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This scientific briefing announces the availability of a new multi‐element high‐frequency water quality data set that is openly accessible to the research community. The data set comprises up to 2 years of 7‐hourly water quality data for two streams and one rainfall site in the Upper Severn catchment at Plynlimon in Mid‐Wales. The measurements cover 50 analytes ranging from H+ to U and spanning six orders of magnitude in concentration, including major, minor and trace elements as well as nutrients, and they complement decades of weekly measurements of the same analytes at the Upper Severn. Together, the weekly and 7‐hourly time series provide a unique data set for studying both long‐term trends and short‐term dynamics. The data show complex behaviour over a wide range of timescales, challenging our understanding of catchment processes and informing future modelling efforts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In order to establish a reliable chronology for lacustrine sediments of the Frickenhauser See (central Germany) different dating methods have been applied. A total of 17 AMS 14C dates, all within the last 2000 years, were supplemented with 137Cs/210Pb dating and varve counting of the uppermost sediments (131 years). The age–depth model for the Frickenhauser See has to cope with highly variable sedimentation rates and overlapping probability distributions of calibrated 14C dates. The uncertainty of calibrated 14C dates could be considerably reduced by including the stratigraphic relationship of the dated samples, the age information derived from short-lived isotopes and varve counting as well as an upper and lower limit of realistic sedimentation rates as ‘a priori’ information in the calibration procedure. Sets of possible age combinations obtained by repeated sampling from the modified probability distributions were used to calculate continuous age–depth relationships based on monotonic smoothing splines. The obtained age–depth model for the sediment record of the Frickenhauser See represents the average of over 16,000 such model runs and suggests a drastic increase in sedimentation rates from around 1–2 mm a−1 (200–1000 AD) to over 25 mm a−1 for the period between 1100 and 1300 AD. From then on, sedimentation rates exhibit relatively stable values around 3–9 mm a−1. ‘Conventional’ age–depth models such as general polynomial regression or cubic splines either do not include the obtained age-information in a satisfying manner (the model being too “stiff”) or exhibit “swings” causing age-reversals in the model. Although the age–depth relationships obtained for monotonic smoothing splines and mixed-effect regression are generally very similar, they differ in their respective sedimentation rates as well as in their uncertainties. Mixed-effect regression resulted in much higher sedimentation rates of more than 37 mm a−1. These results suggest that monotonic smoothing splines give better control of the age–depth model characteristics and are well suited in situations, where the integrity of 14C dates is high, i.e. the dated material represents the age of the respective layer.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Gipslagerstätte Wienern am Grundlsee wurden pumpellyitführende Kissenlavabreccien nachgewiesen. Die in das permische Salinarbecken extrudierten Laven zeigen mehrphasige Veränderungen in Form von Mineralneubildungen. In den basischen Eruptivgesteinen sind dies vor allem Chlorit, Pumpellyit, Phengit, Kalifeldspat und seltener Biotit.
Pumpellyite-bearing pillow-lava breccias from the gypsum-anhydrite-deposit of Wienern, Styria, Austria
Summary Pumpellyite bearing pillow-lava-breccias have been observed in the gypsum-anhydrite mine of Wienern, Grundlsee, Styria. During Permian times, lava extruded into saline environment. The observed alteration of pillow-breccias is due to metamorphism of very lowPT regime. The newly formed minerals are chlorite, pumpellyite, phengite and potassium feldspar. Occasionally biotite was observed near ironrich ore minerals (pyrite).

