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青海共和县加当根斑岩铜矿床成矿流体特征及演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加当根矿床是近几年新发现的研究程度较低的斑岩型铜矿床,文章对含矿斑岩、石英脉和绢英中的石英岩开展了详细的流体包裹体特征及氢、氧同位素组成研究.该矿床流体包裹体类型丰富,以大量发育含子晶多相包裹体为特征,子矿物种类多样,包括石盐、钾盐、石膏、黄铜矿、黄铁矿、赤铁矿等.石膏、赤铁矿的出现,暗示着岩浆结晶早期处于氧化环境.成矿流体由来自岩浆的高温、高盐度流体和以天水成因为主的中-高温、低盐度流体2个端员组分组成,高温、高盐度流体为主要载矿流体,形成温度> 440℃,w(NaCleq)为30%~82%,其是在浅成条件下于岩浆结晶的最后阶段从浅部岩浆中直接出溶形成的;中-高温、低盐度流体主要来源于天水或天水与晚期岩浆热液的混合,温度主要集中在220~360C,w(NaCleq)< 20%.石英流体包裹体氢、氧同位素研究表明流体混合在卸载成矿上的重要性,石英脉和绢英岩化阶段是含矿物质沉淀的主要阶段.脉石英的流体温度集中在280~440℃,绢英岩化蚀变石英中流体包裹体的均一温度介于240~340℃.  相似文献   
内蒙古二连盆地砂岩型铀矿目的层赛汉组分段与铀矿化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年在内蒙古二连盆地赛汉组中找到了可观的砂岩型铀矿资源。关于早白垩世赛汉组的分段没有统一的认识,严重影响了铀矿勘查工作的布置。利用石油、煤炭和核工业部门勘查钻孔岩性、测井曲线、综合编录、地震剖面等资料,结合古气候-颜色变化、沉积序列变化反映的沉积环境,将赛汉组划分为4段。赛汉组一段,主要为一套冲积扇(或扇三角洲)环境下的杂色粗碎屑岩组合。二段为一套凹陷中心灰色、黑色湖沼环境下的泥岩夹褐煤层,凹陷边缘为杂色扇三角洲粗碎屑岩,总体以黑色岩系组合为特征。三段为一套灰色、深灰色含砾粗砂岩、砂岩,侧向联通性较好的灰色岩系组合,形成于辫状河环境。四段为一套红色、黄色泥岩与砂岩互层的红色岩系或组合,沉积于曲流河环境。二连盆地马尼特坳陷中砂岩型铀矿形成于三段中,为侧向氧化成矿作用所致;而乌兰察布坳陷铀矿化定位于四段中,为垂向潜水氧化成矿作用所造成,一段和二段目前还没有找到有价值的铀矿化。  相似文献   
针对"房桥合一"铁路客站节点数多、空间相互作用显著等特点,利用沿结构整体坐标系方向功率谱的表达式和合理谱强度因子的确定方法,提出能合理考虑地震激励输入角度变化的快速多维虚拟激励法,并以天津西站Ⅱ区作为工程案例,对利用快速多维虚拟激励法、时程响应分析法和已有虚拟激励法的计算结果进行比较。结果表明:三种算法的计算结果吻合较好,证明快速多维虚拟激励法的计算值是合理的;且与已有虚拟激励法相比、快速多维虚拟激励法的计算效率显著提高,更适合于"房桥合一"铁路客站的抗震计算。  相似文献   
陈爱军  王飞  卞林根  刘玉洁 《高原气象》2012,31(6):1479-1487
采用对照反演比法对比分析了青藏高原地区相同时空条件下的MODIS反照率当量反演结果和全反演结果的差异。利用2002—2004年青藏高原地区Terra MODIS数据开展的对照反演试验表明:(1)黑空反射率BSA两种反演结果的绝对偏差小于0.03,白空反射率WSA两种反演结果的绝对偏差约为0.04;BSA两种反演结果绝对偏差的标准差约为0.05,而WSA的则更大。(2)BSA两种反演结果和WSA两种反演结果的绝对偏差及其标准差均存在一定的年际差异。(3)可见光区反照率两种反演结果的绝对偏差及其标准差一般大于红外光区两种反演结果的绝对偏差及其标准差。(4)两种地表反照率反演结果的绝对偏差及其标准差在青藏高原地区三种主要地表类型的差异不大。  相似文献   
Accurately representing complex land-surface processes balancing complexity and realism remains one challenge that the weather modelling community is facing nowadays. In this study, a photosynthesis-based Gas-exchange Evapotranspiration Model (GEM) is integrated into the Noah land-surface model replacing the traditional Jarvis scheme for estimating the canopy resistance and transpiration. Using 18-month simulations from the High Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (HRLDAS), the impact of the photosynthesis-based approach on the simulated canopy resistance, surface heat fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature over different vegetation types is evaluated using data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) site, Oklahoma Mesonet, 2002 International H2O Project (IHOP_2002), and three Ameriflux sites. Incorporation of GEM into Noah improves