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在全球气候变化背景下,人类活动对生态环境质量影响的定量评价是区域生态保护与高质量发展的关键问题。本文基于层次分析法(AHP)和GIS可视化空间分析技术,应用遥感反演的生态系统分类资料和社会经济统计资料等,构建了包含社会经济、土地压力、自然条件3个准则层的生态系统恢复力评价指标体系,结合指标时空尺度无量纲化与综合指数法,进行了甘肃省甘南州、临夏州2000—2020年的生态系统恢复力定量评估。结果表明:研究区域空间尺度生态恢复力范围分别为0.14—0.65(2000年)、0.12—0.72(2005年)、0.07—0.70(2010年)、0.12—0.70(2015年)、0.28—0.82(2020年);甘南生态系统恢复力较高,临夏生态系统恢复力较低,在空间分布上,生态系统恢复力呈现北低南高的总体特征,高生态恢复力的乡镇以草地、森林、灌木生态系统为主,低生态恢复力的乡镇以农田、城镇生态系统为主;在时序变化特征中,生态系统恢复力总体向好,呈现先上升、后下降、最后上升趋势,受人类活动与气候变化共同作用。  相似文献   
Similar to the case of pulsars the magnetic axis and the spin axis of gamma-ray burst sources may not lie on the same line. This may cause the formation of a ring-like jet due to collimation of the processing magnetic axis. We analyze the tail emission from such a jet, and find that it has a shallow decay phase with a temporal index of -1/2 if the Lorentz factor of the ejecta is not very high, which is consistent with the shallow decay phase of some early X-ray afterglow detected by Swift. The ring-like jet has a tail cusp with sharp rising and very sharp decay. This effect can provide an explanation for the re-brightening and sharp decay of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 050709.  相似文献   
ASCA observations of the two Type Ⅱ AGNs,NGC7314 and NGC 7582,show clear variations in the broad X-ray band(0.4-10keV)on short timescales-10^4s.Spectral analysis indicates that they bot have an absorbed hard X-ray component and an unabsorbed soft“excess” component.To clarify the origin of the latter,we made a cross-correlation analysis of the two components.The results show that,for NGC7314,the soft X-ray variability is proportional to that of the hard X-ray component.This indicates that the active nucleus of NGC 7314 must be partially covered and so the soft emission is a “leaking” of the variable hard component.For NGC 7582,there is no detectable variability in the soft component, although there is a definite one in the hard component.This indicates that the variable nucleus of NGC 7582 must be fully blocked by absorbing matter,and the soft emission is most likely the scattered component predicted by the AGN unified model.  相似文献   
波浪的方向分布对波浪的传播及其与工程结构物的作用都具有明显影响,目前现有的研究大多是基于单向波浪进行的。为了研究方向分布对群墩结构上的爬高影响,基于规则波浪与群墩作用的理论解,结合多向不规则波浪的造波方法,建立了多向不规则波浪与群墩作用的计算模型,同时进行了物理模型试验对模型的有效性进行了验证。系统地对群墩周围及表面上的波浪爬高进行了计算分析,结果表明,方向分布对波浪爬高具有较大的影响,且不同位置处的影响并不相同,在实际的工程设计中如果按照单向波浪计算,可能低估或者高估群墩周围的爬高。  相似文献   
HY-2是中国自主研发的海洋卫星。 本文研究了利用HY-2卫星扫描微波辐射计亮温数据反演北极海冰密集度的方法。参考NASA TEAM方法,我们对典型海区光谱梯度率和极化梯度率进行了统计分析,确定了计算海冰密集度所需的亮温特征值;利用天气滤波器有效去除了开阔海域由于大气中水蒸气、云中液态水、降雨等现象引起的海冰密集度计算错误。本文计算了2012年全年的北极海冰密集度产品并对产品精度进行了初步验证,验证结果表明:三个海冰类型已知区域的海冰密集度结果与理想值比较接近,多年冰密集度的反演精度需要进一步提高;本文结果与美国冰雪数据中心和德国不来梅大学提供的两种业务化海冰密集度产品一致。本研究为利用HY-2卫星监测极区海冰密集度变化,发布实时产品奠定了基础。  相似文献   
近二十年来,随着海洋环境科学的发展,河口污染和生态问题日益受到重视。关于污水排放对河口内湾浮游植物生态的影响,近年Ketchum, B. H. (1967); McCormick, J.M. 等(1975); Rice, T. R. (1975); Jenkins, S. H. (1978); Thompson, G. B. 等(1981 ); Meyers, V. B. 等(1983)和Joint, I. R.(1984)都做过调查研究和评论。但迄今国内有关这方面的研究报道甚少。 海河口是一个有污染源的生态环境特殊的感潮河口,受自然因素和人类活动的影响很大。由于其地理位置得天独厚,水质肥沃,饵料丰富,历来是许多经济鱼虾类优良的天然产卵、索饵和肥育的场所,在渤海渔业上占有重要位置。但近十多年,由于入海径流量锐减和城市污水排海总量的增加1),其水质逐渐恶化,环境正由半咸水向海洋化方向演变,对河口渔业构成严重威胁。对此,我所曾于1978-1981年对渤海湾的污染状况及影响进行过多学科的综合调查,在渤海湾污染的浮游植物生态效应、海湾富营养化及其与赤潮的关系等方面,也做过初步研究(邹景忠等,1983; 1984; 1985 )。当时由于受调查范围和项目的限制,对河口有机污染及生态效应的研究还很不够,所获得的一些资料尚不足以作出定量的科学论断。 本文着重探讨海河口区浮游植物的生态变化及其与有机污染的关系,旨在为综合分析和评价海河口区目前的生态质量及演变趋势,为河口环境的综合整治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Deng  Hao  Huang  Xiaofu  Mao  Xiancheng  Yu  Shuyan  Chen  Jin  Liu  Zhankun  Zou  Yanhong 《Natural Resources Research》2022,31(4):2103-2127

