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采用分子动力学模拟,研究了西藏拉果错盐湖卤水中阴、阳离子以及水分子间的相互作用行为。以盐湖卤水等温蒸发过程中粒子浓度变化的四个阶段为研究对象,分别计算了不同体系的扩散系数、配位数、均方位移和径向分布函数。计算结果表明,液相浓度越低时,H2O分子对各离子之间的相互作用有抑制作用,液相中离子浓度越高时,SO42-易与CO32-竞争Li+形成离子对,从而影响盐湖卤水中Li+的富集。本文研究结果对盐湖卤水中Li+的迁移行为作出了机理解释,为盐湖卤水提锂的发展奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) was purified from hemolymph of infected shrimp. After nucleic acid extraction from the purified virus particles, EcoR I-digested fragments of the WSSV genome were cloned; three of these fragments were used as non-radioactive probes labeled with DIG-11-dUTP. The probes hybridized in situ, with sections located in the nuclei of all WSSV-infected tissues. The virus was detected in the gill, stomach, epidermis, and connective tissue and so on, but not detected in healthy shrimp tissues and epithelial cells of hepatopancreatic tubules of diseased shrimp. This work was supported by SRF for ROCS, SEM and the National 863 Project (Grant 819-Q-08) and Project under major State Basic Research Development Program (Grant G1999012002).  相似文献   
Traditionally,patch-based analysis at the landscape scale fragmentation has been used in the study of landscape ecology while the study of boundary and node has not been considered as much detail until recently.This study investigated the possibility of applying boundary-and node-based methods in landscape pattern analysis to the upper reaches of the Minjiang River in the southwestern China.Boundary-based and node-based landscape indices were selected to be used in analyzing changes in landscape patterns,and the results were compared with analysis using traditional pattern indices.We compared the responses of patch-area-based,boundary-length-based and node-number-based indices,and concluded that boundary-based and node-based indices are more sensitive to disturbance than patch-based indices with various patterns,and node-based indices are even more sensitive than boundary-based ones.Thus,the results suggest that boundary-based and node-based pattern analysis methods provide helpful supplementary information to traditional patch-based pattern analysis methods.The results about pattern dynamics of landscapes in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River based on boundaries and nodes showed that with human disturbance,the dominance of forest landscape was weakened by other landscape types; thus the landscape pattern of the study area became more homogeneous and the boundary network became more complex.These changes further augmented disturbance interfaces in the landscape and increased the possibilities of further landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   
青藏高原地区不同下垫面陆面过程的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李燕  刘新  李伟平 《高原气象》2012,31(3):581-591
利用陆面过程模式Common Land Model(CoLM),选取青藏高原上3个不同下垫面观测站(藏东南站、纳木错站和珠峰站)的观测资料,对这3个野外观测站进行了单点数值模拟试验。根据3个测站的试验数据,对模式中土壤孔隙度和饱和导水率进行了优化,针对青藏高原地区土壤层薄的特点,对模式中土壤分层方案进行了调整。结果表明,调整分层方案后的CoLM模式对3个测站土壤湿度的模拟性能较原分层方案有明显提高,平均偏差均减小0.014以上。但是与观测值相比,藏东南站土壤湿度的模拟整体偏低,纳木错站和珠峰站则整体偏高。对土壤温度而言,3个测站模拟与观测的相关系数都达到了0.9以上,珠峰站偏差较大,调整分层方案后模拟的偏差有一定的改进。模式较好地模拟了3个测站的净辐射、感热通量和潜热通量的日变化和季节变化情况,调整分层方案后潜热通量的改进最为明显。  相似文献   
