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钱塘江口涌潮的二维数值模拟   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
应用二维有限体积法、Osher格式及间断拟合法,计算了钱塘江河口涌潮产生、发展到消亡的全过程。该算法能保证水量和动量守恒,且能适应水深巨大变化和动边界。根据钱塘江涌潮的特点,可将其合理概化为一线潮。在网格尺寸较大情况下,计算的一线潮仍保持高分辨率,能准确满足水力学间断条件,且计算量小,可以在微机上实现。在对某实测半日小潮进行率定后,对随后的大潮进行了验证计算,涌潮的主要特征(如涌潮高度、移速、水位和流场等)与实测资料符合良好,证实了模型的合理性和模拟能力。  相似文献   
Chemistry of major and minor elements, 87Sr/86Sr, δD, δ18O and δ34S of brines were measured from Tertiary strata and Quaternary salt lakes in the western Qaidam Basin. The water chemistry data show that all oilfield brines are CaCl2 type. They were enriched in Ca2+, B3+, Li+, Sr2+, Br, and were depleted in Mg2+, SO4 2−, which indicated that these brines had the characteristics of deeply circulated water. The relationship between δD and δ18O shows that all data of these brines decline towards the Global Meteoric Water Line (GWL) and Qaidam Meteoric Water Line (QWL), and that the intersection between oilfield brines and Meteoric Water Lines was close to the local spring and fresh water in the piedmont in the western Qaidam Basin. The results suggest that oilfield brines has initially originated from meteoric water, and then might be affected by water-rock metamorphose, because most oilfield brines distribute in the range of metamorphosing water. The 87Sr/86Sr values of most oilfield brines range from 0.71121 to 0.71194, and was less than that in salt lake water (>0.712), but close to that of halite in the study area. These imply that salt dissolution occurred in the process of migration. In addition, all oilfield brines have obviously much positive δ34S values (ranging from 26.46‰ to 54.57‰) than that of salt lake brines, which was caused by bacterial sulfate reduction resulting in positive shift of δ34S value and depleteed SO4 2− in oilfield brines. Combined with water chemical data and δD, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr, δ34S values, we concluded that oilfield brines mainly originate from the deeply circulated meteoric waters, and then are affected by salt dissolution, water-rock metamorphose, sulfate reduction and dolomitization during the process of migration. These processes alter the chemical compositions of oilfield brines and accumulate rich elements (such as B, Li, Sr, Br, K and so on) for sustainable utilization of salt lake resources in the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   
Sorption of Ni2+ on Na-rectorite as a function of contact time, temperature, pH and fulvic acid (FA)/humic acid (HA) was studied under ambient conditions. A pseudo-second-order rate equation was used to simulate the kinetic sorption. The removal of Ni2+ increased with increasing pH. The presence of FA/HA enhanced the sorption of Ni2+ at low pH values, whereas no drastic effect of FA/HA on Ni2+ uptake to rectorite was found at high pH values. The diffuse layer model (DLM) fitted the experimental data of Ni2+ sorption in the absence and presence of FA/HA very well with the aid of FITEQL 3.2. The Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R) models were used to simulate the sorption isotherms of Ni2+ at different temperatures. The thermodynamic data (ΔH0, ΔS0, ΔG0) were calculated from the temperature dependent sorption isotherms and the results suggested that the sorption process of Ni2+ on rectorite was spontaneous and endothermic. The sorption and species of Ni2+ on rectorite in the presence and absence of FA/HA was also investigated and characterized by XPS. The spectroscopic analysis indicated no drastic structural changes of Na-rectorite and the sorption of Ni2+ mainly occurred on the surface and at the edge position of Na-rectorite.  相似文献   
