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An AFLP Genetic Linkage Map of Pacific Abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A genetic linkage map of Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) was constructed using AFLP markers based on a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy in a full-sib family. With 33 primer combinations, a total of 455 markers (225 from the female parent and 230 from the male parent) segregated in a 1 : 1 ratio, corresponding to DNA polymorphism: heterozygous in one parent and null in the other. The female framework map consisted of 174 markers distributed in 18 linkage groups, equivalent to the H. discus hannai haploid chromosome number, and spanning a total length of 2031.4 cM, with an average interval of 13.0 cM between adjacent markers. The male framework map consisted of 195 markers mapped on 19 linkage groups, spanning a total length of 2273.4cM, with an average spacing of 12.9cM between adjacent markers. The estimated coverage for the framework linkage maps was 81.2% for the female and 82.1% for the male, on the basis of two estimates of genome length. Fifty-two markers (11.4%) remained unlinked. The level of segregation distortion observed in this cross was 20.4%. These linkage maps will serve as a starting point for linkage studies in the Pacific abalone with potential application for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.  相似文献   
对全球大震时空特征的分析表明,北南半球大震分布与陆地面积成比例,全球强震活动具有35年的地极移周期,并对一些具有全球活动特征的构造事件进行了机理探讨,最后对大陆西部强震的活动规律.尤其是主体活动区的特点进点了仔细的研究。给出了未来一段时间内的预测结果。  相似文献   
A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was designed and evaluated for rapid detection of the toxic microalgae Alexandrium catenella and A. minutum, which can produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Two sets of four specific primers targeting these two species were derived from the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. The method worked well in less than an hour under isothermal conditions of 65℃. LAMP specificity was validated in closely related algae as a comparison, suggesting the strict specificity of the LAMP primers. Two visual inspection approaches were feasible to interpret the positive or negative results. The detection limits of A. catenella and A. minutum samples using the LAMP assay were found to be 5.6 and 4.5 pg DNA, respectively. The sensitivity of this LAMP assay was 10 or 100-fold higher than Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in detecting the two microalgae. These characteristics of species specificity, sensitivity, and rapidity suggest that this method has the potentiality in the monitoring of red tide caused by A. catenella and A. minutum.  相似文献   
选取2013年松原5.8级震群23个MS≥3.0地震事件,通过地震波的振动持续时间、速度、周期、振幅等,进行震相识别,综合分析发现:该区域土层较厚,且震源相对较浅,面波较发育,波列的振动持续时间较长;地震震相主要以Pn、Sn、Pg、Sg、PmP、SmS为主:其中PmP、SmS震相在震中距70—110 km范围内较易识别;Pn、Sn震相在震中距150 km以上可较清晰的识别,随着震中距增大,Sn震相在震中距350 km以上将不易识别。  相似文献   
莱州湾南岸平原是指西起小清河口,东至胶莱河口的广大沿岸地区,这一地区近年来是我国工农业发展较快的地区,也是我国地下咸水入侵较为严重的地区。历史上,莱州湾南岸平原地区曾有一些湖泊存在,如巨淀湖、黑冢泊、别画湖,但现在早已荡然无存了。研究这些古湖泊的消亡原因对于恢复该区古地理环境以及确立湖迹区今后的发展方向具有十分重要的意义。本文运用查阅历史文献、地层剖面分析、地名考证、遥感解译等多种方法,对莱州湾南岸古湖泊的消亡原因进行了研究与分析,并指出该区古湖泊消亡的原因是气候变干、河流变迁、人类活动影响等,其中气候变化是古湖泊消亡的根本原因,河流变迁是古湖泊消亡的直接原因,而人类活动则加速了古湖泊消亡的进程。  相似文献   
一次江淮大暴雨过程中尺度系统结构分析   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用观测资料和中尺度数值模拟结果对1999年6月23日发生在江淮地区一次梅雨锋暴雨过程进行研究,揭示了影响这次暴雨过程的物理条件、云团的演变特征及与中尺度系统的关系,分析表明,在暴雨生成和发展过程中,多个中尺度云团在相继生成和移动发展,暴雨中心是几个发展较强的中尺度对流云团造成的,西南风低空急流为暴雨提供了水汽输送,并且通过强垂直运动向对流层中上层输送水汽,这次暴雨与中尺度系统发生发展有直接关系,西南涡分裂出一系列的小涡旋,这些小涡旋边向东移边减弱,并且同时在地面上引发小低压,这些中尺度低压增强低空水平辐合,成为触发不稳定能量的机制,低空急流中心与雨区相互对应,且急流风速增强,风速水平切变梯度增大的过程对应着强降水过程。  相似文献   
