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The China Seas include the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Sea. Located off the Northwestern Pacific margin, covering 4700000 km~2 from tropical to northern temperate zones, and including a variety of continental margins/basins and depths, the China Seas provide typical cases for carbon budget studies. The South China Sea being a deep basin and part of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is characterized by oceanic features; the East China Sea with a wide continental shelf, enormous terrestrial discharges and open margins to the West Pacific, is featured by strong cross-shelf materials transport; the Yellow Sea is featured by the confluence of cold and warm waters; and the Bohai Sea is a shallow semiclosed gulf with strong impacts of human activities. Three large rivers, the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Pearl River, flow into the East China Sea, the Bohai Sea, and the South China Sea, respectively. The Kuroshio Current at the outer margin of the Chinese continental shelf is one of the two major western boundary currents of the world oceans and its strength and position directly affect the regional climate of China. These characteristics make the China Seas a typical case of marginal seas to study carbon storage and fluxes. This paper systematically analyzes the literature data on the carbon pools and fluxes of the Bohai Sea,Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea, including different interfaces(land-sea, sea-air, sediment-water, and marginal sea-open ocean) and different ecosystems(mangroves, wetland, seagrass beds, macroalgae mariculture, coral reefs, euphotic zones, and water column). Among the four seas, the Bohai Sea and South China Sea are acting as CO_2 sources, releasing about0.22 and 13.86–33.60 Tg C yr~(-1) into the atmosphere, respectively, whereas the Yellow Sea and East China Sea are acting as carbon sinks, absorbing about 1.15 and 6.92–23.30 Tg C yr~(-1) of atmospheric CO_2, respectively. Overall, if only the CO_2 exchange at the sea-air interface is considered, the Chinese marginal seas appear to be a source of atmospheric CO_2, with a net release of 6.01–9.33 Tg C yr~(-1), mainly from the inputs of rivers and adjacent oceans. The riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) input into the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 5.04, 14.60, and 40.14 Tg C yr~(-1),respectively. The DIC input from adjacent oceans is as high as 144.81 Tg C yr~(-1), significantly exceeding the carbon released from the seas to the atmosphere. In terms of output, the depositional fluxes of organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 2.00, 3.60, 7.40, and 5.92 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The fluxes of organic carbon from the East China Sea and South China Sea to the adjacent oceans are 15.25–36.70 and 43.93 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The annual carbon storage of mangroves, wetlands, and seagrass in Chinese coastal waters is 0.36–1.75 Tg C yr~(-1), with a dissolved organic carbon(DOC) output from seagrass beds of up to 0.59 Tg C yr~(-1). Removable organic carbon flux by Chinese macroalgae mariculture account for 0.68 Tg C yr~(-1) and the associated POC depositional and DOC releasing fluxes are 0.14 and 0.82 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. Thus, in total, the annual output of organic carbon, which is mainly DOC, in the China Seas is 81.72–104.56 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the East China Sea to the adjacent oceans is 15.00–35.00 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the South China Sea is 31.39 Tg C yr~(-1). Although the marginal China Seas seem to be a source of atmospheric CO_2 based on the CO_2 flux at the sea-air interface, the combined effects of the riverine input in the area, oceanic input, depositional export,and microbial carbon pump(DOC conversion and output) indicate that the China Seas represent an important carbon storage area.  相似文献   
