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西藏浦桑果铅锌多金属矿床位于南冈底斯成矿带火山岩浆弧内,矿区矽卡岩型铅锌矿体主要呈似层状和透镜状近东西向赋存于白垩系塔克那组第4岩性段矽卡岩化大理岩中,矽卡岩矿物较发育。为进一步查明矽卡岩矿物种属及矽卡岩类型,剖析矽卡岩的形成环境及其与成矿的关系,在对矽卡岩矿物系统的显微镜下鉴定基础上,利用电子探针对矿区内主要矽卡岩矿物化学成分进行了系统分析。结果表明,石榴子石主要为非连续的钙铁榴石钙铝榴石类质同像系列(And47.39~98.17Gro0.59~50.22Ura+Pyr+Spe0~3.53),且早期主要形成钙铁榴石,部分钙铁榴石含锰质较高;单斜辉石主要为钙铁辉石-锰钙辉石-透辉石类质同像系列(Hd37.91~74.16Jo0.91~61.66Di0.43~46.07);似辉石主要为硅灰石,端员组分为Wo99.09~99.26En0.50~0.56Fs0.13~0.24;角闪石主要为镁角闪石,具钙质角闪石属性;绿帘石贫铁、镁而富铝、钙;绿泥石属于密绿泥石类。矿床矽卡岩矿物组合特征表明,浦桑果矿床矽卡岩兼具钙质矽卡岩和锰质矽卡岩的特征。早期矽卡岩形成于高温、偏碱性、强氧化的开放体系中,成矿流体具有较高氧逸度。锰质矽卡岩矿物特征及独立银矿物的存在综合表明矿区具有银矿找矿潜力,为下步找矿工作提供了思路和方向。  相似文献   
根据变质构造和镜下显微组构的研究,提出了与Zwart,H.J.(1962,1963)的变斑晶包体S形构造成因观点不同的解释。结合包体和基质矿物成分、组构特征建立了递增变质作用中变斑状特征变质矿物形成的相对时间标志。以此确定了阿尔泰变质地带递增变质作用过程中一系列特征变质矿物及其相应的变质带的形成顺序。  相似文献   
The Wenchuan earthquake, measured at M s 8.0 according to the China Earthquake Administration, occurred at 14:28 on 12 May 2008 in the Sichuan Province of China. It brought overwhelming destruction to eight provinces and cities. Landslides and rock avalanches triggered by the earthquake produced 257 landslide lakes which were distributed along the fault rupture zone and river channels. The authors traveled to the disaster zone immediately after the earthquake to examine some of the features of the debris dams and performed a quick evaluation of the potential for outburst of earthquake-induced landslide lakes for the purpose of disaster relief. The preliminary analysis indicated that the landslide lakes could be classified as those exhibiting extremely high risk, medium risk, and low risk according to field observations and remote sensing, to determine material composition, dam structure, dam height, maximum water storage capacity, and size of the population potentially affected area. The failure risk of 21 debris dams were evaluated as follows: one dam with an extremely high danger risk, seven dams with a high danger, five dams with a medium danger, and eight dams of low danger. More concern was given to the Tangjiashan Lake and different scenarios for the potential sudden failure of its dam were assessed. The risk evaluation result was accepted in full, by the earthquake disaster relief office. A successful emergency dam treatment for risk reduction was planned, based on our assessments, and these measures were quickly carried out. According to this research, the earthquake destabilized the surrounding mountains, resulting in a prolonged geohazard for the area. Landslides and debris flows will continue to develop for at least 5 to 10 years after the Wenchuan earthquake and will produce additional dammed lakes. Recommendations and plans for earthquake–landslide lake mitigation were proposed, based on past successful practices.  相似文献   
