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地质灾害与地质环境条件、人类工程活动关系密切,严重威胁着人类生命财产安全,制约社会经济的可持续发展。运用遥感技术对辽宁省建昌县进行地质灾害调查,利用ENVI5.3软件对高分二号数据进行预处理,建立遥感解译标志并开展了野外验证,最终解译滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、地面塌陷等地质灾害点75个;同时,利用Arcgis10.4空间分析功能,对遥感解译地质灾害点与地貌、坡度、坡向、构造、水系及人类工程活动等因子进行叠加分析,基本查清了研究区地质灾害规模、空间分布特征和发育规律,为研究总结区域上地质灾规律及有效预防提供了详实可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   
经济聚集与产业结构对城市土地利用效率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<中作者单位三>=河南大学 环境与规划学院,河南 开封 475004从经济集聚、产业结构两方面构建城市土地利用效率影响因素分析框架,并通过计量经济模型定量考察经济集聚、产业结构对城市土地利用效率的影响.结果表明:① 现阶段中国城市土地利用效率处于随集聚程度的提高而增加的阶段,拥挤效应还不明显.同时,集聚程度的不同方面对土地利用效率的贡献大小存在差异,资本密度对城市土地利用效率的影响大于就业密度和人口规模,这表明现阶段中国城市经济增长主要由资本投入推动的.② 城市产业结构优化能够提高土地利用效率.资本有机构成的提高,意味着资本对劳动的替代作用增强,其进一步加大了资本对城市土地产出的推动作用,有利于土地利用效率的提升,但不利于城市就业水平的提升.  相似文献   
The ^190Pt-^186Os system should be a unique tracer for mantle processes be-cause both Pt and Os are concentrated in the mantle.The ^190Pt-^186Os system will also be a good supplement to the ^187Re-^187Os system for dating and tracing mantle pro-cesses because the ^190Pt-^186Os system is not so easily contaminated by crustal materials as the ^187Re-^187Os system.In turn,the application of the ^187Re-^187Os system to Pt-enriched materials uncontaminated by crustal materials will indirectly refine the half life of ^190Pt.The ^190Pt is refined.In the coupled ^187Re-^187Os and ^190Pt-^186Os sys-tematics,an ^186Os*/^190Pt-^187Os*/^187Re Concordia diagram similar to the ^206Pb*/^238U-^208Pb*/^232Th Concordia can be constructed.In such a Concordia diagram,a date will be obtained so long as the ^190Pt-^186Os system remains closed even if the ^187Re-^187Os sys -tem is contaminated by crustal materials.In addition ,for the coupled ^190Pt-^186Os and ^187Re-^187Os systematics,the mantle processes and the interactions between the mantle and the crust will be described by two ratios:^186Os/^188Os and ^187Os/^188Os .The coupled ^187Re-^187Os and ^190Pt-^186Os systematics will be a powerful tool in the investigation of the geodynamic history of the Earth because the ^187Re-^187Os system is sensitive to the interactions between the mantle and the crust,while the ^190Pt-^186Os system is a good tracer for mantle processes.  相似文献   
Risk and uncertainty assessments for waste containment systems employing clay barriers often include spatial variability in the hydraulic conductivity as part of the analysis. The two-parameter log-normal distribution is often used to describe the spatial variability, but for compacted clays the three-parameter form can be more appropriate. A statistical hypothesis test was developed that can be used to determine if the two- or three-parameter form of the log-normal distribution is more appropriate. The test is based on a likelihood ratio, comparing likelihood functions for the two- and three-parameter forms at their maximums. Likelihood functions are used assuming that a data set can be segregated into a set of distinct groups of hydraulic conductivities. A step-by-step calculation procedure is described and the test is applied to data collected from 45 sites.  相似文献   
