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本文在对寿宁县当前经济发展和农业自然资源状况进行充分分析的基础上,根据猕猴桃的生长发育条件,确定相应的指标,应用GIS空间分析技术实现了寿宁县猕猴桃适宜种植区的自动提取.以此体现农业气候信息系统在种植区划上的可行性、优越性,并根据分析结果做出了相关的总结,以供有关部门参考.  相似文献   
采用遥感影像解译、小震精定位等方法,结合野外地震地质调查,分析了贺街-夏郢断裂附近的遥感影像特征和小震分布特征,并据此将贺街-夏郢断裂从南到北分为南段(夏郢镇毓秀-石桥镇新塘)、中段(石桥镇新塘-步头镇白石口)、北段(步头镇白石口以北).结果显示,贺街-夏郢断裂中段卫星影像上线性特征明显,控制石桥-沙头盆地的发育,局部...  相似文献   
长江沿江地区化工产业空间格局演化及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邹辉  段学军 《地理研究》2019,38(4):884-897
基于企业数据和空间计量方法,探讨了长江沿江地区2000—2013年化工产业空间格局演化及影响因素。结果表明:化工产业主要分布在上海市和江苏沿江地区;中上游部分地区化工产业呈现明显的增长势头,由3个主要热点区发展到20余个不同规模大小的分布热点,成为化工产业新兴“增长极”;城市主城区化工产业减少而远郊区县增加,分布热点变化也反映了化工产业“郊区化”“园区化”的过程;相对低端基础的行业呈现集聚趋势,其中肥料业集聚明显;相对高端精细的行业呈现扩散趋势,其中合成材料业分散化明显;地区化工产业增长受到环境规制、外商投资、交通区位等因素显著影响,外商投资和交通区位具有显著的促进作用,而环境规制呈现显著的抑制效果。  相似文献   
The soil-water characteristic curve(SWCC) is widely used in the design and evaluation in the practice of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering such as the slope stability under the influence of environmental factors. The SWCC has distinct features in the capillary and adsorption zones due to different physical mechanisms. Measurements of the SWCC are typically limited within the capillary zone(i.e., low suction range). It is cumbersome and time-consuming to measure the SWCC in the adsorption zone(i.e., high suction range). This study presents a simple method to predict the entire SWCC within both the capillary and adsorption zones, using measured data only from low suction range(e.g., from 0 to 500 kPa). Experimental studies were performed on a completely weathered granite residual soil to determine its entire SWCC from saturated to dry conditions. The resultant SWCC, along with the SWCC measurements of 14 soils reported in the literature, were used to validate the proposed method. The results indicate that the proposed method has good consistency with a wide array of measured data used in this study. The proposed method is easy to use as it only requires a simple parameter calibration for a commonly used SWCC model. It can be used to improve the reliability in the prediction of the SWCC over the entire suction range when measurements are limited within the low suction range.  相似文献   
The availability of high-resolution satellite precipitation measurement products provides an opportunity to monitor precipitation over large and complex terrain and thus accurately evaluate the climatic, hydrological and ecological conditions in those regions. The Global Precipitation Measurement(GPM) mission is an important new program designed for global satellite precipitation estimation, but little information has been reported on the applicability of the GPM’s products for the Tibetan Plateau(TP). The object of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM(IMERG) Final Run product under different terrain and climate conditions over the TP by using 78 ground gauges from April 2014 to December 2017. The results showed the following:(1) the 