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Precise polarization measurements in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region are expected to be a new tool for inferring the magnetic fields in the upper atmosphere of the Sun. High-reflectivity coatings are key elements to achieving high-throughput optics for precise polarization measurements. We fabricated three types of high-reflectivity coatings for a solar spectropolarimeter in the hydrogen Lyman-\(\upalpha \) (Ly\(\upalpha \); 121.567 nm) region and evaluated their performance. The first high-reflectivity mirror coating offers a reflectivity of more than 80 % in Ly\(\upalpha \) optics. The second is a reflective narrow-band filter coating that has a peak reflectivity of 57 % in Ly\(\upalpha \), whereas its reflectivity in the visible light range is lower than 1/10 of the peak reflectivity (\(\sim 5~\%\) on average). This coating can be used to easily realize a visible light rejection system, which is indispensable for a solar telescope, while maintaining high throughput in the Ly\(\upalpha \) line. The third is a high-efficiency reflective polarizing coating that almost exclusively reflects an s-polarized beam at its Brewster angle of 68° with a reflectivity of 55 %. This coating achieves both high polarizing power and high throughput. These coatings contributed to the high-throughput solar VUV spectropolarimeter called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP), which was launched on 3 September, 2015.  相似文献   
The appearance and disappearance of immovable points are important spatiotemporal events in geographical information science. They represent phenomena such as the birth and death of trees in forests, construction and destruction of buildings in cities and openings and closures of shops and restaurants. This paper proposes a new method for analyzing the appearance and disappearance of points. The method helps analysts capture the overall picture and regional variation of event pattern and detecting significant local patterns. Four measures are defined that indicate the intensity of spatial and temporal patterns of events. The measures are visualized as grid maps. A statistical test is used to evaluate the significance of the measures to extract the regions of significant patterns. The proposed method is applied in an analysis of shops and restaurants in Shibuya, Tokyo. Technical soundness of the method is discussed along with empirical findings.  相似文献   
This paper develops statistical methods for analyzing the distribution of spatial objects—points, convex polygons, and line segments—in relation to a surface. We propose statistics for measuring the relationship between the distribution of these objects and a surface and derive their expectations and variances under the null hypothesis that the objects are independently and randomly distributed. The statistics are approximately distributed according to the normal distribution under the null hypothesis, which enables us to test the significance of the spatial relationships statistically. Using the proposed methods, we empirically analyze the distribution of convenience stores in relation to the distribution of population in a suburb of Osaka, Japan. Some empirical findings are shown.  相似文献   
日本的泡沫经济与土地利用变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1981年起日本经历了长达10年的泡沫经济时期,经济过热的现象于1991年12月突然终止。这一时期对日本的土地和经济造成了许多长远的影响,这是一个无论从经济学视角还是土地利用视角都非常严肃却在学术上又非常有趣的现象。来自地方的土地利用变化趋势调查报告(1980—2005)揭示了政府政策以及地方权力机构的意图是如何影响土地利用的,不同类型的土地利用是如何响应泡沫经济的,而泡沫经济又对土地产生了怎样影响。本研究揭示了在泡沫经济下人类活动影响土地的一些明显的规律。这些规律非常值得其他国家、特别是亚洲的发展中国家借鉴,以减轻或回避经济过热对土地和环境带来的灾难性后果。  相似文献   
The generation of small meanders of the Kuroshio south of Kyushu has been investigated using a high-resolution ocean general circulation model of the North Pacific Ocean. The small cyclonic meander develops in the region east of the Tokara Strait with a period of about one month, then propagates downstream along the Kuroshio path to the longitude of the Kii Peninsula, which is similar to the so-called trigger meanders for the formation of the large-meander of the Kuroshio south of Japan. It turns out that the generation of the small meander is a local phenomenon, strongly associated with anticyclonic eddies that propagate northeastward along the Kuroshio path in the East China Sea. The vorticity balance indicates that the accumulation of positive vorticity during the developing phase of the small meander occurs mainly from the balance between the stretching and the advection terms. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Immediately before the extinction of the end‐Guadalupian (Middle Permian; ca 260 Ma), a significant change to the global carbon cycle occurred in the superocean Panthalassa, as indicated by a prominent positive δ13C excursion called the Kamura event. However, the causes of this event and its connection to the major extinction of marine invertebrates remain unclear. To understand the mutual relationships between these changes, we analyzed the sulfur isotope ratio of the carbonate‐associated sulfate (CAS) and HCl‐insoluble residue, as well as the carbon isotope ratio of bulk organic matter, for the Middle‐Upper Permian carbonates of an accreted mid‐oceanic paleo‐atoll complex from Japan, where the Kamura event was first documented. We detected the following unique aspects of the stable carbon and sulfur isotope records. First, the extremely high δ13C values of carbonate (δ13Ccarb) over +5 ‰ during the Capitanian (late Guadalupian) were associated with large isotopic differences between carbonate and organic matter (Δ13C = δ13Ccarb ? δ13Corg). We infer that the Capitanian Kamura event reflected an unusually large amount of dissolved organic matter in the expanded oxygen minimum zone at mid‐depth. Second, the δ34S values of CAS (δ34SCAS) were inversely correlated with the δ13Ccarb values during the Capitanian to early Wuchiapingian (early Late Permian) interval. The Capitanian trend may have appeared under increased oceanic sulfate conditions, which were accelerated by intense volcanic outgassing. Bacterial sulfate reduction with increased sulfate concentrations in seawater may have stimulated the production of pyrite that may have incorporated iron in pre‐existing iron hydroxide/oxide. This stimulated phosphorus release, which enhanced organic matter production and resulted in high δ13Ccarb. Low δ34SCAS values under high sulfate concentrations were maintained and the continuous supply of sulfate cannot by explained only by the volcanic eruption of the Emeishan Trap, which has been proposed as a cause of the extinction. The Wuchiapingian δ34SCAS–δ13Ccarb correlation, likely related to low sulfate concentration, may have been caused by the removal of oceanic sulfate through the massive evaporite deposition.  相似文献   
