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We show in this short note that the method of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is able to clearly extract a strong, clean, and clear component from the longest available sunspot (International Sunspot Number, ISN) time series (1700?–?2015) that cannot be an artifact of the method and that can be safely identified as the Gleissberg cycle. This is not a small component, as it accounts for 13% of the total variance of the total original signal. Almost three and a half clear Gleissberg cycles are identified in the sunspot number series. Four extended solar minima (XSM) are determined by SSA, the latest around 2000 (Cycle 23/24 minimum). Several authors have argued in favor of a double-peaked structure for the Gleissberg cycle, with one peak between 55 and 59 years and another between 88 and 97 years. We find no evidence of the former: solar activity contains an important component that has undergone clear oscillations of \(\approx90\) years over the past three centuries, with some small but systematic longer-term evolution of “instantaneous” period and amplitude. Half of the variance of solar activity on these time scales can be satisfactorily reproduced as the sum of a monotonous multi-secular increase, a \(\approx90\)-year Gleissberg cycle, and a double-peaked (\(\approx10.0\) and 11.0 years) Schwabe cycle (the sum amounts to 46% of the total variance of the signal). The Gleissberg-cycle component definitely needs to be addressed when attempting to build dynamo models of solar activity. The first SSA component offers evidence of an increasing long-term trend in sunspot numbers, which is compatible with the existence of the modern grand maximum.  相似文献   
In this article we show how machine learning methods can beeffectively applied to the problem of automatically predictingstellar atmospheric parameters from spectral information, a veryimportant problem in stellar astronomy. We apply feedforwardneural networks, Kohonen's self-organizing maps andlocally-weighted regression to predict the stellar atmosphericparameters effective temperature, surface gravity and metallicityfrom spectral indices. Our experimental results show that thethree methods are capable of predicting the parameters with verygood accuracy. Locally weighted regression gives slightly betterresults than the other methods using the original dataset asinput, while self-organizing maps outperform the other methods when significant amounts of noise are added. We also implemented a heterogeneous ensemble of predictors, combining the results given by the three algorithms. This ensemble yields better results than any of the three algorithms alone, using both the original and the noisy data.  相似文献   
An open reading frame (lcn61) of lymphocystis disease virus China (LCDV-cn), probably responsible for encoding putative zinc-finger proteins was amplified and inserted into pET24a (+) vector. Then it expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3), and His-tag fusion protein of high yield was obtained. It was found that the fusion protein existed in E. coli mainly as inclusion bodies. The bioinformatics analysis indicates that LCN61 is C2H2 type zinc-finger protein containing four C2H2 zinc-finger motifs. This work provides a theory for functional research of lcn61 gene. Supported by High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, No. 2006AA100309)  相似文献   
张林  孙启振  许淙  杨清华 《极地研究》2012,24(2):197-203
卫星遥感是南极研究的重要工具。2009年底和2010年初,我国南极长城、中山站的X/L双频段卫星遥感接收系统分别建成并投入使用,此系统可接收美国NASA的Terra和Aqua卫星的MODIS数据、NOAA系列卫星以及我国风云一号卫星的数据,实现了对南极地区天气、积雪、海冰以及南大洋海洋生态等的实时监测,并将在我国多个学科领域的南极研究中发挥重要作用。本文在说明了此卫星遥感接收系统的组成结构、运行方式和数据产品种类后,对此系统的使用情况做了一些介绍,对将使用此系统数据开展南极下降风、南极冰雪覆盖及反照率、南极大气和海洋数值模式等各领域的研究工作进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
地震-重力联合反演可以降低多解性,针对大勘探范围内岩石波速-密度关系存在较大散布的问题,引入交叉梯度结构约束构建统一的目标函数是一种有效的解决方案。利用台湾海峡南部HX-13测线进行验证:由于火成岩侵入体的存在,部分区域难以拾取可靠的地震初至,常规的走时反演无法准确恢复基底面的形态。搜集研究区的船测重力资料,根据地震地质条件和数据特点设置合适的反演参数,实现基于物性和结构双重约束的重力-地震联合反演。由对反演结果的分析和解释可以看出,该方法可在很大程度上弥补地震数据不完备的缺陷,使反演过程稳定,并提高模型的可靠性。  相似文献   
Based on a ship survey during January 1998, the characteristics of the flow, the thermohaline properties and the volume transport of the Arabian Sea are discussed. A strong westward flow exists between 10.5?N and 11?N, part of which turns to the south as the Somali current near the coast at about 10?N and the rest turns north. At the passage between the African continent and the So- cotra Island, the northern branch separates into two flows: the left one enters the passage and the right one flows eastward along the southern slope of the island. Off the island the flow separates once more, most of it meandering northeast and a small fraction flow- ing southeast. Volume transport calculation suggests that the tidal transport is one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the total transport in this region and it becomes more important near the coast. The average velocity of the flow in the upper layer (0-150 m) is about 20 cm s-1, with a maximum of 53 cm s-1 appearing east of the Socotra Island, and the subsurface layer (200-800 m) has an aver- age velocity of 8.6 cm s-1; the velocity becomes smaller at greater depths. The depth of the seasonal thermocline is about 100 m, above which there is a layer with well mixed temperature and dissolved oxygen. High-salinity and oxygen-rich water appears near the surface of the northern Arabian Sea; a salinity maximum and oxygen minimum at 100 m depth along 8?N testifies the subduction of surface water from the northern Arabian Sea. Waters from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf also influence the salinity of the area.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Generallyknownasacodominantgeneticmarker ,microsatellitehasbeenwidelyusedinstudiesonpopu lationgenetics,high resolutiongenotyping ,genemap ping ,evolution ,linkageanalysis ,conservationbiology ,behaviouralecology ,relationsbetweenparasite…  相似文献   
1 IntroductionGeographicalinformationsystem (GIS)isanefficientwayandimportanttechniquetomanage,displayandanalyzeAntarcticspatialdata.GIScanbeusedtomakeandre newmapproductsquickly ,evaluateenvironment,supportlogisticmanagementandfieldoperation,providechancetoextractnewknowledge,andtopromoteinformationex changeamongnationsunderthedemandoftheMadridProtocol(AADC 2 0 0 1 ;MAGIC1 998;1 999) .WorkingGroupofGeodesyandGeographicInformation (WG GGI)ofScientificCommitteeonAntarcticResearch (…  相似文献   
1IN T R O D U C T IO NInteractionsbetween the ocean and atmosphere con-tributeto climatefluctuationosver a broad spectrum oftime scales.Studiesof those interactionhsave farfo-cused on El Ni o-SouthernOscillation(ENSO)phe-nomenon thathas a period of3to4yea…  相似文献   
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