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In view of the situation of excavation of open coal mine for the underground water disaster,we should carry out simulation studies for the numerical value of the water lowering project and improve the accuracy and the level of the water lowering project.On the basis of the hydrological geological conditions of certain open mine digging,a more reasonable seepage numerical model was built according to MODFLOW.It was simulated in advance that the process of the confined water level descending with the time,and combining with the actual observations to test the correctness of the model.The calculation showed that the results coincided well with the results of actual measurement.Based on this,different water lowering numerical simulations were built for the open coal mine digging.It could be simulated and forecast that the changes of the groundwater level in drainage process within and outside the mine pit,and it was quantitatively assessed that the possible water lowering result of the opencast water drainage process,which provide an important basis for the actual water lowering project and the possible project disposal.  相似文献   
The Qinghai–Tibet Highway and Railway (the Corridor) across the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau traverses 670 km of permafrost and seasonally frozen-ground in the interior of the Plateau, which is sensitive to climatic and anthropogenic environmental changes. The frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology along the Corridor is complicated by the variability in the near-surface lithology, and the mosaic presence of warm permafrost and talik in a periglacial environment. Differential settlement is the major frost-effect problem encountered over permafrost areas. The traditional classification of frozen ground based on the areal distribution of permafrost is too generalized for engineering purposes and a more refined classification is necessary for engineering design and construction. A proposed classification of 51 zones, sub-zones, and sections of frozen ground has been widely adopted for the design and construction of foundations in the portion of the Corridor studied. The mean annual ground temperature (MAGT), near-surface soil types and moisture content, and active faults and topography are most commonly the primary controlling factors in this classification. However, other factors, such as local microreliefs, drainage conditions, and snow and vegetation covers also exert important influences on the features of frozen ground. About 60% of the total length of the Corridor studied possesses reasonably good frozen-ground conditions, which do not need special mitigative measures for frost hazards. However, other sections, such as warm and ice-rich or -saturated permafrost, particularly in the sections in wetlands, ground improvement measures such as elevated land bridges and passive or proactive cooling techniques need to be applied to ensure the long-term stability of thermally unstable, thick permafrost subsoils, and/or refill with non-frost-susceptible soils. Due to the long-history of the construction and management of the Corridor by various government departments, adverse impacts of construction and operation on the permafrost environment have been resulted. It is recommended that an integrated, executable plan for the routing of major construction projects within this transportation corridor be established and long-term monitoring networks installed for evaluating and mitigating the impact from anthropogenic and climatic changes in frozen-ground conditions.  相似文献   
