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对青海地区63个样点进行植被调查及表土样点分析结果显示:青海地区山地针叶林、针阔混交林、高山灌丛-灌丛草甸、温带草原、灌木-半灌木荒漠及高寒荒漠植被区均有相对独特的花粉组合特征。乔木类中桦呈超代表性,云杉、柏、杨属呈低代表性;灌木、草本中白刺、沙拐枣、柽柳呈低代表性,蒿、藜、麻黄呈超代表性,蔷薇科金露梅、银露梅在自身为优势种的落叶灌丛群落中呈低代表性,在针阔叶林、灌丛草甸过渡带中呈适中代表性。禾本科、莎草科、菊科、豆科、十字花科呈低代表性。A/C值在不同生态环境下的变化幅度较大,但数据组显示A/C值中位数值由半干旱向干旱植被区逐次降低,如草甸和草原为4.14,高山灌丛为2.93,荒漠草原为1.22,荒漠灌丛为0.13,荒漠戈壁为0.05。可见,A/C值能很好地反映环境干湿程度,是环境干旱程度的良好指标。  相似文献   
土地生态安全是当前区域可持续发展研究的重要领域和热点问题。研究土地生态安全对实现土地合理利用具有重要的理论和现实意义。构建了土地生态安全评价指标体系,鉴于土地生态安全评价的模糊性和不确定性,将集对分析理论和熵权法相结合构建土地生态安全评价模型,并根据模型对河北省2003—2010年的土地生态安全状况进行了评价。总体上看,2005—2008年间土地生态安全状况出现了一定的反复,但是2009年之后出现了好转。河北省的土地生态安全状况总体上不容乐观,有待于进一步改善。  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration is a source of water vapour to the atmosphere, and as a crucial indicator of landscape behaviour its accurate measurement has widespread implications. Here we investigate errors that are prevalent and systematic in the closed-path eddy-covariance measurement of latent heat flux: the attenuation of fluxes through dampened cospectral power at high frequencies. This process is especially pronounced during periods of high relative humidity through the adsorption and desorption of water vapour along the tube walls. These effects are additionally amplified during lower air temperature conditions. Here, we quantify the underestimation of evapotranspiration by a closed-path system by comparing its flux estimate to simultaneous and adjacent measurements from an open-path sensor. We apply models relating flux loss to relative humidity itself, to the lag time of the cross-correlation peak between the water vapour and vertical wind velocity signals, and to models of cospectral attenuation relative to the cospectral power of simultaneous sensible heat-flux measurements. We find that including the role of temperature in modifying the attenuation–humidity relationship is essential for unbiased flux correction, and that physically based cospectral attenuation methods are effective characterizers of closed-path instrument signal loss relative to the unattenuated flux value.  相似文献   
高精度的地磁场数据库是地磁匹配导航的基础.在构建地磁数据库时,需要将空中的航磁测量数据向下延拓至某一水平面,而向下延拓在数学上具有不适定性,通常利用迭代方法逐次逼近"适定最优解".本文针对导数迭代法在迭代过程中的噪声累积问题,提出一种改进方法,首先利用稳定的向上延拓将观测面和向上延拓、向下延拓同等高度平面上的磁场值联系...  相似文献   
Water Resources - Annaba gulf is a coastal area (southwestern Mediterranean Sea) that receives large diffuse inputs from Fertial plant, Seybouse wadi and Boujemaâ wadi, which are influenced by...  相似文献   
Comprehensive quantitative evaluation of shale gas content and the controlling factors in different occurrence states is of great significance for accurately assessing gas-bearing capacity and providing effective well-production strategies. A total of 122 core samples from well JY-A in the Fuling shale gas field were studied to reveal the characteristics of S_1 l shale,15 of which were selected to further predict the shale gas content in different occurrence states, which are dependent on geological factors in the thermal evolution process. Geological parameters were researched by a number of laboratory programs, and the factors influential in controlling shale gas content were extracted by both PCA and GRA methods and prediction models were confirmed by the BE method using SPSS software. Results reveal that the adsorbed gas content is mainly controlled by TOC, Ro, SSA, PD and pyrite content, and the free gas content is mainly controlled by S_2, quartz content, gas saturation and formation pressure for S_1 l in well JY-A. Three methods, including the on-site gas desorption