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Geng  Tao  Xie  Xin  Zhao  Qile  Liu  Xianglin  Liu  Jingnan 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(3):1191-1201
GPS Solutions - Successful resolution of integer ambiguity over long baselines is a key to improve the accuracy of precise orbit determination for global navigation satellite system satellites. The...  相似文献   
自Simpson和Hunter(1974)在对夏季爱尔兰海的研究中提出潮混合控制潮汐锋的概念以来,人们相继在许多强潮浅水区发现了潮汐锋现象,并做了大量的研究工作,对锋区的流场结构等特征,以及潮汐锋对周围环境的影响等有了更多的了解。在我国,赵保仁(1985)首先提出黄海存在潮汐锋现象,认为冷水团的温度锋可看作是底层的潮汐锋,并可利用近最大潮流流速计算层化参量来确定黄海潮汐锋(从而亦即温度锋)的位置,而且还可以根据已有调查资料和卫星图片揭示它的一些变化规律。他与合作者的一系列研究工作表明:黄海的潮混合及潮汐锋现象对黄海的温盐和水团分布、层化现象、强温跃层的分布变化、黄海的水平和垂直环流有重要影响和直接关系,进而可以推测黄海的潮混合及潮汐锋现象对黄海的物质输运、生态环境等有着重要的影响,因此研究黄海潮混合形成的温度锋和断面温度分布的数值预报方法是非常有必要的。 以往关于潮汐锋的数值研究大多数是诊断模式,用于求解潮汐锋形成以后锋区的环流结构等,而用数值方法模拟潮汐锋的形成和演化的工作却很少。在国外,只有王东平等(Wang et al.,1990)用二维模型,对垂直涡动扩散和粘性系数采用Munk-Anderson格式与湍流封闭格式嵌套的方法以反映边界层的作用,利用实测的大气强迫力和数值计算的潮流模拟了英国Celtic海的潮汐锋和海洋层化的变化问题,尚未涉及潮汐锋的形成过程。在国内,Bi和Zhao(1993)用一个二维数值模式对黄海34°N的潮汐锋进行了模拟,较好地模拟了从4月到8月潮汐锋的形成和演化过程。在此基础上,我们将进一步利用潮流分布及海面的热量和动量输入条件,以垂直均匀状态为初始条件,模拟黄海各主要断面的温度分布、温度锋和温跃层在增温期的形成和演化过程。  相似文献   
构造地球化学测量在找金中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过马庄山地区构造地球化学测量找金试验和在特克斯县15号水系沉积物异常区开展构造地球化学测量的推广应用证明:构造地球化学测量工作,以遥感地质构造解译为先导,民裂裂构造裂隙充填物及蚀变岩石为采样介质,较岩石地球化学测量更具有矿直接性。  相似文献   
利用长江中下游、河口及口外、浙-闽沿岸陆架6个主要沉积盆地的40个晚第四纪钻孔及其年代学数据和长江口外、陆架的浅地层剖面,计算了全新世不同阶段各沉积盆地的沉积速率,并进行了近7 000年来泥沙堆积通量的估算。研究发现全新世早期距今10 000年至8 000年间长江口下切古河谷是长江泥沙的主要堆积中心,沉积速率可高达15m/ka。随着海平面上升,全新世中期长江中下游也成为长江泥沙的重要沉积盆地,其中江汉盆地的沉积速率可达10m/ka。近2 000年来,口外、陆架的堆积呈明显增加趋势,反映长江中下游盆地和河口可容空间日益减小。根据沉积速率估算,距今7 000年来长江中下游堆积泥沙约13 074×108 t,同期水下三角洲和陆架的泥沙堆积量约为9 470×108 t。研究还发现全新世以来有两个异常低沉积速率时期:距今8000-7 000年期间上述各沉积盆地沉积速率均显著低,未见长江泥沙的沉积中心; 距今4 000-2 000 年期间长江口呈现低沉积速率。 这两次异常的原因推测与海平面、气候波动事件密切相关。  相似文献   
The GMRES approach is used to solve complex matrix solution arising from boundary element analysis of large offshore structures. This makes it possible to solve problems with large numbers of panels on a workstation with a much smaller memory than typical high performance computers. The speed of the solver is compatible with direct solvers when the enough RAM is available. Otherwise, an iteration procedure can be used. By using an out-of-core treatment, typical RAM requirement is reduced to a size approximately linearly proportional to the panel number n instead of being proportional to n2. The code is first verified with direct solver for cases with small number of panels. The applicability to large offshore structure of the model is demonstrated for a TLP case.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙区沙漠化土地防治区划   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
毛乌素沙区在自然条件、沙漠化程度和变化趋势及产业经济发展特征等方面具有明显的空间异质性,合理地进行区域沙漠化土地防治区划是因地制宜开展土地沙漠化防治工作的重要基础。选取自然条件、沙漠化发展过程及人类活动等方面12个指标,将毛乌素沙区划分为黄土高原与鄂尔多斯高原过渡区、毛乌素沙地腹地典型草原区和西鄂尔多斯荒漠草原区3个区、7个亚区、12个小区。在区域可持续发展战略的实施过程中,要根据亚区和小区的特点有针对性地进行沙漠化土地的防治,充分利用区域资源优势,优化产业结构,确保经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的稳步提升。  相似文献   
Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks are widely distributed in the circum-Pacific area of eastern China. These rocks have long been genetically linked to westward subduction of the paleo-Pacific oceanic plate to the eastern Asia continent[1,2]. Research in re-cent years[3―6] has attained conclusions that a simple paleo-Pacific subduction model does not work well in interpreting all the volcanic rocks in eastern China, although some of them could be attributed to circum-Pacific interaction …  相似文献   
