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Sea cucumbers are traditional marine food and Chinese medicine in Asia. The rapid expansion of sea cucumber market has resulted in various problems, such as commercial fraud and mislabeling. Conventionally, sea cucumber species could be distinguished by their morphological and anatomical characteristics; however, their identification becomes difficult when they are processed. The aim of this study was to develop a new convenient method of identifying and distinguishing sea cucumber species. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) was used to identifing five sea cucumber species (Apostichopus japonicus, Cucumaria frondosa, Thelenota ananas, Parastichopus californicus and Actinopyga lecanora). A 692 bp fragment of COI was searched for BamHI, KpnI, PstI, XbaI and Eco31I restriction sites with DNAMAN 6.0, which were then used to PCR-RFLP analysis. These five sea cucumber species can be discriminated from mixed sea cucumbers. The developed PCR-RFLP assay will facilitate the identification of sea cucumbers, making their source tracing and quality controlling feasible.  相似文献   
选取中国沿海海洋站中与验潮室并址的22个GNSS基准站近9 a的观测资料,利用最大似然估计法分析各站时间序列的噪声特性,建立最优噪声模型;然后顾及有色噪声,利用最优噪声模型估计测站速度,并与纯白噪声模型和GLOBK获取的速度及误差进行对比分析。结果表明:1)沿海海洋站的GNSS时间序列均含有有色噪声,各分量的噪声特性不完全一致,E方向和U分量均以白噪声+闪烁噪声为主,N分量以白噪声+闪烁噪声和白噪声+一阶马尔科夫噪声+随机漫步噪声为主。2)全国沿海3个海区N、E分量的白噪声和闪烁噪声基本呈现越往南噪声越大的规律,南海海区U分量的白噪声和闪烁噪声最大。3)顾及有色噪声的速度中误差是仅考虑白噪声和GLOBK估计的速度中误差估计值的5~10倍,这种差异比内陆观测站的要大。4)在对海洋站GNSS时间序列进行速度分析时,为获取正确的速度值,应该先准确判断噪声的类型,再顾及有色噪声的影响估计测站速度。  相似文献   
Watershed delineation is a required step when conducting any spatially distributed hydrological modelling. Automated approaches are often proposed to delineate a watershed based on a river network extracted from the digital elevation model (DEM) using the deterministic eight‐neighbour (D8) method. However, a realistic river network cannot be derived from conventional DEM processing methods for a large flat area with a complex network of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and polders, referred to as a plain river network region (PRNR). In this study, a new approach, which uses both hydrographic features and DEM, has been developed to address the problems of watershed delineation in PRNR. It extracts the river nodes and determines the flow directions of the river network based on a vector‐based hydrographic feature data model. The river network, lakes, reservoirs, and polders are then used to modify the flow directions of grid cells determined by D8 approach. The watershed is eventually delineated into four types of catchments including lakes, reservoirs, polders, and overland catchments based on the flow direction matrix and the location of river nodes. Multiple flow directions of grid cells are represented using a multi‐direction encoding method, and multiple outflows of catchments are also reflected in the topology of catchments. The proposed approach is applied to the western Taihu watershed in China. Comparisons between the results obtained from the D8 approach, the ‘stream burning’ approach, and those from the proposed approach clearly demonstrate an improvement of the new approach over the conventional approaches. This approach will benefit the development of distributed hydrological models in PRNR for the consideration of different types and multiple inlets and outlets of catchments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
