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乡村生产空间系统要素构成及运行机制研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
周明茗  王成 《地理科学进展》2019,38(11):1655-1664
乡村生产空间系统是一个客观存在的、典型的人地关系地域系统,具有耗散结构特征。论文以系统论为指导,遵循系统科学的基本思维方法,从学理上对乡村生产空间系统的内涵及要素构成进行辨析,并围绕农村生产关系变革划分了乡村生产空间系统的演进历程,在此基础上对乡村生产空间系统的运行机制进行阐释。研究发现,乡村生产空间系统主要由基础要素(资源环境和基础设施)、核心要素(多元经营主体和乡村文化)、驱动要素(资本、技术、信息和市场)和管理要素(制度和政策)4种要素构成;依据乡村生产关系变革、经济体制变迁、城乡关系转变等规律,将新中国成立后乡村生产空间系统的演进历程划分为土地改革运动时期、农业互助合作运动时期、人民公社化运动时期和家庭联产承包责任制时期4个时期,不同时期乡村生产空间系统的要素构成、要素间的联系方式不同,乡村生产空间系统特征表现各异;乡村生产空间系统通过支撑与约束机制、竞争与合作机制以及调控与反馈机制推动自身运行发展。从要素功能、结构关系、协同等视角去审视乡村生产空间系统的运行状态、诊断系统运行的动力机制或障碍因素等,将成为未来乡村生产空间系统研究的重点。  相似文献   
全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江地区史前文化的时空分布进行比较研究, 发现4000 cal. a BP前本区史前文化遗址在空间上不断扩大, 较为显著的扩大曾发生过两次, 一次发生在马家浜-河姆渡文化时期, 另一次发生在良渚文化时期;同时以河流谷地为通道, 史前文化从西向东不断向沿海扩展。4000 cal. a BP后, 以马桥文化为代表的各史前文化地域明显收缩, 东向沿海扩散的趋势终止, 同时伴随有南北两种不同模式的生产方式和经济形态转变。浙江地区史前文化分布与全新世海面波动有显著的关系, 尤其是杭州湾两岸的史前文化遗址分布与海面变化的关系最密切, 7000 cal. a BP 以来的低海面-海退成陆过程为史前居民提供了广阔的陆地生存空间。浙江地区史前文化变迁与环境变化在时相上具有一致性, 对比天目山千亩田泥炭和东海内陆架泥质沉积的环境演变记录表明, 4000 cal. a BP前浙江地区史前文化的东向地域扩展是在全新世气候适宜期背景下进行的, 是农业文明和海洋文明共同作用下的扩展和延伸;而4000cal. a BP后史前文化的地域收缩是在气候干冷和沿海海洋环境恶化的背景下发生的。以上初步证明浙江地区史前文化的发展、扩张和收缩与环境变化呈显著的正相关, 而气候环境变化正是引起上述这种变化以及生产方式和经济形态变化的深层次原因。因此, 气候环境成为浙江史前文化变迁的重要影响因子, 其对文化的分布、传播、扩展和演变等都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Cold and arid regions cover the majority of the earth surface. Cold regions are characterized by low temperatures, whereas arid regions are lack of water, thus some unique landscapes such as glacier, frozen ground, desert and oasis are formed and developed under the particular physical, chemical and biological processes in these regions. These raise a series of scientific questions to be solved urgently in relation to the ecosystem productivity, biodiversity, stability and living environments of these  相似文献   
原型盆地恢复有助于盆地构造—岩相古地理的研究和揭示盆山耦合,对油气勘探与开发具有重要的指导意义。本文利用最新的钻井、测井及露头资料,以沉积相为研究实体,运用盆—山结合的思路,由点—线—面进行分析,重建了鄂尔多斯盆地晚石炭世本溪组沉积时期的构造—沉积环境,研究了原型盆地特征及性质。本溪组沉积期,鄂尔多斯盆地沉积具有东西分异的特征:淳化—庆阳—吴起地区及北部伊盟地区为暴露剥蚀区,东部为克拉通内坳陷盆地,西部为克拉通边缘裂陷盆地。乌达—呼鲁斯台及鄂尔多斯—神木地区发育三角洲相,并向南逐渐推进;鄂西石嘴山、环县及鄂东府谷、延安地区以环带状潮坪—泻湖相为主,受间歇性海侵影响;吴忠、柳林—吉县地区发育低能的泻湖相;中卫—中宁、韩城及以东地区发育不同深度的陆棚及开阔台地。该时期盆地构造环境表现为南北向双向俯冲、贺兰拗拉槽再活化,格局经历了南隆北倾向北隆南倾的转变。受此影响,鄂尔多斯盆地构造古地理格局开始由东西分异逐渐向南北分异转变,受东西两侧海侵影响沉积相带呈环带状展布,但在盆地北部发育潮控三角洲,表现出近缘特征。晚石炭世鄂尔多斯盆地构造—沉积环境与原型盆地特征与其对周缘大地构造运动的响应。  相似文献   
通过对区域含矿岩系、火山作用、构造演化与矿产等开展地质调查表明:这些矿床产于塔里木地块古陆缘红柳沟-拉配泉元古代裂谷带、喀腊达坂大断裂北侧,含矿地层为蓟县系卓阿布拉克组变质火山岩,具有典型的双峰式火山岩建造特点,成矿作用发生于火山喷发旋回的间歇期.通过对典型矿床喀腊大湾铜多金属矿床地质特征及控矿因素研究,表明该矿床具明显的矿化分带和蚀变分带,δ(34S)测定反映硫大部分来源于海水,成因类型属与海相火山作用有关的喷气喷流型硫化物矿床,该矿床的主要控矿因素为海相沉积地层、火山喷发的间歇期和断裂构造等,变质作用对成矿有一定的富集作用.  相似文献   
Wetland plant communities in the plateau lakes of Yunnan Province, China, have decreased significantly over the past decades. To better understand this degradation, we analyzed the processes and characteristics of changes in wetland plant communities in two of the largest lakes in Yunnan Province, Dianchi and Erhai lakes. We collected records of native and alien plant communities in the two lakes from literature published from the 1950s to current period. We calculated plant community types and their area in some historical periods when related data were reported, and analyzed the relationship between changes in plant communities and water pollution. In Dianchi Lake, 12 community types of native plant communities, covering over 80% of the surface in the 1950s and 1960s, were reduced to four types covering 2.4% by the late 2000s. Alien plant communities started to appear in the lake in the late 1970s, and have since come to cover 4.9% of