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在GPS数据处理中 ,存在着误差影响、影响波的干扰、周跳和数据量大等问题。误差影响和影响波的干扰实质是在接收卫星信号时受到其它因素的影响 ;周跳是由于卫星信号的失锁而造成信号的不连续 ;数据量大是因为GPS观测需要采样间隔小又连续观测所致。由于小波理论具有时频分析、波形分解、特征提取和快速小波变换等特性 ,应用小波变换和波形分解可以解决误差影响和影响波的干扰的问题 ;应用特征提取可以解决周跳检测问题 ;应用快速小波变换可进行数据压缩  相似文献   
An inescapable consequence of the metamorphism of greenstone belt sequences is the release of a large volume of metamorphic fluid of low salinity with chemical characteristics controlled by the mineral assemblages involved in the devolatilization reactions. For mafic and ultramafic sequences, the composition of fluids released at upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions for the necessary relatively hot geotherm corresponds to those inferred for greenstone gold deposits (XCO2= 0.2–0.3). This result follows from the calculation of mineral equilibria in the model system CaO–MgO–FeO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2, using a new, expanded, internally consistent dataset. Greenstone metamorphism cannot have involved much crustal over-thickening, because very shallow levels of greenstone belts are preserved. Such orogeny can be accounted for if compressive deformation of the crust is accompanied by thinning of the mantle lithosphere. In this case, the observed metamorphism, which was contemporaneous with deformation, is of the low-P high-T type. For this type of metamorphism, the metamorphic peak should have occurred earlier at deeper levels in the crust; i.e. the piezothermal array should be of the ‘deeper-earlier’type. However, at shallow crustal levels, the piezothermal array is likely to have been of ‘deeper-later’type, as a consequence of erosion. Thus, while the lower crust reached maximum temperatures, and partially melted to produce the observed granites, mid-crustal levels were releasing fluids prograde into shallow crustal levels that were already retrograde. We propose that these fluids are responsible for the gold mineralization. Thus, the contemporaneity of igneous activity and gold mineralization is a natural consequence of the thermal evolution, and does not mean that the mineralization has to be a consequence of igneous processes. Upward migration of metamorphic fluid, via appropriate structurally controlled pathways, will bring the fluid into contact with mineral assemblages that have equilibrated with a fluid with significantly lower XCO2. These assemblages are therefore grossly out of equilibrium with the fluid. In the case of infiltrated metabasic rocks, intense carbonation and sulphidation is predicted. If, as seems reasonable, gold is mobilized by the fluid generated by devolatilization, then the combination of processes proposed, most of which are an inevitable consequence of the metamorphism, leads to the formation of greenstone gold deposits predominantly from metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   
大气层对GPS信号的传播有时间延迟作用,时廷将影响GPS系统的定位和定时精度,且随气象因素的变化而变化.本文根据3年有关的气象资料,采用大气指数模型分析了广州地区大气层随昼夜变化、季节变化和太阳活动变化对GPS信号传播时延影响的变化规律.分析得知,在信号垂直传播时,大气层对GPS信号传播的影响,用距离表示.最大时为2.691m,最小时也会产生1.993m的误差;如果信号斜传播,误差因仰角因素将更大.  相似文献   
青藏块体东北缘地壳水平运动状态   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
应用青藏块体东北缘1999~2003年多期GPS观测资料,计算了不同时段GPS点水平运动速率。通过分析发现:甘青块体可分为东部块体和西部块体,东、西部块体的运动状态存在明显的差异;受2001年11月14日昆仑Ms8.1地震的影响,震后地壳运动状态发生了明显的改变。  相似文献   
本文讨论了利用LAMOST作银河系研究的科学意义及可能性;并提出具体实施LAMOST/GAIAXY计划的初步方案。  相似文献   
这里叙述的新发现仅指某一特殊类型的发现(如新星,超新星和小行星等)及某一特殊类型天体的认证(如X射线源证认为类星体等),而不包括某一类天体的某种天象及未知性质源的列表(如深度成像观测得到的前人没有纪录过的一般天体,如恒星,但一些特殊天体亦列入),由于收集不全面和所谓“发现”定义的困难,向有发向而未列入者先歉意。从80年代后期开始,我国的观测设备有了很大垢发展,所以有一批重的的天文发现,为天文提供了很好的机会,它包括下面几方面,层系层次天体:(1)用X射线源和射电源证认了一批包括类星体,BL Lac天体,赛弗特天体在内的活动星系核;(2)用IRAS源证认了一批W-R星系;(3)BATC巡天在一个星系周围发现了一个“环”。恒星层次天体:(1)河外星系中发现了一批超新星的一个新星,(2)发现了和用ROSAT源证认了一批激变变星,(4)BATC和超新星巡天发现了一批变星,(4)发现了若干新的δSct变星,(5)发现了一批Herbig-Haro天体,(6)发现了一批水脉泽。行星层次天体:(1)发现了大批小行星,特别是有些是近地不行星,(20发现若干彗星。  相似文献   
The Hellenic plate boundary region, located in the collision zone between the Nubian/Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates, is one of the seismo-tectonically most active areas of Europe. During the last 15 years, GPS measurements have been used to determine the crustal motion in the area of Greece with the aim to better understand the geodynamical processes of this region. An extended reoccupation network covering whole Greece has been measured periodically in numerous GPS campaigns since the late eighties, and a continuous GPS network has been operated in the region of the Ionian Sea since 1995. In this paper, we present a new detailed high-quality solution of continuous and campaign-type measurements acquired