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A hominin maxilla, discovered in 1983 in Chaoxian County, Anhui Province, eastern China represents one of several Asian hominins dating to the late Middle Pleistocene. Although the maxilla and associated occipital have been described, no detailed study of the dentition has been made. This study provides metrical and morphological information on the Chaoxian dentition and places it into a larger Middle to Late Pleistocene context. Implications for the taxonomy of Middle Pleistocene hominins are discussed.  相似文献   
Rapid social and economic development results in increased demand for water resources. This can lead to the unsustainable development and exploitation of water resources which in turn causes significant environmental problems. Conventional water resource management approaches, such as supply and demand management strategies, frequently fail to restore regional water balance. This paper introduces the concept of water consumption balance, the balance between actual evapotranspiration (ET) and target ET, and establishes a framework to realize regional water balance. The framework consists of three stages: (1) determination of target ET and actual ET; (2) quantification of the water-saving requirements for the region; and (3) reduction of actual ET by implementing various water saving management strategies. Using this framework, a case study was conducted for Guantao County, China. The SWAT model was utilized to aid in the selection of the best water saving management strategy by comparing the ET of different irrigation methods and crop pattern adjustments. Simulation results revealed that determination of SWAT model parameters using remote sensing ET is feasible and that the model is a valuable tool for ET management. Irrigation was found to have a greater influence on the ET of winter wheat as compared to that of maize, indicating that reduction in winter wheat cultivation is the most effective way to reduce regional ET. However, the effect of water-saving irrigation methods on the reduction of ET was not obvious. This indicates that it would be difficult to achieve regional ET reduction using water-saving irrigation methods only. Furthermore, selecting the best water saving management strategy by relying solely on the amount of reduced ET was insufficient, because it ignored the impact of water conservation measures on the livelihood of the agricultural community. Incorporating these considerations with our findings, we recommend changing the current irrigation method to sprinkler irrigation and replacing 20% of the winter wheat-maize cultivated area with cotton, as the best strategy to achieve water balance in the study area.  相似文献   
张涛  王源  陈富龙  周伟  胡祺 《测绘通报》2019,(11):74-78,84
基于非局部滤波的SAR强度RC合成变化检测法对小图斑、线型地物等动态监测灵敏,且对数据获取无时空基线要求,在多云多雨城市地表要素变化检测中具备潜力。本文研究以多时相SAR强度RC合成图为数据源,提出一种基于色彩空间变换的变化图斑半自动提取方法,即通过色彩空间转换、训练样本选取、监督分类影像分割、变化区域提取4步骤,可实现基于SAR强度图的城市建设用地动态监测与图斑高效更新。选取南京河西新城与江北新区为示范,以最优参数配置(3特征向量与10样本类别)进行试验,实现了优于88%的建设用地查准率指标。  相似文献   
CT值是医学CT重建图像的一个必备要素,在某些场合下已成为医生诊断疾病的辅助工具,比如骨密度测量、图像分割与识别等。本文介绍一种锥束CT的CT值转换方法。借助Sedentex CT模体,分别获得5种材料的标称CT值和锥束CT衰减系数重建值,并经线性拟合,建立起标称CT值和衰减系数重建值之间的转换方程。最后,分析对比度噪声比和图像灰度值均匀性偏差在CT值转换后的变化情况。  相似文献   
选用山西地区丰富的地震资料,利用单台小震综合断面解、4级以上地震的P波初动解、多台小震综合断面解的结果,叙述了山西地区震源机制结果的特点.得出山西地区震源机制结果有一定的复杂性,小震综合断面解的结果与华北地区的震源机制结果相似,单个地震的震源机制结果一致性较差的结论.  相似文献   
系统分析了三峡井网8口井水位对汶川8.0级地震的同震响应及其后效特征,揭示出这些特征因井而异,其差异性在井孔结构相似的条件下主要取决于井点的构造部位、观测含水层的地下水埋藏类型、含水层的导水系数等条件;深入研究了井水位同震后效特征中残留阶升与阶降的力学含义及其地震预测意义,并用仙女山断裂带上近期地震活动验证了残留阶升区可能是未来地震危险区的科学推论.   相似文献   
胶东西北部是我国最主要的金矿集中区,金矿的同源岩为滦家河花岗岩,属中深侵入体。根据它富含磁铁矿及副矿物组合,高铁低镁的黑云母,岩石化学成分,锶、氧、硫同位素组成,认为属磁铁矿花岗岩,相当于Ⅰ型花岗岩。用K、Rb、Sr、岩石化学成分,稀土元素和硫同位素判别,确认其为壳源(相当于胶东群变质岩的成分)重熔型。我国脉状金矿的容矿围岩时代老,成矿时代新,空间受构造—岩浆带制约,成矿过程脉岩活动频繁,对其原因,本文提出了一种解释。  相似文献   
刘世荣  孙振亚 《矿物学报》1995,15(3):276-280
本文利用EPMA和AEM对预先富集的碳质体中的微细粒金的赋存状态进行了研究,结果表明金均以偏小的高成色金胶粒被非晶态的碳质体吸附、包裹乃至碳质与之形成碳壳。由研究结果认为:①碳质中金可能析出于胶体凝聚作用;②应该注意有机质以机械方式搬运金粒的可能性;③碳质包裹金粒及在金粒表面形成碳壳是碳质体与金紧密结合的表现形式。  相似文献   
利用福建区域GPS连续观测资料计算出应变场,由跨断层垂直形变资料计算出形变速率强度累积率,并根据跨断层、体应变等多种形变资料得到各测点压张特性的空间分布.在此基础上,研究了福建区域2005-2006年、2007-2008年、2009-2010年各时期的形变特征.研究结果表明:龙岩-厦门-东山、政海带与沙县南日岛断裂带交...  相似文献   
以里下河地区防汛信息系统为例 ,阐述了利用 TM遥感图像进行 GIS土地利用更新的试验研究。采用了最大似然分类法和模糊分类法两种监督分类方法进行分类试验。提出了两种提高训练区采样效率的基于 GIS本底数据的采样方法 ,即半人工采样方法和全自动分类区直方图提取法。对上述方法分别做了土地利用分类试验 ,对分类结果进行了分析比较 ,并作出了相应的结论。  相似文献   
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