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运用土层的随机场模型研究了绛帐、潼关和延安黄土主要物理力学指标沿深度的统计规律,计算出黄土土性的自相关距离,探讨了黄土土性的空间变异性,结果认为:黄土的物理力学指标沿深度均是统计非均匀的,在实际工程的设计中,如果把土层看成统计均匀,其土性参数的标准差会比实际情况大,从而会导致较大的误差。  相似文献   
The narrowness of the distribution of the peak energy of the vFv spectrum of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and the unification of GRB populations are great puzzles yet to be solved. We investigate the two puzzles based on the global spectral behaviors of different GRB populations, the long GRBs, the short GRBs, and the X-ray flashes (XRFs), in the HR - Ep plane (HR the spectral hardness ratio) with BATSE and HETE-2 observations. It is found that the long GRBs and the XRFs observed by HETE-2 seem to follow the same sequence in the HR-Ep plane, with the XRFs at the low end of this sequence. We fit the sequence by a universal Band function, and find that this sequence is mainly defined by the low energy index α, and is insensitive to the high energy index,β. With fixed β=-5, a best fit is given by α=-1.00 with X^2min/dof=2.2. The long and short GRBs observed by BATSE follow significantly different sequences in the HR-Ep plane, with most of the short GRBs having a larger hardness ratio than the long GRBs at a given Ep. For the long GRBs a best-fit yields α=-0.30 and β=-2.05. For the short GRBs, a best fit gives α=-0.60 with x^2min=1.1 (withβfixed at-2.0 because it is numerically unstable). The α value for the short GRBs is significantly greater than that for the long GRBs. These results indicate that the global spectral behaviors of the long GRB sample and the XRF sample are similar, while that of the short GRBs is different. The short GRBs seem to be a unique subclass of GRBs, and they are not the higher energy extension of the long GRBs.  相似文献   
介绍一种以89C51为核心,通过AD和LED,实现光电经纬仪摄影机目标距离显示的方法。该方法提出了一些新的设计方案,从而使整个系统结构简单,运行可靠。  相似文献   
毕玉英 《海洋地质》1996,(2):98-108
振幅随偏移距变化(AVO)的分析对时左校正非常敏感。用时间穿估计AV涌减少时差校正的误差,在每个时窗内,在每个时窗内,使用块NMO能避免NMO拉伸,剩余NMO校正通过迭代互相关技术实现,时关 正后,时窗内的数据用偏移距坐标为变量表示的多项式乘常数脉冲来模拟。从而避免了数据从偏移琶角度呈慢度域的转换。用最小平方法求解地震脉冲和多项式系数。这种可分离最小平方问题的多项式系数和脉冲能力分别估计。简化的非  相似文献   
鉴于微型计算机对数据采集和处理具有速度快、精度高和便于自动化的特点,我们研制了应用单板微型计算机自动测试风速仪的动态参数(时间常数、距离常数等)的测试系统。该系统的主要特点地能够对测试参数进行自动、连续和多次重复测定并实时获取参数的平均量,测得的时间常数的精度可达到毫秒数量级。本文介绍了该系统的基本组成,测试原理和方法。应用该系统对EY1型电化风向风速仪和QDF型热球电风速计的距离常数和时间常数进行了测试,并给出测试结果。测试表明,在风洞内和住宅空旷的房间内在一定的风速下,两者分别测得的风速仪动态参数值十分相近。  相似文献   
According to the tunnel test, distance constants of big, medium,small cup anemometers produced and used in our country, they are determined to be:Lbig c.a.=8.4m Lmedium c.a.=5.8m Lsmall c.a.=4.0m.  相似文献   
对专项农用土地整理-"金土地工程"区大比例尺农业地质调查中的土壤地球化学测量方法及精度进行了试验.结果表明,单样分析能更真实地反映土壤地球化学的分布特征,经济实用的采样密度为16点/ km2~32点/ km2(100ha),地球化学图件编绘以距离倒数插值法成图效果更好.  相似文献   
大别山黄石-六安反射地震剖面新的地质解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大别山黄石至六安反射地震剖面上有很多近水平的反射体,表明大别山中心部位的中、下地壳内也有近水平的分层性。反映有流变性和动力学方面的差异,与大型薄皮构造理论对岩石圈性质的认识一致,因而在其运动过程中应服从薄皮构造的运动规律。结合以往对大别山区划分的岩石一构造组合,在前人对此反射地震剖面所作的地质解释的基础上,对反射地震剖面作了较为详细的地质解释,并建立了大别山造山带在此剖面上的两维几何结构。剖面南部为造山过程中形成的背斜构造。地表15km深度内为由碰撞混杂岩组成的扬子与中一朝大陆之间的主滑脱带。剖面中部为造山期后的侵入体。剖面北部为主滑脱带的根带(通常认为的缝合带),根带被中生代形成的晓天磨子潭断裂带切割。剖面最北端为变质复理石中略晚于主滑脱带的反向冲断带。推溺l下地壳的断开距离在扬子大陆俯冲时(三叠纪前)规模较大,然后逐渐缩小,直至保留到今天的规模。  相似文献   
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