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塔里木盆地寒武系—奥陶系底部发育了大量的白云岩, 白云岩中赋存丰富的油气资源, 但是由于塔里木盆地白云岩研究基础薄弱,限制了塔里木盆地白云岩型油气藏的勘探。本文选择塔中地区塔中1井下奥陶统藻纹层白云岩与夹层竹叶状白云岩作为对象,应用岩石学与地球化学方法对其成因问题进行了研究。藻纹层白云岩与夹层竹叶状白云岩的宏观构造与微观结构指示其可能形成于高能的潮坪环境;低有序度值(0.6)与塔北地区中寒武统阿瓦塔格组潮坪同沉积白云岩(有序度值0.61)特点一致,指示该白云岩结晶速率较快;同时,高Fe、Mn含量与低U、Mo含量也与氧化环境的潮坪相一致。藻纹层白云岩与夹层竹叶状白云岩δ18O值非常集中, 变化在-7.4‰~-5.8‰;87Sr/86Sr组成变化很小,在0.709015~0.709276之间,与前人报道的晚寒武世-早奥陶世海水同位素特征一致,同时白云岩的稀土元素配分模式也与下奥陶统泥晶灰岩一致,指示了白云岩的沉积/成岩物质来源于蒸发海水;白云岩δ13C值变化从-2.5‰~+1.6‰,并有着随深度增加而升高的变化规律,可能指示了古海洋的碳同位素氧化。藻纹层白云岩与夹层竹叶状白云岩的构造特点具有原生沉积特征,同时白云岩CaO与MgO含量的正相关关系也支持该白云岩原生沉积特点。因此,塔里木盆地塔中1井钻遇的下奥陶统藻纹层白云岩与夹层竹叶状白云岩为潮坪环境下,从蒸发海水中快速沉积形成的。  相似文献   
After compositing three representative ENSO indices,El Nio events have been divided into an eastern pattern(EP) and a central pattern(CP).By using EOF,correlation and composite analysis,the relationship and possible mechanisms between Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) and two types of El Nio were investigated.IOD events,originating from Indo-Pacific scale air-sea interaction,are composed of two modes,which are associated with EP and CP El Ni o respectively.The IOD mode related to EP El Nio events(named as IOD1) is strongest at the depth of 50 to 150 m along the equatorial Indian Ocean.Besides,it shows a quasi-symmetric distribution,stronger in the south of the Equator.The IOD mode associated with CP El Nio(named as IOD2) has strongest signal in tropical southern Indian Ocean surface.In terms of mechanisms,before EP El Nio peaks,anomalous Walker circulation produces strong anomalous easterlies in equatorial Indian Ocean,resulting in upwelling in the east,decreasing sea temperature there;a couple of anomalous anticyclones(stronger in the south) form off the Equator where warm water accumulates,and thus the IOD1 occurs.When CP El Nio develops,anomalous Walker circulation is weaker and shifts its center to the west,therefore anomalous easterlies in equatorial Indian Ocean is less strong.Besides,the anticyclone south of Sumatra strengthens,and the southerlies east of it bring cold water from higher latitudes and northerlies west of it bring warm water from lower latitudes to the 15° to 25°S zone.Meanwhile,there exists strong divergence in the east and convergence in the west part of tropical southern Indian Ocean,making sea temperature fall and rise separately.Therefore,IOD2 lies farther south.  相似文献   
董昊  徐海明  罗亚丽 《大气科学》2012,36(1):145-169
采用WRF模式模拟一次影响中国广东省的飑线过程, 分别选取Morrison、 Thompson07、 Thompson09和WDM6云微物理方案实施了四组试验, 每组试验包括不同云凝结核(CCN)浓度的三次模拟, 称为 “低浓度”、 “中浓度” 和 “高浓度”, 将模拟区域划分为深对流、 浅对流和层云区域, 对比分析四组试验中CCN浓度变化对模拟的总降水量、 不同区域降水率和不同区域面积的影响, 进一步分析了云微物理过程、 动力环流强度等受CCN浓度变化的影响。发现: (1) 由于不同云微物理过程与CCN浓度有着直接或间接的联系、 不同云微物理过程之间存在复杂的关联、 云微物理过程与动力环流之间发生非线性耦合, 采用不同的云微物理方案导致模拟的CCN—降雨影响既有相似、 也有差异; (2)模拟的CCN—降水影响在采用Thompson09和Thompson07方案时更显著, 采用WDM6方案时最小; (3)四组模拟试验均出现CCN浓度增加延迟降水产生、 初期降水减弱的情况, 在模拟后期降水量也随着CCN浓度增加而减小, 而飑线成熟阶段CCN—降水影响更加复杂。  相似文献   
地磁场与气候变化关系的新探索   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对地磁场与气候变化的统计研究早已表明,二者有很好的相关关系。本文的目的是对它们的关系给出一种可能的物理解释。利用近600年的地磁场模型资料和全球平均温度序列分析了两者变化的关系,发现它们有很好的对应,且地磁场变化超前于全球气温变化。从地磁场的变化来看,21世纪初全球变暖的趋势应该减缓。文中对地表浅层热场(地热带、火山和地温场)的分布特征与地球内部软流圈-岩石圈边界上焦耳热场的分布特征进行了对比分析。结果表明,地表浅层热场与地球深层焦耳热的分布有很好的对应关系,这可能暗示地表浅层热场是地球深层焦耳热的反映,地磁场通过焦耳热的不断释旋影响气候变化。  相似文献   
Synthesis analysis and singular value decomposition (SVD) methods were used to study the impact of surface air temperature (SAT) over Asian-Pacific region on the summertime northeastern Asian blocking high (NABH) with NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data.The results showed that 500 hPa geopotential height and SAT fields over Asian-Pacific region shared the similar pattern of East Asian Pacific (EAP) wave train;there was steady remote response relationship between the EAP wave train in summer and the "+-+" pattern of tropical SAT in zonal direction from former winter