3-year average daily precipitation estimation in the IMERG agrees well with the rain gauge observations(R~2=0.58, P0.01), and IMERG also has a considerable ability to detect precipitation, as indicated by a high probability of detection(78%-98%) and critical success index(65%-85%);(2) IMERG performed better at altitudes from 3000 m to 4000 m with a small relative bias(RB) of 6.4%. Precipitation change was not significantly affected by local relief;(3) the climate system of the TP was divided into four climate groups with a total of 12 climate types based on the K?ppen climate classification system, and IMERG performed well in all climate types with the exception of the arid-desert-cold climate(Bwk) type. Furthermore, although IMERG showed the potential to detect snowfall, it still exhibits deficiencies in identifying light and moderate snow. These results indicate that IMERG could provide more accurate precipitation data if its retrieval algorithm was improved for complex terrain and arid regions.  相似文献   
对南海西南部现代上升流区沉积物柱样BIS-187-61孔有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸盐等各沉积组分进行了详细的分析,试图探讨末次间冰期(MIS 5)以来南海西南部夏季上升流影响区沉积过程及其所反映的海洋环境变化过程。研究结果发现,140kaBP以来该孔沉积记录期总体表现为:碳酸盐百分含量冰期低间冰期高,主要受周边陆源物质输入稀释的控制,为典型的"大西洋型碳酸盐旋回",有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸钙以及陆源沉积物的堆积速率均在MIS 2期、MIS 4期和MIS 5e期出现高值。其中,MIS 2期和MIS 4期生源和陆源沉积堆积速率增加可能与冰期时冬季风增强及海平面下降导致陆源营养物质输入增加对初级生产力的刺激有关,也可能与陆源物质输入增加对海洋生源颗粒物输出的压载作用增强有关。而MIS 5e期南海海平面高度与现代相仿,间冰期较强的夏季风引起的越南沿岸上升流增强是导致该时段本研究区域表层初级生产力增强,沉积物总堆积速率及各组分堆积速率都相应增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
基于捷联式海洋重力测量数据,对比不同小波、阈值及施加方式对滤波效果的影响。结果表明,db6、db7、db8、db9、db10、sym6、sym7、sym8、sym9、sym10、coif3、coif4和coif5小波较适用于海洋重力测量,小波分解层次可取至8层或9层,采用史坦无偏风险阈值滤波效果较好;小波分解至第8、9层时,阈值滤波结果与截止频率为0.005 Hz和0.003 3 Hz的Butterworth低通滤波器的滤波结果吻合较好,但小波阈值滤波结果更加平滑,两者差值的RMSE在0.25 mGal以内,且小波阈值滤波更容易分解出噪声成分,可以更有效地消除重力畸变。  相似文献   
为高效获取采动区长时间序列形变,监控煤炭开采对矿区铁路的影响,研究一种基于TCP-InSAR(temporarily coherent point interferometric synthetic aperture radar)的采动区铁路形变监测方法。该方法根据时间序列SAR影像间的相干性,选取临时相干点构建Delaunay三角网,并通过离群值探测去除具有相位模糊度的TCP间的弧段,最后采用最小二乘解算得到区域地表变形。实验使用2016-10~2017-04时间段内的15景Sentinel-1A数据,利用TCP-InSAR技术获得某矿区的铁路形变。结果表明,受采动影响,该时间段内铁路最大下沉值为95mm,最大倾斜坡度为0.37‰。利用TCP-InSAR技术可实现采动区内铁路长时间的动态形变监测。  相似文献   
针对利用GRACE重力数据反演地表质量变化过程中产生的时变信号削弱和泄露现象,分别采用尺度因子法和迭代恢复法对信号进行恢复,并选用CSR Mascon产品从时间序列变化和空间分布两个角度对两种恢复方法的效果进行对比分析。结果表明:1)尺度因子法虽实现上较为简单,但其计算结果完全依赖于所选的先验模型,当所选模型的可靠性较差时,会影响到GRACE反演结果的可靠性。2)迭代恢复法的恢复过程仅受GRACE原始观测值的约束,能较好地恢复研究区域的长期趋势信号和周期信号,但在部分区域可能存在信号过量恢复的现象。建议采用迭代恢复法进行GRACE时变信号恢复。  相似文献   
文中利用加拿大环境部气候研究中心研发的惩罚最大t检验方法,选取均一的邻近气象站为参考站,结合元数据信息,对1960-2017年成山头海洋站海表温度序列进行了均一性检验与订正。利用订正后的海表温度序列对成山头海温气候变化特征进行分析。结果表明,订正前后年平均海表温度趋势发生了明显改变,表现出海温上升趋势较订正前加强的特征,增暖趋势由订正前的0.04℃/10 a上升到0.15℃/10 a,其中最暖的5个年份多发生在1980年以后,分别为1973年、1989年、2002年、2007年和2017年。海表温度总体呈显著上升趋势和明显的年代际波动,20世纪60年代至80年代末为偏冷阶段,之后开始增暖,20世纪90年代至今为偏暖阶段。1960-2017年,成山头的海温突变点在1987年,是一次增暖性突变,与中国大陆的气温突变特征和气温变化阶段性特征非常一致。  相似文献   
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