Mit 7 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Tectonic exposures of upper plutonics (>800 m) that are part of a contiguous section of young East Pacific Rise (EPR) crust at the Hess Deep Rift provide the first regional-scale constraints on hydrothermal processes in the upper plutonic crust formed at a fast-spreading ridge. Submersible-collected samples recovered over a 4-km-wide region show that the sheeted dike complex is largely underlain by a 150- to 200-m-thick gabbro unit, followed by a more primitive gabbronorite unit. Gabbroic samples are variably altered by pervasive fluid flow along fracture networks to amphibole-dominated assemblages. The gabbroic rocks are significantly less altered (average 11% hydrous phases) than the overlying sheeted dike complex (average 24%), and the percentage of hydrous alteration diminishes with depth. Incipient, pervasive fluid flow occurred at amphibolite facies conditions (average 720°C), with slightly higher temperatures in the lower 500 m of the section. The extent of subsequent lower-temperature alteration is generally low and regionally variable. The gabbroic samples are slightly elevated in 87Sr/86Sr relative to fresh rock values (0.7024) and less enriched than the overlying sheeted dike complex. 87Sr/86Sr for the pervasively altered gabbroic samples ranges from 0.70244 to 0.70273 (mean 0.70257), tonalites is 0.7038, and pyroxene hornfels ranges from 0.70259 to 0.70271. 87Sr/86Sr does not vary with depth, and there is a strong positive correlation with the percentage of hydrous phases. Strontium contents of igneous and hydrothermal minerals, combined with bulk rock 87Sr/86Sr, indicate that Sr-isotopic exchange is largely controlled by the uptake of fluid 87Sr/86Sr in hydrous minerals and does not require Sr gain or loss. The minimum, time-integrated fluid–rock ratio for the sheeted dike complex and upper plutonics is 0.55–0.66, and the fluid flux calculated by mass balance is ~2.1 to 2.5 × 106 kg m−2, 30–60% higher than fluid fluxes calculated in the same manner for sheeted dike complexes on their own at Hess and Pito Deeps, and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 504B. Alteration patterns within the upper plutonics evolved in response to axial magma chamber (AMC) dynamics at the EPR, such that magma replenishment led to assimilation and thermal metamorphism of the country rock, and the position of the hydrothermal root-zone tracked the vertical migration of the AMC. The freshness of the lowermost gabbroic rocks suggests that pervasive fluid flow does not lead to significant fluid and heat fluxes at and near fast-spreading ridges.  相似文献   
Abstract. The waters surrounding the Pribilof Islands are an important nursery ground for juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), an important forage fish in the pelagic food web of the productive Bering Sea shelf region. The diet of juvenile pollock was studied in two consecutive years along a transect line crossing from a well‐mixed coastal domain, through a frontal region to stratified water farther offshore. Variability in stomach fullness was high and evidence for increased feeding intensity in the front was weak. Prey diversity and prey size generally increased with increasing fish size, shifting from predominantly small copepods to larger, more evasive prey items such as euphausiids, crab megalopae and fish. The diet of the fish reflected changes in the relative abundance of copepods and euphausiids in the prey fields between years. Juvenile pollock showed increased feeding rates at dusk, and stomach fullness as well as prey condition were generally lowest just before sunrise; however, the proportion of euphausiids increased in the diet of pollock caught at night, suggesting that some food was also ingested during darkness. Juvenile pollock and their euphausiid prey both vertically migrated above the thermocline at night, although each had a different daytime depth.  相似文献   
We measured the effect of wet meadow vegetation on the bank strength and failure mechanics of a meandering montane meadow stream, the South Fork of the Kern River at Monache Meadow, in California's Sierra Nevada. Streambanks colonized by ‘wet’ graminoid meadow vegetation were on average five times stronger than those colonized by ‘dry’ xeric meadow and scrub vegetation. Our measurements show that strength is correlated with vegetation density indicators, including stem counts, standing biomass per unit area, and the ratio of root mass to soil mass. Rushes appear better than sedges at stabilizing coarse bar surfaces, while sedges are far more effective at stabilizing actively eroding cut banks. Wet meadow floodplain vegetation creates a composite cut bank configuration (a cohesive layer overlying cohesionless materials) that erodes via cantilever failure. Field measurements and a geotechnical model of cantilever stability show that by increasing bank strength, wet meadow vegetation increases the thickness, width, and cohesiveness of a bank cantilever, which, in turn, increases the amount of time required to undermine, detach, and remove bank failure blocks. At Monache Meadow, it takes approximately four years to produce and remove a 1 m wide wet meadow bank block. Wet meadow vegetation limits bank migration rates by increasing bank strength, altering bank failure modes, and reducing bank failure frequency. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In many mountain regions, large land areas with heterogeneous soils have become ice‐free with the ongoing glacier retreat. On these recently formed proglacial fields, the melt of the remaining glaciers typically drives pronounced diurnal stream level fluctuations that propagate into the riparian zone. This behaviour was measured on the Damma glacier forefield in central Switzerland with stage recorders in the stream and groundwater monitoring wells along four transects. In spite of the large groundwater stage variations, radon measurements in the near‐stream riparian zone indicate that there is little mixing between stream water and groundwater on daily time scales. At all four transects, including both losing and gaining reaches, the groundwater level fluctuations lagged the stream stage variations and were often damped with distance from the stream. Similar behaviours have been modelled using the diffusion equation in coastal regions influenced by tidal sea level variations. We thus tested the ability of such a model to predict groundwater level fluctuations in proglacial fields. The model reproduced several key features of the observed fluctuations at three of four locations, although discrepancies also arise due to non representative input data and model simplifications. Nevertheless, calibration of the model for the individual transects yielded realistic estimates of hydraulic diffusivities between the stream and groundwater monitoring wells. We conclude that studying diurnal groundwater fluctuations can provide important information about the subsurface hydrology of alpine watersheds dominated by glacier melt. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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