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To determine carbonate contents of deep sea sediments using physical properties is an enjoyable and efficient paleoceanographic way, which has been processed successfully in many studies based on a low resolution, but rather than a high one. A series of mathematical methods including the least square method were used in this study to build multiple regression equations between color reflectance and carbonate content, and between magnetic susceptibility and carbonate content, based on the data of color reflectance and magnetic susceptibility collected via the ODP Leg 184 cruise, as well as measured carbonate contents. We found that percent carbonate estimated with diffuse reflectance is closer to the measured one than that estimated with magnetic susceptibility, and the multiple regression equation is varied in different sites.  相似文献   
运用GIS实现造山带侵蚀与沉积建模的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用GIS建模方法探讨造山带侵蚀与沉积模型的建立,分析和综合了国际上近年来侵蚀与沉积的建模研究成果,总结出最佳模型,并对用这种模型成功进行的模拟实验作了评价。  相似文献   
Exceptionally preserved fossils,such as those from Cambrian Burgess Shale-type fossil-Lagerstatten are critical because of their unique contributions to knowledge of the phylogenetic radiation and palaeoecological expansion of metazoans during the Cambrian explosion.Critically,these deposits provide information that is usually unobtainable from shelly and skeletonized fossils alone.The Guanshan Biota(Cambrian Series 2,Stage 4)in the Yunnan Province of South China,has produced abundant and diverse,exquisitely preserved fossils that often retain soft tissues and organs.To date,most fossils from the Guanshan Biota have been collected from localities such as Gaoloufang and Gangtoucun,which have become inaccessible due to new urban expansions and constructions of residential buildings.Here we present the first report of soft bodied fossils from a new section at Kanfuqing,close to the Wulongqing village in Malong County,approximately 3 km east of the Wulongqing Formation stratotype section.Fossils retain soft morphology,and include brachiopods with delicate marginal setae,priapulids with well-preserved sclerites and vetulicolians with entire sections of body.In addition,this fauna includes rare occurrences of trilobites preserved with soft tissues replicated as pyrite pseudomorphs after weathering.This discovery represents an important palaeogeographical extension of soft-bodied fossils of the Guanshan fauna to the east of the Xiaojiang Fault(related to Tsinning tectonic movements ca.700 Ma).The fauna from the new Kanfuqing section is similar to that reported from the Wulongqing Formation west of the Xiaojiang Fault,and thus has significant implications for early Cambrian palaeogeography,faunal successions and palaeoenvironments of eastern Yunnan.  相似文献   

运用伊利石结晶度线性剥离法,定量计算了华南、台湾和吕宋这3个主要物源区对南海北部陆坡MD12-3432和MD12-3434两个岩芯(分别为50.80 m和8.33 m)MIS 2期粘土相对贡献量的时间序列变化。结果显示,台湾对两个岩芯的贡献最大(36%~62%),吕宋的贡献次之(28%~50%),二者之和一般大于90%,而来自华南的贡献最小(3%~17%)。台湾和吕宋的贡献量呈现显著反向的千年时间尺度快速波动,二者贡献量随东亚夏季风增强或减弱而显著变化,因此,吕宋/台湾贡献量比值可以用于指示东亚夏季风的快速演化。吕宋/台湾粘土贡献量比值在Bølling-Allerød和Dansgaard-Oeschger 2事件期间的增加,反映了同时期东亚夏季风的快速增强;而在Heinrich 1和Heinrich 2事件期间的减小,则指示了东亚夏季风的减弱。吕宋/台湾贡献量比值对东亚夏季风快速变化的指示,在一定程度上要明显优于蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值。南海北部MIS 2期粘土矿物对东亚夏季风快速变化的响应具有明显的空间差异性,受洋流搬运扰动和物源控制作用影响,陆坡相对浅水区粘土矿物记录的东亚夏季风快速变化信息相对有限,而深水稳定的沉积环境则更有利于保存东亚夏季风快速变化信息。

海洋正在经历变暖和酸化等人类活动引发的全球变化的影响,而深海沉积储存着地球演变历史时期由自然因素驱动过去全球变化的详细档案,通过探究其现今和过去全球变化过程,能够揭示全球变化的特征和规律,为预测未来变化提供依据。近年来在该领域的突出研究进展,是针对社会选择的未来排放轨迹,在深海记录中都能够找到相应的类似情形,用于评估未来地球系统各种变化的过程和后果。其中,以Dansgaard-Oeschger变化为代表的千年尺度事件、以厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)和北大西洋涛动(NAO)为代表的十年尺度气候变化事件,是最接近现今地球变暖的快速气候变化场景。地球系统的发展轨迹目前正处于人类排放温室气体的“热室地球”路径的起点上,如果地球超过了这个“临界点”,它将沿着一条不可逆的道路进入“热室地球”状态,另一种路径则是通向“稳定地球”状态。深海沉积档案中的类似情形能够为社会选择未来排放的轨迹提供重要参考。全球变化研究面临的重大挑战是重新认识其关键过程的理论机制。以海洋变暖和酸化影响硅藻和颗石藻的海洋生物泵过程为例,传统知识认为酸化有利于硅藻建造,但最新的围隔实验研究却发现酸化大幅减少全球硅藻输出;传统知识认为酸化导致海洋生物钙化危机,但近期针对中生代大洋缺氧事件的黑色页岩研究,发现颗石藻的碳酸钙输出在海洋酸化期间大幅增加。这些颠覆性的认识严重挑战了传统全球变化某些关键过程的理论体系。  相似文献   
