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于1992年4-10月在山东省青岛市黄岛前湾育苗场和胶南市红石崖镇邵家村养殖场,采用载玻片挂片和对中国对虾现场取样的方法,研究中国对虾育苗池和养成池载玻片挂 表面和对体表微型污着生物群落的组成和发展。  相似文献   
青藏高原各拉丹冬地区冰川变化的遥感监测   总被引:49,自引:20,他引:49  
以位于青藏高原长江源头的各拉丹冬地区冰川为例, 利用2000年的TM数字遥感影像资料、 1969年的航空相片遥感资料、地形图及数字地形模型, 通过遥感图像处理和分析提取研究区小冰期最盛期(LIA)、 1969年和2000年的冰川范围, 并在地理信息系统技术支持下分析该地区冰川的进退情况. 研究结果表明, 该地区1969年冰川面积比小冰期最盛期的冰川面积减少了5.2%, 2000年的冰川面积比1969年的冰川面积减少了1.7%. 从1969年到2000年最大冰川退缩速度为-41.5 m*a-1, 最大冰川前进速度为+21.9 m*a-1. 本区的冰川基本处于稳定状态, 冰川退缩的速度不是太大, 并有前进的冰川存在.  相似文献   
为了得到金属尖端在发生电晕放电时尖端处的电场强度,该文首先采用实验室实验得到不同高度、不同形状、不同材质的金属尖端发生电晕放电时的环境电场阈值;再采用有限元法计算二维泊松方程,得到尖端处电晕触发阈值,由此得出以下结论:环境电场阈值随金属尖端高度的增大基本呈线性减小趋势,随着尖端越来越尖,环境电场阈值呈先减小后增大的变化趋势;高度、形状对金属物尖端处电晕触发阈值无影响,尖端处电晕阈值为定值;给出尖端处电晕触发阈值为158.75 kV·m-1与空间分辨率的拟合公式,可为今后电晕放电数值模拟中判断电晕放电的起始时刻提供参考。  相似文献   
Progress over the past decade in understanding moisture-driven dynamics and torrential rain storms in China is reviewed in this paper. First, advances in incorporating moisture effects more realistically into theory are described, including the development of a new parameter, generalized moist potential vorticity(GMPV) and an improved moist ageostrophic Q vector(Qum). Advances in vorticity dynamics are also described, including the adoption of a "parcel dynamic" approach to investigate the development of the vertical vorticity of an air parcel; a novel theory of slantwise vorticity development, proposed because vorticity develops easily near steep isentropic surfaces; and the development of the convective vorticity vector(CVV)as an effective new tool. The significant progress in both frontal dynamics and wave dynamics is also summarized, including the geostrophic adjustment of initial unbalanced flow and the dual role of boundary layer friction in frontogenesis, as well as the interaction between topography and fronts, which indicate that topographic perturbations alter both frontogenesis and frontal structure. For atmospheric vortices, mixed wave/vortex dynamics has been extended to explain the propagation of spiral rainbands and the development of dynamical instability in tropical cyclones. Finally, we review wave and basic flow interaction in torrential rainfall, for which it was necessary to extend existing theory from large-scale flows to mesoscale fields, enriching our knowledge of mesoscale atmospheric dynamics.  相似文献   
通过介绍“盱眙县农业环境地质评价”,提出了开展农业地质工作的思路、方法及成果的编制。对如何开发地质资源,控制地质灾害,以服务于农业,进行了有益地探索。  相似文献   
水体中含一定浓度的甲醛 ,用 Nessler法测得的总氨氮 (TAN)浓度远远高于实际浓度 ,差异百分数最高达 4 5 0 .0 6 % ;用次氯酸酚盐法测得的总氨氮 (TAN)浓度则明显低于实际浓度 ,差异百分数最高可达 84 .77%。甲醛浓度范围为 10~ 4 0 mg/ L、TAN浓度为 1~ 10 mg/ L,通过双因素有重复观察值的交叉实验 ,得到如下矫正式 :(1)用 Nessler法测 TAN时 ,Y=4 .0 5 2 9- 0 .0 72 4 x1+ 0 .2 0 6 4x2 ,标准误差为 1.3381;(2 )用次氯酸酚盐法测 TAN时 ,Y=0 .1196 + 0 .0 345 x1+ 1.0 0 2 2 x2 ,标准误差为 0 .4 6 2 7。 Y为 TAN实际浓度 (mg/ L) ,x1为甲醛浓度 (mg/ L) ,x2 为测得的 TAN浓度(mg/ L )。比较含氨氮水体与不含氨氮水体中的甲醛浓度 ,方差分析结果表明 ,没有显著差异。  相似文献   