A spatial tessellation is a set of regions that are collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive except for the boundaries. In geographical analysis, it may represent such administrative units as census tracts, postal zones, and electoral or school districts. Spatial tessellations of a certain area are often closely related to each other. Areas of local communities are related to school districts, market areas of retail stores, and administrative units. Postal zones and census tracts are determined by collecting or dividing administrative units. Analysis of such relations among tessellations often reveals their underlying spatial phenomena. To this end, this paper proposes a new exploratory method for analyzing the relations among spatial tessellations. It aims to detect spatial patterns, especially those with a hierarchical structure, and to provide a tessellation classification scheme. Topological relations and similarity measures are introduced to evaluate the relations between tessellation pair. For more tessellations, tree representations are proposed. These not only visualize relations, but also provide a means of classifying tessellations. The method is applied to the analysis of two sets of spatial tessellations: one with five hypothetical tessellations, and another with 34 candidate plans for the new Doshusei administrative system in Japan. The application reveals the properties of the method and quantitative measures used in analysis.  相似文献   
Quantization of spatial objects, which usually means vector‐to‐raster conversion in GIS and remote sensing, is a basic operation used for handling spatial data from data creation to visualization. Since quantization is an approximation of spatial objects, it inevitably yields errors in measuring their properties such as area, perimeter, diameter, and so forth. This paper discusses the accuracy of a quantized Voronoi diagram, a spatial tessellation generated from a set of points. A measure is proposed to evaluate the accuracy of the area of Voronoi regions calculated after quantization. In one‐dimensional space the measure is expressed as an explicit function of the expected number of generators in a cell. In two‐dimensional space, on the other hand, the measure is defined by an implicit function, whose approximation is derived in an explicit form. These functions permit us to evaluate the accuracy of quantization in relation to the size of lattice cells and the density of Voronoi generators. This leads to an appropriate choice of a lattice to keep the quality of a quantized Voronoi diagram at a desirable level.  相似文献   
An eddy covariance system using a closed-path CO2analyser was constructed for long-term CO2flux measurements above a forest, and its total frequency response was valuated experimentally. The amplitude and phase responses of the system wereexamined through a preliminary test, in which a prescribed pattern of CO2fluctuation was input to the system. The result showed that the amplitude of the output from the system was attenuated as frequency increased, with a half-power frequency of 0.3 Hz. The phase was delayed by the air sampling through a long tube, but the delay in phase decreased asfrequency increased. We then presented a new technique for the correction of flux loss due to the inadequate system response for the eddy covariance measurements of CO2 flux. Using the present system and the correction technique, diurnal variations in CO2 flux were measured over a temperate deciduous forest on three days in 1997. The results were compared with the CO2fluxes measured with a fast response open-path gas analyser. The CO2fluxes from the closed-path system agreed with those from the open-path system after the Webb, Pearman and Leuning correction was made for the latter. In the present test over a forest, the contribution of the frequency-response correction to the CO2fluxes was small and its averaged percentage was only 3%in the daytime. However, the percentage would likely increase, if the system were applied to a shorter vegetation site where high frequency components are more important. The comparison confirmed that we can obtain correct measurements of CO2flux using the present closed-path system and the correction technique.  相似文献   
More than 30 mafic dykes crop out in the Sergeevka belt in the coastal South Primorye, Far East Russia, of which geologic settings have been unclear for years. This study conducted major- and trace elements characterization, Sr–Nd isotope analyses, and Ar–Ar amphibole and U–Pb zircon datings for these rocks in order to identify their origin. The results demonstrated that all dykes are characterized by high Ba/Yb and low Nb/Y, Zr/Y, and Th/Yb ratios, which suggest their origin from arc melts derived from thin wedge mantle and shallow-dipping slab. These dykes are clearly separated into two distinct age/geochemistry suites; that is, the Paleogene and Early Cretaceous one with dolerites/basalts and adakitic rocks, and the Permian–Triassic one with high-Mg and high-Al gabbro-dolerite varieties. Their geochemistry suggests that the older suite was sourced from a primitive depleted MORB mantle (DMM)-type mantle, whereas the younger suite from an enriched mantle II (EM2)-type mantle domain. The transition in source type from DMM to EM2 occurred during the Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous time, probably by a strong influence of a mantle plume onto the long-continuing subduction-related magmatism. The plume influence reached the maximum when the unique meimechite-picrite complex formed in the region.  相似文献   
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