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Both of crop growth simulation models and remote sensing method have a high potential in crop growth monitoring and yield prediction. However, crop models have limitations in regional application and remote sensing in describing the growth process. Therefore, many researchers try to combine those two approaches for estimating the regional crop yields. In this paper, the WOFOST model was adjusted and regionalized for winter wheat in North China and coupled through the LAI to the SAIL–PROSPECT model in order to simulate soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI). Using the optimization software (FSEOPT), the crop model was then re-initialized by minimizing the differences between simulated and synthesized SAVI from remote sensing data to monitor winter wheat growth at the potential production level. Initial conditions, which strongly impact phenological development and growth, and which are hardly known at the regional scale (such as emergence date or biomass at turn-green stage), were chosen to be re-initialized. It was shown that re-initializing emergence date by using remote sensing data brought simulated anthesis and maturity date closer to measured values than without remote sensing data. Also the re-initialization of regional biomass weight at turn-green stage led that the spatial distribution of simulated weight of storage organ was more consistent to official yields. This approach has some potential to aid in scaling local simulation of crop phenological development and growth to the regional scale but requires further validation.  相似文献   
我国西南地区一次暴雨过程特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用卫星云图、多普勒天气雷达资料和高空风等各种天气学资料,对2009年6月8—9日广西、贵州、以及和湖南交界地带的一次暴雨过程进行了综合分析。结果表明,暴雨是由中尺度对流复合体东移、β中尺度强对流云团发展、以及二者合并造成的;地面α中尺度低压带配合α中尺度纬向切变线的生成,为中尺度对流复合体(mesoscale convective complex,MCC)的东移发展、β中尺度强对流云团的发展、以及二者的合并创造了有利条件;地面能量比低值舌的活动是MCC和β中尺度强对流云团生成和发展的触发机制之一;在多普勒雷达径向速度图上,MCC的生成和发展,伴随西南低空急流的建立和维持,大范围的逆风区的生成;MCC的消亡,伴随西南低空急流的减弱和消失,对应西北气流建立和东扩。MCC发展期和β中尺度强对流云团发展期、MCC消散期和β中尺度强对流云团消散期的涡度收支以及视热源和视水汽汇有很大的不同。  相似文献   
辽东半岛南辽河群锆石U-Pb年代学及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:13,他引:7  
李壮  陈斌  刘经纬  张璐  杨川 《岩石学报》2015,31(6):1589-1605
本文报道了辽东半岛古元古代胶-辽-吉活动带南辽河群中变质火山岩和沉积岩的锆石U-Pb年代学数据。变质流纹岩的锆石具典型的岩浆振荡环带结构和较高的Th/U比值(0.3),锆石U-Pb年龄为~2.2Ga,该年龄可代表其原岩形成年龄,在误差范围内与古元古代辽吉花岗岩年龄一致,表明辽吉花岗岩并不是辽河群的基底。变质玄武岩的锆石阴极发光强度较弱、弱分带或无分带,同时具较低的Th/U比值(0.1),为典型的变质成因锆石,锆石U-Pb年龄为~1.9Ga,代表其变质时代。变质沉积岩的碎屑锆石年龄主要介于1981~3520Ma之间:峰期年龄为2033Ma和2092Ma的锆石年龄信息暗示辽东半岛至少存在一期2000~2100Ma的岩浆事件,并且该时期的中酸性岩浆岩是南辽河群沉积岩的一个重要物源;峰期年龄为2155Ma、2446Ma、2509Ma、2594Ma、2668Ma、2790Ma、3356Ma、3467Ma和3520Ma的锆石年龄信息,区域上与古元古代辽吉花岗岩、辽河群火山岩及太古宙基底年龄相吻合,暗示它们为南辽河群沉积岩提供了重要物源。沉积岩中最年轻的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄为~2.0Ga,可代表其沉积时的最大年龄。所以,辽河群火山-沉积-变质的时限为2.2~1.9Ga,其演化时间约300Myr。结合前人有关辽东半岛前寒武纪岩石的研究成果,本文研究认为胶-辽-吉活动带的形成演化与弧-陆碰撞有关,而不是许多人坚持的裂谷环境。  相似文献   
