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We studied the relation between the near-Earth signatures of the interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) shocks such as sudden storms commencement (SSC), and their counterparts of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed near-Sun by solar and heliospheric observatory (SOHO)/large angle and spectrometric coronagraph (LASCO) coronagraph during 1996?C2008. Our result showed that there is a good correlation between the travel time of the ICMEs shocks and their associated radial speeds. Also we have separated the ICME shocks into two groups according to their effective acceleration and deceleration. The results showed that the faster ICME shocks (with negative accelerations which decelerated by solar wind plasma) are more correlated to their associated travel time than those with positive accelerations.  相似文献   
The Sharm El-Sheikh/Ras-Nasrani area is one of the most attractive tourist resorts in Egypt particularly and in the world in general. The area has been rapidly growing during the last few years. Many construction projects including villages, hotels, beaches, and roads have recently been undertaken. The following study demonstrates the use of high-resolution satellite images, QuickBird imagery, acquired on June 2nd, 2007 (0.61 m spatial resolution), for detailed mapping of the recent developments and the slope instability hazard zones. The results were confirmed by field reconnaissance. Our findings indicate that there are many development areas threatened by unstable zones. The hazard areas have been delineated and classified, and a final slope instability hazard map has been established. Different factors were found to have a crucial impact on the slope instability, some natural and others man-made. These unstable localities need to be remediated and/or monitored to avoid any loss in property and/or lives.  相似文献   
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on the SOHO satellite covers the 940–1350 Å range as well as the 470–630 Å range in second order. It has detected coronal emission lines of H, N, O, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni, particularly in coronal streamers. Resonance scattering of emission lines from the solar disk dominates the intensities of a few lines, but electron collisional excitation produces most of the lines observed. Resonance, intercombination and forbidden lines are seen, and their relative line intensities are diagnostics for the ionization state and elemental abundances of the coronal gas. The elemental composition of the solar corona and solar wind vary, with the abundance of each element related to the ionization potential of its neutral atom (First Ionization Potential–FIP). It is often difficult to obtain absolute abundances, rather than abundances relative to O or Si. In this paper, we study the ionization state of the gas in two coronal streamers, and we determine the absolute abundances of oxygen and other elements in the streamers. The ionization state is close to that of a log T = 6.2 plasma. The abundances vary among, and even within, streamers. The helium abundance is lower than photospheric, and the FIP effect is present. In the core of a quiescent equatorial streamer, oxygen and other high-FIP elements are depleted by an order of magnitude compared with photospheric abundances, while they are depleted by only a factor of 3 along the edges of the streamer. The abundances along the edges of the streamer (‘legs’) resemble elemental abundances measured in the slow solar wind, supporting the identification of streamers as the source of that wind component.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Floods represent catastrophic environmental hazards that have a significant impact on the environment and human life and their activities. Environmental and water management in...  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - On November 25, 2009, heavy amount of rainfall precipitated in the city of Jeddah that led to floods causing unexpected loss of life (113 person died), and damaged public and...  相似文献   
The Bir Dakhl section which is located in the southern Galala plateau, north eastern desert was sampled for microfacies analysis of the upper Cretaceous–lower Paleogene succession. Microfacies analysis led to the recognition of eight mixed clastic-carbonate facies types (black shale lithofacies MF-1, pure shale lithofacies MF-2, sandy shale lithofacies MF-3, marly shale lithofacies MF-4, mudstone microfacies MF-5, foraminiferal wackestone microfacies MF-6, bioclastic wackestone microfacies MF-7, and bioclastic packstone microfacies MF-8) of the studied interval. These microfacies can be grouped into three depositional environments: inner, middle and outer ramp. The interpreted depositional environments have been suggested to range from neritic to middle bathyal (~ 700 m). Based on cyclostratigraphy, five deepening upward cycles and three shallowing upward cycles have been differentiated in Bir Dakhl section.  相似文献   
Global sensitivity analysis is a useful tool to understand process‐based ecosystem models by identifying key parameters and processes controlling model predictions. This study reported a comprehensive global sensitivity analysis for DRAINMOD‐FOREST, an integrated model for simulating water, carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) cycles and plant growth in lowland forests. The analysis was carried out for multiple long‐term model predictions of hydrology, biogeochemistry, and plant growth. Results showed that long‐term mean hydrological predictions were highly sensitive to several key plant physiological parameters. Long‐term mean annual soil organic C content and mineralization rate were mainly controlled by temperature‐related parameters for soil organic matter decomposition. Mean annual forest productivity and N uptake were found to be mainly dependent upon plant production‐related parameters, including canopy quantum use efficiency and carbon use efficiency. Mean annual nitrate loss was highly sensitive to parameters controlling both hydrology and plant production, while mean annual dissolved organic nitrogen loss was controlled by parameters associated with its production and physical sorption. Parameters controlling forest production, C allocation, and specific leaf area highly affected long‐term mean annual leaf area. Results of this study could help minimize the efforts needed for calibrating DRAINMOD‐FOREST. Meanwhile, this study demonstrates the critical role of plants in regulating water, C, and N cycles in forest ecosystems and highlights the necessity of incorporating a dynamic plant growth model for comprehensively simulating hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The main aim of the present study is to detect the status of groundwater resources in west Mallawi area which represented one of the new reclamation lands. In order to achieve this aim, the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical studies are carried out, based on the results of 21 pumping tests and chemical analysis of 29 water samples. Two water-bearing units are detected in the study area, namely, the Eocene fractured limestone aquifer which occupies the east portion of the studied area. The second aquifer consists of friable sediments of sand and gravel and may be related to the late Oligocene–early Miocene age and overlies the limestone rocks in the west, and this aquifer were studied for the first time in this work. Regionally, the groundwater flow in the area under study occurs toward the north and east directions. There is a hydraulic connection between both aquifers through the structural pattern affected the area. The partial recharge of the both aquifers takes place through the upward leakage from deep aquifers and the Nile water. There is a general decrease in the water salinity from west to east direction. The groundwater of both aquifers was evaluated for the different purposes and concluded that, it is considered suitable for different uses.  相似文献   
The main factors and mechanisms controlling the groundwater chemistry and mineralization are recognized through hydrochemical data. However, water quality prediction remains a key parameter for groundwater resources management and planning. The geochemical study of groundwater of a multilayered aquifer system in Tunisia is recognized by measurements of the pH, EC, total dissolved solids (TDS), major ion concentration and nitrates of 36 samples from pumping wells covering the aquifer extension and analyzed using standard laboratory and field methods. The calcite precipitation, gypsum, anhydrite and halite dissolution, and direct and reverse ion exchange are the principal process of chemical evolution in the Nadhour-Saouaf aquifer system. Using stepwise regression, the concentration groups of (Ca, Cl, and NO3), (Cl, SO4, and Mg), and (Ca and Na) exhibit significant prediction of TDS in Plio-Quaternary, Miocene, and Oligocene aquifer levels, respectively. The highest values of R 2 and adjusted R 2 close to 1 revealed the accuracy of the developed models which is confirmed by the weak difference between the measured and estimated values varying between ?12 and 8%. The important uncertainty parameters that affected the estimated TDS are assessed by the sensitivity analysis method. The concentration of (Cl), (Ca and Cl), and (Na) are the major parameters affecting the TDS sensitivity of the Plio-Quaternary, Miocene, and Oligocene aquifer levels, respectively. Hence, the developed TDS models provide a more simple and easy alternative to other methods used for groundwater quality estimation and prediction as proven from external validation on groundwater samples unconsidered in the model construction.  相似文献   
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