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A new species of sauropod dinosaur Huanghetitan ruyangensis is erected based on the following characters: deepest body cavity with a dorsal rib reaching at least 2.93 m long, anterior caudal vertebrae with mushroom-shaped neural spines. Based on this new specimen of Huanghetitan found in the early Late Cretaceous Mangchuan Formation of Ruyang, Henan Province, the family Huanghetitanidae faro. nov. is proposed as a new rank to include only the genus Huanghetitan You et al. 2006. At present, Huanghetitan includes two species: H. liujiaxiaensis You et al., 2006 and H. ruyangensis sp. nov. The systematic relationships of Huanghetitan among sauropod dinosaurs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
牧牛钨矿主要受断裂和NW向韧性剪切带的控制,空间上含矿构造自西向东逐步收敛,具有"帚"状特征.牧牛矿区先后发现5条含矿石英脉.通过岩石化学研究,里尔峪组为火山陆源碎屑沉积建造;矿区花岗岩属壳源成因,为中浅成侵入深度;斜长角闪岩和透辉岩属幔源成因.钨成矿与印支期岩浆岩有关,成矿作用具有多阶段性.钨矿的成矿温度275~400℃,为中-高温热液矿床.  相似文献   
中国北方喀斯特水的某些特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何宇彬 《中国岩溶》1982,1(2):135-142
<正> 我国北方喀斯特主要分布在华北、东北南部、华东和中南北部以及西北东部,位于秦岭——淮河一线以北的广阔区域内。区内除松辽平原、华北平原和淮河平原外,多为丘陵、山地和高原地形。有辽河、海河、黄河、淮河等水系。主要属亚干旱——亚湿润温带大陆性气候,年降水量为400~800毫米,局部地区小于400毫米;蒸发量为1500~1800毫米(大部地区);年平均相对湿度为55~70%。溶蚀量为10(晋北)及30(鲁中)毫米/千年。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地喀什凹陷克拉托天然气来源分析及聚气特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
塔里木西南喀什凹陷的克拉托天然气主要表现为原油的溶解气或者湿气,甲烷含量为74.59%~85.58%,克4井和克30井天然气则为较干的湿气。克拉托天然气的δ13C1值为-41.2‰~-40.6‰,δ13C2值为-30.0‰~-27.4‰。气源对比表明克拉托天然气主要源自具有混源母质特征的中侏罗统湖相烃源岩,不同于源自石炭系烃源岩的阿克莫木天然气。喀什凹陷的中-下侏罗统烃源岩主要是由于新近系的巨厚沉积才从未成熟—低成熟阶段进入成熟—高成熟阶段,生成的油气在克拉托背斜圈闭中聚集,虽也属晚期成藏,却具有连续聚气的特征。上新世末期,喀什凹陷的周缘开始抬升,早期油气藏受到破坏,形成了现今的地表油气苗或油砂。  相似文献   
李鹏  刘全有  毕赫  孟庆强 《地质学报》2021,95(3):632-642
黑色富有机质页岩是页岩油气生成和赋存的主要母体,是强还原环境水体的沉积产物,在其形成过程中,细菌硫酸盐还原作用(BSR)对水体环境影响明显,但BSR强度如何影响有机质的保存尚未得到关注。我国陆相湖盆富有机质泥页岩广泛发育,形成过程中常常伴随有火山活动或者海侵等事件,大量硫酸盐进入湖盆,改变水体的沉积环境,不同环境下BSR对黑色页岩有机质保存的影响明显不同。本次研究选取鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7段页岩、松辽盆地青山口组和嫩江组页岩作为对象,同时与现代沉积物进行对比。研究表明,TOC与TS之间关系复杂,但细菌硫酸盐还原强度指数(SRI)与TOC呈现幂指数变化,且表现出两阶段变化的特征。当SRI大于1.375时,TOC整体偏低,指示了强硫酸盐还原作用消耗大量有机质;当SRI小于1.375时,TOC明显较高,指示了弱硫酸盐还原作用对有机质消耗相对较少,更有利于有机质保存。火山活动和海侵作用均向水体提供了大量硫酸盐,但对陆相湖盆页岩中有机质的保存影响不同。火山活动影响的长7段页岩SRI普遍小于1.375,BSR对有机质消耗相对弱,页岩TOC高。而受海侵影响的青山口组一段底部和嫩江组一段底部页岩SRI...  相似文献   
In this paper, the relationship between sulfate reduction potential and mercury methylation potential was studied in the Aha, Baihua and Hongfeng reservoirs from Guiyang City. The methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations of lake water in the Aha Reservoir were greatly elevated as compared to those of the Hongfeng and Baihua reservoirs, which was correlated with its distinctly high SRB abundance, SO42-, and S2- concentrations. Among the three reservoirs, however, the highest MeHg was observed in in the top several centimenters of pore water profile in the Hongfeng Reservoir where the lowest S2- in pore water occurred. The distributions of MeHg in lake water and pore water showed the highest methylation potential occurred at water-sediment surface for the Aha Reservoir and the in the top several centimenters of sediments for the Hongfeng Reservoir. It is guessed that the highest mercury methylation only occurs at the sites with certain sulfide concentrations.  相似文献   