马小明  吕萍 《中国沙漠》2016,36(2):302-306
风沙流研究越来越受到人们的重视,其中风沙流通量廓线研究起着重要作用。本文总结了3种典型地表(流沙地表、草方格地表、戈壁地表)风沙流通量廓线研究现状及存在问题。由于研究方法、研究区域及集沙效率的不同,风沙流通量廓线函数有指数函数、对数函数、幂函数、分段函数等多种,同一问题不同函数模拟结果差异可达到3倍,难以应用于实际。根据研究中存在的问题,提出风沙流通量廓线研究发展趋势。  相似文献   
Climate change impacts on regional rice production in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) production is an important contributor to China’s food security. Climate change, and its impact on rice production, presents challenges in meeting China’s future rice production requirements. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of how rice yield responds to climate change under different scenarios and assessed the associated simulation uncertainties of various regional-scale climate models. Simulation was performed based on a regional calibrated crop model (CERES-Rice) and spatially matched climatic (from 17 global climate models), soil, management, and cultivar parameters. Grain-filling periods for early rice were shortened by 2–7 days in three time slices (2030s, 2050s, and 2070s), whereas grain-filling periods for late rice were shortened by 10–19 days in three time slices. Most of the negative effects of climate change were predicted to affect single-crop rice in central China. Average yields of single-crop rice treated with CO2 fertiliser in central China were predicted to be reduced by 10, 11, and 11% during the 2030s, 2050s, and 2070s, respectively, compared to the 2000s, if planting dates remained unchanged. If planting dates were optimised, single-crop rice yields were predicted to increase by 3, 7, and 11% during the 2030s, 2050s, and 2070s, respectively. In response to climate changes, early and single-crop rice should be planted earlier, and late rice planting should be delayed. The predicted net effect would be to prolong the grain-filling period and optimise rice yield.  相似文献   
北京石花洞位于房山花岗岩体边缘向形带的东北扬起端,与北京猿人遗址南北相望。地层为460Ma前形成的中奥陶统马家沟组石灰岩,洞穴大形态从25Ma前的上新世开始形成,洞内钟乳石从0.37Ma前的中更新世开始形成。在中国岩溶洞穴中,北京石花洞的层数最多,洞穴钟乳石种类齐全,裂隙渗透水沉积的石盾多、体积大,滴水沉积的石笋叠置关系明显,池水沉积的月奶石发育好,全新世石笋微层理发育清晰。该洞的大形态反映了北京西山新构造运动的期次,可以同华北地文期和永定河阶地对比,洞内钟乳石记录了中更新世以来北京西山古环境的变化,可以建立第四纪剖面,与周口店洞穴群碎屑沉积物剖面进行对比。钙板的铀系年龄为334.99~366.74ka,可定名钙板组。粗犷石笋的铀系年龄为169~235ka,粗犷石笋的电子自旋共振年龄为130~518ka,为中更新世沉积,可定名云水洞组。杆状石笋的铀系年龄为14.9±2.1~100.3±11.1ka,为晚更新世沉积,可定名石花洞组。在全新世石笋中,微层与微层之间存在厚约1μm的条带状纹线,是划分微层层数的标志,具有微层理的石笋14C年龄为为0.58~2.50ka,AMS14C年龄为为130±100~670±130a,可定名守备支洞组。  相似文献   
本文在系统收集内蒙古林西-东乌旗地区晚古生代-早中生代岩浆岩的年代学、岩石地球化学以及锆石Hf同位素资料基础上,通过分析岩浆岩岩石组合随时空的变化规律,并结合区域地质资料,探讨了中亚造山带东南部洋盆演化和地壳增生等重要地质问题。研究结果表明,二连浩特-贺根山蛇绿岩带南、北两侧晚古生代-早中生代岩浆岩在年代学上显示不同的活动期次,具有不同岩石组合和地球化学特征,指示它们分属于不同的构造岩浆岩带。蛇绿岩带以北晚泥盆世-中二叠世岩浆活动在时间上呈连续分布的特征,并在晚石炭-早二叠世时期达到活动峰值。火成岩构造组合分析表明,晚泥盆世-石炭纪和早-中二叠世岩浆活动分别与二连浩特-贺根山洋盆向乌里雅斯太大陆边缘之下的俯冲和洋盆闭合后俯冲板片断离引起的软流圈上涌造成的区域伸展背景有关。蛇绿岩带以南岩浆活动时间上呈现石炭纪、早-中二叠世、晚二叠世-三叠纪幕式分布特征,各期岩浆活动前锋有随时间向南迁移的趋势。这三期岩浆活动分别与古亚洲洋板片向宝力道岛弧之下的俯冲、板片后撤以及洋盆消失之后古板块的碰撞造山作用有关。锆石Hf同位素分析表明,中亚造山带东南部晚古生代至早中生代时期存在显著的地壳增生;其中二连浩特-贺根山蛇绿岩带以北表现为地壳的垂向增生,以南表现为地壳的侧向增生。  相似文献   
静乐井水位前驱波重现性问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张淑亮  刘瑞春  吕芳 《中国地震》2012,28(2):200-213
以山西静乐井为研究对象,对井水位前驱波重现性问题进行了探讨。结果表明,相似地震前前驱波起始时间和波动周期在一定范围内具有较强的重现性,其比例可达63.1%;部分相似地震前前驱波的波动形态和幅度也存在一定的相似性,但在研究范围内前驱波各项特征均相似的地震尚未发现,其原因可能与前驱波的成因、传播途径、相似地震的震源区特征等因素有关。  相似文献   
中国高校"双一流"建设要求培养兼备专业能力与国际竞争力人才,而双语教学则是一条有效途径.以CIPP(context,input,process,product)课程评价模型为理论依据,根据测绘地理信息类专业双语教学的特点,从背景评估、输入评估、过程评估、成果评估4个方面构建了测绘地理信息类专业双语课程评价指标体系,为提...  相似文献   
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