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为了进行科学研究和数据共享,需要把在模拟地震台网时期产出的纸介质观测报告实现电子化,本文简要叙述了数据的录入与初步验证工作情况,介绍了数据验证及格式转换程序的实现和使用。  相似文献   
首次发现扬子克拉通西缘古元古代晚期海孜斜长花岗斑岩岩体.本文报道了其锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄,为1730±15Ma(MSWD=4.0,n=15).岩石具有高SiO2(69.77%~73.83%)、高碱(ALK=5.46~6.65)、低钾(K2O/Na2O=0.02~0.14)含量.里特曼指数1.04~1.65,A/CNK值为1.11~1.25,平均值为1.18(>1.1),10000 Ga/Al=3.96~7.34(均值为5.18>2.6),较高的含铁指数[FeO/(FeO+MgO) =0.95~0.99],总体显示了低钾钙碱性过铝质(SP)铁质A型花岗岩的特点.岩石富集Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等高场强元素,强烈亏损K、Sr和Ba等大离子亲石元素,稀土元素总量∑REE=390.70×10-6~674.91×10-6,LREE/HREE=1.74~3.29(均值2.18),轻稀土分异作用明显,相对富集,表现出强烈的负Eu异常.地球化学特征显示,海孜花岗斑岩岩体为形成于板内伸展构造环境,可能与同期基性岩浆活动的底侵作用相关.海孜花岗岩的年龄和地球化学表明,扬子克拉通西缘存在古元古代晚期与全球性Columbia超级大陆裂解同期的双峰式岩浆岩组合.  相似文献   
以湖南新田县大型富锶矿泉为研究对象,通过采样、水化学组分分析,运用ArcGIS、AquaChem软件揭示富锶地下水水化学组分、水化学类型及水平和垂向分带特征。结果表明:下降泉中锶元素含量具有很好的分带特征,但机井中锶的分带性较差,TDS与锶元素含量变化基本一致。下降泉、机井中离子的变异系数具有较好的一致性,Ca2+、HCO3 - 含量较为稳定,而Sr2+、Mg2+、Na+、SO4 2-、Cl-质量浓度变化较大,下降泉和机井的水动力环境均有较大变化,或含水岩组的差异性较明显。下降泉、机井中主要离子毫克当量数所占百分比排次相同,但其垂向变化范围较大,机井水化学组分受含水岩组和人类活动等因素影响较大,水化学类型也由下降泉单一的HCO3-Ca型水演变为HCO3-Ca型、HCO3-Ca·Mg型、HCO3-Na·Mg·Ca型等复杂水化学类型,表现出垂向上正向的地球化学分带特征。锶元素在垂向上的分带呈现出异常,在50~80 m深度达到最大值。   相似文献   
Numerical experiments in an idealized river mouth are conducted using a three-dimensional hydrodynamics model (EFDC model) to examine the impacts of suspended sediment concentration (SSC), settling velocity of sediment and tidal mixing on the formation and maintenance of estuarine hyperpycnal flows. The standard experiment presents an illustrative view of hyperpycnal flows that carry high-concentrated sediment and low-salinity water in the bottom layer (>1.0 m in thickness) along the subaqueous slope. The structure and intra-tidal variation of the simulated hyperpycnal flows are quite similar to those previously observed off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth. Results from the three control experiments show that SSC of river effluents is the most important parameter to the formation of hyperpycnal flows. High SSC will increase the bulk density of river effluents and thus offset the density difference between freshwater and seawater. Low SSC of river effluents will produce a surface river plume, as commonly observed in most large estuaries. Both the settling velocity of sediment particles and the tidal mixing play an important role in maintaining the hyperpycnal flows. Increasing settling velocity enhances the deposition of sediment from the hyperpycnal layer and thus accelerates the attenuation of hyperpycnal flows, whereas increasing tidal mixing destroys the stratification of water column and therefore makes the hyperpycnal flows less evident. Our results from numerical experiments are of importance to understand the initiation and maintenance of hyperpycnal flows in estuaries and provide a reference to the rapidly decaying hyperpycnal flows off the Huanghe river mouth due to climatic and anthropogenic forcing over the past several decades.  相似文献   