The shapes of geological boundaries such as contacts and faults play a crucial role in the transportation, deposition and preservation of metals in magmatic and hydrothermal systems. Analyzing the shapes of geological boundaries, in particular those associated with mineralization, is an important step in 3D mineral prospectivity modeling. However, existing methods of shape analysis are limited in the adaptation of various shapes, scales and topologies of geological boundaries. This paper presents a general method of shape analysis based on mathematical morphology (MM), which is a generalization of the original MM method for shape analysis. The generalization extends the applicability of the original MM method from closed surfaces to general surfaces, while inheriting the real 3D and multi-scale analysis capabilities of the original method. This is achieved by regarding MM operations on 3D sphere structural elements as their equivalent operations, and redefining the operations to general surfaces. The generalized MM method enables us to handle complex 3D shapes such as overturned and/or recumbent geological boundaries as well as incomplete shapes due to weathering processes and data unavailability. The proposed method was applied to analyze the shape of an intrusive contact in the Fenghuangshan Cu ore field, Eastern China, whose shape was in the form of a non-closed surface. This analysis revealed a stronger spatial association between the large concave parts of the contact zone and the mineralization. Due to its enhanced adaptability to different shapes, the generalized MM method, compared with the original MM method, allows us to capture shape features that are more plausible for the geological setting.

青藏高原沙漠化土地空间分布及区划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用野外调查数据、遥感影像和已有研究成果,构建了一套适用于青藏高原沙漠化土地的分类分级指标体系及遥感解译标志。以此为基础,选取目视解译法监测青藏高原沙漠化土地的空间分布特征。结果表明:2015年青藏高原沙漠化土地面积392 913km2,占高原土地总面积的15.1%,主要包括沙质沙漠化土地、砾质沙漠化土地和风蚀残丘3种类型。沙漠化土地以中度和轻度沙漠化土地为主,重度和极重度沙漠化土地面积仅占沙漠化土地总面积的12.2%。空间上,沙漠化土地集中分布在高原的北部和西部地区,其他地区零散分布。自东南向西北,沙漠化土地面积逐渐增大,沙漠化程度不断加重。以沙漠化土地空间分布数据(面积、类型、程度、空间特征和驱动因素)为基础,结合气候、地貌、第四纪沉积物和人类活动等数据,将青藏高原沙漠化区划分为雅鲁藏布江半干旱高山宽谷沙漠化区、藏北青南高寒高原面沙漠化区、柴达木干旱盆地沙漠化区、黄河上游半干旱河流盆地沙漠化区和“三江”流域湿润半湿润高山沙漠化区。  相似文献   
粘土矿物去除赤潮生物的动力学研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
于1992年4-9月进行粘土矿的絮凝赤潮生物(微型原甲藻)的动力学研究;考察粘土种类、浓度、第二组分(PACS)和PH等因素对絮凝速率的影响,建立粘土矿物絮凝赤潮生物的动力学模型,从理论上分析和讨论各种因素的影响,并提出提高絮凝速率的方法和途径。结果表明,高岭土体系絮凝速率大于蒙脱土体系,其速率方程可用双分子反应来描述。其中,速率常数随絮凝过程发生变化;粒子间的相互作用能和作用半径是控制和影响絮凝  相似文献   
Advanced glycation endproducts(AGEs) have been recognized as hazards in processed foods that can induce chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and diabetic nephropathy. In this study, we investigated the AGEs contents of 35 types of industrial seafood products that are consumed frequently in eastern China. Total fluorescent AGEs level and Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine(CML) content were evaluated by fluorescence spectrophotometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS), respectively. The level of total fluorescent AGEs in seafood samples ranged from 39.37 to 1178.3 AU, and was higher in canned and packaged instant aquatic products that were processed at high temperatures. The CML content in seafood samples ranged from 44.8 to 439.1 mg per kg dried sample, and was higher in roasted seafood samples. The total fluorescent AGEs and CML content increased when seafood underwent high-temperature processing, but did not show an obvious correlation. The present study suggested that commonly consumed seafood contains different levels of AGEs, and the seafood processed at high temperatures always displays a high level of either AGEs or CML.  相似文献   
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