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水稻是孟加拉国、印度和缅甸最重要的粮食作物,研究中国超级杂交稻对孟印缅地区的水稻增产潜力,对于保障孟中印缅经济走廊的粮食安全与区域可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。在全面收集孟印缅地区气候、土壤、田间管理信息和农业统计数据的基础上,结合中国籼型杂交稻F优498和丰两优4号的品种信息和区试数据,通过EPIC模型模拟了1996-2005年雨季孟印缅3国在不同情景下的超级稻生产潜力,并分析了孟印缅地区主要胁迫因子对超级稻单产潜力的影响。研究表明:① 中国超级杂交稻在孟印缅地区2000年的灌溉和施肥水平下单产潜力为10.22 t/ha,在充分灌溉且合理施肥的水平下单产潜力为11.33 t/ha。② 孟印缅地区雨季稻的增产空间达22771万t,水稻增产潜力最大的地区是印度的恒河平原东部、印度半岛东南沿海与缅甸的伊洛瓦底三角洲。③ 印度德干高原东北部、西南部和印度大平原西北部需要进一步完善灌溉设备以满足高产水稻用水,缅甸的中南部平原地区和印度的东北地区则需要增施氮肥以满足高产水稻用肥。  相似文献   
单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)是继RFLP和SSR多态性标记之后的新一代遗传标记系统.本文采用EPIC的方法,分析了45个杂色鲍样品的血蓝蛋白HtH1基因第16内含子(H1 intron 16)的SNP数据.这45个个体分别来自日本、台湾和汕头3个不同海域的野生或养殖群体.日本群体的血蓝蛋白HtH1基因第16内含子呈现出长度多态性,共有3种不同长度,分别是1 900、780、440 bp,测序结果表明3个等位基因可以互相比对;而台湾和汕头杂色鲍养殖群体的均为1 900 bp.初步研究结果表明日本杂色鲍个体大约96 bp长的片段含有1个自身杂合SNP位点;台湾杂色鲍个体约133 bp含有1个自身杂合SNP位点;汕头杂色鲍个体约153 bp含有1个自身杂合SNP位点.13个台湾杂色鲍个体包含的SNP密度为约31 bp含有1个SNP;23个汕头杂色鲍个体包含的SNP密度为约21 bp含有1个SNP.这些数据表明现有的杂色鲍养殖群体包含了丰富的SNP位点,利用SNP分子标记进行高密度遗传图谱的构建是可行的.  相似文献   
农作物秸秆还田作为农田土壤和养分管理的推荐做法之一,对于土壤有机碳(SOC)固定和CO_2减排具有重要意义。本研究利用环境政策综合气候模型(EPIC)模拟了4种作物秸秆还田情形下2001年至2010年中国农田表层土壤有机碳变化及其空间格局。模拟结果显示,秸秆完全移除(CR0%)下的土壤有机碳损失为28.89 Tg yr–1,当前30%的秸秆还田(CR30%)能够减缓22.38 Tg C yr–1的碳损失。若秸秆还田率从30%提高至50%(CR50%)乃至75%(CR75%),中国农田表层土壤将变为净碳汇。中国农田表层土壤固碳潜力在CR50%和CR75%情形下分别可达25.53 Tg C yr–1和52.85 Tg C yr–1,且在不同农业区存在空间异质性。单位面积土壤固碳潜力在西北和华北地区最高,而华东最低。华北地区具有最高的区域固碳潜力。在这十年间,CR50%和CR75%情形下增加的土壤表层有机碳相当于减少了1.4%和2.9%的中国CO_2排放总量。总之,我们建议鼓励我国农民将原本直接焚烧或用作家用燃料的秸秆返还田间以改善土壤性质和减缓大气CO_2增加,尤其是华北地区更应推行这一举措。  相似文献   
In this study, information is collected on the weather, soils, field management and agricultural statistics in the Bangladesh, India and Myanmar (BIM) region. Crop growth parameters within the EPIC (Environmental Policy Integrated Climate) model are calibrated using cultivar data and regional experimental records of indica hybrid rice Fyou498 and Fengliangyou4 in China. Potential yields of rice are then simulated in the BIM region from 1996 to 2005. The effects of local irrigation and fertilization levels on super hybrid rice yield are examined. The potential yields of Chinese hybrid rice at local irrigation and fertilization levels in 2000 and at full irrigation and rational fertilization levels are found to be 10.22 t/ha and 11.33 t/ha, respectively. The potential for increasing monsoon rice production in the study region is 227.71 million tons. The eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain in India, the southeast coast of India Peninsula and the Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar have the largest potentials for monsoon rice production. The northeastern and southwestern areas of the Deccan Plateau and the northwestern region of the Indo-Gangetic Plain need to improve irrigation equipment to meet the water-use requirements of high-yield rice. The central and southern plains in Myanmar and northeastern India need greater access to nitrogen fertilization for high-yield rice.  相似文献   

Digital Agriculture is one of the important applications of Digital Earth. As the global climate changes and food security becomes an increasingly important issue, agriculture drought comes to the focus of attention. China is a typical monsoon climate country as well as an agricultural country with the world's largest population. The East Asian monsoon has had a tremendous impact upon agricultural production. Therefore, a maize drought disaster risk assessment, in line with the requirements of sustainable development of agriculture, is important for ensuring drought disaster reduction and food security. Meteorology, soil, land use, and agro-meteorological observation information of the research area were collected, and based on the concept framework of ‘hazard-inducing factors assessment (hazard)-vulnerability assessment of hazard-affected body (vulnerability curve)-risk assessment (risk),’ importing crop model EPIC (Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator), using crop model simulation and digital mapping techniques, quantitative assessment of spatio-temporal distribution of maize drought in China was done. The results showed that: in terms of 2, 5, 10, and 20 year return periods, the overall maize drought risk decreased gradually from northwest to southeast in the maize planting areas. With the 20 year return period, high risk value regions (drought loss rate ≥0.5) concentrate in the irrigated maize region of Northwest china, ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in Northern China, Hetao Irrigation Area, and north-central area of North China Plain, accounting for 6.41% of the total maize area. These results can provide a scientific basis for the government's decision-making in risk management and drought disaster prevention in China.  相似文献   
基于EPIC模型的黄淮海夏玉米旱灾风险评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
