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The CELEBRATION 2000 together with the earlier POLONAISE'97 deep seismic sounding experiments was aimed at the recognition of crustal structure in the border zone between the Precambrian East European Craton (Baltica) and Palaeozoic Europe. The CEL02 profile of the CELEBRATION family is a 400-km long SW–NE transect, running in Poland from the Upper Silesia Block (USB), across the Małopolska Block (MB) and the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) to the East European Craton (EEC). The structure along CEL02 was interpreted using both 2D tomography and forward ray-tracing techniques as well as 2D gravity modelling.The crustal thickness along CEL02 varies from 32–35 km in the USB to 45–47 km beneath the TESZ and the EEC. The USB is a clearly distinctive crustal block with the characteristic high velocity lower crust (7.1–7.2 km/s), interpreted as a fragment of Gondwana. The Kraków–Lubliniec Fault is a terrane boundary produced by soft docking of the USB with the MB. The Małopolska crust fundamentally differs from the USB and has a strong connection with Baltica. It is a transitional, 150- to 200-km wide unit composed of the extended Baltican lower crust and the overlying low velocity (5.15–5.9 km/s) Neoproterozoic metasediments in the up to 18-km thick upper crust. The Łysogóry Unit has its crustal structure identical with that of Małopolska, thus it is connected with Baltica and cannot be interpreted as a Gondwana-derived terrane. Higher velocity and density bodies found below the Mazovia–Lublin Graben at a depth of 12 km and at the base of the lower crust, might be a result of mantle-derived mafic intrusions accompanying the extension of Baltica. By the preliminary 2D gravity modelling, we have reconfirmed the need for considering the increased TESZ mantle density in comparison to the EEC and USB mantle.  相似文献   
综合致矿地质异常信息提取与集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈永清  赵鹏大 《地球科学》2009,34(2):325-335
矿床及其周围局部和区域的地质、地球物理和地球化学以及遥感地质等勘查信息构成认识成矿规律和资源潜力评价的基础.矿产资源综合定量评价首先涉及到以建立地质成矿概念模型为基础的地质、地球化学、地球物理以及遥感地质等单学科异常信息的提取与集成, 然后是对多学科异常信息的综合提取与集成, 最后应用综合致矿信息定量圈定找矿靶区, 评价资源潜力.阐述了综合地质异常数字找矿过程中综合致矿地质异常信息提取、信息关联、信息转换和信息集成的基本概念.强调实现“由地质异常体特征到空间地质异常信息模型, 再根据空间异常信息模型推断地质异常体特征”这一信息双向转换的重要意义.结果表明: (1) 综合致矿地质异常概念模型是选择资源评价变量和建立综合地质异常数字找矿模型的基础; (2) 非线性方法技术是提取隐蔽矿化信息的有效手段; (3) 综合致矿地质异常概念模型与数字找矿数学模型的有机结合是实现数字找矿突破的关键; (4) 应用综合致矿异常信息模拟矿产资源潜力的过程实质上是一个信息逐渐提取与集成的过程, 亦是一个空间数据→空间信息→知识决策的过程.   相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探工程主孔(CCSD-MH)3000~3500m深度范围内的岩心揭示的主要岩石类型以正、副片麻岩为主,夹少量的榴辉岩、片岩及斜长角闪岩等。正片麻岩可进一步划分为钾长花岗质片麻岩和二长花岗质片麻岩。地球化学研究表明,花岗质片麻岩的SiO2含量普遍高,为73.56%~79.01%,Al2O3含量为10.49%~13.75%;TiO2、Fe2O3、FeO、MnO和MgO的含量明显偏低,其中Fe2O3为0.26%~2.56%,FeO为0.09%~1.13%,MgO为0.01%~0.63%;岩石明显富含Na2O、K2O,强烈贫钙,Na2O K2O的含量为6.20%~9.15%,K2O的含量为1.26%~5.67%,CaO的含量为0.08%~1.59%。花岗质片麻岩在洋脊玄武岩标准化蛛网图上都表现出强烈富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Th)的特点,高场强元素Ti、Ta和Nb表现为明显的负异常,而Hf和Zr则为明显正异常。3000~3500m花岗质片麻岩的原岩具A型花岗岩的特征,形成于大陆裂谷环境,记录了Rodinia超大陆裂解时苏鲁地区的花岗岩浆事件,表明新元古代晚期扬子板块北缘的构造属性为大陆裂谷环境。  相似文献   
The TRANSALP Group, comprising of partner institutions from Italy, Austria and Germany, acquired data on a 340 km long deep seismic reflection line crossing the Eastern Alps between Munich and Venice. Although the field work was split into four campaigns, between fall 1998 and summer 2001, the project gathered for the first time a continuous profile across the Alps using consistent field acquisition and data processing parameters. These sections span the orogen itself, at its broadest width, as well as the editor Fred Davey and the two adjacent basins. Vibroseis and explosion data, complementary in their depth penetration and resolution characteristics, were obtained along with wide-angle and teleseismic data. The profile shows a bi-vergent asymmetric structure of the crust beneath the Alpine axis which reaches a maximum thickness of 55 km, and 80–100 km long transcrustal ramps, the southward dipping ‘Sub-Tauern-Ramp’ and the northward-dipping ‘Sub-Dolomites-Ramp’. Strongly reflective patterns of these ramps can be traced towards the north to the Inn Valley and towards the south to the Valsugana thrust belt, both of which show enhanced seismicity in the brittle upper crust. The seismic sections do not reveal any direct evidence for the presence of the Periadriatic Fault system, the presumed equivalent to the Insubric Line in the Western Alps. According to our new evolutionary model, the Sub-Tauern-Ramp is linked at depth with remnants of the subducted Penninic Ocean. The ‘crocodile’-type model describes an upper/lower crustal decoupling and wedging of both the European and the Adriatic–African continents.  相似文献   
