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Scientific interpretation of the driving forces of built-up land expansion is essential to urban planning and policy-making. In general, built-up land expansion results from the interactions of different factors, and thus, understanding the combined impacts of built-up land expansion is beneficial. However, previous studies have primarily been concerned with the separate effect of each driver, rather than the interactions between the drivers. Using the built-up land expansion in Beijing from 2000 to 2010 as a study case, this research aims to fill this gap. A spatial statistical method, named the geographical detector, was used to investigate the effects of physical and socioeconomic factors. The effects of policy factors were also explored using physical and socioeconomic factors as proxies. The results showed that the modifiable areal unit problem existed in the geographical detector, and 4000 m might be the optimal scale for the classification performed in this study. At this scale, the interactions between most factors enhanced each other, which indicated that the interactions had greater effects on the built-up land expansion than any single factor. In addition, two pairs of nonlinear enhancement, the greatest enhancement type, were found between the distance to rivers and two socioeconomic factors: the total investment in fixed assets and GDP. Moreover, it was found that the urban plans, environmental protection policies and major events had a great impact on built-up land expansion. The findings of this study verify that the geographical detector is applicable in analysing the driving forces of built-up land expansion. This study also offers a new perspective in researching the interactions between different drivers.  相似文献   
岩溶水流系统特征研究有助于地下水资源的合理评价和开发利用。借鉴水文学的研究方法,统计并量化了典型岩溶水流系统的空间特征以及其水文动态响应、温度场和电导率特征。划分了扇状、树枝状、平行状、梳状4种地下水系来综合反映岩溶水流系统的地表-地下岩溶特征,前两者主管道垂直于地层走向,构造裂隙起汇水作用,后两者主管道平行于地层走向,层面裂隙起汇水作用。黄陵穹隆西北翼、西翼和南翼以平行状和树枝状为主,东翼和北翼则以扇状水系和平行状水系为主。不同地下水系结构的形成及区域差异与含水系统和水系的空间关系和级次性密切相关,并表现出不同的动态特征。扇状和平行状岩溶水流系统对降雨响应最为敏感,而梳状水系岩溶水流系统响应和衰减过程最慢;基于岩溶地下水温度与出露高程和循环深度显著相关的关系建立了鄂西山区地下水温度线。这一基础性研究可为岩溶地下水流系统研究和当地工程实践提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   
张宝胜 《探矿工程》1994,(4):9-11,15
讨论了DPP100-3型钻机在改型设计中动力匹配,改换汽车底盘的轴荷分配,改装部分的传动装置布置等,主要以选用CA141S型汽车底盘的改型设计为例进行说明。  相似文献   
First multi-wavelength photometric light curves(LCs) of the short-period eclipsing binary(EB)1 SWASP J034439.97+030425.5(hereafter J0344) are presented and analyzed by using the 2013 version of the Wilson-Devinney(W-D) code. To explain the asymmetric LCs of J0344, a cool star-spot on the less massive component was employed. The photometric solutions suggest that J0344 is a W-subtype shallow contact EB with a contact degree of f = 4.9% ± 3.0% and a mass ratio of q = 2.456 ± 0.013. Moreover,an obvious third light was detected in our analysis. We calculated the average luminosity contribution of the third light to the total light, and that value reaches up to 49.78%. Based on the O-C method,the variations of the orbital period were studied for the first time. Our O-C diagram reveals a secular decrease superimposed on a cyclic oscillation. The orbital period decreases at a rate of d P/dt =-6.07 ×10~(-7) d yr~(-1), which can be explained by the mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one. Besides, its O-C diagram also shows a cyclic oscillation with an amplitude of 0.0030 d and a period about 7.08 yr, which can be explained by the presence of a third body with a minimum mass of M3 min= 0.15 ± 0.02 M_⊙. The third component may play an important role in the formation and evolution of J0344 by drawing angular momentum from the central system.  相似文献   
滇西羊拉铜矿床稀土元素地球化学研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
滇西羊拉铜矿是近年来发现的大型铜矿床。本文系统研究了该矿床不同岩石、矿石、矿石矿物及脉石矿物的稀土元素地球化学特征,研究表明:矿区花岗闪长岩具有与壳幔型花岗岩类相似的稀土元素特征;早期形成的块状硫化物矿石及其矿物中稀土元素含量高,富集轻稀土,具有负Eu异常,与赋矿地层碎屑岩、硅质岩的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分相似,反映其成矿物质来源于上地壳;中晚期形成的夕卡岩矿石及破碎带充填、交代型矿石及其矿物中  相似文献   
斜方蓝辉铜矿在我国的发现及其微结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作者在我国福建省上杭紫金山铜矿中发现了一种具有页片构造的Cu-S矿物。其基质相的化学式可表示为Cu1.756S,与1969年在日本发现的斜方蓝辉铜矿的化学式一致,这是该矿物在我国的首次发现;该矿物页片相的化学式可表示为Cu1.684S,是笔者未曾描述过的一种新的Cu-S矿物相,该矿物基质相和页片相混合的X射线衍射图谱上的绝大多数峰与合成斜方蓝辉铜矿的衍射峰可对应。由此,笔者认为上述成分略有差异的连  相似文献   
兴隆庄煤矿3煤顶板岩层富水性分区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了矿井顶板水害及防治现状,以兴隆庄煤矿4318工作面为例,用信息拟合方法对顶板富水性进行分区,应用模糊评判预测方法进行了顶板水量预测计算:涌水量等级为3级,正常涌水量为0.5~1.5m^3/min,最大涌水量为2.25m^3/min,与实际涌水量一致。  相似文献   
\"西气东输\"工程沿线煤层气资源开发潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“西气东输”工程经过多个大型煤层气田,总资源量近10万亿m^3,相当于塔里木盆地的天然气资源量,工程沿线的沁水,鄂尔多斯盆地是我国煤层气勘探开发的重点区域,已经取得了煤层气产气量的突破。“西气东输”工程的实施,为勘探开发煤层气创造了管网条件。  相似文献   
介绍了地壳流体CO2的3个主要成因:有机成因、变质成因及幔源成因,并着重讨论了CO2气体的稳定同位素13C的示踪性能;总结了由地壳释放CO2的主要方式、上升通道及其存在形态。在回顾地壳流体CO2等释放在目前地震监测、预报及相关研究中的主要研究进展的同时,指出地壳深部流体(CO2、He、CH4等)在同位素地球化学、深源流体运移与地震活动、深源流体对震源介质的影响等。此外,提出对深源流体监测不能仅限单一组分(CO2)的监测,需多种深源成分(He、Ne、Ar、H2、CH4)同时监测。  相似文献   
This article extends a signal-based approach formerly proposed by the authors, which utilizes the fractal dimension of time frequency feature(FDTFF) of displacements, for earthquake damage detection of moment resist frame(MRF), and validates the approach with shaking table tests. The time frequency feature(TFF) of the relative displacement at measured story is defined as the real part of the coefficients of the analytical wavelet transform. The fractal dimension(FD) is to quantify the TFF within the fundamental frequency band using box counting method. It is verified that the FDTFFs at all stories of the linear MRF are identical with the help of static condensation method and modal superposition principle, while the FDTFFs at the stories with localized nonlinearities due to damage will be different from those at the stories without nonlinearities using the reverse-path methodology. By comparing the FDTFFs of displacements at measured stories in a structure, the damage-induced nonlinearity of the structure under strong ground motion can be detected and localized. Finally shaking table experiments on a 1:8 scale sixteen-story three-bay steel MRF with added frictional dampers, which generate local nonlinearities, are conducted to validate the approach.  相似文献   
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