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GeoJournal - Two phases of study are involved in this research: first, the sales strategies for affordable houses embedded with eco-friendly and smart technology features; and second, the impact of...  相似文献   
真实地震情况下人群疏散特征与模拟演练的差异是应急疏散的统计物理研究中的一个关键问题.本文通过互联网收集和分析了2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震中一些记录到地震时人群疏散的监控录像.这些监控录像不仅为真实地震情况下人员疏散行为的研究提供了目前仍十分稀缺的实例.而且可用于约束紧急情况下人群疏散的统计物理模型.对条件相似的真实地震情况下和模拟演练情况下的疏散人数一疏散时间进行研究,发现出口处的疏散人数和疏散时间呈显著的非线性关系,这与通过模拟演练所得出的线性关系具有明显的差异.  相似文献   
Upper North Grain (UNG) is a heavily eroding blanket peat catchment in the Peak District, southern Pennines, UK. Concentrations of lead in the near‐surface peat layer at UNG are in excess of 1000 mg kg−1. For peatland environments, these lead concentrations are some of the highest globally. High concentrations of industrially derived, atmospherically transported magnetic spherules are also stored in the near‐surface peat layer. Samples of suspended sediment taken during a storm event that occurred on 1 November 2002 at UNG, and of the potential catchment sources for suspended sediments, were analysed for lead content and the environmental magnetic properties of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). At the beginning of the storm event, there is a peak in both suspended sediment and associated lead concentration. SIRM/ARM values for suspended sediment samples throughout the storm reveal that the initial ‘lead flush’ is associated with a specific sediment source, namely that of organic sediment eroded from the upper peat layer. Using the magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ approach to discrimination of sediment sources, this study reveals that erosion of the upper peat layer at UNG is releasing high concentrations of industrially derived lead (and, by inference, other toxic heavy metals associated with industrial particulates) into the fluvial systems of the southern Pennines. Climate‐change scenarios for the UK, involving higher summer temperatures and stormier winters, may result in an increased flux both of sediment‐associated and dissolved heavy metals from eroding peatland catchments in the southern Pennines, adversely affecting the quality of sediment and water entering reservoirs of the region. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Combined open channel flow is encountered in many hydraulic engineering structures and processes, such as irrigation ditches and wastewater treatment facilities. Extensive experimental studies have conducted to investigate combined flow characteristics. Nevertheless, there is no simple relationship that can fully describe the velocity profiles in a turbulent flow. The artificial neural network (ANN) has great computational capability for solving various complex problems, such as function approximation. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the applicability of the ANN for simulating velocity profiles, velocity contours and estimating the discharges accordingly. The velocity profiles measured by an acoustic doppler velocimeter in the open channel of the Chihtan purification plant, Taipei, with different discharges at fixed measuring section and different depths are presented. The total number of data sets is 640 and the data sets are split into two subsets, i.e. training and validation sets. The backpropagation algorithm is used to construct the neural network. The results demonstrate that the velocity profiles can be modelled by the ANN, and the ANN constructed can nicely fit the velocity profiles and can precisely predict the discharges for the conditions investigated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
