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Small, irregular terraces on hillslopes, or terracettes, are common landscape features throughout west central China. Despite their prevalence, there is limited understanding of the nature of these topographic features, the processes that form them, and the role humans played in their formation. We used an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the geology, ecology, and cultural history of terracette development within Jiuzhaigou National Park, Sichuan Province, China. Terracettes occur on south facing, 20° slopes at 2500 m elevation, which appears to coincide with places people historically preferred to build villages. Ethnographic interviews suggest that traditional swidden agricultural cycles removed tree roots, causing the loess sediments to lose cohesion, slump, and the terrace risers to retreat uphill over time. This evidence is supported by landslide debris at terracette faces. Archaeological analysis of terracette sites reveal remains of rammed spread soil structures, bones, stone tools, and ceramics dating from at least 2200 years before present within a distinct paleosol layer. Radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating of terracette sediments ranged in age from between 1500 and 2000 14C yr BP and between 16 and 0.30 ka, respectively. These multiple lines of evidence indicate a long history of human habitation within Jiuzhaigou National Park and, taken together, suggest strong links between terracette formation and human-landuse interactions.  相似文献   
通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定并借助X衍射全岩矿物分析,对柴达木盆地南翼山油田新近系油砂山组储集层特征进行分析。该区岩石中泥质含量高,岩性复杂,可划分为泥岩、碳酸盐岩、砂岩和混积岩4种类型。储集层中发育粒间孔、溶蚀孔、微孔隙和微裂缝等,形成了具有双重孔隙介质的储集空间特征。微裂缝是该区主要渗流通道,而微孔隙是主要储集空间,储集层物性总体较差。该区微裂缝类型包括构造缝、溶蚀缝和成岩缝。储集层岩石纹层发育,砂质纹层和泥灰质纹层交互出现,沉积和成岩作用过程中岩石受力不均衡、碳酸盐矿物的溶解以及泥岩收缩是形成微裂缝的主要原因。该区储集层物性受压实作用明显变差,溶蚀和胶结作用同时存在,对储集层物性影响较大。储集层岩石毛管压力曲线由近似垂直的斜线段和近似水平的曲线段两部分组成,中间存在较为明显的拐折点。斜线段反映了微裂缝特征,近似水平曲线反映了微孔隙特征。利用毛管压力曲线求取的排驱压力和平均孔喉半径无法真实地表述此类微裂缝储集层的孔隙结构特征,提出了有效孔喉半径概念,可以合理表述该区微裂缝储集层孔隙结构特征。  相似文献   
In order to study the spatiotemporal evolution of the precursory anomalies 10 years before the Wenchuan M_S8. 0 earthquake in 2008, the epicentral distance of the precursory anomalies is calculated by using the geometric center of the rupture region and the elliptical centerline of the aftershock region. The result shows, precursor anomalies gradually increased about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The ratio of abnormal items is greater than 25% in the near source area (about twice the source scale) and 17%-24% in the remote area (about 3-5 times the source scale). There are three different stages of spatiotemporal evolution of precursory anomalies. During the α stage (including α_1 and α_2,between 700 to 3000 days before the main earthquake),the anomalies are mainly distributed in the southwest and northwest area of the Wenchuan aftershocks area. It is shown that the precursors of the far source region and the near source area have the characteristics of outward expansion. During the β stage (between 300 to 700 days before the main earthquake), the anomalies are distributed in the southwest and northern region of the aftershock region, showing a large range of anomalies. During the γ stage (including γ_1 and γ_2, 300 days before the main earthquake),the range of anomaly distribution is wide,and the anomalies are distributed in the southwest and northeast of the aftershock area. The anomalies converged to epicenter (γ_1) in the far source region and expand outwards (γ_2) in the near source region. Results of the experimental study and mechanical analysis of earthquake preparation process indicate that the three-stage characteristics of precursory anomalies in the process of earthquake preparation may be controlled by the seismogenic body,which is a form of expression in the process of earthquake preparation and a universal featureduring the earthquake preparation process,which has a certain guiding role in earthquake prediction.  相似文献   
Previous studies of gas hydrate in the Dongsha area mainly focused on the deep-seated gas hydrates that have a high energy potential, but cared little about the shallow gas hydrates occurrences. Shallow gas hydrates have been confirmed by drill cores at three sites(GMGS2 08, GMGS2 09 and GMGS2 16) during the GMGS2 cruise, which occur as veins, blocky nodules or massive layers, at 8–30 m below the seafloor. Gas chimneys and faults observed on the seismic sections are the two main fluid migration ...  相似文献   
孕震过程中孔隙压及地下水位变化的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张永仙  石耀霖 《地震》1994,(1):65-72
地震孕育过程中孕震区内各点的应力应变都将发生变化,介质的物性参数也将改变,因此孔隙压和地下水位随之改变。本文在研究孕震过程中包括扩容和断层蠕变效应在内的应力应变场的基础上,根据应力场与孔隙压场的耦合方程,把孔隙压场随应力场的应力变化定量地计算出来。计算结果表明,孕震过程中孔隙压的变化与应力场变的化的强弱及南的渗透性能等因素相关。孕震过程后期,震源区表现为扩容区并且孔隙压强以负压为主,此结果显示着震  相似文献   
GT-2M型海洋重力仪是一种新型的重力测量仪器,其工作原理、输出的原始数据格式及质量均与KSS、LR等常用海洋重力仪有所不同,因此其数据预处理方法也需要调整。选择由GT-2M型海洋重力仪采集的得到的两个工区的原始数据,发现在正常场改正及厄特弗斯改正两个步骤区别于其他重力仪,另外不同的数据提取项也会对处理后的数据精度有一定程度的影响,针对这些问题进行分析研究,总结出适用于GT-2M型重力仪的数据处理流程,为相关人员的工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   
张北6.2级地震近震区前兆异常特征及时空演化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张永仙  刘桂萍 《地震》2000,20(1):53-58
1998年1月10日发生在张北的6.2级强震,是华北地区自1989年大同6.1级震群后的又一次较为显地震。在汇总首都圈及其周围地区各种前兆异常的基础上,研究了近震区(200km范围内)前兆异常的空间、时间演化特征。结果表明,前兆异常的发展过程存在较明显的阶段性和成组性,反映了震前区域应力场的增加过程。还对这些肖兆异常的机制进行了探讨 。  相似文献   
研究了2014年5月和8月海河口9个站点的浮游植物物种及其群落特征。通过调查发现海河口有浮游植物48种,隶属于7门21科33属,以硅藻门、蓝藻门和绿藻门为主,总占比75.83%,优势种为鱼害微囊藻和中肋骨条藻。各断面浮游植物的平均密度为1 654.21×104cells/L,其中采样断面3号点位在8月份密度最高。生物量平均值5月份为1.235mg/L,8月份略高为1.262mg/L。浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)平均值为0.97,Margalef丰富度指数(D)平均为2.24,Pielou均匀度指数(J)平均为0.25。研究结果表明,海河口水体处于中污型的中营养水平。  相似文献   
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