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利用伴随同化方法估计渤海潮汐模式的底摩擦系数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用伴随同化方法,根据岸边潮位站的水位观测资料反演渤海二维非线性潮汐模型的底摩擦系数。计算结果与潮位站观测资料符合良好。结果表明利用伴随同化方法从岸边潮位观测资料估计潮汐模式的底摩擦系数是可行的。  相似文献   
The erosion of sediment by wind and the resulting mass flux density profile is thought to be described by a mathematical function that bears information on the mechanisms responsible for the movement of individual particles by the wind, and such functions have been studied extensively. In this study several functions are evaluated that have been proposed to describe the variation in mass flux density with height of wind‐blown sediment, with the flux containing a mixture of particles in suspension and saltation, based on detailed field data at four land types in the Minqin area of north‐western China, where severe wind erosion occurs. High‐resolution mass flux density measurements at 50 heights, collected at 20 mm intervals to a height of 1 m above the surface, were obtained using vertically segmented samplers. Three kinds of functions fit the measured flux density profiles reasonably well, but a three‐parameter modified exponential function is preferred because it contains fewer coefficients to be defined and provides a reasonably good fit to the measured mass flux density profiles. This and previous conclusions suggest that the decay with height of mass flux density of sediments dominated by saltation particles as in the present study tends to follow a modified exponential function law, but a modified power function law replaces the modified exponential function law when the height extends to a level high enough to be dominated by suspension particles. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Experimental study on the viscoelastic behaviors of debris flow slurry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rheological properties of most liquid in nature are between liquids and solids,including both elastic changes and viscosity changes,that is socalled "viscoelastic".Dynamic oscillatory test was used to quantitatively study the distinct viscoelastic behaviors of debris flow slurry in the shear stress conditions for the first time in this study.The debris flow slurry samples were from Jiangjiagou Ravine,Yunnan Province,China.The experimental results were found that at the low and middle stages of shearing,when the angular velocity ω<72.46 s-1,the loss modulus(G") was greater than the storage modulus(G’),i.e.G">G’.At the late stage of shearing,when the angular velocity ω≧72.46 s-1,the storage modulus was greater than or equal to the loss modulus,i.e.G’≧G",tanδ≦1(where phase-shift angleδ=G"/G’),and the debris flow slurry was in a gel state.Therefore,the progress of this experimental study further reveals the mechanism of hyperconcentrated debris flows with a high velocity on low-gradient ravines.  相似文献   