the lake surface, thereby becoming dominant. In Erhai Lake, 16 community types of native plant communities, covering 47.1% of the lake surface in the late 1970s, declined to 10 community types, covering 9.3% of the surface, by the late 2000s. Alien plant communities appeared in the middle 1980s, and at present cover 0.7% of the surface area. It was indicated that changes in plant communities were significant related to water eutrophication. The area occupied by native and alien plant communities was, respectively, negatively and positively related to the content of nutrients in water. This showed lacustrine pollution played an important role in native plant loss and alien plant invasion in the two plateau lakes.  相似文献   
Characteristics and formation causes of Qingdao Cold Water Mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work,the main characteristics of the Qingdao Cold Water Mass were studied by using“the comparison analysis method”based on 1980 temperature,salinity and dissolved oxygen data on the western South Yellow Sea.The formation cause of the water mass was analyzed based on February of 1959 temperature and salinity data for this area and on some other authors’studies.The results showed that the Qingdao Cold Water Mass has growing and vanishing processes:appears in the last ten days of March;has stable pattern in April;is biggest in its area in May;becomes small in its area in June;vanishes in July.It comes from the northem Shandong Coastal Water and is characterized by low temperature and salinity and high disolved oxygen.The mass is formed under the joint effects of anticyclonic circulation and solar radiation.  相似文献   
在南北向低空急流下,通过简单二层模式讨论地形起伏对重力惯性波的影响,研究指出:(1)存在一个对重力惯性波稳定度无影响的函数和不产生不稳定重力惯性波地形函数;(2)地形起伏越大,不稳定重力惯性波越强;(3)无论南风或北风基流,都是南坡比北坡更有利于产生不稳定重力惯性波。最后,通过实例计算表明,动力分析结果与实况有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
Most evaluation of the consistency of multisensor images have focused on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products for natural landscapes, often neglecting less vegetated urban landscapes. This gap has been filled through quantifying and evaluating spatial heterogeneity of urban and natural landscapes from QuickBird, Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (SPOT), Ad- vanced Spacebome Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images with variogram analysis. Instead of a logarithmic relationship with pixel size observed in the corresponding aggregated images, the spatial variability decayed and the spatial structures decomposed more slowly and complexly with spatial resolution for real multisensor im- ages. As the spatial resolution increased, the proportion of spatial variability of the smaller spatial structure decreased quickly and only a larger spatial structure was observed at very coarse scales. Compared with visible band, greater spatial variability was observed in near infrared band for both densely and less densely vegetated landscapes. The influence of image size on spatial heterogeneity was highly dependent on whether the empirical sernivariogram reached its sill within the original image size. When the empirical semivariogram did not reach its sill at the original observation scale, spatial variability and mean characteristic length scale would increase with image size; otherwise they might decrease. This study could provide new insights into the knowledge of spatial heterogeneity in real multisen- sor images with consideration of their nominal spatial resolution, image size and spectral bands.  相似文献   
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