Summary In 1974 and 1975 deep seismic sounding experiments were carried out in the area of the Betic Cordillera in southern Spain. A network of crustal seismic profiles was established with shotpoints at sea close to Cádiz, Adra and Cartagena and on land at Alquife near Guadix. The lengths of the profiles range from 50 km near Alquife to 440 km for the main profile between Cádiz and Cartagena parallel to the strike of the Betic Cordillera. The main profile was supplemented by a reversed recording line close to the Mediterranean coast between Adra and Cartagena and another one perpendicular to the main tectonic strike from Adra towards the north. The first interpretation of the data indicates considerable variation in the crustal thickness. A preliminary inversion leads to a three-layered model of the crust. The mean compressional velocity is about 5.1 km/s down to a depth of 4 km. Below this the velocity is 6.13 km/s from 4 to 16 km where it increases to 7.14 km/s. TheP n-velocity is 8.18 km/s. The crust-mantle boundary is reached at a depth of 27 km near Cartagena and lies 32 km deep near Adra, Underneath the gravity minimum of the Betic Cordillera the crust-mantle boundary is found at a depth of about 36 km. Below the Betic zone a pronounced zone of low velocity with 7.7 km/s seems to exist in the depth range from 40 to 60 km.Contribution No. 4, Grupo de Trabajo de Perfiles Sismicos, Comisión Española del Proyecto Geodinámico, C.S.I.C., Madrid, Spain.Contribution No. 139, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Hertzstrasse 16, D-75 Karlsruhe 21, Germany.Contribution No. 217, Institut de Physique du Globe, Université Paris VI, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75230 Paris Cedex 05, France.Contribution No. 11, Instituto y Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando (Cádiz), Spain.Contribution No. 163, Institute of Geophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   
以三峡库区区域地质构造、活动断裂及库区水文地质特点为基础,借鉴老一辈地震工作者对三峡地区地震地质活动的勘察与科研成果,阐述了蓄水后岩石的库水与地质相互作用对该区水文地质及构造的影响,浅释了三峡库区水库地震孕震机理;用三峡遥测台网及宜昌台定点地壳形变手段在蓄水前后的监测资料,对三峡宜昌库区水库诱发地震作了初步探讨及趋势分析。研究显示,库区地震活动的时空强频随着库区水体的变化而增强,并与活动断层空间分布呈一致性,具备水库地震的明显特征。预测认为:未来三峡宜昌库区的巴东-黔江与高桥断裂带、仙女山、九湾溪及天阳坪断裂交汇带,是诱发ML4.0~4.5水库地震的危险区。  相似文献   
针对FAST的馈源运动控制要求,对馈源支撑系统的控制软件进行了设计与开发。该系统的特色在于基于网络通讯的模块化设计以及采用了完全开源的操作系统与开发工具,操作系统为完全免费且社区化的Ubuntu Linux,开发工具为免费并可跨平台的Qt4。介绍了在上述平台与工具下,整个控制软件的设计与开发过程,关键技术与实现。  相似文献   
一、前言 我国后季稻抽穗开花时,正值秋季冷空气逐步加强南侵的时期,容易遭受低温危害,影响水稻正常孕穗开花,增加空壳率,造成减产。我们根据1953—1975年23年资料,对长江中下游双季稻种植区的秋季低温(亦称“寒露风”)出现早晚的环流背景和前期环流特征及其预报问题进行了初步研究。分析指出,同年三月东亚槽的强弱和前一年10—12月我国东南沿海副热带高压西伸脊点位置与长江中下游地区寒露风出现早晚有较好的关  相似文献   
In 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts returned 170.4 kg of lunar material. Within 1 month of their return, a subset of those samples was specially curated with the forethought that future analytical techniques would offer new insight into the formation and evolution of the Moon. Of interest in this work is sample 71036, a basalt collected from the rim of Steno crater in the Taurus–Littrow Valley, which was stored frozen and was processed and released for study 50 years later. We report, for the first time, the detailed mineralogy and petrology of 71036 and its companion samples 71035, 71037, and 71055 using a novel combination of 2-D and 3-D methods. We investigate lunar volatiles through in situ measurements of apatite and 3-D measurements of vesicles to understand the degassing histories of the Steno crater basalts. Our coupled 2-D petrography and 3-D tomography data sets support a model of the Steno crater basalts crystallizing in the upper crust of a mare lava flow. Apatite F and OH chemistry and the late-stage deformation of voids and formation of smaller vesicles provide evidence supporting coeval degassing of volatiles and crystallization of mesostasis apatite in Apollo 17 basalts. This work helps to close knowledge gaps surrounding the origin, magmatic evolution, emplacement, and crystallization history of high-titanium basalts.  相似文献   
We report on initial results from the first phase of Exercise #1 of the asteroFLAG hare and hounds. The asteroFLAG group is helping to prepare for the asteroseismology component of NASA's Kepler mission, and the first phase of Exercise #1 is concerned with testing extraction of estimates of the large and small frequency spacings of the low‐degree p modes from Kepler‐like artificial data. These seismic frequency spacings will provide key input for complementing the exoplanet search data. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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