天绘一号无地面控制点摄影测量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍天绘一号卫星无地面控制点条件下摄影测量过程中关键技术,包括相机在轨标定、等效框幅像片(EFP)多功能光束法平差、角元素低频误差补偿以及偏流角效应的处理等,并给出了由生产单位提供的利用EFP多功能光束法平差软件的处理成果。大量处理结果表明,无地面控制点目标定位精度达到工程技术指标,精度达到美国SRTM水平。此外,文中还列出了有控制点目标定位的若干成果。  相似文献   
作为对中国东部陆缘地带大型盆地区及邻区地质-地球物理综合研究的部分结果,本文的基本认识:(1)穿过松辽盆地的1孙吴-双辽断裂可能是东倾伯低角度壳内断裂;(2)松辽盆地和渤海湾盆地可能属于“混合型裂谷盆地”;(3)东海盆地台北坳陷处在多期次张性应力场环境中,使在其西部附近产生张性正断层系;(4)欧亚大陆东部新生代区域构造运动总体处于右旋走滑拉张环境,其动力因素包括板块运动和地幔物质运动;(5)研究区莫霍面具有较为复杂的变化;(6)复合尺度研究方法是地质-地球物理综合分析的必要手段。  相似文献   
三塘湖盆地上石炭统烃源岩是火山喷发环境下形成的,烃源岩往往与厚度不等的凝灰岩交互出现,但凝灰岩致密储层的厚度和物性差异较大,源储关系较复杂,因而近源凝灰岩致密油藏的形成需要特定的条件。为了认识三塘湖盆地上石炭统近源凝灰岩致密油藏的形成条件,以典型致密油藏M36为例,综合运用岩心、薄片、测录井、地球化学测试等资料,对成藏要素进行解剖,建立上石炭统凝灰岩致密储层及烃源岩有效性的评价标准,并总结出近源致密油藏成藏模式。结果表明,储层孔隙度大于5%、对应渗透率大于0.07×10-3μm2的凝灰岩可以作为有效储层;烃源岩有机碳含量在4.0%以上,对应生烃潜量大于10%,且Ro大于0.8%的高炭泥岩、暗色泥岩为优质烃源岩;较好的储层、优质的烃源岩和互层型源储配置关系是近源凝灰岩致密油藏的形成条件。  相似文献   
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are ubiquitous communities of diminutive organisms such as cyanobacteria, green algae, lichens, mosses and others associated closely with particles of surface soil, forming a cohesive thin horizontal layer. The ecological roles of BSCs affecting soil nutrient cycling, stability and hydrological processes, influencing the germination and establishment of vascular plants, and serving as habitats for numerous arthropods and microorganism have been well documented. We tested the hypothesis that micro‐geomorphological features determine the spatial distribution of BSCs by reallocating related abiotic resources at small‐ and medium‐scales in the Tengger Desert. Our results showed that higher soil pH and higher total potassium content in topsoil positively correlated with the colonization of cyanobacteria and algae in the earliest successional stages of BSCs, while increasing dust deposition onto the topsoil enhanced the development of lichen and mosses in the later stages of BSCs. Increasing soil moisture raised the proportion of mosses and lichen in BSCs, this will possibly change the ecological functions of BSCs, such as nitrogen‐fixation by cyanobacteria, due to the conversion from a complex to relative simple type of BSC. Micro‐geomorphology has created various habitats at a small‐scale affecting colonization and development of cryptogams. This paper considers the contribution of micro‐geomorphology to biodiversity in the extreme arid desert systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
给出了数字天顶摄影仪的基本结构和垂线偏差测量的基本算法,结合仪器和测量过程,分析了垂线偏差测量误差。数字天顶摄影仪的自动化程度和测量精度都高于传统的天文大地测量。  相似文献   
积云模式下三维闪电分形结构的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了提高积云模式对雷暴云内电过程的模拟能力,将Mansell提出的放电参数化方案在起始击穿阈值和闪电通道感应电荷的分配过程上进行改进,耦合了已有的三维强风暴动力—电耦合模式中。对STEPS(Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study)试验中一次雷暴个例以及对中纬度地区理想雷暴个例的模拟表明,引入了新放电参数化方案的模式模拟出闪电在发展特性和几何结构上和观测结果有较好的一致性。模拟结果还表明:闪电的类型与极性取决于背景电荷结构以及闪电的起始位置,只有底部存在正电荷堆时才会产生负地闪,且负地闪的起始点均具有较高的负电势。闪电通道上感应电荷的沉降会改变通道附近水成物粒子上携带的电荷,这对雷暴云内复杂电荷结构的形成有重要作用。经统计,模拟的地闪和云闪通道的分形维数平均值分别为1.47和1.69。对起始击穿阈值的敏感性试验表明,随着起始击穿阈值的增大,首次闪电时间会向后推迟,当采用逃逸击穿时首次闪电产生的时间最早;闪电数量随起始击穿阈值的增大而减少;当使用固定击穿阈值(100,150和200 k V)时得到的云地闪比均小于使用逃逸击穿时得到的云地闪比,使用逃逸击穿时得到的云地闪比与观测结果最为接近。  相似文献   
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