利用2004-2006年FY-2C卫星云图资料,统计了云顶亮温与焦作市降水量的关系;并根据相邻两张云图中云顶低亮温中心移动的距离和时间,确定云的移速。在此基础上,建立了层状云和积状云降水估算方程。经对2005-2006年估算结果统计,层状云有无降水预报准确率为80%;对4次积状云降水的估算结果为1次漏报、1次降水量级误差较大、2次预报正确,准确率达50%。  相似文献   
The Yarlung Zangbo suture zone extends more than2000 km along southern Tibet and marks the boundary between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia.The Zedong terrane has been not suggested to represent the vestige of such an intra-oceanic arc developed within the Neo-Tethys Ocean,as a result of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic.In this study,we present detailed geochemical and geochronological data of various types of magmatic rocks widely exposed in the Zedong terrane to constrain the formation age and tectonic setting of the Zedong terrane.We found that the Zedong volcanic rocks belong to high K2O calc-alkaline series,whereas the diabase and gabbro plotted in the low-K calcalkline.The basalt rocks are highly enriched in LREE and LILE,but strongly depleted in HFSE,indicating they were derived from a metasomatized mantle.Both gabbros and diabase have similar N-MORB geochemistry indicates that the cumulates were produced from MOR setting.Zircons from four samples,including the basalt rocks(158-161Ma)are older than the gabbro(131 Ma),certificate the gabbro are as the vein intrude into the basalt rocks.This suggests that the volcanic eruption and plutonic emplacement were coevally developed in the Zedonghave similar positiveεHf(t)values(+2.0 to+15.6)and(+8.6 to+18.4),indicating they were stemmed from similarly depleted mantle sources,same with the gabbro and granitic rocks from the Gangdese arc.Therefore,we proposed that the basalt rocks in the Zedong terrane were formed through partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by slab-released fluids/melts.A part of hydrous basalts were underplated in the thickened lower crust beneath the Zedong terrane,which gave rise to the cumulate and granitic rocks.This suggests that the Zedong terrane represents a slice of the active continental margin developed on the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane as a result of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean during the Late Jurassic,although a possible intra-oceanic arc setting cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
以扎龙湿地龙泡子为研究对象,利用58个实测水深数据和季相最接近的Quick Bird数据,建立湖泊水深的反演模型。探索性地建立了单波段和多波段组合的线性(多元)回归模型、指数模型、二次多项式模型、微分模型和对数模型等;通过对比模型的决定系数R2,比较模型精度;线性模型、对数模型、指数模型和幂指数模型的R2小于0.5,而二次多项式模型和多元线性回归模型的R2大于0.5,精度相对较高;筛选出拟合度较高的模型,用20个实测验证样本,采用相对误差和均方根误差进行模型精度评价;最后,利用精度较高的模型,进行龙泡子水深反演计算。水深反演结果表明,用选出的模型反演得到的龙泡子水深基本一致,为170~200 cm,即使有稀疏的水草覆盖,依然可以表现出水深渐变的趋势。以蓝、绿、红和近红外波段多光谱遥感反射率为自变量,建立的线性湖泡水深反演模型y=123.990-3.332B1+183.859B2-237.133B3-37.143B4(y为水深;B1、B2、B3和B4分别为蓝、绿、红和近红外波段的水体反射率),能较好地反演扎龙湿地湖泡的水深。  相似文献   
广西是我国手足口病高发区。本文运用相关性分析、趋势面分析及地理探测器,基于2013—2017年广西14个地级市的手足口病和理环境要素(降水量、气温、日照时数、相对湿度和植被覆盖度)数据,对广西手足口病发病率进行时空变化和交互归因分析。结果显示:(1)2013—2017年,研究区的手足口病发病呈峰谷年交替出现,年内发病双高峰特征;盆地地区的手足口病发病率稍高于其他地区。(2)气温和日照时数与广西手足口病发病率存在着显著正相关关系。(3)2013—2017年,东西方向上中西部各地级市手足口病发病率普遍高于东南部各地级市;南北方向上各地级市手足口病发病率差异并不非常显著。(4)气温对广西手足口病发病率影响最大(q=0.49),其次是日照时数(q=0.45);气温和日照时数对广西手足口病发病风险有着严密共增长趋势;每两个地理环境要素之间的交互作用对手足口病发病率的影响力均比单要素作用时强,其中气温和日照时数交互作用时的影响力最大,日照时数和降水量交互作用时的影响力次之。据此得出结论:广西手足口病发病有明显的时间和空间差异;各地理环境要素与手足口病之间存在一定关系,其中气温对发病率影响最大。  相似文献   
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