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全时域时间谱视电阻率算法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用数值逼近的方法,逐段用多项式表示偶极—偶极排列的瞬变电场。根据求出的多项式指数和系数,建立全时域时间谱视电阻率的算法。该算法能对小收发距(r与h1相近或更小)时的瞬变电场,计算出可形象反映地电断面的视电阻率。  相似文献   
黄河三角洲南部冲洪积扇区浅层地下水由于长期大量开发利用,早已形成了区域性漏斗群。通过对漏斗区地下水赋存条件和调蓄条件的分析,提出了由新建的引黄主干渠引黄河水,采用河渠、坑塘内施工回灌引渗,以及丰水期大气降水地表径流拦蓄引渗和引黄河水引渗回灌联合调度的方案,并从调蓄资源增量、调蓄可行性和调蓄效益等方面进行了论证。  相似文献   
本文依据五百年旱涝,温度等级资料,用最优分割法进行了早涝的干湿期划分和冷暖期划分,并对此进行了统计分析。  相似文献   
我国西北地区春季旱涝气候特征研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
利用西北地区160个台站1950~2000年春季降水量资料,讨论了西北5个区域的旱涝气候特征,发现西北东部和北疆山前地带降水气候变化最为激烈,旱涝事件频繁.整个西北地区春季干旱虽较雨涝多见,但严重雨涝的发生多于严重干旱,且严重旱涝的发生自20世纪80年代以来有增加的趋势.西北各区的旱涝演变具有阶段性和群发性的特点,存在年代际的变化周期和5~6年的准周期振荡.西北东部春季严重雨涝和严重干旱发生时,中高纬度大尺度环流及副热带大气环流特征迥然不同,且分别对赤道中东太平洋海温和北太平洋西风漂流区海温异常表现出遥响应的关系.  相似文献   
针对我国燃煤电厂SO2排放及污染现状和目前国内外燃煤电厂普遍采用的几种典型脱硫工艺的比较,对脱硫工艺及其工艺选择的主要影响因素进行了概述。根据脱硫工艺的选择要素,从应用条件、技术、经济和环境等方面进行分析,并结合我国的实际情况,提出了燃煤电厂脱硫工艺的技术路线。  相似文献   
The evolution of large-scale landslides should be studied because, over long periods of time, primary remediation measures may suffer reduced efficiency or have to be adjusted many times. The 102 Landslide in southeast Tibet, which originally formed in 1991 with a volume of 5.1 million m3 and still exhibits post-failure activity, provides a distinctive case study. The landslide evolved from earthquake destruction and unloading, rainfall-triggered sliding, and debris flow to sands sliding slopes. The NE ringed scarp receded by 38.96 m during a five-year period (2003–2008). The total recession was 160 m with a total area of 2500 m2 during a 17-year period (1991–2008). Although several types of remediation measures were applied and were temporarily effective, the normal function of the Sichuan–Tibet Highway was affected by landslide reactivation from time to time. Actual effects of the engineering measures such as retaining walls, prestressed anchor cables, and drainage ditches confirm that hasty governance of this type of large-scale landslide is generally unfeasible over long time periods. Finally, an approach involving a tunnel running backward from the front face has been adopted as a permanent solution to large-scale moraine slope failures: This engineering practice has been in progress since April 2012. This paper describes the evolution of the 102 Landslide, the engineering interventions to mitigate the effects of the landslide on the Sichuan–Tibet Highway, and the choice of tunneling as a final mitigation measure. The present study concludes that approaches that allow escape from developing geo-hazards should always be the initial choice.  相似文献   
The authors developed a 3-D numerical injection model on parallel TOUGH 2-FLAC3D based on the site-specific stratigraphic information in Ordos Basin to simulate the Shenhua CO2 geological storage ( CGS ) demonstration project injection process for three years and forecast CO2 migration and layers displacement after injection for seven years .The results suggested that CO2 migration did not stop after three years of consecutive injection, but migration rate was slowing down with time .As a result, displacement near injection well in-creased with injection and decreased slowly after injection .The maximum displacement of surface center oc-curred near the end of injection , which was only 1.24 cm.According to the displacement result , it is safe to continue injecting for this project .  相似文献   
农地流转中农户与集体经济组织的关系为委托代理关系,集体经济组织在农村土地流转中扮演着委托者和代理者的双重角色,承担着委托者和代理者的双重职责。农地流转中集体经济组织存在违背农户意愿的强制流转、土地流转收益分配不均、对土地承租方经营管理监督缺失、同土地承租方勾结侵害农户利益等背离自身定位的行为,原因主要在于农户个体的信息弱势地位、专业中介市场的不成熟、集体经济组织自身的利益驱动、政府不合理的干预和控制、法律环境不完善。要想引导与规范农地流转中集体经济组织行为,应当完善信息披露制度,培育专业中介市场,完善激励约束机制,正确定位政府职能,健全法律法规体系。  相似文献   
夏塞Ag-Pb-Zn矿床为三江中北段义敦地区一个典型的大型岩浆热液脉型矿床,本次研究首次发现了镍矿物。银铅锌矿床中发育镍矿物的报道甚少,且含镍流体来源也存在争论。本文通过对镍矿物进行电子探针成分测试及元素面扫描分析,探讨了Ni元素的赋存状态及其地质意义。研究表明,这些矿物主要由Ni和Sb组成,少量矿物含较低含量的Fe和S。矿物名称为红锑镍矿(NiSb),主要以矿物包裹体形式赋存于磁黄铁矿或以微细矿物与磁黄铁矿伴生。结合前期矿床学研究成果,表明夏塞Ag-Pb-Zn矿床成矿作用与早白垩世晚期壳幔混合成因的二长花岗岩关系密切。  相似文献   
基于湖北省区域测震台网数字波形数据,利用震源机制解获取江汉盆地东北缘现今地壳构造应力场。结果表明,研究区内地壳受力源影响发生自NWW向SEE方向位移,使得皂市断裂和长江埠断裂在4~6 km深度范围内发生以走滑为主、兼少量逆冲的剪切破坏,震群活动与古近纪以来的断层活动有关。  相似文献   
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