湿地植物群落结构及其动态变化特征是反映湿地生态系统健康状况的重要指标,对预测湿地生态系统演变方向和生态恢复至关重要。本文基于融合Landsat和MODIS数据获得的30 m、8 d分辨率的NDVI数据集,结合物候特征构建决策树分类方法,解译了2000 2020年鄱阳湖洪泛湿地植被空间分布格局,分析不同植物群落时空动态特征及转移变化过程。结果表明:遥感时空融合为鄱阳湖湿地植被精细化分类提供了良好的数据基础,基于物候特征的决策树分类方法将研究区解译为水体、泥滩、浮叶植物群落、蓼子草(Polygonum hydropiper)-虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)群落、苔草(Carex cinerascens)群落、芦荻(Phragmites australis-Triarrhena lutarioriparia)群落、蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)群落和林地8种景观,总体分类精度达89.36%。从全湖范围来看,湿地植被总面积虽有波动,但整体呈显著增加趋势,其中蓼子草-虉草群落的增加最为明显,而分布最广的苔草群落先增加后有微弱减小,次优势种的芦荻群落面积在30...  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷百口泉组相对湖平面升降规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
准噶尔盆地三叠系百口泉组相对湖平面升降规律认识不清,制约了对百口泉组沉积体系分布与演化的分析。在高分辨率层序地层学理论指导下,综合钻井、测井等资料,采用传统定性分析与定量的测井小波变换分析相结合的方法,对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷斜坡区三叠系百口泉组进行高精度层序地层划分,将百口泉组定量划分为1个长期层序,4个中期层序,16个短期层序,126个超短期层序;对126个超短期层序进行Fisher图解的定量分析,结果显示百口泉组沉积时期湖平面升降总体表现出持续上升的特征,内部又可划分为多个次级湖平面升降旋回,百口泉组一段(T1b1)、百口泉组二段(T1b2)、百口泉组三段(T1b3)与三次湖平面持续上升过程相对应,百口泉组三段(T1b3)湖平面达到百口泉组时期的最大规模。通过对比前人研究成果和钻井地质信息,认为相对湖平面升降曲线具有很高的可信度。  相似文献   
The Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit is a polygenetic composite ore deposit located at south of the Qinhang (Qinzhou-Hangzhou) Metallogenic Belt, which is composed mainly of SEDEX type Cu-Pb-Zn and porphyry-skarn type W-Mo orebodies. Systematic field study shows that the W-Mo mineralization exhibits as quartz-vein type and skarn type orebodies around the granodioritic porphyry, or superimposes on the SEDEX type Cu-Pb-Zn orebody, while the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization occurs mainly in the Qiziqiao Formation as stratiform-substratiform type and breccia type orebodies with typical SEDEX-type characteristics. Re-Os dating of five molybdenite separates from porphyry-skarn type W-Mo orebodies yielded isochron ages of 163.6±1.0 Ma (MSWD=0.58), which represents the age of W-Mo mineralization. Re-Os dating of seven black carbonaceous mudstone samples from a Cu-Pb-Zn orebody yielded isochron age of 387.6±9.9 Ma (MSWD=56), which is interpreted to be the age of SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization. These ages indicate that there are at least two stages of ore mineralization in the Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit. The W-Mo mineralization is related to the Yanshanian intermediated-acidic intrusions, while the stratiform-substratiform SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization is associated with the Hercynian seafloor hydrothermal activities. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
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