运用荧光显微技术分析北黄海夏季浮游病毒的分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用荧光显微技术(Epifluorescence Microscopy,EFM),对2006年夏季北黄海水域31个站点的病毒丰度进行了检测,对浮游病毒丰度在水平分布,垂直分布和昼夜变化上进行了探讨.北黄海水域浮游病毒直接检测量(Virus Direct Count,VDC)为(1.58×106~1.38×107)/mL,平均为5.86×106/mL.在水平分布上,表层、30 m和底层水在辽东半岛头部附近出现了病毒较高区域,近海水域的病毒丰度较中部水域高(P<0.05).在垂直分布上,表层浮游病毒丰度高于30 m水层和底层(P<0.05).在昼夜变化上,表层水体中浮游病毒量有明显的变化,10 m水层和30 m水层的病毒丰度昼夜变化较明显,底层病毒丰度昼夜趋势平缓.利用多元相关分析可知,北黄海夏季浮游病毒丰度与站位总水深(P<0.01)和盐度(P<0.05)成一定的负相关性,与温度无明显相关性(P>0.05).  相似文献   
深部资源开发中地下洞室围岩稳定控制必须面对峰后碎裂岩体的变形和破坏问题,目前深部多裂隙岩体开挖强卸荷引起的围岩变形破坏规律尚不清楚,常导致大体积塌方、大变形等重大工程事故。采用大尺度三维模型相似试验系统,分析具有不同倾角的多层节理的岩体在高地应力下开挖变形破坏规律。试验结果表明:裂隙倾角较小时,隧道上、下侧围岩主要发生大变形,左、右侧围岩呈现分层破裂现象,随着裂隙倾角增大,破裂区从洞室左、右两侧逐渐扩展到洞室全周,顶部岩体越容易发生大体积滑塌;隧道围岩由内向外应力和位移值呈波动状分布;洞周塑性区范围随裂隙倾角增大而增大,裂隙倾角越大,洞周塑性区越容易与洞室上、下侧裂隙面连通。该研究为保障深部工程的安全修建与运营提供了试验基础。  相似文献   
利用土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪,开展了在三向非均等固结状态下的饱和中密粉煤灰循环扭剪试验。着重探讨了初始中主应力系数对饱和中密粉煤灰的动模量和阻尼比特性的影响。试验结果表明:初始中主应力系数对粉煤灰动剪切模量有一定的影响,对阻尼比没有影响。根据仪器量测系统的特点,采用了大小位移计联合测量角位移的方法,不仅能够提高测试精度,而且能够获得完整的动模量和阻尼比随动剪应变幅值的变化过程。  相似文献   
对"FY-2C"卫星云图部分产品的生成原理及特点作了简要说明;通过对其在局地雷阵雨、对流性强降水及稳定性降水天气过程的分析应用,说明了TBB、云导风、OLR、6小时雨量估计等资料在天气发生前、过程中的分布及移动变化特征;探讨了"FY-2C"云图导出产品在场区天气分析和预报中的应用前景.  相似文献   
本文介绍了石英光电磁变仪及其数字化采集,记录的设计和实现,并讨论了数字磁变仪系统在地磁台站的应用结果。  相似文献   
Based on reanalysis data, we find that the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) plays an important role in the variability of wave climate in the equatorial Northern Indian Ocean (NIO). Significant wave height (SWH) in the equatorial NIO, especially over the waters southeast to Sri Lanka, exhibits strong interannual variations. SWH anomalies in the waters southeast to Sri Lanka correlate well with dipole mode index (DMI) during both summer and autumn. Negative SWH anomalies occur over the oceanic area southeast to Sri Lanka during positive IOD events and vary with different types of IOD. During positive prolonged (unseasonable) IOD, the SWH anomalies are the strongest in autumn (summer); while during positive normal IOD, the SWH anomalies are weak in both summer and autumn. Strong easterly wind anomalies over the southeast oceanic area of Sri Lanka during positive IOD events weaken the original equatorial westerly wind stress, which leads to the decrease in wind-sea waves. The longer wave period during positive IOD events further confirms less wind-sea waves. The SWH anomaly pattern during negative IOD events is nearly opposite to that during positive IOD events.  相似文献   
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