本文是研究湿陷性黄土地基经强夯后(自原地面算起)消除黄土湿陷性的有效深度。为了建立强夯变量(夯锤重量W、落距H、夯锤底面积的半径r、夯击次数N、土的干容重γd和含水量w)与消除黄土湿陷性的有效深度之间的关系,作者做了黄土强夯的室内模型试验,取得强整变量与消除湿陷性的有效深度有关的各项数据,同时也收集了现场强夯试验的各项数据,应用统计分拆,得到了估算消除湿陷性的有效深度的经验公式。  相似文献   
利用取自东海东北部、冲绳海槽西侧陆坡的重力柱状岩芯DOC082(29°13.93′N,128°08.53′E;水深1128m),通过对碳酸钙、有机碳和蛋白石等生源组分含量的分析,结合浮游有孔虫、底栖有孔虫、放射虫和硅鞭藻等微体古生物化石丰度的变化以及底栖有孔虫属种组成特征,揭示了全新世东海东北部生物生产力的演变。研究结果显示,近10500cal.aB.P.以来生源组分含量和微体古生物化石丰度的演变趋势十分相似,明显分为3个阶段:约4000cal.aB.P.之前的早、中全新世明显偏低,大约在4000cal.aB.P.左右开始突然大幅度上升,而约3000cal.aB.P.以来的晚全新世以持续的高值为显著特征。生源组分含量、微体古生物化石丰度以及底栖有孔虫内生属种Uvigerina和Bulimina百分含量等指标的变化一致指示,东海东北部近10500cal.aB.P.以来古生产力演变的显著特征是早、中全新世明显偏低,约4000cal.aB.P.左右突然且大幅度上升,大约3000cal.aB.P.之后的晚全新世为生物生产力异常的高值期;同时有研究表明该区域的表层海水年平均温度(SST)也呈现了明显的三段式演变:早全新世10500~8400cal.aB.P.期间为持续的高值期、中全新世SST相对稳定、3100~500cal.aB.P.期间的晚全新世为显著的低SST时期[1]。近3000cal.aB.P.以来古生产力的异常高值和表层海水古温度的大幅度下降说明晚全新世区域海洋环境发生了明显的改变。据东海东北部现代生物生产力和表层海水温度的分布特征和控制机制、结合现代ElNio发生期间中国大陆气候和降水异常以及黑潮暖流变异的分析表明,近3000cal.aB.P.来东海东北部的环境异常可能是对晚全新世ElNio活动显著增强的反应。  相似文献   
广泛发育于内蒙古正镶白旗及邻区的额里图组的沉积建造近些年来被认为是我国北方晚古生代重要的潜在含油气地层,因其地处兴蒙构造带与华北板块拼合的交界区,并于中二叠世形成的一套一段下部以碎屑岩、上部以凝灰质胶结的苔藓虫生物格架礁灰岩、二段以浅海相喷出岩为特点的海相沉积-火山岩沉积建造。本文通过在前人研究的基础上,对正镶白旗贡淖尔地区额里图组剖面进行了修测、采样。重点对剖面下段的粗碎屑岩开展了详细的镜下岩相学研究,以及广泛发育的细碎屑岩进行了全岩主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征分析。结果表明:(1)砂岩的颗粒分选性差,主要呈棱角状-次棱角状,颗粒主要由火山岩岩屑、石英颗粒、长石、燧石组成,填隙物为凝灰物质和泥质杂基,整体上为近源快速堆积的低成熟度的岩屑长石硬砂岩;(2)细碎屑岩源区的古气候条件呈现出略微寒冷干燥→温暖湿润→略微寒冷干燥→温暖湿润→略微寒冷干燥的演变趋势,整体上属于温暖潮湿的气候环境;(3)细碎屑岩大多属于构造活跃地区的第一次旋回的沉积物,源区成分主要以上地壳的长英质火成岩和石英质沉积岩为特征;(4)源区大地构造背景为活动大陆边缘和大陆岛弧环境,沉积盆地为弧后盆地。  相似文献   
以新疆准东煤田西黑山勘查区西山窑组煤层为研究对象,采用成因参数法和煤相图解方法,同时结合沉积学方法进行煤岩、煤相分析,探讨泥炭沼泽类型及其演化规律。煤相参数研究显示,B1、B11、B21和B2煤层煤相总体为偏干燥的湿地森林和湿地森林沼泽,B12、B3和B4-5煤层总体为干燥森林沼泽;垂向上B1、B2、B3、B31和B6煤表现出显著的由湿地森林沼泽或偏干燥的湿地森林沼泽向干燥森林沼泽演化,反映覆水程度逐渐变浅,泥炭沼泽表面逐渐趋于干燥,表明成煤期泥炭堆积速率与基底的相对沉降速率持平或略高于基底沉降速率。  相似文献   
In this study, the concentrations of ambient total suspended particulates (TSP) and their dry deposition were measured using a PS-1 sampler with dry deposition plates at a wetland sampling site in central Taiwan during a sampling period from October 2016 to December 2016. The PS-1 sampler was fixed at set distances (1.5 and 2 m) from a dry deposition plate, and sampled particulate pollutants were sampled to determine their concentrations and dry deposition rates simultaneously. A dry deposition plate 3 m from the PS-1 sampler was also used to collect dry deposition particulate. This plate was also used to compare dry depositions from ambient air, collected from new device. The results thus obtained indicated that the average dry deposition rates on the dry deposition plates that were 1.5 and 2 m from the sampler were 103.15 