Wanshan area has been chosen to be the specified field to calibrate and validate(Cal/Val) the HY-2 altimeter and its follow-on satellites. In March 2018, an experiment has been conducted to determine the sea surface height(SSH) under the HY-2 A ground track(Pass No. 203). A GPS towing-body(GPS-TB) was designed to measure the SSH covering an area of about 6 km×28 km wide centered on the HY-2 A altimeter satellite ground track. Three GPS reference stations, one tide gauge and a GPS buoy were placed in the research area, in order to process and resolve the kinematic solution and check the precision of the GPS-TB respectively. All the GPS data were calculated by the GAMIT/GLOBK software and TRACK module. The sea surface was determined by the GPS-TB solution and the tide gauge placed on Zhiwan Island. Then the sea surface of this area was interpolated by Arc GIS10.2 with ordinary Kriging method. The results showed that the precision of the GPS-TB is about 1.10 cm compared with the tide gauge placed nearby, which has an equivalent precision with the GPS buoy. The interpolated sea surface has a bias of –1.5–4.0 cm with standard deviation of 0.2–2.4 cm compared with the checking line. The gradient of the measured sea surface is about 1.62 cm/km along the HY-2 orbit which shows a good agreement compared with the CLS11 mean sea surface(MSS). In the Cal/Val of satellites, the sea surface between the tide gauge/GPS buoy and the footprint of altimeter can be improved by this work.  相似文献   
最不利设计地震动研究   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
谢礼立  翟长海 《地震学报》2003,25(3):250-261
实际记录到的真实地震动在工程结构的抗震研究、分析和设计中往往作为一种施加到结构上使结构振动,直至破坏的地震荷载.如何合理选择真实的地震动记录作为研究结构地震反应的输入,一直是国内外抗震研究和设计中引人关注的重要问题.本文首先提出了最不利设计地震动的概念;然后在收集到的国内外5000余条被认为有重要意义的地震动记录基础上,利用综合估计地震动潜在破坏势的方法,对4种场地类型分别给出了长周期、短周期和中周期结构的国内外最不利设计地震动;最后通过几类不同结构的地震反应分析,初步验证了本文所确定的最不利设计地震动的可靠性和合理性.   相似文献   
近40年南方高温变化特征与2003年的高温事件   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
王亚伟  翟盘茂  田华 《气象》2006,32(10):27-33
利用从全国743个站点数据集中挑选出的江南、华南地区的121个站点1961-2004年逐日日最高气温和日平均气温资料,分析了近40多年来我国南方地区最高气温的变化特征。结果表明:2003年夏季江南、华南地区出现大范围异常高温天气。虽然在1961-2004年间,江南、华南地区年平均最高气温和年平均气温均有增加趋势,但夏季极端高温事件(≥35℃日数)并没有显著增加的趋势。分析最高气温的概率分布特征,得出2003年夏季江南、华南地区出现的极端酷热天气,只是年际变化的表现,而不是长期变化趋势的反映。  相似文献   
生物去除地下水中硫酸盐的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏涛  翟辉 《地下水》2005,27(1):19-22
使用平皿夹层厌氧法分离得到纯化的硫酸盐还原菌,通过对比封口、敞口两种情况下细菌培养过程中产生的现象和细菌的生长曲线,表明SRB并非严格的厌氧菌,能耐受一定浓度的环境溶解氧.将该菌用于去除溶液中的SO42-,发现SRB在还原SO42-的过程中,随着SO42-去除率的增加,溶液的pH值会减小,而当SO42-去除率降低时,溶液的pH有增加的趋势;COD/SO42-比值对SO42-的去除率有很重要的影响,在封口情况下,COD/SO42-=0.75时SO42-的最大去除率约为48.60%,COD/SO42比值增加至2.5时,SO42-最大去除率可以达到89.72%,要达到SO42-高去除率,必须增加COD/SO42-比值.  相似文献   
1农村居民点用地存在的问题1.1平房户型多且分散建筑容积率低莒县农村居民点户型中平房比重高达98.6%,二层楼房占1.1%,三层及以上户型仅占0.3%,建筑容积率低,单层平房占到98.6%,分布分散,有10个乡镇的农村居民点密度低于日照市平均水平。农村居民点用地“平面扩张有余,立体利用  相似文献   
论成矿系统   总被引:120,自引:14,他引:120  
翟裕生 《地学前缘》1999,6(1):13-27
成矿系统是当今矿床学研究的一个重要课题,是矿床学向系统化、全球化方向发展的一种趋势。成矿系统是指在一定地质时空域中,控制矿床形成和保存的全部地质要素和成矿作用过程,以及所形成的矿床系列和异常系列构成的整体,它是具有成矿功能的一个自然系统。成矿系统是在一般矿床成因研究的基础上,着重从宏观上,从成矿的时间、空间、物质、运动的有机结合上,探讨区域尺度的成矿规律。其研究意义是深入认识成矿动力学机制,指导矿产勘查,并有利于将成矿学信息应用到地学其它学科中去。文中还论述了成矿系统与成矿系列、成矿区带的联系和区别,对成矿系统的基本要素、作用过程、作用产物和成矿后变化及保存4个问题作了说明。提出以成矿的构造动力体制作为划分成矿系统大类的依据及以成矿机理作为划分成矿系统类型的主要标志。最后以古大陆边缘构造成矿系统为例,说明构造动力型式、构造组合与成矿系统之间的内在联系  相似文献   
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