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Surface energy fluxes were measured using Bowen-Ratio Energy Balance technique (BREB) and eddy correlation system at Luancheng of Hebei Province, on the North China Plain from 1999 to 2001. Average diurnal variation of surface energy fluxes and CO2 flux for maize showed the inverse "U" type. The average peak fluxes did not appear at noon, but after noon. The average peak CO2 flux was about 1.65 mg m-2 s-1. Crop water use efficiency (WUE) increased quickly in the morning, stabilized after 10:00 and decreased quickly after 15:00 with no evident peak value. The ratio of latent heat flux (λE) to net solar radiation (Rn) was always higher than 70% during winter wheat and maize seasons. The seasonal average ratio of sensible heat flux (H) divided by Rn stayed at about 15% above the field surface; the seasonal average ratio of conductive heat flux (G) divided by Rn varied between 5% and 13%, and the average G/Rn from the wheat canopy was evidently higher than that from the maize canopy. The evaporative fraction (EF) is correlated to the Bowen ratio in a reverse function. EF for winter wheat increased quickly during that revival stage, after the stage, it gradually stabilized to 1.0, and fluctuated around 1.0. EF for maize also fluctuated around 1.0 before the later grain filling stage, and decreased after that stage.  相似文献   
赵胡笳  马雁军 《气象科技》2011,39(4):468-472
利用2009年5月至2009年11月鞍山、沈阳、本溪、抚顺4个市区的器测能见度和人工观测能见度资料,分别按照不同气象要素和天气现象等情形下,对两种观测数据资料的差异进行了详细的统计分析.结果表明:与无视程障碍天气情形相比,出现具有视程障碍天气情形时,器测、目测能见度差异较小;总云量越多,两种观测值差异越小;PM10质量...  相似文献   
研究认为,Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、As和Sb是崤山金矿及外围异常检查、深部预测和找矿评价的指示元素。Au、Ag、As和Sb 4个元素是1号矿脉浅部矿体的特征指示元素。矿体浅部矿化样品、矿体中部矿化样品和矿体深部矿化样品的归类十分明确,可用作判断地表矿体的剥蚀程度及地表矿体向下延深情况。  相似文献   
白超英  曲延军 《内陆地震》1990,4(4):351-355
1990年6月14日苏联斋桑7.3级强震发生在重力异常梯度带的拐弯处;强震前存在明显的M_s≥3.5级地震围成的空区;空区走向为北西西向,与斋桑强震发震构造走向一致,长轴约170km。1990年2月14日4.0级地震可视为信号震。最后初步讨论了阿勒泰活动区的地震趋势。  相似文献   
中国大陆地震空区统计特征分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对中国大陆具备相对完整资料的367次5级以上地震,分5个工作片区进行统一定性要求的地震空区图像扫描,得到194次震前的空区图像.其中震前有空区地震与研究地震的比例分别为:华北片区14∶36;华东南片区21∶24;川滇片区68∶124;青藏高原北部片区36∶82;新疆片区55∶101.震前出现空区图像比例最低的为华北地区,最高的为华东南地区,新疆与川滇地区基本相当.在此基础上着重讨论了空区形成后发生的主震与空区形成持续时间、空区空间分布尺度及围空地震震级等的统计关系.结果表明,空区的持续时间、空间尺度与主震震级间存在一定的相关关系,但其误差较大.而围空的起始震级在5级主震前为ML2.5左右,6级主震前为ML3.5左右,7级以上主震前为ML4.0左右.主震通常发生在空区的边缘及附近的外部地区.5级、6级和7级地震前出现空区图像的比例分别为45.8%、72.6%和100%,一定程度上表明了震前空区图像是强震前的重要异常判据.  相似文献   
We analyzed variations in the Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, REE/Ca (REE: rare earth element), Zn/Ca, and Pb/Ca ratios preserved in an annually layered stalagmite, XL21, from central China. The stalagmite record spans the 95 year period AD 1914–2008. The Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios have a significant positive correlation with the stalagmite's growth rate, suggesting that they were primarily controlled by growth-rate variations. Variations in REE/Ca ratios are consistent with local temperature changes, suggesting temperature influenced REE concentrations in the stalagmite over decadal to annual timescales. Higher temperature in this humid area can increase vegetation cover, microbial