西北太平洋台风累积动能的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
黄丽娜  林笑茹  曾华  庄淑文 《气象》2009,35(9):44-50
利用1945-2008年JTWC提供的台风资料,计算了西北太平洋地区台风累积动能,分析了台风累积动能的时间分布特征,统计累积动能与尼诺3.4区海温的关系.结果表明:每年台风累积动能主要集中在6-12月;累积动能有明显的阶段性;1990年以后极端台风事件发生频数有增加的趋势;6-12月台风累积动能与尼诺 3.4区的海温距平呈正相关;台风累积动能与海温的关系通过沃克环流和局地哈得来环流起作用.  相似文献   
通过调查江苏省全球环境基金项目区农户和专家的投入产出,使用成本效益分析方法和IPCC推荐的温室气体估算方法评估比较了3种种植方式(人工插秧、机械插秧和直播)的水稻在麦稻轮作复种“两晚”模式(水稻晚收, 小麦晚播)下的社会、经济和生态效益。结果表明:水稻直播和机械插秧可以节省更多劳动力;农业机械燃油、施用化肥、稻田淹水等农作措施导致了大量人为温室气体排放;水稻种植方式为人工插秧的麦稻轮作模式能取得最优的经济和生态效益;“两晚”模式实施的关键是适时地利用近年来增加的农业气候资源。水稻人工插秧与麦稻“两晚”相配合的种植模式是减缓和适应气候变化的较优选择。  相似文献   
The spatial distribution, radiative forcing, and climatic effects of tropospheric ozone in China during summer were investigated by using the regional climate model RegCM4. The results revealed that the tropospheric ozone column concentration was high in East China, Central China, North China, and the Sichuan basin during summer. The increase in tropospheric ozone levels since the industrialization era produced clear-sky shortwave and clear-sky longwave radiative forcing of 0.18 and 0.71 W m–2, respectively, which increased the average surface air temperature by 0.06 K and the average precipitation by 0.22 mm day–1 over eastern China during summer. In addition, tropospheric ozone increased the land–sea thermal contrast, leading to an enhancement of East Asian summer monsoon circulation over southern China and a weakening over northern China. The notable increase in surface air temperature in northwestern China, East China, and North China could be attributed to the absorption of longwave radiation by ozone, negative cloud amount anomaly, and corresponding positive shortwave radiation anomaly. There was a substantial increase in precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It was related to the enhanced upward motion and the increased water vapor brought by strengthened southerly winds in the lower troposphere.  相似文献   
Fine aerosol samples were collected throughout spring, summer, and winter in 2004∼2005 at a major urban traffic junction (BNU) and a suburban location (MY) in Beijing and at a downtown site (SH) in Shanghai, China. Ten of the 16 EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), seven fatty acids, levoglucosan, and cholesterol were identified and quantified. PAHs detected in Beijing and Shanghai were up to one order of magnitude higher than those reported in the developed countries either in urban or suburban areas, while levoglucosan was one order of magnitude lower than that in other countries for no biomass combustion in domestic heating in the mega-cities in China. PAHs showed the same seasonal