Sediments produced by landslides are crucial in the sediment yield of a catchment, debris flow forecasting, and related hazard assessment. On a regional scale, however, it is difficult and time consuming to measure the volumes of such sediment. This paper uses a LiDAR‐derived digital terrain model (DTM) taken in 2005 and 2010 (at 2 m resolution) to accurately obtain landslide‐induced sediment volumes that resulted from a single catastrophic typhoon event in a heavily forested mountainous area of Taiwan. The landslides induced by Typhoon Morakot are mapped by comparison of 25 cm resolution aerial photographs taken before and after the typhoon in an 83.6 km2 study area. Each landslide volume is calculated by subtraction of the 2005 DTM from the 2010 DTM, and the scaling relationship between landslide area and its volume are further regressed. The relationship between volume and area are also determined for all the disturbed areas (VL = 0.452AL1.242) and for the crown areas of the landslides (VL = 2.510AL1.206). The uncertainty in estimated volume caused by use of the LiDAR DTMs is discussed, and the error in absolute volume estimation for landslides with an area >105 m2 is within 20%. The volume–area relationship obtained in this study is also validated in 11 small to medium‐sized catchments located outside the study area, and there is good agreement between the calculation from DTMs and the regression formula. By comparison of debris volumes estimated in this study with previous work, it is found that a wider volume variation exists that is directly proportional to the landslide area, especially under a higher scaling exponent. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
由于仪器水平的限制,关于土体的动力特性的研究目前多采用单向激振方式替代双向激振方式。而这两种激振方式在试验原理方面存在明显不同。很多研究表明,应力路径对土的响应有着不可忽视的影响,这两种方式相替代的合理性尚待证明。本文利用DSC2000多功能动三轴试验系统,选取尾矿砂分别在单向及双向振动条件下进行一系列饱和土的动力特性试验,对比两种激振方式作用下土体的滞回曲线以及骨干曲线的差异,分析土体在这两种振动方式下产生差异的原因,并应用双曲线模型对骨干曲线进行拟合,最后给出在进行土体变形特性试验时以单向激振方式替代双向激振方式的适用条件。  相似文献   
由于地震波的信噪比,传播路径效应,震源机制差异和震源过程等因素的影响,传统的谱比法反演的拐角频率结果不精确,离散性大。以谱比法为基础,引入Bootstrap重采样法,KolmogorovSmirnov检验以及谱比趋势检验的筛选方法,对谱比法的反演结果进行精度评定和筛选,提高谱比法反演的拐角频率精度。将此方法应用于汶川地震余震的拐角频率、地震辐射能量、辐射效率以及能矩比等震源参数反演,建立拐角频率与地震矩之间的对应关系,验证谱比法以及三种筛选方法的可靠性。汶川地震余震震源参数反演结果表明,汶川地震余震的拐角频率与地震矩对应关系M0∝fc-3.295±0.25存在与自相似关系M0∝fc-3偏离现象。在地震释放能量方面,存在能矩比随地震矩增大而增大,以及大地震的辐射效率大于小地震的现象。  相似文献   
2016年2月11日新疆新源县发生MS5.0地震,极震区烈度为Ⅵ度。综合现场调查及地震等震线分布情况,初步判定本次地震的发震构造为阿吾拉勒山南缘断裂。对灾区乡镇的房屋进行调查,发现部分土木结构房屋未进行过抗震设计,在本次地震中破坏较为严重;部分砖木结构房屋地基未按照规范施工,在震动荷载作用下出现不均匀沉降,致使房屋墙体被拉裂、倾斜。数月前灾区发生过强降雨、冻融灾害,加之多次地震灾害叠加,造成本次地震房屋破坏率高、房屋破坏程度重。  相似文献   
通过对蒙城地震台不同频带数字化测震仪器记录的波形及震级进行对比分析,得出不同频带仪器记录不同地震事件的特点及其优越性,有利于提高数字化资料分析的精度.在进一步保证蒙城地震台观测资料的完整性和提高全频带数字化测震观测质量的同时,为蒙城地球物理野外观测研究站的科学研究提供有力数据支持.  相似文献   
利用法国电磁卫星Demeter装载的ICE(电场探针)及IAP(等离子体分析仪)探测数据,分析研究2006年不同季节、不同地方时顶部电离层电场及各等离子参量的全球空间分布特征,结果发现,电场x分量及H+离子浓度、O+离子浓度、He+离子浓度、等离子体温度具有显著的季节变化和地方时变化,而电场y分量及z分量全球分布的季节...  相似文献   
了解农村居民对地震常识的掌握情况是做好农村震害防御工作的重要参考.本文研究设计了调查表格,对农村居民地震常识的掌握情况进行了调查.通过甘肃省16个县(区)的现场抽样调查,得到了甘肃省农村居民的地震常识掌握情况,并通过对比研究,分析了造成农村居民地震常识掌握不足以及造成差异的影响因素.基于调查结果,本文针对农村居民地震常识的掌握情况,提出了增强农村居民防震减灾知识,提高其震害防御意识的工作建议.  相似文献   
本文以江淮地区典型场地资料为原型,选取不同深度的岩层位置作为地震动输入界面,构造多种场地土层模型,选择Taft、Kobe和E1centro 3条强震记录作为地震输入,采用一维频域等效线性化波动方法重点分析了地震动输入界面对场地地表地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明,随着输入界面深度的增加,场地地表的峰值加速度逐渐增加,且增加的幅度呈逐渐减小的趋势,但输入界面深度对地表加速度反应谱特征周期的影响较小;输入界面剪切波速值对反应谱特征周期影响有限,但对地表峰值加速度影响较为显著,地表峰值加速度随着输入界面剪切波速的增大而增大,且两者的增幅呈现近似的线性关系。  相似文献   
河南新郑—太康断裂东段土壤气体地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤气浓度测量能够揭示断裂位置和活动特征。 由于河南新郑—太康断裂北西向隐伏断裂带空间定位精度有待提高, 以及2016年5月该区出现地下逸出气异常的宏观现象, 在太康县西近垂直于断裂走向布设了一条长约13 km的NE—NNE走向的地球化学观测剖面, 用于分析隐伏断层浅层位置及其与地下逸出气宏观异常的关系。 观测结果表明: 该剖面的异常段与该区浅层地震勘探显示的断裂带地表出露位置相吻合, 其中Rn体积活度和H2、 CO2浓度异常揭示出南段有4条断层, 北段有2条断层, 且均具有高角度特征, 南段的CO2浓度异常区与地下逸出气宏观异常位置相符, 但代表构造特征的Rn体积活度和H2浓度没有出现异常, 认为与构造关系不密切。  相似文献   
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