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Rock glaciers in semiarid mountains contain large amounts of ice and might be important water stores aside from glaciers, lakes, and rivers. Yet whether and how rock glaciers interact with river channels in mountain valleys remains largely unresolved. We examine the potential for rock glaciers to block or disrupt river channels, using a new inventory of more than 2000 intact rock glaciers that we mapped from remotely sensed imagery in the Karakoram (KR), Tien Shan (TS), and Altai (ALT) mountains. We find that between 5% and 14% of the rock glaciers partly buried, blocked, diverted or constricted at least 95 km of mountain rivers in the entire study area. We use a Bayesian robust logistic regression with multiple topographic and climatic inputs to discern those rock glaciers disrupting mountain rivers from those with no obvious impacts. We identify elevation and potential incoming solar radiation (PISR), together with the size of feeder basins, as dominant predictors, so that lower-lying and larger rock glaciers from larger basins are more likely to disrupt river channels. Given that elevation and PISR are key inputs for modelling the regional distribution of mountain permafrost from the positions of rock-glacier toes, we infer that river-blocking rock glaciers may be diagnostic of non-equilibrated permafrost. Principal component analysis adds temperature evenness and wet-season precipitation to the controls that characterise rock glaciers impacting on rivers. Depending on the choice of predictors, the accuracy of our classification is moderate to good with median posterior area-under-the-curve values of 0.71–0.89. Clarifying whether rapidly advancing rock glaciers can physically impound rivers, or fortify existing dams instead, deserves future field investigation. We suspect that rock-glacier dams are conspicuous features that have a polygenetic history and encourage more research on the geomorphic coupling between permafrost lobes, river channels, and the sediment cascades of semiarid mountain belts. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Strong ground motion parameters for Shillong plateau of northeastern India are examined. Empirical relations are obtained for main parameters of ground motions as a function of earthquake magnitude, fault type, source depth, velocity characterization of medium and distance. Correlation between ground motion parameters and characteristics of seismogenic zones are established. A new attenuation relation for peak ground acceleration is developed, which predicts higher expected PGA in the region. Parameters of ...  相似文献   
2001年以来,根据省局党组安排,我们组织专人对部分县(市)台站综合设施改善项目进行了基建审计,取得了较好的社会经济效益。通过审计,在为台站节约开支的同时,锻炼了队伍,提高了审计人员业务素质,促进了被审单位的党风廉政建设。1拓宽审计领域,开展台站综合改善审计山西省119个基层气象台站中的绝大多数是50、60年代建成的。由于当时条件所限,基础设施和办公条件极为简陋,有的台站是由破庙改建而成,有的台站办公室和宿舍仅是几孔旧窑洞。经过风雨剥蚀,年久失修,变得更加破旧不堪。据综改前初步统计,全省基层气象…  相似文献   
“75.8”河南特大暴雨的动力学分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用比较完全的ω方程,计算了暴雨期间大范围垂直运动场。指出导致各种天气过程与垂直运动大小的关系以及水汽凝结潜热的突出影响;得到了登陆台风和暴雨区的三维运动图案。另外,对于用某些天气学分析的结论,如弱冷空气活动、东风气流和上游热带涡旋等对暴雨的影响,用定量计算的结果给予澄清和肯定,揭露了台风反覆转向时垂直结构的变化。最后,给出了暴雨预报的着眼点。  相似文献   
GOCO05c is a gravity field model computed as a combined solution of a satellite-only model and a global data set of gravity anomalies. It is resolved up to degree and order 720. It is the first model applying regionally varying weighting. Since this causes strong correlations among all gravity field parameters, the resulting full normal equation system with a size of 2 TB had to be solved rigorously by applying high-performance computing. GOCO05c is the first combined gravity field model independent of EGM2008 that contains GOCE data of the whole mission period. The performance of GOCO05c is externally validated by GNSS–levelling comparisons, orbit tests, and computation of the mean dynamic topography, achieving at least the quality of existing high-resolution models. Results show that the additional GOCE information is highly beneficial in insufficiently observed areas, and that due to the weighting scheme of individual data the spectral and spatial consistency of the model is significantly improved. Due to usage of fill-in data in specific regions, the model cannot be used for physical interpretations in these regions.  相似文献   
The San Andreas fault system in northern California forms an 80–90 km wide zone of right-lateral shear. Extensional tectonism within this broad shear zone is indicated by both Neogene silicic volcanic rocks that gradually young in the direction of shear propagation to the north-west and by numerous Neogene faultbounded structural basins filled with thick non-marine sequences. The Little Sulphur Creek basins, three well-exposed 1·5–2 km wide pull apart basins within this shear system, have sedimentation patterns analogous to those of much larger pull-apart basins. They were formed and subsequently deformed by east-west extension and by north-west to south-east-orientated right-slip concurrently with basin filling. Palaeocurrent and maximum-clast size data indicate both lateral sediment transport from fault-bounded basin margins and longitudinal transport down the basin axes. The basins are filled primarily with coarse alluvial-fan and streamflow deposits derived from a surrounding igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic provenance. Two of the basins contain basin-plain-type lacustrine turbidites that grade laterally into distal alluvial fan, fan-delta, and sublacustrine delta deposits. Talus deposits along the south-west margin of the basins contain megabreccia indicative of active uplift. Structures indicative of dewatering, liquefaction, and slumping suggest penecontemporaneous tectonism.  相似文献   
国际地震学与地球内部物理学协会(IASPEI)第29届大会于1997年8月18~28日在希腊塞萨洛尼基举行。来自62个国家和地区的1051位科学家参加了这次大会。国家地震局有近20位科学家出席了会议。本届大会共安排了46个学术专题报告会和研讨会,会上宣读论文716篇,张贴展示论文695篇。本届IASPEI大会的学术报告涉及广泛的地震学和地球内部物理学研究的问题,内容包括:地震预测;地球内部构造和地球动力学;不同构造区的强地面运动;地震孕育过程:定量模型和假设检验;岩石圈结构、动力学过程和各向异性;火山地震学;地震早期预警系统;地震危险性与地震危害;地震危险性和地震危害评估中的新的地学信息技术;触发/诱发地震;与构造过程有关的电磁信号;岩石圈结构的长周期研究和工程地震学;估计地震大小的新方法;地球的结构和演化:地球物理观测、实验约束和模似;地震成核、动力破裂及其终止:观测和物理模拟;今后的地震仪器的发展;地震灾害与危害的公众教育,等等。  相似文献   
The Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) is the most fundamental lithospheric boundary in Europe, separating the ancient crust of the Fennoscandian Shield–East European Craton from the younger crust of central Europe, and extending deep into the mantle. Geophysical potential field images provide an overview of the entire Palaeozoic orogenic system of northern and central Europe for the first time. The TESZ is largely concealed by sedimentary basins of Permian–Cenozoic age; geological observations are largely restricted to local basement highs and deep boreholes, and the coverage of deep seismic surveys is widely spaced, despite experiments recently acquired within the EUROPROBE programme. By contrast, the potential field data offer a relatively detailed coverage of standardised observations throughout the TESZ. While some features of the images may be sourced in the near surface, particularly in the gravity image, much of their content reflects the structure of the underlying Palaeozoic basement. At the scale presented, the images highlight the most fundamental features of the crustal structure of the TESZ. These include the strong contrast between the highly magnetic crust of the East European Craton and the less magnetic Palaeozoic-accreted terranes of central Europe; the lateral continuity of terranes and their internal structure, particularly where arc-magmatic complexes are involved; and the location and geometry of the terrane boundaries (oceanic sutures and strike-slip zones) that separate them.  相似文献   
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