在系统整理以往岩土工程勘察报告的基础上,利用本区第②层黄土状粉土的物理力学指标及载荷试验成果,通过三元一次方程得出第②层黄土状粉土的承载力的经验公式,该公式的建立对本区工程建设规划具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
A sequential waveform method is developed to simulate the seismic response of basin-edge structure excited by a plane incident P-wave. The full procedure involves: (a) a previous parameterization of the investigated model using the seismic wave velocities and depths of the sedimentary stratifications; (b) an input motion determined from the records at stations installed on hard rock; (c) forward computation of the P-SV elastic wave field by means of a two-dimensional finite difference (FD) method; (d) the optimization of the model vector using simulated annealing technique and comparing the simulated seismic response of the tested structure with the observed wave field; (e) the correction of the initial model by trial-and-error by testing the differences between synthetics and observed data, and (f) the final solution obtained by iteration using the conjugate gradient algorithm. The search of an optimal basin-edge model has been parallel processed by varying the shapes and velocities of strata on the basis of the fitting of relative timing, amplitude and phase between the output and the observed data. The input motion and sensitivity have been checked and the validity of the method has been demonstrated by numeric analysis. Using the teleseismic records generated by 7 earthquakes recorded at 26 broadband seismic stations, we have studied the seismic velocity structure of the southern edge of the Jiyang depression located in the Bohai Bay basin, northern China. Two cross sections show an agreement between the velocity results and the geological sections available in the region. In addition, we obtain evidence of three hidden faults under the sections and features that suggest major extensions at the Paleogene.  相似文献   
Arctic sea-ice motion and its relation to pressure field   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daily Arctic sea-ice motion maps during the winter seasons (December–March) from December 1988 to March 2003 derived from NSCAT, QuikSCAT, SSM/I, and AMSRE data by a wavelet analysis method have been merged with those derived from buoy data. These merged sea-ice motion data have been used to study the circulation regimes and winter-to-winter variability of Arctic sea-ice motion. The relation between sea-ice motion and the pressure field in the Arctic Ocean was also studied by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the monthly merged sea-ice motion data and the monthly pressure field data from IABP. The mean Arctic sea-ice motion map of the 15 winter seasons has two distinct features: the Beaufort Gyre and a cyclonic circulation system in the Eurasian Basin, which moves ice from the Laptev Sea to Fram Strait. The strengths and sizes of the two features change from one winter season to another. Seasons with a strong or normal Beaufort Gyre alternate with seasons with a weak or no Beaufort Gyre every one to three seasons. The principal components of the first two modes of PCA of the monthly sea-ice motion are closely correlated with their counterparts of the monthly pressure field in the Arctic Ocean. The mode-one components of these two anomalies alternate between anticyclonic and cyclonic circulation systems. The correlation between Arctic Oscillation indexes and the principal components of the first mode of PCA of the monthly Arctic sea-ice motion is low but statistically significant.  相似文献   
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