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We describe results of an active-source seismology experiment across the Chilean subduction zone at 38.2°S. The seismic sections clearly show the subducted Nazca plate with varying reflectivity. Below the coast the plate interface occurs at 25 km depth as the sharp lower boundary of a 2–5 km thick, highly reflective region, which we interpret as the subduction channel, that is, a zone of subducted material with a velocity gradient with respect to the upper and lower plate. Further downdip along the seismogenic coupling zone the reflectivity decreases in the area of the presumed 1960 Valdivia hypocentre. The plate interface itself can be traced further down to depths of 50–60 km below the Central Valley. We observe strong reflectivity at the plate interface as well as in the continental mantle wedge. The sections also show a segmented forearc crust in the overriding South American plate. Major features in the accretionary wedge, such as the Lanalhue fault zone, can be identified. At the eastern end of the profile a bright west-dipping reflector lies perpendicular to the plate interface and may be linked to the volcanic arc.  相似文献   
本文简要回顾了以往地震预报实验场的经验教训,讨论了新一代地震预报实验场的实施策略。汲取汶川地震的经验启示,本文提出"地震博弈"策略,即考虑中长期地震预测的可用性与不确定性,在监测与实验系统设计中考虑地震活动和地震构造相依的区域模型。对于特定的活动断裂或活动地块边界带的潜在强震段落,设置适应多种孕震模型的"想定地震破裂",针对地震孕育的"想定模式"设计观测项目和监测系统。这一系统以地震成因和孕震模型的有效约束、"预期"前兆的有效监测、预测/预报效能的有效检验为导向。从技术角度,本文提出将地震预报实验场作为一个"大科学工程",强调复杂的多层次、多组分技术系统性能的稳健性,以及为确保与地震有效的"近距离接触"的系统可持续性。  相似文献   
The swath bathymetric data acquired during the “Sumatra Aftershocks” cruise from the Sunda trench in the Indian Ocean to the north of the Sumatra Island imaged several scars and deposits. In situ pore pressure measurements using the Ifremer piezometer and coring demonstrate that high excess pore pressure and sediment deformation was generated by a recent event in the scar of the slope failure zone identified by J.T. Henstock and co-authors. This excess pore pressure is localized in the upper sedimentary layers and is not related to an interplate subduction process. Numerical simulations of the hydrological system that take into account the hydro-mechanical properties of the upper sediment layer show that the excess pore pressure and sediment deformations could be generated at the time of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake. The Sumatra Aftershocks team: J.-C. Sibuet, S. Singh, R. Apprioual, N.C. Aryanto, J. Begot, A. Cattaneo, A.P.S. Chauchan, R. Creach, J. Crozon, A. Domzig, N. Falleau, D. Graindorge, F. Harmegnies, Y. Haryadi, F. Klingelhoffer, S.K. Kolluru, J.-Y. Landuré, C. Le Lann, J. Malod, A. Normand, G. Oggian, C. Rangin, D. Restunin Galih, J.-L. Schneider, N. Sultan, M. Taufik, M. Umber and H. Yamaguchi.  相似文献   
“华北型”煤田岩溶水害及防治现状   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
“华北型”煤田的开采普遍受到煤层底板岩溶承压水的威胁,近年来,煤田岩溶水害的机理研究取得突破性进展,认为岩溶裂隙水网络是发生突水的物质基础,隔水层的岩石水学性质及厚度是突水的制约因素,断裂构造是突水的关键因素,采矿活动是突水的诱发因素;在水害防治方面,采用疏水降压、注浆改造、帷幕截流等技术方法,取得了明显的技术效果,本文旨在介绍水害现状,分析探讨治理对策,为治理煤田水害提供参考。  相似文献   
夏季青藏高原流场三维结构的模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用流体模拟实验的方法,研究了我国夏季青藏高原及邻近地区环流的三维结构和成因,主要结果为: 无转动因素时,高原加热作用能引起流体在低层径向地朝高原辐合,在高原上层放射状向周围辐散.高层辐散流体的一部分在高原内部开始下沉,形成高原上空的对流环,在有转动的实验中也观察到.辐散流体中还出现波动. 高原内部经常出现两个对流上升中心,中心附近的温度有较大脉动,两个对流上升区之间有时为下沉运动,构成高原内部独特的对流环. 通过高原中部的南北垂直剖面上,可观察到方向相反的两个对流环,流体在高原中部上升,在南北高原范围内下沉.在高原外部为高原加热引起的下沉运动. 实验表明,包括基本东西风和高原以外热源的环境背景条件,对高原流场有重要作用. 实验结果为解决夏季青藏高原环流的三维结构提供了依据,文中列举了一些说明的现象。  相似文献   
帕米尔东北缘及塔里木盆地西北部弧形构造的扩展特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
归纳了帕米尔东北缘弧形构造的基本特征 ,分析了塔里木盆地西北部EW向逆断裂背斜带与NNW向隐伏走滑断裂之间的关系。通过塔里木盆地与西南天山和帕米尔东北缘变形特征的对比 ,认为塔里木盆地西北部的变形样式与帕米尔东北缘的弧形构造类似 ,弧形构造具有由帕米尔东北缘向塔里木盆地扩展的特征 ,这种构造是帕米尔向北挤入运动所特有的变形样式  相似文献   