根据作者在印度洋东部海域的延绳钓生产实践,对渔获的大眼金枪鱼群体的群体构成、摄食、繁殖等基本生物学特征进行了初步探讨.结果表明,渔获群体由纯重10~115kg、叉长80~195cm个体组成,纯重与叉长关系式w=2.000×10-5×L2.969;渔获物以3~5龄个体为主,雄性个体所占比例明显高于雌性个体,且随年龄增长雄性个体所占比例逐步提高.鱼群在该海域产卵期较长,不同年龄组性腺发育节律有明显差异.  相似文献   
Lipid extracts from a 61.7-cm-long subtropical stalagmite in southern China, spanning the period of ca. 10,000–21,000 yr ago as constrained by U–Th dating, were analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The higher plants and microorganisms in the overlying soils contribute a proportion of n-alkanes identified in the stalagmite. The occurrence of LMW (lower molecular weight) n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones in the stalagmite was mainly related to the soil microorganisms. We suggest that HMW (higher molecular weight) n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones identified in the stalagmite originate from soil organics and reflect input from contemporary vegetation. Shifts in the ratio of LMW to HMW n-alkanols or n-alkan-2-ones indicative of the variation of soil ecosystems (e.g., microbial degradation of organic matter and/or the relative abundance of soil microorganisms to higher plants) are comparable with the subtropical alkenone-SST (sea surface temperature) record of the same period. The similar trends seen in the δ13C data and the lipid parameters in this stalagmite imply that the overlying soil ecosystem response to climate might be responsible for the variation of δ13C values.  相似文献   
分析了基础地理信息数据库建设中对存储备份系统的需求和当前存储系统的组成及特点 ,提出了存储局域网在基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的应用方案 ,并介绍了其在陕西省基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的实现情况  相似文献   
融合应用分布滞后非线性模型(Distributed Lag Mon-linear Model,DLNM)与广义相加模型(Generalized Additive Model,GAM),在控制新冠疫情影响、节假日效应、星期效应、长期趋势以及大气污染因子等因素基础上,探究了2018—2020年南京市日最高气温与当地支气管类、心血管类疾病就诊人数的暴露反应关系,包括滞后效应和累积效应。结果表明:对于支气管类疾病,冬季为高风险期,低温的即时效应和累积效应显著;中短期累积作用下,气温越低危险性越大;长期累积作用下,10 ℃左右的危险性最大;高温累积效应不显著,30 ℃左右滞后效应显著。对于心血管类疾病,低温的即时效应和累积效应显著,11~12 ℃左右影响的累积效应和持续性最强;高温的滞后效应显著,温度越高,滞后效应越明显;长期暴露于高温环境的患病风险会快速增加,日最高气温32 ℃左右的暴露累积风险最大。针对这两类疾病,当日最高气温在22~24 ℃范围内,属于人体最舒适温度。  相似文献   
本文将造成直接经济损失的热带气旋定义为致灾气旋。依据城区常住人口,将我国城市划分为小城市、中等城市、大城市三种规模等级,基于1984—2019年热带气旋灾情和路径数据筛选出致灾气旋,分析我国城市的致灾气旋频次、强度,并研究致灾气旋造成的不同规模城市直接经济损失变化。主要结论为:(1)1984—2019年影响我国城市的致灾气旋为7.7个·a-1,呈微弱下降趋势,而强台风和超强台风的发生频次呈显著增加趋势(α=0.05显著水平),30°N以南城市频次整体比北部高;(2)由于致灾气旋影响范围增加,暴露于不同强度致灾气旋的城市个数呈增加趋势,其中暴露于强台风的城市个数增速最快,约为2.0个/(10 a);致灾气旋影响城市个数增加以及城市经济快速发展,使得暴露于致灾气旋影响范围内的经济总量迅速增加,以大城市经济暴露度(占比81.7%)的增速最快(402.6亿元·a-1);(3)1984—2019年致灾气旋造成的城市直接经济损失约为262.3亿元·a-1(以2019年市值),呈增加趋势;城市经济快速发展和高强度致灾气旋频次增加的共同作用下,城市经济损失占我国致灾气旋经济损失的比重从30.0%增加到63.3%。大城市资产财富集中,且多位于沿海地区,致灾气旋发生频次较多,经济损失占比最大(为51.4%),增速最快(为5.2亿元·a-1)。  相似文献   
基于因子分析法的河西走廊五市旅游竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭艳俊  杨林娟  柴洪  陈钰 《中国沙漠》2021,41(5):238-241
在对河西走廊五市旅游业发展情况进行研究的基础上,从旅游产业发展规模、产业增长潜力和产业环境等3个方面选取了28个指标,通过因子分析法对每个指标数据进行加权,然后通过定量分析法比较各城市旅游竞争力.结果 表明:河西五市中,旅游竞争力顺序依次为酒泉、武威、张掖、嘉峪关、金昌.最后对河西走廊各市旅游竞争力进行了比较分析,并针...  相似文献   
青藏高原气象学的研究进展和问题   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
分高原天气学、高原气候学、高原及邻近地区的大气环流、以及高原数值预报和模拟四方面简要回顾了新中国成立以来我国(也兼及国外)青藏高原气象学的主要进展,也提出今后研究中应注意的有关问题。  相似文献   
基于陕南祥龙洞石笋XL2的19个230Th年龄、218个氧同位素分析以及896个Sr/Ca分析数据,高分辨率重建了4200~1972a B.P.期间陕南地区季风降雨变化.重建结果显示陕南地区这一时期季风降雨有显著的127~105a和57a周期,可能分别受控于太阳活动、PDO和/或AMO的变化.重建时段有3次百年尺度的干旱事件,分别发生于2200~2100a B.P.,2900~2700a B.P.和3600~3400a B.P.,其中2900~2700a B.P.干旱事件对应于北大西洋地区2.8ka冷事件.对比研究显示,尽管祥龙洞石笋和董哥洞石笋δ18O记录整体一致,但除了2900~ 2700aB.P.干旱事件之外,其他两次干旱事件在董哥洞石笋记录中并不明显.而尽管总体上祥龙洞和和尚洞石笋δ18O记录的差异要大,但XL2的3次干旱事件在和尚洞记录都有明显体现.有精确年代控制的祥龙洞、董哥洞及和尚洞石笋氧同位素记录的差异,揭示晚全新世我国季风降雨在十一百年尺度存在区域差异.  相似文献   
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