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生态环境遥感分类数据矢量化方法与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
遥感分类数据矢量化建库是生态环境遥感制图及其应用分析过程中主要的处理内容和基础工作。以福建省海岸带生态环境遥感分类数据为例 ,在分析遥感图像处理系统对遥感分类和专题信息提取后处理中矢量化能力不足和结果存在严重缺陷的基础上 ,综合应用遥感和地理信息基础软件平台 ,提供的系列数据管理、分析和数据转换功能模块 ,开展基于生态环境遥感影像分类数据的矢量化建库技术探讨 ,提出一个生态环境遥感分类数据矢量化建库的通用技术方法和流程 ,并对矢量化结果做了一个简要的评价和分析 ,以满足大面积生态环境遥感调查、分析和制图的实际需要。  相似文献   
内蒙古浑善达克沙地南缘 137Cs、 210Pbex复合示踪研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡云锋  张云芝 《地理学报》2019,74(9):1890-1903
土壤风蚀是导致土地退化、荒漠化以及大气扬尘、风沙天气的重要原因。内蒙古浑善达克沙地南缘是国家主体功能区规划确定的“两屏三带”的重要部分,科学估算本地区土壤风蚀强度及其变化,是地区生态安全和生态建设成效评估的重要内容。选择浑善达克沙地南缘的正蓝旗为研究区,运用 137Cs、 210Pbex复合示踪技术,对研究区土壤侵蚀速率及其变化进行了分析。结果表明:① 研究区内 137Cs本底值为2123.5±163.94 Bq·m -2, 210Pbex本底值为8112±1787.62 Bq·m -2。② 基于 137Cs同位素示踪分析,研究区侵蚀模数为-483.99~740.31 t·km -2·a -1;基于 210Pbex同位素示踪分析,研究区侵蚀模数为-441.53~797.98 t·km -2·a -1。③ 与20世纪20-70年代相比,20世纪70年代以来土壤侵蚀与堆积速率明显降低,研究区风沙活动明显减弱,区域生态环境质量得到改善。综合 137Cs和 210Pbex的多同位素复合示踪技术在干旱、半干旱地区土壤侵蚀研究中具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   
本文以福建省漳浦县沿海区域为研究对象,利用2005年的CBERS-02数据和2000年的ETM+数据,进行沿海防护林快速提取研究。通过分析沿海防护林和沿海地区其他典型地物在原始波段、归一化植被指数ND-VI和非线性波段比NLBR的光谱特征,提出了适用于不同传感器的沿海防护林快速提取方法。研究发现,综合利用NDVI大于阈值1和NLBR小于阈值2,可以实现沿海防护林的快速提取,而阈值可以根据NDVI和NLBR的散点图确定。该方法对具有绿、红和近红外3个波段的不同传感器数据均有一定的参考价值。研究区2000年2005年间,沿海防护林减少的面积是增加面积的1.46倍,政府相关部门应该加大对防护林的管理和建设力度,增强沿海地区防御自然灾害的能力。  相似文献   
矿业投资时,投资矿产应选择金、银、铜、铅、锌、钼、钨、锡、镍矿产,其次选择铁、锰矿产,最后是非金属矿产和可燃有机矿产煤。投资地区应选择投资在国家确定的十六个重点金属成矿区带上。新进入矿业投资的企业,探矿权应选择购买或入股取得,采矿权应通过对原探矿权人马上要探明或已探明资源储量注入资金进行勘探、开发和购买危机矿山取得。  相似文献   
The mineral assemblage and content and surface microtextures of slipping zone soil of several landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir District have been analyzed using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD). All the mineral assemblages are similar in these landslides. The main minerals are montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz and feldspar. There are two kinds of surface microtexture in the slipping zone soil, i.e., linear scratches and arcuate scratches. Based on analyses of the changes of the microtextures, one can obtain information about the number, directions and stages of landslide movements. The authors have also studied the mechanism of landslide formation, evaluated the stability of landslides and revival possibility of ancient landslides and forecasted the activity of similar landslides in different districts. The surface microtexture features of stable landslides and mobile landslides are summarized and it is concluded that the existence of filam  相似文献   
