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喀喇昆仑山北坡冰川地质及地貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喀喇昆仑山北坡是我国山岳冰川最发育的地区之一.千姿百态的地貌景观是冰川地质及地貌作用的结果.本文对该区主要冰川的地貌类型、不同类型冰川作用的规模及发育程度,以及各阶段冰川作用强度与挽近时期构造运动的关系进行了初步研究.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游地下水位对植被的影响   总被引:128,自引:5,他引:128  
对塔里木河下游断流河道2000~2002年9个地下水监测断面和18个植被样地的实地监测资料分析表明,地下水埋深对天然植被的组成、分布及长势有直接关系。地下水位的不断下降和土壤含水率大大丧失是引起塔里木河下游植被退化的主导因子。塔里木河下游的四次输水对其下游地下水位抬升起到了积极作用,河道附近地下水位呈逐级抬升过程,横向影响范围达1000 m左右,纵向上,表现为上段地下水抬升幅度较大 (达84%),下段抬升幅度较小 (6%)。随着地下水位的抬升,天然植被的响应范围由第一次输水后的200~250 m,扩展到第四次输水的800 m。  相似文献   
天山北坡“96.7”洪水致灾原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年7月中,下旬,天山北坡发生了特大洪水,其洪峰之高,洪量之大为历史上所罕见,形成了建国以来新疆从未有过的特大洪灾,本文综合实地考察结果,在对洪水特点分析基础上,结合对本次洪水致灾过程的研究,详尽分析了天山北坡“96.7”洪水致灾原因。  相似文献   
We analyzed and estimated the distribution and reserves of soil organic carbon under nine different vegetation conditions including alpine meadow, meadow steppe, typical steppe, desert steppe, and temperate coniferous forest and so on, in the Ili River valley, Xinjiang according to data from field investigations and laboratory analyses in 2008 and 2009. The study results show that the soil organic carbon content in the Ili River valley varies with the type of vegetation. In the 0–50 cm soil horizon, the soil organic carbon content is the highest under the vegetation types of alpine meadow and meadow steppe, slightly lower under temperate coniferous forest and typical steppe, and the lowest under the intrazonal vegetation and desert vegetation types. The soil organic carbon content shows basically a tendency to decrease as soil depth increases under various vegetation types except in the case of the intrazonal vegetation. Similarly, the soil organic carbon density is the highest and varies little under the vegetation types of alpine meadow, meadow steppe and temperate coniferous forest, and is the lowest under the desert vegetation type. Both the soil organic carbon content and density in the topsoil of meadows in the Ili River valley are high, so protecting meadows in the Ili River valley, and especially their topsoil, should be a priority so that the potential of change in soil organic carbon in the shallow soil horizon is reduced, and this means maintenance of the stability of the soil carbon pool.  相似文献   
利用地面加密资料、多普勒雷达观测资料、ERA5(0.25°×0.25°)逐小时再分析资料,对2022年6月30日出现在陕南东部的一次极端强冰雹天气过程的环境条件及雷达特征进行了分析。结果表明:高空冷涡后部偏北气流带动高层干冷空气南下,叠加在低层西南暖湿气流之上,造成强的位势不稳定层结,为强对流天气发生提供了有利的背景条件。较强的低层水汽输送及辐合、强的对流有效位能、适宜的0 ℃和-20 ℃等温线高度、0~6 km中等强度的垂直风切变为冰雹天气发生提供了有利的环境条件,中高层冷空气及地面冷池触发了强对流天气的发生。适宜的冷暖云厚度有利于雹粒的增大;强的上升气流有利于小雹粒在丰富的过冷水中循环增长。基本反射率因子图上有三体散射,最强反射率因子达65 dBz以上,剖面图上有低层弱回波区、中高层回波悬垂,50 dBz以上的强回波核心位置超过-20 ℃层等温线高度。基本速度图上有中气旋特征,回波顶高对对流发展和减弱有一定指示意义。VIL跃增20 kg/m-2以上对冰雹天气预警有一定的提前量。  相似文献   
