance. However, based on their recently published ice dynamic model for MIS 3 and the available age data from Jasmund, lüthgens et al. (2020) propose a chronological reinterpretation of the JGC development, according to which two distinct ice advances during early and late MIS 3 formed the JGC. In order to test this novel stratigraphical model for the JGC formation, five OSL samples were taken from fluvial and lacustrine deposits at a key section near Glowe (NW Jasmund). The investigated succession is divided into pre-kinematic sediments, deposited before the glacitectonic deformation, and post-kinematic sediments, deposited after the deformation. Our results show that the youngest dated pre-tectonic sediment has a burial age between ∼40 and 34 ka, which rules out a glacitectonic deformation during an early MIS 3 ice advance (∼60–50 ka). In addition, by reviewing the existing age data set, a development of the JGC during an early and late MIS 3 advance of the SIS must be rejected. Instead, our data confirm the genesis of the JGC during MIS 2.  相似文献   
The Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group (CSDG) occurs in five separate complexes in central Sweden and SW Finland. U–Pb baddeleyite ages of dolerite dikes and sills fall into three age intervals: 1264–1271 (the Dalarna complex), 1256–1259 (the Västerbotten-Ulvö-Satakunta complexes) and 1247 Ma (the Jämtland complex). Timing and spatial distribution of CSDG are unlike expressions of the voluminous and short-lived magmatism which characterises plume-associated large igneous provinces (LIPs). Protracted mafic magmatism in association with mantle plume tail (hotspot) activity beneath the Fennoscandian lithosphere or discrete events of extension behind an active margin (subduction) are considered more plausible tectonic settings. Both settings are consistent with timing, relative magma volumes between complexes and vertical ascent of individual magma pulses through the crust, as inferred from seismic sections [Korja, A., Heikkinen, P., Aaro, S., 2001. Crustal structure of the northern Baltic Sea palaeorift. Teconophysics 331, 341–358]. In the hotspot model, the lack of a linear track of intrusions can be explained by an almost stationary position of Fennoscandia relative to the hotspot, in agreement with palaeomagnetic data [Elming, S.-Å., Mattsson, H., 2001. Post Jotnian basic intrusion in the Fennoscandian Shield, and the break up of Baltica from Laurentia: a palaeomagnetic and AMS study. Precambrian Res. 108, 215–236]). Together with geological evidence, dolerite sill complexes and dike swarms in Labrador (Canada), S Greenland and central Scandinavia in the range 1234–1284 Ma are best explained by long-lived subduction along a continuous Laurentia-Baltica margin preceding Rodinia formation. There is no support for the hypothesis that CSDG was fed by magma derived from a distal mantle plume located between Baltica and Greenland and, hence, for rifting between the cratons at 1.26 Ga.The epsilon-Hf in various members of the CSDG varies between 4.7 and 10.3, which are overall higher than both older and younger Mesoproterozoic mafic intrusions in central Fennoscandia. Magma generated from a hotspot mantle source that was mixed to highly variable degrees with an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle could account for the wide range in Hf isotope composition. In the course of Hf isotope development work during this project we have analysed four fragments of the Geostandard 91500 reference zircon and after evaluating the existing ICPMS and TIMS data we calculate a mean 176Hf/177Hf value of 0.282303 ± 0.000003 (2σ).  相似文献   
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