玉米是中国最主要的粮食作物之一,因其较高的需水量,受气候影响,极易遭受旱灾。因此,以黄淮海夏播玉米区为例,从风险的角度进行玉米旱灾评价,对于农业旱灾预警和保障国家粮食安全具有重要的现实和指导意义。在全面收集研究区气象、土壤、土地利用、农气观测等资料的基础上,基于农业旱灾风险评价的概念框架“致灾因子危险性H评价(Hazard)-承灾体脆弱性曲线Vc 评价(Vulnerability Curve)-作物减产风险性R评价(Risk)”,引入基于物理过程的作物模型EPIC (Erosion Productivity Impact Calulator),采用作物模型模拟和数字制图等技术,分别从全生育期和分生育期角度,对黄淮海夏播玉米区玉米旱灾风险的时空分布进行了定量评价。结果表明:在2、5、10 和20 年一遇致灾水平下,黄淮海夏播玉米区玉米旱灾减产风险总体呈现出从西北向东南方向递减的趋势,这主要由气候环境和下垫面的地形地貌条件所决定。20 年一遇水平时,产量损失风险的高值区(R ≥ 0.5) 集中分布在冀北高原山地和山东省中南部地区,占黄淮海夏播玉米区玉米总面积的7.63%。黄淮海夏播玉米区成灾风险较高的生育期:拔节期-抽雄期、抽雄期-乳熟期、乳熟期-成熟期应加强防范。研究可为高风险区和高风险时段的玉米旱灾风险防范提供理论依据和科技支撑。  相似文献   
The objectives of this study are to assess land suitability and to predict the spatial and temporal changes in land use types (LUTs) by using GIS-based land use management decision support system. A GIS database with data on climate, topography, soil characteristic, irrigation condition, fertilizer application, and special socioeconomic activities has been developed and used for the evaluation of land productivity for different crops by integrating with a crop growth model—the erosion productivity impact calculator (EPIC). International food policy simulation model (IFPSIM) is also embedded into GIS for the predictions of how crop demands and crop market prices will change under alternative policy scenarios. An inference engine (IE) including land use choice model is developed to illustrate land use choice behavior based on logit models, which allows to analyze how diversified factors ranging from climate changes, crop price changes to land management changes can effect the distribution of agricultural land use. A test for integrated simulation is taken in each 0.1o by 0.1o grid cell to predict the change of agricultural land use types at global level. Global land use changes are simulated from 1992 to 2050.  相似文献   
Crop-residue return is a recommended practice for soil and nutrient management and is important in soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and CO2 mitigation. We applied a process-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model to simulate the spatial pattern of topsoil organic carbon changes from 2001 to 2010 under 4 crop-residue return scenarios in China. The carbon loss (28.89 Tg yr-1) with all crop-residue removal (CR0%) was partly reduced by 22.38 Tg C yr-1 under the status quo CR30% (30% of crop-residue return). The topsoil in cropland of China would become a net carbon sink if the crop-residue return rate was increased from 30% to 50%, or even 75%. The national SOC sequestration potential of cropland was estimated to be 25.53 Tg C yr-1 in CR50% and 52.85 Tg C yr-1 in CR75%, but with high spatial variability across regions. The highest rate of SOC sequestration potential in density occurred in Northwest and North China while the lowest was in East China. Croplands in North China tended to have stronger regional SOC sequestration potential in storage. During the decade, the reduced CO2 emissions from enhanced topsoil carbon in CR50% and CR75% were equivalent to 1.4% and 2.9% of the total CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement production in China, respectively. In conclusion, we recommend encouraging farmers to return crop-residue instead of burning in order to improve soil properties and alleviate atmospheric CO2 rises, especially in North China.  相似文献   
IntroductionAgriculturallandusepatternsandtheirchangesaretightlyrelatedwithagriculturepolicyandfoodsecurityissuesundergrowingfooddemand,assess mentofglobalclimatechangeimpactsonagricul ture,environmentalissuesduetotheintensificationofagriculturallandusessuchaswaterpollution,soildegradation,andrecentlywaterscarcityissues.Soasustainableandholisticplanningandmanage mentoflandresourcesshouldcombineallthesere latedinformationwithefficienttoolsforassessmentandevaluationinordertopermitbroad ,interact…  相似文献   
This study verifies the applicability of EPIC model for an erosion plot (61 .2 m~2) and an uplandterraced watershed (72 ha) using a total of 94 rainfall events over a study period of two years. Inorder to analyze the effect of storm size on runoff and soil loss processes, rainfall events aredivided into three groups: small (<25mm), moderate (25--50mm) and large (>50mm). Resultsindicate that the model could predict reasonably well the runoff and soil loss from the erosion plotand the watershed for the moderate and large rainfall events. However, the runoff and soil lossprediction for the small rainfall events is found to be poor. On annual basis, both surface runoff andsoil loss predictions match well the observations. In ligh of the importance of the moderate andlarge rainfall events in producing most of the annual runoff and soil loss in the study area, the EPICmodel is applied to assess the impacts of erosion on agricultural productivity and to evaluatemanagement practices to protect watersheds in the  相似文献   
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