Two grid-based diffuse solar radiation models, ESRI’s Solar Analyst (SA) and Kumar’s model (KM), were assessed using a data-independent approach where each model’s numerical results of clear sky diffuse radiation on V/U-shaped surfaces were compared with analytical results derived using each model’s assumptions. SA and KM consistently underestimate and overestimate, respectively, diffuse radiation at daily, seasonal, and annual scale relative to the analytical results based on each model’s parameterizations. Overall, SA performs better than KM in modeling diffuse radiation at most timescales. While SA and KM have similar error in calculating diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface, SA models sky view factor much better than KM, with mean absolute relative differences of 0.76% and 17.02%, respectively. KM has a large error in sky view factor as it does not consider the shading effect from surrounding terrain. Sky view factor error in SA is small and use of more zenith divisions can further reduce the error. Based on our previous study, model performance on clear sky global solar radiation was also evaluated. Overall, KM performs better than SA in global radiation as KM performs better than SA in modeling direct radiation which is the major component of global radiation.  相似文献   
随着找矿难度的日渐增大,深部找矿预测已成为当前矿业界地质人员的主要研究内容。目前,矿产资源勘探深度已达上百米,甚至上千米,矿体在地下深部产出的地质结构较为复杂,使得矿产勘查过程和对矿床的研究较为困难。矿业界地质人员希望能够精确地圈定地下地质体(包括断层、褶皱、地层、矿体等)的边界,能从三维环境下观察地下地质体的形态结构,准确地圈定地质体和解译矿体,从而指导深部找矿预测工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   
Yao  Junqiang  Chen  Yaning  Zhao  Yong  Mao  Weiyi  Xu  Xinbing  Liu  Yang  Yang  Qing 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,131(3-4):1503-1515
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Observed data showed the climatic transition from warm-dry to warm-wet in Xinjiang during the past 30 years and will probably affect vegetation...  相似文献   
Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter- annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   
干旱半干旱区降水稀少,蒸发能力大,雨滴在云下易发生蒸发现象并改变其同位素比率,明确雨滴降落过程中稳定氢氧同位素的变化在同位素水文学研究中具有重要意义。Stewart模型常被用于评估雨滴中同位素比率的变化,云下雨滴降落过程中的气温、相对湿度等是模型输入的关键参数。目前广泛采用的大气均质假设往往与自然条件有差异,这种均质假设对模拟结果产生的影响有待明确。基于2016年7月至2017年6月新疆66个地面气象站逐小时观测资料与8个探空站的高空定时观测资料,通过三种Stewart模型算法方案(方案①以地面气象资料代替大气气象参数,方案②假设地面气象资料与预测的云底气象参数均匀变化,以其平均值代入模型,方案③根据高空探测资料,分层计算大气参数)的对比,深入研究新疆降水同位素的云下二次蒸发效应。结果表明:(1)三种方案计算的新疆各分区云下二次蒸发存在明显的季节差异,蒸发剩余比(f)均呈现出秋冬较大、春夏较小的趋势,各分区的ΔδD、Δδ18O和Δd均为春夏较大、秋冬较小。(2)从空间来看, Δd均值在准噶尔盆地西部和塔里木盆地东侧北缘较小。对于蒸发剩余比(f)均值、ΔδD均值、Δδ18O均值和Δd均值来说,三种方案的差异性主要体现在塔里木盆地。(3)蒸发剩余比(f)与d-excess的变化量存在相关性,整体来看,三种方案的斜率均表现为塔里木盆地 > 阿尔泰山地 > 准噶尔盆地 > 天山山地。无论是新疆各分区(除天山山地方案②)还是新疆全境,三种方案的f与Δd的线性关系均>1.0‰/%,最为干旱的塔里木盆地方案③的斜率高达1.496‰/%,这可能与新疆地处干旱半干旱气候区有关。毋庸置疑方案③是后续云下二次蒸发效应研究的方向。  相似文献   
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