多级速度梯度的建立理论上可为絮体的成长创造更理想的环境。目前对流化床混凝工艺的研究多是基于单级速度梯度开展的。以粒径为800 μm 和1 200 μm的树脂颗粒为固相,建立多级速度梯度流化床混凝装置,探讨絮体的成长与形态特征。研究结果表明:在单级速度梯度流化床混凝装置中,当以1 200 μm树脂颗粒为固相颗粒、混凝时间为50.3 s时,絮体发生破碎,混凝效率较混凝时间为41.8 s时降低3%;相同初始填充高度的多级速度梯度条件下,絮体尺寸随着混凝时间的延长而逐渐增加,由5.7 μm成长至70.0~75.0 μm,同时混凝效率也较单级速度梯度下提高了5%~10%。絮体之间的碰撞为絮体成长的主要模式。  相似文献   
周盈  鄂建  李洋 《江苏地质》2024,48(3):293-301
以往对海洋荷载影响下深层孔隙水波动特性的研究相对较少。基于2018—2020年南通阳光岛和通州湾深层地下水的逐时水位监测数据,运用小波分析法探讨了海洋荷载对深层地下水水位波动的影响。分析发现,从浅海区域的阳光岛到近海岸区域的通州湾,深层地下水水位具有周期波动规律,主周期为19 h,波动周期为12 h与13 h。阳光岛深层地下水水位振幅较大,变化范围为0.23~2.78 m,年最大振幅>2 m;通州湾深层地下水水位振幅较小且稳定,年最大振幅仅为0.34 m。研究结果表明,浅海区域的深层地下水水位振幅较为显著,在从海洋荷载区域向非海洋荷载区域传递过程中,振幅呈现出非线性衰减的趋势。研究结果对理解滨海地区地下水系统动态及其对海洋荷载的响应具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
针对传统关系型数据库存储遥感影像的一些不足,探讨如何设计非关系型数据库影像存取管理系统,既能实现遥感影像的存储与管理,又可以节省开支与资源,力求以很小的代价实现遥感影像的有效存储与管理。通过不同数据库的对比验证,基于MongoDB的遥感影像的存储效率更高,并且支持对任意格式影像文件的高效存储,明显优于关系型数据库。  相似文献   
桐柏山太白顶、殷店和天河口一带,发育有大量的L构造岩,拉伸线理极其发育,面理较弱,线理产状向南东东倾伏,倾伏角为1°~20°。桐柏山L构造岩具有以下主要特征:在三维空间上,L构造岩强烈发育杆状构造,这种“杆”状构造是由大量沿X轴方向定向排列连在一起的椭球体矿物构成的,其变形机制主要为石英的颗粒边界迁移和长石的位错蠕变,形成的平均压力为0.59GPa,平均温度为550 ℃~600 ℃,形成于中-高温-中压环境,变质相为高绿片岩相到低角闪岩相,形成深度大致在15~20 km,属于中地壳的产物。L构造岩在桐柏山的发现可能反映了桐柏山造山带中桐柏杂岩岩块相对两侧榴辉岩岩片具有近东西向挤出构造的特征。  相似文献   
褚杨  陈科  林伟  严德天  王清晨 《地质科学》2009,44(3):922-930
云开地块位于华南板块南缘,经历了麻粒岩-高角闪岩相的高级变质作用,是华南地区为数不多的高级变质地体。研究表明,云开地块在古生代到中生代经历了复杂的构造演化过程,分别记录了早古生代末期、早中生代、晚中生代早期和晚中生代晚期的构造影响。这些构造事件在多系统年代学图上具有很好的表现,系统地揭示了云开地块的地质演化历史。  相似文献   
Topographic feature points and lines are the framework of topography, and their spatial distance relationship is an breakthrough in the study of topographical geometry, internal structure and development level. Proximity distance (PD) is an indicator to describe the distance between the gully source point (GSP) and the watershed boundary. In the upstream catchment area, PDs can be expressed by the streamline proximity distance (SPD), as well as by the horizontal proximity distance (HPD) and the vertical proximity distance (VPD) in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, respectively. The series of indicators (e.g., SPD, HPD and VPD) are important for quantifying the geomorphological development process of a loess basin because of the headward erosion of loess gullies. In this study, the digital elevation model data with 5 m resolution and a digital topographic analysis method are used for the statistical analyses of the SPD, VPD and HPD in 50 sample areas of 6 geomorphic types in the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi. The spatial characteristics and the influencing factors are also analysed. Results show that: 1) Central tendencies for the HPDs and the VPDs for the whole study area and the six typical loess landforms are evident. 2) Spatial patterns of the HPDs and the VPDs exhibit evident trends and zonal distributions over the whole study area. 3) The HPDs have a strong positive correlation with gully density (GD) and hypsometric integral. The VPDs also correlates with GD to an extent. Vegetation cover, mean annual precipitation and loess thickness have stronger effects on the VPD than on the HPD.  相似文献   
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