and 103.94 µg/m2 min, respectively, in October, 83.36 and 100.18 µg/m2 min in November, and 171.2 and 157.5 µg/m2 min in December. These dry deposition rates were compared with that 3 m away from the PS-1 sampler. The statistical t test revealed no significant differences between the dry depositions on dry deposition plates at 1.5 and 2 m from the sampler. The dry deposition rates at 1.5 and 2 m from the sampler did not differ significantly from that at 3 m from the PS-1 sampler. This study proves that a PS-1 sampler can be combined with a dry deposition plate to measure TSP concentrations and dry depositions simultaneously using a single device.  相似文献   
Exposure of plants to ozone inhibits photosynthesis and therefore reduces vegetation production and carbon sequestration. The reduced carbon storage would then require further reductions in fossil fuel emissions to meet a given CO2 concentration target, thereby increasing the cost of meeting the target. Simulations with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) for the historical period (1860–1995) show the largest damages occur in the Southeast and Midwestern regions of the United States, eastern Europe, and eastern China. The largest reductions in carbon storage for the period 1950–1995, 41%, occur in eastern Europe. Scenarios for the 21st century developed with the MIT Integrated Global Systems Model (IGSM) lead to even greater negative effects on carbon storage in the future. In some regions, current land carbon sinks become carbon sources, and this change leads to carbon sequestration decreases of up to 0.4 Pg C yr−1 due to damage in some regional ozone hot spots. With a climate policy, failing to consider the effects of ozone damage on carbon sequestration would raise the global costs over the next century of stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 equivalents at 550 ppm by 6 to 21%. Because stabilization at 550 ppm will reduce emission of other gases that cause ozone, these additional benefits are estimated to be between 5 and 25% of the cost of the climate policy. Tropospheric ozone effects on terrestrial ecosystems thus produce a surprisingly large feedback in estimating climate policy costs that, heretofore, has not been included in cost estimates.  相似文献   
由于卫星高度计数据分辨率高、观测范围广的特点,我们使用该数据开展了黑潮流的研究。在之前的研究中,卫星绝对地转流都被用于对黑潮流域的表层流场的时空变化特征进行研究,并采用了一些探测方法提取了黑潮流轴和流路。然而,海面绝对地转流是由绝对动力地形估计得到,应该被当做实际流场的地转分量,在实际应用中并不能代表真实流场。在本研究中,建立了气候态绝对地转流与网格平均的漂流浮标流场间的数学校验关系,以此对卫星绝对地转流场进行修正,即便这两种数据的性质存在些许偏差。因此,基于主成分探测法,修正后的卫星绝对地转流被用于探测黑潮流轴和流路。对比结果表明,由修正后的卫星地转流场探测得到的黑潮流轴和流路均要好于地转流和表层流估计结果。修正后的地转流有助于开展更加准确的黑潮流轴和流路的逐日探测。  相似文献   
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