to summer;there were two relative negative(positive) Walker circulations over the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific when being more(less) summertime NABH. The influence of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) on the summertime NABH was possibly as follows.The special distribution of SSTA in tropical zonal direction continuously forced the tropical convection and zonal circulation from former winter to summer,and led them to act anomaly.Finally the abnormal conditions were transported to middle-high latitudes through EAP wave train and yielded the advantageous or disadvantageous atmospheric circulation background for the summertime NABH.  相似文献   
GAMIL2.0 is the newly released version of the Grid-point Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG(GAMIL),in which the major modifications from GAMIL1.0 include an updated deep convection scheme and the incorporation of a two-moment bulk stratiform cloud microphysics scheme.This study evaluates the performances of both versions on Madden Julian Oscillation(MJO) simulations.The results show that GAMIL2.0 obtains an enhanced MJO eastward and northward propagation,which is weak in GAMIL1.0,and it reproduces a more reasonable MJO major structure coupling upper level wind,lower level wind,and outgoing long wave radiation.The contributions of each scheme and factor to the improvement of GAMIL2.0 simulations need further study.  相似文献   
较全面地介绍了北京气候中心气候系统模式(BCC_CSM)研发所取得的一些进展及其在气候变化研究中的应用,重点介绍了全球近280 km较低分辨率的全球海-陆-气-冰-生物多圈层耦合的气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和110 km中等大气分辨率的BCC_CSM1.1(m),以及大气、陆面、海洋、海冰各分量模式的发展。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)气候系统模式均包含了全球碳循环和动态植被过程。当给定全球人类活动导致的碳源排放后,就可以模拟和预估人类活动对气候变化的影响。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)已应用于IPCC AR5模式比较,为中外开展气候变化机理分析和未来气候变化预估提供了大量的试验数据。还介绍了BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)参与国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的大量试验分析评估结果,BCC_CSM能够较好地模拟20世纪气温和降水等气候平均态和季节变化特征,以及近1000年的历史气候变化,所预估的未来100年气候变化与国际上其他模式的CMIP5试验预估结果相当。初步的分析表明,分辨率相对高的BCC_CSM1.1(m)在区域气候平均态的模拟上优于分辨率较低的BCC_CSM1.1。  相似文献   
The interannual and intermonthly climatic features of the water vapor content(hereafterWVC)and its mean transfer in the atmosphere over Northwest China(hereafter NWC)arecalculated and analyzed by using the NCEP/NCAR global reanalysis grid data(2.5°×2.5°Lat/Lon)for 40 years(1958—1997).The results show that the WVC in the total air column over NWC infour seasons of the year is mainly concentrated on eastern and western NWC respectively.On theaverage,the WVC over eastern NWC decreases obviously during recent forty years except forwinter.while it decreases over western NWC in the whole year.But the WVC over NWC has beenincreasing since late 1980s in summer.The water vapor comes from the southwestern warm andwet air current along the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley and the Bay of Bengal.and from mid-western Tibetan Plateau and also from the Qinling Mountains at southern Shaanxi Province.Theyearly water vapor divergence appears over the middle of NWC to northern Xinjiang andsoutheastern Shaanxi Province.The yearly water vapor convergence appears over the Tarim Basinand the Tibetan Plateau as well as western Sichuan and southern Gansu.  相似文献   
近百年来,全球气候正经历着一次以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,全球气候与环境的重大变化对中国的气候与环境演变也产生了重大影响。来自气候、环境、海洋和经济社会科学等领域的百余位专家和学者对中国气候与环境的演变及其对自然生态系统和社会经济部门的影响进行了评估,在此基础上,提出了适应和减缓气候变化的对策。本文主要阐述在全球气候变化背景下中国气候与环境的演变,并对未来气候变化的趋势做出了预测。  相似文献   
近40年北疆年积雪日数变化的CEOF分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
通过1961—2001年间北疆年积雪日数的CEOF分析,研究了40年来北疆年降雪日数的时空变化特点。结果表明:北疆年积雪日数场有波动特征。第一种类型为南—北一致偏多(偏少)型,空间位相相近,并有6.4年和3.6年的周期。第二种类型为西南—东北一致偏多(偏少)型,空间位相相近,并有6.4年的周期。第一复主分量的时间位相和第二复主分量的时间振幅峰值年可用于年积雪日数的预测。  相似文献   
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