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Algae growing in an enclosed sea may inhibit eutrophication because they absorb nutrients in the water. However, dead algae often cause anaerobic conditions in the water just above and on sediment after they are deposited on the bottom. We found that Stichopus japonicus inhibited the anaerobic processes coupling water sulfite production in sediment. The present study investigates whether S. japonicus inhibits algal flourish and influences sediment properties such as organic matter contents. Aquarium experiments were carried out at Komatsushima port in Tokushima Prefecture, western Japan. The aquaria used in the experiments were supplied with water directly from the adjacent sea (6 L/min), laid with sand of 10 cm depths, and lighted at 12 h intervals. Six aquaria each containing a sea cucumber from Komatsushima port and six aquaria without any were used in the experiments. Water temperature ranged between 9 and 15 degrees C during December 2000 and April 2001. Salinity ranged between 32 per thousand and 34 per thousand. Algae began to cover the bottom of the aquaria without S. japonicus after 2 weeks, whereas no growth was evident in the aquaria containing sea cucumbers. Chlorophyll a concentration in the surface sediment of the aquaria with S. japonicus (6.1+/-3.6 microg/g, mean S.D.+/-standard deviation) was significantly lower than that without it (60+/-17 microg/g, U-test, p<0.05). Phaeophytin concentration in the surface sediment of the aquaria with S. japonicus (0.9+/-0.09 microg/g) was also significantly lower than that without it (4.5+/-1.0 microg/g, U-test, p<0.05). TOC concentration in the surface sediment of the aquaria with S. japonicus (2.6+/-1.3 microg/g) was slightly lower than that without it (4.0+/-1.2 microg/g). These results showed that algal biomass and organic matter concentration of the bottom were decreased in the presence of S. japonicus. Therefore, S. japonicus inhibits algal bloom and decrease the contents of organic matter deposited on the bottom of enclosed sea areas.  相似文献   
Using time series of hydrographic data in the wintertime and summertime obtained along 137°E from 1971 to 2000, we found that the average contents of nutrients in the surface mixed layer showed linear decreasing trends of 0.001∼0.004 μmol-PO4 l−1 yr−1 and 0.01∼0.04 μmol-NO3 l−1 yr−1 with the decrease of density. The water column Chl-a (CHL) and the net community production (NCP) had also declined by 0.27∼0.48 mg-Chl m−2 yr−1 and 0.08∼0.47 g-C-NCP m−2 yr−1 with a clear oscillation of 20.8±0.8 years. These changes showed a strong negative correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index (PDO) with a time lag of 2 years (R = 0.89 ± 0.02). Considering the recent significant decrease of O2 over the North Pacific subsurface water, these findings suggest that the long-term decreasing trend of surface-deep water mixing has caused the decrease of marine biological activity in the surface mixed layer with a bidecadal oscillation over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   
We have studied the paleomagnetism of the middle Cretaceous Iritono granite of the Abukuma massif in northeast Japan together with 40Ar–39Ar dating. Paleomagnetic samples were collected from ten sites of the Iritono granite (102 Ma 40Ar–39Ar age) and two sites of its associated gabbroic dikes. The samples were carefully subjected to alternating field and thermal demagnetizations and to rock magnetic analyses. Most of natural remanent magnetizations show mixtures of two components: (1) H component, high coercivity (Bc > 50–90 mT) or high blocking temperature (Tb > 350–560 °C) component and (2) L component, relatively low Bc or low Tb component. H component was obtained from all the 12 sites to give a mean direction of shallow inclination and northwesterly declination (I = 29.9°, D = 311.0°, α95 = 2.7°, N = 12). This direction is different from the geocentric axial dipole field at the present latitude (I = 56.5°) and the typical direction of the Cenozoic remagnetization in northeast Japan. Since rock magnetic properties indicate that the H component of the Iritono granite is carried mainly by magnetite inclusions in plagioclase, this component probably retains a primary one. Thus the shallow inclination indicates that the Abukuma massif was located at a low latitude (16.1 ± 1.6°N) about 100 Ma and then drifted northward by about 20° in latitude. The northwesterly deflection is attributed mostly to the counterclockwise rotation of northeast Japan due to Miocene opening of the Japan Sea. According to this model, the low-pressure and high-temperature (low-P/high-T) metamorphism of the Abukuma massif, which has been well known as a typical location, would have not occurred in the present location. On the other hand, the L component is carried mainly by pyrrhotite and its mean direction shows a moderate inclination and a northwesterly declination (I = 42.8°, D = 311.5°, α95 = 3.3°, N = 9). Since this direction is intermediate between the H component and early Cenozoic remagnetization in northeast Japan, some thermal event would have occurred at lower temperature than pyrrhotite Curie point ( 320 °C) during the middle Cretaceous to early Cenozoic time to have resulted in partial remagnetization.  相似文献   
