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琼州海峡岸礁潮间带生物   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文记录了2000年7月琼州海峡西口雷州半岛灯楼角珊瑚岸礁调查采集的25种造礁石珊瑚,以及栖息于湖间带的7类39科88种底栖生物,其大多数种类属于印度-西太平洋热带区系。优势类群是软体动物和节肢动物。珊瑚礁段底栖生物的平均生物量、栖息密度和多样性值分别为1173.30g/m^2,790.0个/m^2和5.69,由于造礁石珊瑚的存在为其他底栖生物提供了良好的生态环境,从而丰富了本区底栖生物的种类组成、数量、分布和群落结构。  相似文献   
The barotropic, wind-induced circulation, which develops in the Gulf of Patras in Western Greece during the winter, is studied using three-dimensional numerical simulations. The simulations are performed using the numerical code MIKE 3 FM (HD). The Gulf's basin is bracketed between two sills, one on the west at the opening with the Ionian Sea and the other on the east at the Straits of Rio-Antirio at the opening with the Gulf of Corinth. The simulations show that the wind-induced flow creates strong currents near the coasts, which determine the sense of rotation of the gyres that develop in the Gulf. Strong currents are also created at the Rio-Antirio Straits. The wind-induced, barotropic currents do not seem to contribute to the direct replenishment of bottom waters, which recirculate between the two sills. Depending on the wind-speed forcing of the flow, the residence time of the waters in the Gulf of Patras is estimated to range from one week to one month.  相似文献   
We conducted hydrographic observations ten times in the Tsushima Strait to reveal seasonal variations of horizontal material transports such as of heat, freshwater, chlorophyll a, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) through the eastern channel of the Tsushima Strait (ECTS). The volume, freshwater, and heat transport results are of nearly the same order as results reported in previous studies. The annual mean DIN and DIP transports of 3.59 kmol/s and 0.29 kmol/s are large relative to those of the Changjiang and the Taiwan Strait and are horizontally transported through the ECTS. Nutrient transports are high in July–August and October and low in April and November. Increased nutrient transports in July–August and October are due to the appearance of a cold saline water mass in the bottom layer of the ECTS. Changes in DIN transports in summer and autumn, which account for two-thirds of the total annual DIN transport, would have a large effect on the nitrogen budget and biological productivity in the Tsushima Warm Current region.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the situation of sea navigation in south East Asia focusing on the Strait of Malacca. The strait links the Indian and Pacific oceans, which is considered one of the busiest in several narrow channels around the world. The paper highlights the significance of the strait to global maritime trade, volume of traffic, and rising environmental and social consequences in the strait. A feasibility study of constructing a new shipping canal in the South Thai Kra Isthmus as an alternative option of Malacca route had been studied since 19th century. The paper explores suitable sites for a potential shipping canal in the Kra Isthmus using physiographic spatial data i.e., elevation, sea charts, geology, soils and river systems. Each spatial data was considered as a separate decision variable for site evaluation. Separate evaluation criterions were prepared for each variable based on shipping canal requirements. Overlaying the maps in GIS environment, the variables were carefully evaluated, and five geographic sites for the canal were derived. The length of the shipping canal over sea and land was computed for each site. Site B located in south of Ranong and Chumphon provinces, was the shortest one, whereas site C in Surat Thani, Pangnna and Krabi provinces was the longest. However, each site consisted of benefits and constraints.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes International Maritime Organization (IMO) involvement in maritime cooperation regime in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore through multilateralism. It begins by introducing the maritime cooperation regime prior to 2001, which was mainly trilateral in nature through Tripartite Technical Expert Group on the Safety of Navigation (TTEG). Although TTEG managed to increase the level of safety of navigation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore through the implementation of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in 1981 and Mandatory Ship Reporting System (STRAITREP) in 1998, such cooperation was beset by financial strain and conflict of interests. Subsequently, there was a change in the cooperation regime after 9/11 incident. This paper identifies that the change was contributed by the IMO through a methodology called multilateralism. Three important principles were adopted by IMO in implementing multilateralism in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, namely generalized principles of conduct (respect for sovereignty and compliance with burden sharing principle under Article 43 of UNCLOS 1982), diffuse reciprocity, and indivisibility. This paper concludes that multilateralism by IMO has transformed trilateral cooperation into multilateral cooperation in the Straits of Malacca, combining state actors (littoral states and user states) and non-state actors (non-governmental organizations and international shipping industries).  相似文献   
本文论述了1994年9月16日台湾海峡7.3级地震对中国地震大趋势所产生的可能影响。作者认为,这次地震应属于中国大陆板内地震,它可能标志着中国大陆及边邻地区7级以上地震从本世纪以来第五活动期(起始于1988年)的相对平静时段转入活跃时段并可能步入高潮。它打破了近十年来中国大陆7级地震只分布于青藏块体的格局,但并不意味着本期主体活动区(青藏块体及边邻)的改变;同时,这次地震标志着东南沿海地区进入新的地震活跃幕;台湾地区7级地震活动也将增强。  相似文献   
台湾海峡野生牙鲆人工育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了2004年3月对产自台湾海峡的野生牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)进行人工育苗的研究结果。共获153万粒受精卵,孵出仔鱼140.8万尾,孵化率达92%,在育苗水温为20~24℃,海水盐度为26~31的条件下,经63 d培育,育出全长3.8~5.5 cm的幼鱼53.39万尾,成活率为37.9%。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTION Studiesonheavymetalcontaminationinsedi mentshavealwaysbeenfocusedonthecoastalandin tertidalareas(Sivalingam,etal.,1980;Ismail,1993;Ismail,etal.,1993;IsmailandRosniza,1997;Yap,etal.,2002a,2002b).Theheavymet alconcentrationsfoundinthesediments…  相似文献   
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