between 1993 and 2003. During the GPS processing, a special effort was made to obtain consistent results with highest possible accuracies and reliabilities. Data of 54 mainly European IGS and EUREF sites were included in the GPS processing in order to obtain results which are internally consistent with the European kinematic field and order to allow for a regional interpretation. After an overview of the results of the IGS/EUREF sites, the results from more than 80 stations in Greece are presented in terms of velocities, time series, trajectories and strain rates. Previous geodetic, geological and seismological findings are generally confirmed and substantially refined. New important results include the observation of deformation zones to the north and to the south of the North Aegean Trough and in the West Hellenic arc region, arc-parallel extension of about 19 mm/yr along the Hellenic arc, and compression between the Ionian islands and the Greek mainland. Due to continuous long-term observations of 4–8 years, it was possible to extract height changes from the GPS time series. In Greece, we observe a differential subsidence of the order of 2 mm/yr between the northern and central Ionian islands across the Kefalonia fault zone. The differential subsidence of the central Ionian islands with respect to the northwestern Greek mainland amounts to 4 mm/yr.  相似文献   
Uranium-series dating of oxygen and carbon isotope records for stalagmite SJ3 collected in Songjia Cave, central China, shows significant variation in past climate and environment during the period 20-10 ka. Stalagmite SJ3 is located more than 1000 km inland of the coastal Hulu Cave in East China and more than 700 km north of the Dongge Cave in Southwest China and, despite minor differences, displays a clear first-order similarity with the Hulu and Dongge records. The coldest climatic phase since the Last Glacial Maximum, which is associated with the Heinrich Event 1 in the North Atlantic region, was clearly recorded in SJ3 between 17.6 and 14.5 ka, in good agreement in timing, duration and extent with the records from Hulu and Dongge caves and the Greenland ice core. The results indicate that there have been synchronous and significant climatic changes across monsoonal China and strong teleconnections between the North Atlantic and East Asia regions during the period 20-10 ka. This is much different from the Holocene Optimum which shows a time shift of more than several thousands years from southeast coastal to inland China. It is likely that temperature change at northern high latitudes during glacial periods exerts stronger influence on the Asian summer monsoon relative to insolation and appears to be capable of perturbing large-scale atmospheric/oceanic circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere and thus monsoonal rainfall and paleovegetation in East Asia. Climatic signals in the North Atlantic region propagate rapidly to East Asia during glacial periods by influencing the winter land-sea temperature contrast in the East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   
Mass movements such as landslides in mountainous terrains are natural degradation processes and one of the most important landscape-building factors. Varunawat Parbat overlooking Uttarkashi town witnessed a series of landslides on 23 September 2003 and the debris slides and rock falls continued for 2 weeks. This landslide complex was triggered due to the incessant rainfall prior to the event, and its occurrence led to the blockage of the pilgrim route to Gangotri (source of the Ganges river) and evacuation of thousands of people to safer places. Though there was no loss of lives due to timely evacuation, heavy losses to the property were reported. High-resolution stereoscopic earth observation data were acquired after the incidence to study the landslide in detail with emphasis on the cause of the landslide and mode of failure. Areas along the road and below the Varunawat foothill region are mapped for landslide risk. It was found that the foothill region of the Varunawat Parbat was highly disturbed by man-made activities and houses are dangerously located below steep slopes. The potential zones for landslides along with the existing active and old landslides are mapped. These areas are critical and their treatment with priority is required in order to minimise further landslide occurrences.  相似文献   
随着Linux技术逐步走向成熟,嵌入式Linux技术在海洋自动观测系统中的应用将全面提高海洋观测系统整体性能,降低系统开发成本,进一步推进我国海洋自动观测系统产权自主化的建设。文章就如何研制适用于海洋自动观测系统的嵌入式Linux系统进行了论述。  相似文献   
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