梭鱼(Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky)为我国北方咸淡水鱼类人工养殖的主要对象,南方也有养殖,属鲻科鱼类,广泛分布于热带和亚热带水域。其中尤以鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus B.)为甚。由于它们中的大多数种类适盐性广、食物链低、生长快和肉味美,因而成为海水,咸淡水,乃至淡水鱼类养殖的很好对象。主要养于印度-太平洋区域、地中海和黑海沿岸。1969年,在保加利亚瓦尔纳召开的国际生物学计划海洋生产力组(IBP/PM)的会议上,与联合国粮农组织(PAO)一道,把鲻科鱼类列为国际性生物研究课题之一,受到有关国家的普遍重视。近十多年,对于鲻科鱼类的人工繁殖研究,在某些种类上已取得较大进展。鲻梭鱼,可期在几年内,进入种苗的生产阶段。 我国劳动人民对鲻科鱼类养殖至少已有四个世纪的悠久历史,积累了极为丰富的生产经验。但自古以来,都是利用天然种苗进行养殖。近年来,由于大量兴修水利,淡水入海的运流量不断减少,天然种苗场受到某些影响,能捕到的天然苗也不如以往丰盛,加之种苗资源本身因受气象的影响各年也有所变动。为了使生产能按计划进行,人工繁殖种苗已成为当务之急。 1967年,我所和原天津淡水渔业公司工农养殖场合作,对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖开始进行研究。并在人工诱导排卵方面取得成功,所获卵子得到受精和孵化。1968年,中国科学院实验生物研究所的部分同志也参加了这项试验。当年共获得一千万卵子,其中有二百万卵子获得受精。孵苗十四万多尾。因受寒潮影响,大量胚卵在即将孵出前,或在孵出仔鱼之后不久死去。最后仅培育九百余尾达2公分以上的梭鱼苗。这一年的试验,为咸淡水养殖梭鱼的全人工繁殖打开了"通途"。1969年,养殖场由地方移交给部队,我所继而与中国人民解放军某部队进行合作,一直到1972年截止。1969年,室外池塘育苗成活率达30%,育成6厘米以上的梭鱼苗二千尾左右。这些苗经过越冬,到第二年春天,体长达20厘米以上。1972年,经过人工诱导排卵的亲鱼,在池塘中自行产卵和受精,并孵出仔鱼。这对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖来说,又迈开了新的一步。 本文总结了六年来(1967-1972)咸淡水养殖梭鱼人工繁殖试验所取得的初步成果。对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的生物学特性以及自然繁殖也作了初步观察。现将这一材料发表,供有关单位参考。  相似文献   
—?Joint Research Program of Seismic Calibration of the International Monitoring System (IMS) in Northern Eurasia and North America has been signed by the Nuclear Treaty Programs Office (NTPO), Department of Defense USA, and the Special Monitoring Service (SMS) of the Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation (RF). Under the Program historical data from nuclear and large chemical explosions of known location and shot time, together with appropriate geological and geophysical data, has been used to derive regional Pn/P travel-time tables for seismic event location within the lower 48 States of the USA and the European part of the RF. These travel-time tables are up to 5?seconds faster in shields than the IASPEI91 tables, and up to 5?seconds slower in the Western USA. Relocation experiments using the regional Pn travel-time curves and surrogate networks for the IMS network generally improved locations for regional seismic events. The distance between true and estimated location (mislocation) was decreased from an average of 18.8?km for the IASPEI91 tables to 10.1?km for the regional Pn travel-time tables. However, the regional travel-time table approach has limitations caused by travel-time variations inside major tectonic provinces and paths crossing several tectonic provinces with substantially different crustal and upper mantle velocity structure.¶The RF members of the Calibration Working Group (WG): Colonel Vyacheslav Gordon (chairman); Dr. Prof. Marat Mamsurov, and Dr. Nikolai Vasiliev. The US members of the WG: Dr. Anton Dainty (chairman), Dr. Douglas Baumgardt, Mr. John Murphy, Dr. Robert North, and Dr. Vladislav Ryaboy.  相似文献   
Laihuite reported in the present paper is a new iron silicate mineral found in China with the following characteristics:
  1. This mineral occurs in a metamorphic iron deposit, associated with fayalite, hypersthene, quartz, magnetitc, etc.
  2. The mineral is opaque, black in colour, thickly tabular in shape with luster metallic to sub-metallic, two perfect cleavages and specific gravity of 3.92.
  3. Its main chemical components are Fe and Si with Fe3+>Fe2+. The analysis gave the formula of Fe Fe 1.00 3+ ·Fe 0.58 2+ ·Mg 0.03 2+ ·Si0.96O4.
  4. Its DTA curve shows an exothermic peak at 713°C.
  5. The mineral has its own infrared spectrum distinctive from that of other minerals.
  6. This mineral is of orthorhombic system; space group:C 2h /5 ?P21/c; unit cell:α=5.813ű0.005,b=4.812ű0.005,c=10.211ű0.005,β=90.87°.
  7. The Mössbauer spectrum of this mineral is given, too.
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