The viscous fluid boundary layer equations were adopted to characterize the velocity distribution across the vertical section of the oil slick on moving water. The velocity profile was found to be the combination of linear and parabolic distribution. A numerical model including spreading and dispersion was developed to describe the oil slick’s early movement in the open and ice-covered water. The flume test was conducted to determine the dispersion coefficients (Kx) and the effects of velocity and wave height on the slick’s dispersion were also investigated. In the open water, Kx increased from 4.34 cm2/s to 20.08 cm2/s as the velocity changed from 3 cm/s to 12 cm/s. Acoefficient β that characterized Kx fluctuated at 1.5 when wave heights were between 20 mm and 70 mm. Under ice, the slick didn’t move until the velocity exceeded 6 cm/s and Kx increased from 2.69 cm2/s to 5.64 cm2/s as the velocity changed from 6 cm/s to 12 cm/s. β remained 0.4 when wave heights were between 20 mm and 60 mm. The model performed very well in predicting the slick’s position and length during the gravitation-inertia phase for the two situations when relevant dispersion coefficients were input.  相似文献   
针对板岩遇水软化、崩解的特点,以沪昆客运专线长昆湖南段CKTJ-IX标段姚家隧道DK384+080附近的板岩岩样为研究对象,进行成分、微观结构测试和浸水崩解试验,分析板岩的宏观崩解特性和微观机理。试验结果表明:随着干湿循环次数的增加,粒径大于2 mm的崩解物颗粒逐步向小于2 mm粒径区间过渡;对于不同风化程度的板岩,粒径大于2 mm的崩解物向其它粒径区间过渡的程度不同;风化程度越高,板岩的耐崩解性指数越低,其抵挡软化、崩解的能力越差;板岩的矿物成分、结构构造和充填胶结特征等内部因素对其崩解性起着控制作用,地理气候条件等外部因素是引起板岩崩解的诱发条件,各因素的作用效力和作用时间的不同使板岩的崩解强弱程度不尽相同。  相似文献   
Accurately identifying and quantitatively describing abandoned channels in meandering rivers are of great significance for improving hydrocarbon recovery. By using modern deposition analogy, field outcrop analysis, a dense well spacing, core observations and a review of the literature, this paper studied the formation process and space–time amalgamation of abandoned channels in meandering river. The results reveal that formation mechanisms of abandoned channels include chute cutoff patterns(shoal-cutting, ditch-scouring and embayment-eroding patterns) and neck cutoff patterns. The chute cutoff pattern forms a gradually abandoned channel, while the neck cutoff pattern forms a suddenly abandoned channel. From upstream to downstream, the sedimentary pattern of the abandoned channel transforms from a chute cutoff pattern to a neck cutoff pattern, where the main controlling factors transition from the grain size and gradient to the flow and vegetation. An abandoned channel formed by a chute cutoff pattern consists mainly of siltstone, fine sandstone and thin gravel layers, which form a lithological-physical barrier. The abandoned channel formed by a neck cutoff pattern consists mainly of mudstone and argillaceous siltstone, forming a lithological barrier. Based on the amalgamation and structure of the reservoir architectural elements, the abandoned channel can be divided into three planar sedimentary patterns(crescent, semilune and horseshoe) for a single channel and five vertical sedimentary patterns for composite channels.  相似文献   
中国地震局地震应急响应信息服务平台是国家级震后各类应急产品汇聚与共享平台。平台为各级应急指挥人员提供全链条地震应急响应业务信息,为应急指挥决策提供信息支撑。平台具有地震应急服务响应等级信息服务、地震应急产品汇聚、现场灾情汇聚和应急响应工作资料支撑等功能。平台用户涉及中国地震局下属各单位,信息服务内容涉及指挥中心、地震速报、震情研判、灾情快报和现场应急。平台通过用户分组和任务分工实现业务管理和业务工作的无缝衔接,充分发挥整个地震局系统各单位的业务优势,实现各单位应急协同和业务联动,在多次重大破坏性地震应急期间迅速完成了信息的汇聚与共享,为应急处置工作的顺利开展提供了强有力的信息支撑。  相似文献   
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