method, the empirical formula method, and the multiple regression analysis method were used in combination to evaluate the shale gas capacity of well JY-A, all of which show that the overall shale gas content of well JY-A is in the range of 2.0–5.0 m~3/t and that the free gas ratio is about 50%, lower than that of well JY-1. Cause analysis further confirms the tectonics and preservation conditions of S_1 l in the geological processes, especially the influence of eastern boundary faults on well JY-A, as the fundamental reasons for the differences in shale gas enrichment in the Jiaoshiba area.  相似文献   
依据工程地质调查、土工试验、~(14)C测年及古生物鉴定,从莱州湾滨海地区的早全新世高黏粒软土中识别出3种古地理沉积环境。分析发现,软土黏粒含量高、呈暗色调,属埋藏型。颗粒级配、压缩模量等物理力学指标差异则指示了同期异相沉积软土的工程地质特征。采取Q型聚类分析,将莱州湾早全新世高黏粒软土划分为下三角洲相沉积软土、潮平相沉积软土、湖沼相沉积软土。通过统计分析,掌握了滨海区软土工程地质特性,为合理选取土工试验参数提供沉积学依据,为合理利用天然地基提供参考。  相似文献   
From the development of modern transportation to the current era of high-speed transportation networks, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region has always played a national leading role in land transportation development of China. In order to explore the long-term evolutionary characteristics of land transportation in the BTH region, this paper utilized a temporal scale of 100 years to systematically interpret the development process of the land transportation network. Taking 13 cities within the BTH region as research anchor cities, we took into account “leaping” mode of transportation in order to investigate the evolution of accessibility. Our research shows the following results: (1) The land transportation network in the BTH region has undergone five stages of development: the initial period of modernization (1881–1937); the period of stagnation of transportation development (1937–1949); the network expansion period (1949–1980); the period of trunk construction (1980–1995), and the period of high-speed transportation network development (1995–present). The network structure centered around Beijing has existed from the outset of modern transportation development. (2) The accessibility spatial pattern of land transportation in BTH region has evolved from expansion along traffic corridors to the formation of concentric circles. The stratified circular structure of transportation in anchor cities has gradually developed into a contiguous development pattern. (3) There are clear hierarchical differences in the transportation structures of anchor cities. Beijing has always been at the top of this hierarchy, while the hierarchical position of Zhangjiakou has fallen noticeably since 1949. The Beijing-Tianjin region was the first region to form a short-duration transportation circle structure, while the transportation advantages of the central part of Hebei Province, which is located in the center of the BTH transportation region, have yet to be realized.  相似文献   
在油气勘探实践中,传统油气地质理论为石油工业的发展做出了重大贡献,但随着油气勘探向非常规油气资源转变,传统油气地质理论与认识遇到了诸多问题与挑战,已不能有效指导非常规油气勘探。从非常规油气成藏条件来看,"源"不只是生成油气的岩石,而且是勘探的储集层和目的层;致密岩层也可以成为有效储层;非常规油气的封闭机制与常规油气不同;连续和准连续成藏不需传统圈闭条件;滞留和短距离运移均可成藏;保存条件的评价方法也与常规油气不同。从油气成藏机制而言,非浮力也可成藏,且是以大面积、连片富集成藏为主;从赋存状态而言,油气除呈游离态赋存外,还可以呈吸附态、溶解态等方式赋存;从富集分布模式而言,油气除在圈闭和高点富集成藏外,盆地的洼陷、斜坡均可富集成藏并达到满凹含油。世界上非常规油气资源是常规油气资源的4倍以上,展示出巨大的勘探前景。  相似文献   
采用孢粉分析的方法对珠江三角洲北部地区多个钻孔进行了古植被和古环境的研究。结果表明,该区晚更新世与全新世的孢粉组合存在明显区别,更新世时期以木本植物为主,而全新世表现为蕨类孢子和草本花粉的大幅度增加。该特征反映了更新世本区为河漫滩洼地沉积为主,局部受海侵影响,而全新世为海湾河口相沉积。根据木本植物花粉不同组分的含量变化以及某些气候敏感属种的出现,可以推论晚更新世亚间冰期的年平均气温比现今低2-4℃左右,盛冰期则低6℃以上,到全新世中期以后形成了与现代相似的明显受季风影响的常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   
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