We examined the LIII-edge Pb X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) of three natural zircon samples with different amounts of radiation doses (1.9 × 1015 to 6.8 × 1015 α-decay events/mg). The results suggest that the oxidation state of radiogenic Pb in the zircon sample with the highest radiation dose is divalent. The XANES spectra of the two other samples with lower radiation doses suggest that radiogenic Pb(II) is present, and further that some Pb may be tetravalent. This is the first work on the determination of the oxidation state of radiogenic Pb in natural zircon using XANES.  相似文献   
Constraints on gold and copper ore grades in porphyry-style Cu–Au ± Mo deposits are re-examined, with particular emphasis on published fluid pressure and formation depth as indicated by fluid inclusion data and geological reconstruction. Defining an arbitrary subdivision at a molar Cu/Au ratio of 4.0 × 104, copper–gold deposits have a shallower average depth of formation (2.1 km) compared with the average depth of copper–molybdenum deposits (3.7 km), based on assumed lithostatic fluid pressure from microthermometry. The correlation of Cu/Au ratio with depth is primarily influenced by the variations of total Au grade. Despite local mineralogical controls within some ore deposits, the overall Cu/Au ratio of the deposits does not show a significant correlation with the predominant type of Cu–Fe sulfide, i.e., chalcopyrite or bornite. Primary magma source probably contributes to metal endowment on the province scale and in some individual deposits, but does not explain the broad correlation of metal ratios with the pressure of ore formation. By comparison with published experimental and fluid analytical data, the observed correlation of the Cu/Au ratio with fluid pressure can be explained by dominant transport of Cu and Au in a buoyant S-rich vapor, coexisting with minor brine in two-phase magmatic hydrothermal systems. At relatively shallow depth (approximately <3 km), the solubility of both metals decreases rapidly with decreasing density of the ascending vapor plume, forcing both Cu and Au to be coprecipitated. In contrast, magmatic vapor cooling at deeper levels (approximately >3 km) and greater confining pressure is likely to precipitate copper ± molybdenum only, while sulfur-complexed gold remains dissolved in the relatively dense vapor. Upon cooling, this vapor may ultimately contract to a low-salinity epithermal liquid, which can contribute to the formation of epithermal gold deposits several kilometers above the Au-poor porphyry Cu–(Mo) deposit. These findings and interpretations imply that petrographic inspection of fluid inclusion density may be used as an exploration indicator. Low-pressure brine + vapor systems are favorable for coprecipitation of both metals, leading to Au-rich porphyry–copper–gold deposits. Epithermal gold deposits may be associated with such shallow systems, but are likely to derive their ore-forming components from a deeper source, which may include a deeply hidden porphyry–copper ± molybdenum deposit. Exposed high-pressure brine + vapor systems, or stockwork veins containing a single type of intermediate-density inclusions, are more likely to be prospective for porphyry–copper ± molybdenum deposits.  相似文献   
The effect of microorganisms on Fe precipitation rates at neutral pH   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of microorganisms on Fe precipitation rates at neutral pH in the field was examined. The studied area was a cave having Fe-stalactites composed mainly of ferrihydrite and associated microorganisms. The microorganisms were covered with ferrihydrite. Water associated with stalactites was slightly supersaturated with respect to ferrihydrite, and had a dissolved oxygen concentration of 2 ppm, a pH of 6, and an Fe concentration of approximately 14 ppm. Fe precipitation rates were estimated from decreases in Fe concentrations in water during flowing through the Fe-stalactites. The estimated Fe precipitation rate in the field ranges from 6.8×10−8 to 4.0×10−7 mol/l/s. These values are in good agreement with bulk estimates of Fe-stalactite growth rates derived from the length increase (1.3 cm) of one formation over 30 days. The estimated Fe precipitation rates are faster by about four orders of magnitude than expected inorganic precipitation rates. On-site Fe precipitation experiments with sterilized and unsterilized Fe-stalactites and without Fe-stalactites indicate that microorganisms are the controlling factor accelerating Fe precipitation rates at neutral pH. These results suggest that microbially accelerated Fe precipitation rates are more likely related to exopolysaccharides and microbial surface properties than metabolic precipitation mechanisms.  相似文献   