activity, and organic decomposition in the soil, resulting in enhanced pCO2, organic matter concentration and reduced pH, and consequently increased REE mobilization from the overlying soil layer and host rock. Higher temperatures may also increase the natural Zn mobilization from the overlying soil mediated by organic matter and consequently may have led to increased Zn retention in XL21. An increasing trend is seen in the Pb/Ca ratios from XL21 since 1985, which is consistent with increased lead production in this area, and indicates an increase in mine-derived lead pollution in the local environment over the past 30 years.  相似文献   
Land surface evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in energy and water balances. ET can significantly affect the runoff yield of a basin and the available water resources in mountainous areas. The existing models to estimate ET are typically applicable to plains, and excessive data are required to calculate the surface fluxes accurately. This study established a simple and practical model capable of depicting the surface fluxes, while using relatively less parameters. Considering the complex terrain, solar radiation was corrected by importing a series of topographic factors. The water deficit index, a measure of land surface wetness, was calculated by applying the fc (vegetation fractional cover)‐Trad (land surface temperature) framework in the two‐source trapezoid model for evapotranspiration model to mountainous areas after corrections of temperature based on altitude variations. The model was successfully applied to the Kaidu River Basin, a basin with few gauges located in the east Tien Shan Mountains of China. Based on the time scale extensions, ET was analyzed at different time scales from 2000 to 2013. The results demonstrated that the corrected solar radiation and water deficit index were reasonably distributed in space and that this model is applicable to ungauged catchments, such as the Kaidu River Basin.  相似文献   
地质学基本理论和应用技术构建而成的《工程地质分析原理》课程,以工程稳定性岩体为主讲对象,以国家建设和国民经济发展需求为目标,通过基础理论、基本概念和技术方法的讲授和实践训练,为国家培养高质量的有用人才。多年教学实践表明,该门课程基本概念多,涉及知识面宽,其工程过程和机制分析要求教师讲解逻辑慎密,并具有三维空间思维,因而教学难度较大。通过教学改革和长期的教学实践与不断总结,取得了如下教改体会:(1)与时俱进,坚持教学改革。结合现状,循序渐进,改革不合理的课程内容与教学方法,补充必要的新理论、新技术、新方法,完善课程内容与教学方法。(2) 突出重点,兼及其他。重点讲解工程地质领域的基本理论,也适当介绍和分析所涉及的人文现象与环保问题。(3)理论联系实际。工程地质基本理论的教学必须紧密联系实际,授课中应该适当增加工程案例的介绍,增强学生的感观认识。(4)教学方法以课堂讲授为主,辅以工程现场的课间实习以及学生的专题研讨,据此提高师生的互动性,激发学生的创造性思维。(5)课程考核采用理论知识笔试与实践动手能力相结合的计分法。教学实践表明,我们采取的这些教改措施是行之有效的,提高了教学质量,得到了同学们的普遍欢迎。  相似文献   
勘探实践发现沁水盆地潘庄、潘河区块及鄂尔多斯盆地保德区块煤层气井累计产量远远大于原始计算的地质探明储量。该现象对体积法计算的煤层气资源储量提出了挑战,同时为全面“上储增效”提出了新的方向。在采用体积法计算煤层气储量时,含气面积、含气量的准确性以及煤岩密度与煤层厚度的非均质特征都会对储量参数的准确性产生影响。其中,由于取心测试过程的局限性,煤层含气量的数值常存在一定的误差。本次研究基于鄂尔多斯盆地和沁水盆地的煤层气井生产数据并结合等温吸附实验结果提出了计算储层临界最低含气量的方法(临界最低法)。将校正后的临界最低含气量与实测含气量(基于美国矿业局直接法(USBM)和史密斯-威廉姆斯法)进行对比,并剖析含气量测试损失量的地质控制机理。结果表明:在中低至中高煤阶(Ro=0.7%~2.1%)范围,临界最低法计算的含气量总体高于其它两种方法计算的含气量,临界最低法在中低煤阶至中高煤阶具有较强的适应性。在高煤阶(Ro=2.1%~2.8%)范围,临界最低法计算结果可以与取心测试结果相互验证。总体上,煤层含气量测试(USBM法)损失量受不同煤阶煤岩孔裂隙发育特征、煤体结构、含气饱和度及逸散时间的影响。含气量测试损失量与孔渗发育特征、构造煤发育程度、含气饱和度及逸散时间呈正相关。此外,针对未取心的煤层气井,可以采用钻井岩屑测试等温吸附参数进而利用临界最低法求取储层含气量,为煤层气进一步的勘探开发提供数据基础。  相似文献   
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