滇西兰坪盆地五茂林剖面下白垩统景星组沉积相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实测了云南西部兰坪盆地东部下白垩统下部景星组的五茂林剖面,建立了曲流河、三角洲和湖泊3种沉积序列,其中三角洲序列在云南下白垩统中属首次建立。分析了粗碎屑岩的组成,将该剖面上出露的砾岩分成4类。早白垩世时兰坪盆地属丹那沙林-高黎贡弧的弧后盆地,景星组自下而上为曲流河沉积、三角洲沉积和湖泊沉积,且随湖侵发生,湖泊向西扩大。  相似文献   
内江市近40年日照变化的统计特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
谭友邦  谢利娟 《气象》1996,22(10):27-30
利用1960-1995年内江市各测站的逐月日照时数资料,分析了内江市近40年来日照的变化特征,发现区域平均日照以46.98小时/10年的倾向率减少,这种减少趋势主要表现在冬、夏两季。同时还检测出内江市区域平均年日照时数在1980年发生突变,共后进入一个相对少日照对段。  相似文献   
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)/Operational Linescan System (OLS) nighttime imagery provides a valuable data source for mapping urban areas. However, the spatial extents of large cities are often overestimated because of the effect of over-glow from nighttime light if a fixed thresholding technique is used. In the work reported here, an inside buffer method was developed to solve this issue. The method is based on the fact that the area overestimated is proportional to the extent of the lit area if a fixed threshold is used to extract urban areas in a region/county. Using this method, the extents of urban areas in North China were extracted and validated by interpretations from Landsat Thematic Mapper images. The results showed that the lit areas had a significant linear relationship with the urban areas for 120 representative cities in North China in 2000, with an R2 value of over 0.95. This demonstrates that the inside buffer method can be used to extract urban areas. The validation results showed that the inside buffer model developed in 2000 can be directly used to extract the extent of urban areas using more recent nighttime light imagery. This is of great value for the timely updating of urban area databases in large regions or countries.  相似文献   
谭捍东  陈乐寿 《现代地质》1997,11(3):393-400
简述了包括Robust估计、阻抗张量分解、Rhoplus理论、二维快速松弛反演、静位移校正等一些先进的大地电磁资料处理和反演方法的理论。结合INDEPTH MT实测资料例举了它们的应用效果。提供了一套处理野外资料的系统流程。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东缘中奥陶统马家沟组发育豹斑状云质灰岩,因其分布广泛、成因复杂以及具有重要的油气储集意义而长期受到关注。文中以山西省兴县关家崖剖面马家沟组四段顶部为例,依据宏观、微观岩石学特征,结合碳氧稳定同位素、原位激光剥蚀的微量稀土元素等地球化学分析手段,分析了豹斑状云质灰岩的特征及其成因。研究表明,豹斑状云质灰岩的特征为: (1)常发育于(含颗粒)泥晶灰岩中,且向上白云石化程度增强,云质斑块内常伴有针状或板条状石膏假晶;(2)按产状可大致分为水平、斜交和不规则花斑3种类型,分别对应于向上变浅序列的下部、中部和上部,序列顶部多见近原地角砾化;(3)基质灰岩与云质斑块的δ13C、δ18O值较同期海水略显负偏,顶部不规则云质斑块负偏程度最大;(4)“豹斑”与基质灰岩均具有较低的Mn、Sr、Ba等含量和低Mn/Sr值;(5)“豹斑”的ΣREE含量较基质灰岩略低,且皆表现为轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损的稀土配分模式,δCe微弱负异常,δEu无异常。依据上述结果,推测关家崖剖面马四段豹斑状云质灰岩产状受到生物扰动和高频海平面驱动的早成岩期岩溶耦合控制,序列由下至上耦合改造由弱变强,形成下—中部以岩溶影响较小的水平和斜交虫迹为特征、上部叠合岩溶强改造形成不规则花斑的垂向序列组合;早成岩期的暴露岩溶不仅叠合改造生物潜穴,而且蒸发浓缩的有限重卤水沿叠合优势通道优先交代孔渗条件更好的区域,至埋藏时期白云石化作用进一步加强,从而形成了区内类型多样的豹斑状云质灰岩。研究结果还揭示出沉积期微地貌控制的早成岩期岩溶作用是马四段这类特殊的豹斑状云质灰岩或豹斑状云岩储集层形成的关键,且在很大程度上控制了这类储集层的分布,这一认识可为高频暴露驱动的早成岩期岩溶研究提供新的材料。  相似文献   
生态地质勘查正在成为煤炭地质勘查工作的主要发展方向。遥感技术作为“非接触式”勘查技术,在生态地质勘查中应有一席之地。通过阐述遥感技术在煤炭、天然气水合物、油页岩等资源勘查中的工作程序及勘查实例,认为在西北生态脆弱区资源勘查领域遥感技术具有独特的优势:通过不同比例尺的遥感煤田地质填图,可快速高效圈定含煤远景区;利用遥感图像的热红外波段数据可以快速获取与水合物相关的温度异常信息,圈定热异常分布区,为天然气水合物进一步勘探指明方向;通过对遥感图像的处理可直接提取与油页岩相关的成矿异常信息,圈定找矿远景区。在西北生态脆弱区应用遥感技术进行资源勘查具有好的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   
粉煤灰土壤及所产蔬菜的有害元素含量变化和环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南京第二热电厂湿排的粉煤灰,进行了改良蔬菜土壤的试验,并对试验用的粉煤灰、不同施灰量的土壤及所产蔬菜共38 个样品的有害元素和放射性元素含量进行了系统的测定。结果表明:这些元素在土壤中的含量与粉煤灰施用量无明显相关性;在本次试验范围内施用粉煤灰没有造成土壤的污染;其所产蔬菜的这些元素含量也均低于国家卫生标准限值,食用是安全的。  相似文献   
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