古城墙由于长年雨、雪水的侵蚀,容易造成城墙内部砖层、土体疏松等病害区域的发生,然而如何确定这些病害的位置、深度、规模等,是非常棘手的问题。探地雷达作为一种无损探测手段,具有探测效率高、分辨率高、结果直观等特点,对探测目标体不会造成任何损伤。结合工程实例,采用探地雷达技术对古城墙顶面进行探测。根据对探地雷达图谱进行处理分析,并选取5处有代表性的雷达图谱进行轻型动力触探验证。结合轻型动力触探验证资料,综合解释分析,提高了查找病害区域的准确性,同时说明探地雷达在古城墙探测中的适用性。  相似文献   
Mesoscale eddies are active and energetic in the South China Sea (SCS), and play an important role in regulating the multi-scale circulation and mass transportation in the region, especially for those long-lived strong eddies. Using AVISO altimeter data and outermost closed contour sea level anomaly method, this study identified and tracked mesoscale eddies in the northern SCS during 2011-2018, and focused on the temporal and spatial characteristics of mesoscale eddies in recent years. Similarly to previous results in this region, statistical results show that about 8.6 anticyclonic eddies and 4.5 cyclonic eddies (lifetime > 28 days) were born per year. Among them, about 1/3 of the total number are strong eddies (lifetime > 45 days), showing relatively strong dynamic characteristics, such as strong Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) and highly nonlinear feature. Statistics also show significant seasonal variability in mesoscale eddies’ birth places, trajectories and distribution of frequency of occurrence. Specifically, anticyclonic eddies mainly form at the north part of Luzon Strait between autumn and winter, and then move southwestward along isobaths. During this period, the largest value of the frequency of occurrence is over 30%. In summer, most of them form in the west off Luzon Island, and then move westward paralleling to latitude lines. In contrast, cyclonic mainly form in the west off Luzon Strait, and then move westward in winter and spring. During this period, the largest value is about 26%. In addition, observation finds that the strong mesoscale eddy pair could generate off the southwest of Taiwan Island. Analysis of the Kuroshio SCS Index (KSI) implies that loop current caused by Kuroshio intrusion is the most important mechanism for the formation of eddy pair.  相似文献   
Apart from previously reported Small Shelly Fossils (SSFs), a macroscopic fossil assemblage, comprising abundant algae, cone-shaped tubular fossil forms, and probable impressions of a megascopic metazoan, comes from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area of western Hubei Province, south China. The visible fossils are preserved in thin-laminated siltstone or muddy siltstone intercalated between 8–15 mm-thick carbonate deposits, probably representing sedimentary settings of a constrained local depression in the shallow water carbonate platform during the Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage. The macroscopic fossil association provides significant fossil evidence about the evolution of life from the late Precambrian to the ‘Cambrian explosion’ interval.  相似文献   
南海南部低海平面时期巽他陆架陆源碎屑的物源区变化,对于研究海陆变迁过程古环境演化具有重要意义.选择巽他陆架外缘对海平面变化影响非常敏感的氧同位素3期岩心记录(18282-2孔),开展高分辨率陆源碎屑粘土矿物分析,以期获得海平面变化影响下的物源区演化历史.研究结果显示,在氧同位素3期44.5~36.0 cal ka BP期间,巽他陆架外缘含有较高的蒙脱石(29%~44%)与中等含量的高岭石(21%~27%)、伊利石(19%~27%)和绿泥石(14%~20%).物源区分析表明,这个时期的蒙脱石主要由苏门答腊岛和泰国中部河流提供,高岭石主要由马来半岛、苏门答腊岛和婆罗洲西部河流提供,而伊利石和绿泥石主要由湄公河提供.在此期间,海平面长时间位于-80 m以下,巽他出露陆架上发育的大型古河流(北巽他河、古昭披耶河及古湄公河)可将来自周边物源区的陆源碎屑物质直接输送到陆架外缘.研究岩心的蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值与海平面变化具有良好的对应关系:当海平面下降时,蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值增大;反之亦然.这一现象表明海平面变化是影响巽他陆架外缘氧同位素3期沉积环境演化的最重要因素,即海平面升降...  相似文献   
MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC DATING:IMPLICATIONS FOR TERTIARY EVOLUTION OF THE HOH XIL BASIN, NORTHERN TIBET1 BGMRQ (BureauofGeologyandMineralResourcesofQinghai) .RegionalgeologyofQinghai(inChinesewithEnglishab stract) [M] .Beijing :ChinaGeolPress,1991. 2 CowardWP ,KiddWSF ,Pang,Y ,etal.Thestructureof1985TibetGeotraverse ,LhasatoGolmud.In:Sino BritishComprehensiveGeologicalExpeditionTeamoftheQinghai TibetPlateau.ThegeologicalevolutionoftheQin…  相似文献   
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