Abstract Self-potential variations were measured to estimate the magnitude of electrokinetic and hydrological parameters (zeta potential and permeability) of the Nojima Fault zone in Awaji, Japan. The study observed self-potential variations that seemed to be associated with water flow from the injection well to the fracture zone, which were induced by turning the injection on and off. Amplitudes of the variations were a few to 0.03 V across 320–450 m dipoles. These variations can be explained well with an electrokinetic model. The quantity k/ζ (permeability/zeta potential) is in the range 1.6 × 10−13− 5.4 × 10−13 m2/V. Permeability of the Nojima fault zone can be estimated as approximately 10−16–10−15 m2 on the assumption that the zeta potential is in the range –0.01 to –0.001 V.  相似文献   
层积云覆盖的海洋边界层云详细微物理过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中建立了一个含显式分档的云微物理模式和辐射传输模式的一维 3阶湍流闭合模式 ,该模式可用于研究海洋边界层云中气溶胶和云的相互作用过程 ,同时提出了一种新的动力模式和微物理模式耦合方法 ,该方法可使动力模式中液态水相关项可以直接由微物理模式变量计算得到。作为模式的初步应用模拟了 2 0 0 1年APEX/ACE Asia在西太平洋上所观测到的一个个例。模拟结果和观测资料比较表明该模式基本上模拟出层积云覆盖的海洋边界层的基本结构  相似文献   
Abstract. Sandstones with high reservoir quality occur in the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous coal measures off Sanriku and Sohma in the Pacific coast of northeast Honshu. The sandstone porosity was generally produced by the dissolution of calcite cement and clastic grains such as feldspar and glassy volcanics. The most probable cause of dissolution is the organic acids generated from the maturation of coal and coaly matter in the deeply subsiding source area prior to thermogenic hydrocarbon generation. The pore fluid including organic acids dissolved calcite and clastic silicates to form a small amount of laumontite and kaolinite at around 60C. The acidic and not neutralized pore fluid was responsible for the formation of kaoli-nite. On the other hand, laumontite was formed when the acidic pore fluid was neutralized and then made alkaline after the reaction with minerals such as plagioclase, glassy volcanics and calcite cement. Therefore, laumontite and kaolinite generally occur separately. Laumontite is 0.6–4.6 % by volume, whereas kaolinite is 0.6–9.8 % and the sandstone porosity remains from 10 to 22 %. This type of laumontization after the secondary pore formation might not give a severe damage to the reservoir property of the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous coal measures in the Pacific coast of northeast Honshu and indicates further exploration possibility.  相似文献   
We delineate shallow structures of the Mozumi–Sukenobu fault, central Japan, using fault zone waves generated by near-surface explosions and detected by a seismometer array. Two explosive sources, S1 and S2, were placed at a distance of about 2 km from the array, and the other two, S3 and S4, were at a distance of about 4 km. Fault zone head waves and fault zone trapped waves following direct P wave arrivals were clearly identified in the seismograms recorded by a linear seismometer array deployed across the fault in a research tunnel at a depth of 300 m. Synthetic waveforms generated by a 3-D finite-difference (3-D FD) method were compared with observed fault zone waves up to 25 Hz. The best fitting model indicates a 200-m-wide low-velocity zone extending at least to shot site S1 located 2 km east of the seismic array with a 20% decrease in the P wave velocity relative to the wall rock. The width of the low-velocity zone is consistent with the fault zone defined by direct geological observation in the research tunnel. However, the low-velocity zone should disappear just to the east of the site S1 to explain the observed fault zone waves for shot S3 and S4 located 4 km east of the seismometer array. Yet the observation and the simulation show notable trapped wave excitation even though shots S3 and S4 are outside the fault zone. These results indicate that (1) the effective waveguide for seismic waves along the fault does not exist east of source site S1 although the surface traces of the fault are observed in this region, and (2) considerable trapped waves can be excited by sources well outside the fault zone. These results highlight the along-strike variability in fault zone structure.  相似文献   
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