Assessment of physical vulnerability to agricultural drought in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food security has drawn great attention from both researchers and practitioners in recent years. Global warming and its resultant extreme drought events have become a great challenge to crop production and food price stability. This study aimed to establish a preliminary theoretical methodology and an operational approach for assessing the physical vulnerability of two wheat varieties (“Yongliang #4” and “Wenmai #6”) to agricultural drought using Environmental Policy Integrated Climate model (EPIC). Drought hazard index was set up based on output variables of the EPIC water stress (WS), including the magnitude and duration of WS during the crop-growing period. The physical vulnerability curves of two wheat varieties to drought were calculated by the simulated drought hazard indexes and loss ratios. And the curve’s effect on drought disaster risk was defined as A, B and C sections, respectively. Our analysis results showed that (a) physical vulnerability curves varied between two wheat varieties, which were determined by genetic parameters of crops; (b) compared with spring wheat “Yongliang 4#” winter wheat “Wenmai 6#” was less vulnerable to drought under the same drought hazard intensity scenario; (c) the wheat physical vulnerability curve to drought hazard displayed a S shape, suggesting a drought intensity–dependent magnifying or reducing effect of the physical vulnerability on drought disasters; (d) the reducing effect was mainly in the low-value area of vulnerability curve, whereas the magnifying effect was in the middle-value area, and the farming-pastoral zone and the Qinling Mountain–Huaihe River zone formed important spatial division belts.  相似文献   
为了进一步了解我国北方新生代玄武岩地下水的赋存规律和形成演化机理,以河北省张北县玄武岩地下水为研究对象,在野外采集地下水样、测定水化学和同位素组成的基础上,利用统计分析、离子比例系数、氢氧同位素、反向地球化学模拟等方法,对区内玄武岩地下水的水化学形成机制进行了研究。结果表明:沿地下水径流方向,研究区内玄武岩地下水中多数离子质量浓度呈现增大趋势,补给区的地下水化学类型以HCO3-Ca·Mg为主,TDS质量浓度多小于500mg/L,排泄区地下水中阴离子以Cl-和SO42-为主,阳离子以Na+为主,TDS质量浓度多大于1 400mg/L;研究区地下水补给来源为当地大气降水;硅铝酸盐、岩盐、硫酸盐的风化溶解是地下水中离子的主要来源;溶滤作用、阳离子交替吸附作用和农业施肥等人类活动影响是控制地下水化学形成的主要作用。  相似文献   
泌阳凹陷核桃园组微量元素演化特征及其古气候意义   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组总体上表现为一个大的湖退体系,而其中的微量元素含量及有关元素比值却呈现出细微而明显的旋回变化特征。本文依据泥岩、页岩和碳酸盐岩中Ti、Sr、Ba等十六种微量元素含量及Sr/Ba、Fe/Mn、Sr/Cu等七种比值的变化特征,结合古盐度及岩相资料,对核桃园组沉积时的古气候作了系统的研究,基本上分出了温暖潮湿、干湿交替、炎热干旱、温热半干旱四类较为特征的古气候类型,以期为油气勘探提供依据。  相似文献   
Effective soil thermal conductivity (λ eff) describes the ability of a multiphase soil to transmit heat by conduction under unit temperature gradient. It is a critical parameter for environmental science, earth and planetary science, and engineering applications. Numerous models are available in the literature, but their applicability is generally restricted to certain soil types or water contents (θ). The objective of this study was to develop a new model in the similar form of the Johansen 1975 model to simulate the λ eff(θ) relationship of soils of various soil textures and water contents. An exponential type model with two parameters is developed and a new function for calculating dry soil thermal conductivity is presented. Performance of the new model and six other normalized models were evaluated with published datasets. The results show that the new model is able to well mimic λ eff(θ) relationship of soils from sand to silt loam and from oven dry to full saturation. In addition, it has the best performance among the seven models under test (with root-mean-square error of 0.059 W m?1 °C?1, average deviations of 0.0009 W m?1 °C?1, and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.994). The new model has potential to improve the reliability of soil thermal conductivity estimation and be incorporated into numerical modeling for environmental, earth and engineering studies.  相似文献   
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