trend in all sampling sites as the highest in winter and the lowest in summer, while fatty acids no pronounced seasonal variation. A significant fraction of levoglucosan from cooking with higher concentrations in urban than in suburban area contributed to the ambient atmosphere, indicating that the main source of levoglucosan in urban environment would be cooking rather than biomass burning. The relative contributions of coal combustion and vehicle exhaust sources to PAHs in fine aerosols were preliminarily estimated to be 1:2 in Beijing and 1:1 in Shanghai, revealing that the air pollution in these mega-cities in China was mainly the mixing of coal combustion with vehicle exhaust. Cooking was one of the major sources of organic aerosols in both Beijing and Shanghai.  相似文献   
利用取自东海东北部、冲绳海槽西侧陆坡的重力柱状岩芯DOC082(29°13.93′N,128°08.53′E;水深1128m),通过对碳酸钙、有机碳和蛋白石等生源组分含量的分析,结合浮游有孔虫、底栖有孔虫、放射虫和硅鞭藻等微体古生物化石丰度的变化以及底栖有孔虫属种组成特征,揭示了全新世东海东北部生物生产力的演变。研究结果显示,近10500cal.aB.P.以来生源组分含量和微体古生物化石丰度的演变趋势十分相似,明显分为3个阶段:约4000cal.aB.P.之前的早、中全新世明显偏低,大约在4000cal.aB.P.左右开始突然大幅度上升,而约3000cal.aB.P.以来的晚全新世以持续的高值为显著特征。生源组分含量、微体古生物化石丰度以及底栖有孔虫内生属种Uvigerina和Bulimina百分含量等指标的变化一致指示,东海东北部近10500cal.aB.P.以来古生产力演变的显著特征是早、中全新世明显偏低,约4000cal.aB.P.左右突然且大幅度上升,大约3000cal.aB.P.之后的晚全新世为生物生产力异常的高值期;同时有研究表明该区域的表层海水年平均温度(SST)也呈现了明显的三段式演变:早全新世10500~8400cal.aB.P.期间为持续的高值期、中全新世SST相对稳定、3100~500cal.aB.P.期间的晚全新世为显著的低SST时期[1]。近3000cal.aB.P.以来古生产力的异常高值和表层海水古温度的大幅度下降说明晚全新世区域海洋环境发生了明显的改变。据东海东北部现代生物生产力和表层海水温度的分布特征和控制机制、结合现代ElNio发生期间中国大陆气候和降水异常以及黑潮暖流变异的分析表明,近3000cal.aB.P.来东海东北部的环境异常可能是对晚全新世ElNio活动显著增强的反应。  相似文献   
雄村矿集区位于西藏冈底斯铜矿带南缘,是目前该带发现的唯一一个与新特提斯洋壳早期俯冲作用有关的斑岩型铜金矿集区。近年来,相继在该矿集区发现了1、2、3号矿体。为了全面厘定矿集区的岩浆作用与成矿的关系和深化对新特提斯洋壳早期俯冲作用相关的斑岩型矿床成矿作用的认识。本文在前期研究基础上,对雄村矿集区新发现的3号矿体含矿斑岩开展了锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素地球化学分析。锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,3号矿体含矿斑岩形成于早侏罗世(176. 9±1. 4Ma)。结合以往研究结果表明,雄村矿集区存在两期矿化作用,早期矿化事件发生在约172Ma,与早侏罗世(181~175Ma)石英闪长斑岩相关,形成了2、3号矿体;晚期成矿作用发生在161. 5Ma,与中侏罗世(167~161Ma)石英闪长斑岩相关,形成了1号矿体。雄村矿集区含矿岩体显示出高的εNd(t)( 4. 5)值类似于马里亚纳大洋岛弧岩浆岩,结合雄村矿集区侏罗纪砂岩的年代学及地球化学特征,表明含矿岩体形成于新特提斯洋壳北向俯冲相关的大洋岛弧环境而非陆缘弧环境。Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素组成表明含矿岩体起源于亏损地幔的部分熔融,且源区同时受到了俯冲洋壳释放的流体和俯冲沉积物熔体的交代。拉萨地体南缘具有强亏损Nd-Hf同位素组成(εHf(t) 10、εNd(t) 4. 5)的侏罗纪斑岩体有利于形成斑岩型铜金矿化,寻找与新特提斯洋壳俯冲相关的斑岩型矿床的重点区域应该是侏罗纪岩体被同期火山岩覆盖的区域。  相似文献   
长江是我国最大的内陆航运交通要道,三峡大坝建成后,三峡库区长约360 km的河道水位大幅抬升,原航道两岸港口码头均被淹没。在三峡库区现状岸线环境及水库水位动态调蓄条件下,开发拓展新的岸线港口码头的适宜建设区域,具有重要实际意义。基于混合评价单元,选取了地形地貌、区域稳定性、工程地质条件、交通区位条件和生态敏感性5大类因素共14个评价因子,采用改进的综合指数评价模型,对三峡库区宜昌至万州段干流岸线港口建设场地进行了适宜性评价研究。评价结果显示: (1)适宜区占13.81%,较适宜区占25.80%,较不适宜区占31.38%,不适宜区占29.01%; (2)北岸适宜区主要分布在夷陵区乐天溪镇和太平溪镇,云阳县双江镇和万州城区上、下游一带; 南岸适宜区主要分布在秭归县茅坪镇,奉节县城南岸和万州城区南岸上、下游一带。研究评价结果对今后长江宜昌至万州段干流岸线港口资源开发选址具有一定的科技指导意义。  相似文献   
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