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为了查明工区内已知的北东向断裂附近有无北西向次级断裂构造的存在,利用高密度电阻率法对其进行探测,运用合理的观测方式,结合已知地质资料,推断了断裂构造带的宽度、深度、倾向等情况,分析了断裂构造带的含水性,为下一步地温测量及钻孔勘探的施工设计提供了依据及建议。结果显示,高密度电阻率法具有有效、快速、准确的特点,是含水构造勘查的有效方法之一。  相似文献   
Jurassic Tectonics of North China: A Synthetic View   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
This paper gives a synthetic view on the Jurassic tectonics of North China, with an attempt to propose a framework for the stepwise tectonic evolution history. Jurassic sedimentation, deformation and magmatism in North China have been divided into three stages. The earliest Jurassic is marked by a period of magmatism quiescence (in 205-190 Ma) and regional uplift, which are considered to be the continuation of the “Indosinian movement” characterized by continent-continent collision between the North and South China blocks. The Early to Middle Jurassic (in 190-170 Ma) was predominated by weak lithospheric extension expressed by mantle-derived plutonism and volcanism along the Yanshan belt and alongside the Tan-Lu fault zone, normal faulting and graben formation along the Yinshan- Yanshan tectonic belt, depression and resuming of coal-bearing sedimentation in vast regions of the North China block (NCB). The Middle to Late Jurassic stage started at 165y.5 Ma and ended up before 136 Ma; it was dominated by intensive intraplate deformation resulting from multi-directional compressions. Two major deformation events have been identified. One is marked by stratigraphic unconformity beneath the thick Upper Jurassic molasic series in the foreland zones of the western Ordos thrust-fold belt and along the Yinshan-Yanshan belt; it was predated 160 Ma. The other one is indicated by stratigraphic unconformity at the base of the Lower Cretaceous and predated 135 Ma. During this last stage, two latitudinal tectonic belts, the Yinshan-Yanshan belt in the north and the Qinling-Dabie belt in the south, and the western margin of the Ordos basin were all activated by thrusting; the NCB itself was deformed by the NE to NNE-trending structural system involving thrusting, associated folding and sinistral strike-slip faulting, which were spatially partitioned. Foliated S-type granitic plutons aged 160-150 Ma were massively emplaced in the Jiao-Liao massif east of the Tan-Lu fault zone and indicate important crustal thicken  相似文献   
提出一种基于局部能量规则的第二代Curvelet变换和主成分分析(PCA)相结合的影像融合方法。实验表明,和其他方法相比,提出的新方法能把两种影像的优点集中在一张影像上,得到的融合影像清晰度高,地质构造可解译程度高,能提供更细致准确的地层岩体、线性和环形构造信息,对矿产资源评价和成矿预测非常有利。  相似文献   
珍稀濒危植物半日花研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
半日花是半日花科的一种半灌木或灌木,稀为一年生或多年生草本孑遗植物。全世界约有8属200种,多分布于地中海沿岸。我国内蒙古、新疆有2种分布,分别是新疆半日花和内蒙半日花。由于自然因素和人类经济活动的影响,特别是采矿、烧柴、放牧、土地开发以及城市化,加剧了对半日花的过度开发, 导致其生物量锐减, 造成个体衰退, 种群缩小的濒危状况,被国家列为二级保护植物。所以加强对珍稀濒危植物半日花的研究和保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   
文章通过对贵州省大方县以公鸡山地裂隙实地调查,认为地裂隙的形成主要与公鸡山一带地下采煤有关。即采煤虚脱,沿先存构造断裂拉张而成。同时叙述了地裂缝特征及危害,并提出防灾减灾措施。  相似文献   
六家立井地区位于平庄盆地北缘,白垩系下统阜新组上段是该区砂岩型铀矿床目标层位,具有较好找铀前景。为深入了解该区砂体的岩石学特征,通过野外钻探工作、岩心编录、样品采集及岩矿测试方法,详细研究了目标层碎屑岩类型、碎屑岩成分、结构构造等岩石学方面特征。结果表明目标层碎屑岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,具有搬运距离短、沉积速度快的特点,其物源较单一,初步判断物源来自盆地东北部和西北部隆起带酸性花岗岩,同时也为铀成矿提供了良好的铀源。  相似文献   
根据年代和考古遗址的空间分布,对河西走廊东部民勤三角城、金昌三角城,新疆的奎玉克协海尔古城,以及中亚的Kyzyl tepa古城的年代、形状、筑造方式等做了对比,并分析了不同时期的古城址和同区域的考古文化遗址之间的空间关系.结果 表明,这3个地区的古城址大致形成于相近的时代,且都是就地取材,充分利用原始的地势而筑城.城墙...  相似文献   
The Qinling Group was previously interpreted as the oldest Precambrian basement unit of the North Qinling Terrain, recording its formation and early crustal evolution. The Qinling Group consists predominantly of gneisses, amphibolites, and marbles, which underwent multi-phase deformation and metamorphism. In order to better constrain the provenance and tectonic setting of this group and the evolution of the North Qinling orogenic belt, in situ U–Pb dating and oxygen isotopic analysis of zircons in combination with whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope analysis was performed on the two dominant rock types, amphibolite and felsic gneiss. Felsic gneisses exhibit enrichment of LREEs and LILEs (Rb, Ba, Th, K, Pb), negative Eu anomalies and depletion of HFSEs (Nb, Ta, P, Ti). The rocks have slightly elevated δ18O values (6.5–9.3 ‰) and initial ε Nd values of ?4.6 corresponding to two-stage Nd model age of 1.99 Ga. Amphibolites are also enriched in LILEs and LREEs and depleted in Nb and Ta and have homogeneous δ18O values (5.0–6.0 ‰), but higher initial ε Nd values (2.8–3.3) and younger two-stage Nd model ages (1.29–1.24 Ga) compared to the gneisses. The zircon age record indicates that the gneisses and amphibolites were formed in a ~960 Ma volcanic arc environment rather than in a rift setting as previously suggested. A major metamorphic event took place during the Early Paleozoic. Based on the age spectrum of detrital zircons, the Qinling Group is interpreted as an autonomous geological unit, which was mainly derived mostly from 1,000 to 900 Ma old granitoid rocks. The North Qinling Terrain can be regarded as a remnant of the Grenville orogenic belt with an early Neoproterozoic evolution different from that of the North and South China blocks.  相似文献   
山西中部小两岭组火山岩的铷—锶同位素年龄测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 一、采样位置及其概况 二、测定方法和测量结果 三、问题讨论  相似文献   
汶川地震断裂带多次地震活动新证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
虹口乡八角庙出露完整的映秀—北川断裂带剖面断层岩,高分辨率磁化率测试揭示出多个具有高磁化率特征的断层岩带。系统的岩石磁学分析证明一层褐色断层岩相对围岩具有最大的磁化率值,存在新生成的磁铁矿和拥有相似的天然剩磁(NRM)和非磁滞剩磁(ARM)强度衰减过程。高磁化率特征是含铁顺磁性矿物受到断层滑移过程产生摩擦生热作用生成磁铁矿所致。同时断层岩还获得了热剩磁,记录了地震活动磁学信息。结合汶川地震科学钻探项目1号孔(WFSD-1)磁化率和岩石磁学研究结果,说明映秀—北川断裂带包含多层具有高磁化率特征的断层岩,暗示了多次强震的发生。具有高磁化率特征的断层岩可以作为判定地震活动的标志之一。  相似文献   
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