白令海深海异常沉积特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国历次北极科学考察航次在白令海北部陆坡及海盆等深水区所采集的沉积物样品,对其开展沉积学等研究,系统归纳该海域常见的异常沉积类型及特征,并初步探讨其可能成因。BR02孔出现至少3段浊积层,浊积层主要分布于末次冰消期至中全新世。B5-4孔存在至少2段火山碎屑沉积层,其沉积年代分别约为1.3 ka BP和13.2 ka BP。B5-7站表层沉积物中的硅藻组合以新近系硅藻化石Kisseleviella carina Sheshukova-Poretzkaya和Kisseleviella ezoensis Akib为主,且与附近海域其他表层沉积物的硅藻组合面貌差异明显,可能是沉积物再沉积结果,其初始沉积年代大约为早中新世。白令海北部陆缘/陆坡区附近遍布的海底大峡谷对该区沉积物沉积过程具有重要影响,可能是导致该区浊流沉积与再沉积物的主要原因。此外,白令海位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块及北美板块交汇区边缘,其独特的地理位置决定该区地震与火山等构造活动相对活跃,进而进一步促使该区海底异常沉积现象频发。  相似文献   
本文以重庆市巴南区地热资源为研究对象,先对区内地热资源的开发利用现状进行简述,并分别用开采率法及开采试验法对其可开采资源量进行计算,得出区内年可开采量分别为3,427.5×104m3、3,523.75×104m3,其中开采试验法有理论依据可循,本文将开采试验法所计算的结果3,523.7×104m3作为区内地热资源年可开采量。而年开发利用量仅占可开采资源量的13.91%,说明了区内地热资源开发潜力较大。  相似文献   
To simulate the dynamic process of total nitrogen (TN) in seas, numerical modelling combined with the adjoint method is implemented in this study. Because nonpoint source terms (ST) and initial values (IV) of TN are essential but difficult to determine, the adjoint method was applied to a numerical model, and the ST and IV terms of TN were inverted via routine monitoring data in the Bohai Sea. In twin experiments, the adjoint method was capable of inverting the prescribed spatio-temporally distributed ST and the spatial distributed IV. In practical experiments, the results demonstrated that the simulation precision with ST inversion was higher than that with IV inversion and was accurate with joint initial values and source term (IST) inversion. This result indicates that nonpoint source TN is essential for the simulation of TN concentration. Furthermore, the simulated results indicate that the pollution in three bays of the Bohai Sea is rather severe. The model in this study is not specific to the Bohai Sea and can be generalized to other areas, such as the Beibu Gulf. These findings may assist in the development of cost-effective controls for accidental or planned industrial pollutant releases into coastal waters.  相似文献   
基于农户调研的中国农村居民点空心化程度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于中国范围的乡村人居环境调研数据,分析了中国农村宅基地空心现象。结果表明:中国农村宅基地空心化严重,93.5%的调研村庄有空心化现象,平均空心化率达到10.2%。省域农村宅基地空心化差异明显,其中华北、华东、华中地区普遍较高; 多种因素导致农村宅基地空心化,认为是“外出务工”、“户口迁移”、“房屋年久失修”及“一户多宅” 的受访者分别占39.94%,19.51%,25.73%和14.82%。 中国农村空心化宅基地再利用潜力巨大,但再利用难度大,需要从改革城乡二元体制和乡村空间重构的角度进行空心村整治。  相似文献   
王萍  陈洪滨  吕达仁 《大气科学》2003,27(6):1067-1076
用差分光学吸收光谱(DOAS)方法,从曙暮光天顶散射可见光光谱资料反演了北京上空的O3和NO2柱含量,并对反演结果进行了验证和误差分析.斜柱含量的反演采用了线性和非线性最小二乘拟合方法,拟合时考虑了O3、NO2和H2O的吸收、Ring效应和散射的影响;斜柱含量除以空气质量因子转换成垂直柱含量.空气质量因子的计算使用伪球面DISORT辐射传输模式.O3和NO2总量的检验分别用北京的Dobson O3资料和卫星SAGE Ⅱ的NO2廓线资料.反演的O3总量与Dobson O3总量相比偏差小于10%;NO2总量与SAGE Ⅱ的偏差约20%.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地沙漠化风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于气象、土地利用类型与植被覆盖指数等数据,采用层次分析法与加权综合评分法评价了科尔沁沙地沙漠化风险。结果表明:1995、2000、2010年科尔沁沙地沙漠化风险指数平均值分别为0.420、0.428、0.437,16年来科尔沁沙地沙漠化处于高度风险水平。科尔沁沙地沙漠化风险等级在空间分布上表现为北部与西部沙漠化风险等级低,南部与东部为沙漠化高风险区。1995-2010年科尔沁沙地各旗县沙漠化风险等级存在差异,开鲁县的沙漠化风险由高度风险转变为极高度风险等级,扎鲁特旗的沙漠化风险由中度风险转变为低度风险等级,敖汉旗、巴林右旗、科尔沁区与科尔沁左翼中旗的沙漠化风险等级波动变化,其余旗县的沙漠化风险等级未变化。1995-2010年科尔沁沙地沙漠化中度,高度风险等级的面积分别减少了16 544.76、4 223.25 km2,低度,极高度风险等级的面积分别增加了16 544.76、4 223.25 km2。区域沙漠化风险的主要影响因素为年降水量、年均风速、植被覆盖指数、沙漠化土地面积与载畜量,植被覆盖指数增加有助于区域沙漠化风险的降低。  相似文献   
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