the surface energy fluxes as well as the associated diurnal cycle of soil moisture and soil temperature during both wet and dry periods. An analysis of midday, average canopy resistance shows similar day-to-day trends in the model fields as seen in observed patterns. Bias and standard deviation analyses for soil temperature and surface fluxes show that GEM responds somewhat better than the Jarvis scheme, mainly because the Jarvis approach relies on a parametrised minimum canopy resistance and meteorological variables such as air temperature and incident radiation. The analyses suggest that adding a photosynthesis-based transpiration scheme such as GEM improves the ability of the land-data assimilation system to simulate evaporation and transpiration under a range of soil and vegetation conditions.  相似文献   
本文分析了天气形势和气象条件对非职业性一氧化碳中毒的影响,得出了地面高压控制、气温低、相对湿度大、风速小、逆温强、混合层厚度小的天气条件下一氧化碳污染潜势预报等级高的气象特点,从而为非职业性一氧化碳中毒潜势预报提供了较为实用的理论依据。  相似文献   
梅雨锋云系的结构特征及其成因分析   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
姚秀萍  于玉斌  赵兵科 《高原气象》2005,24(6):1002-1011
利用逐时卫星遥感观测资料和地面测站的降水资料,分析了江淮流域2003年6月22~26日暴雨过程中梅雨锋云系的演变、结构特征和形成原因。结果表明,梅雨锋云系为一条TBB的低值带,稳定少动,其上分布着中尺度对流系统(MCS),而中尺度对流系统是由不同尺度、不同强度.的对流单体(包括中β和中γ尺度对流单体)组成的,从而使得梅雨锋云系产生不均匀的降水分布(包括时间上和空间上)。在该暴雨过程中,梅雨锋云系充分体现了中尺度对流系统中所包括的3类组织结构形式。梅雨锋云系与中高纬度云系或热带辐合带云系之间的相互作用与暴雨过程关系密切,梅雨锋云系的维持和发展与强大的黄淮气旋云系直接相关,它是江淮流域上空冷暖气流交汇的结果。  相似文献   
中国区域高空三种气温、湿度资料交叉对比   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
余君  李庆祥  廖捷  牟容  李奇临 《气象》2016,42(6):743-755
本文对比分析了2011—2013年中国区域L波段探空气温、湿度廓线,COSMIC掩星气温、湿度廓线和ERA-Interim再分析资料的气温、湿度廓线之间的差异。对比显示,从时间变化来看,三者之间有很好的正线性相关关系。除10 hPa以上的少数层次外,三种气温资料之间互相吻合较好,彼此偏差范围在±0.4℃之间,偏差标准差在1~2℃,对流层中高层,L波段探空气温受太阳辐射影响较大,气温偏高,与COSMIC相比,L波段探空偏高最高可达到0.64℃。而对于相对湿度,三种数据存在明显差异。对流层中低层到对流层顶L波段探空存在不同程度的偏干,且有较明显的昼夜、季节和区域差异:白天、春夏季和南方潮湿气候区域偏干更明显。一般来说,在对流层顶附近区域,L波段探空相对湿度偏干较明显,200 hPa附近及以上L波段探空相对湿度转为偏湿。在对流层顶以下,L波段探空与COSMIC掩星、ERA-Interim再分析相对湿度具有明显的正相关,对流层顶以上表现为负相关。  相似文献   
运用速率法、滑动傅氏对新沂地震台(以下简称新沂台)1990-1999年地电阻率观测资料进行了分析,1994年到1997年之间江苏及邻近地区发生的中强震,新沂台地电阻率3个测向有不同程度的异常与之对应。研究结果表明资料异常呈现的各向异性与孕震期的应力状态、震区构造、介质结构有关。表明了前兆异常的复杂性、多样性。  相似文献   
The vertical structures and their dynamical character of PM2.5 and PM10 over Beijing urban areas are revealed using the 1 min mean continuous mass concentration data of PM2.5 and PM10 at 8, 100, and 320 m heights of the meteorological observation tower of 325 m at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP CAS tower hereafter) on 10―26 August, 2003, as well as the daily mean mass concentration data of PM2.5 and PM10 and the continuous data of CO and NO2 at 8, 100 (low layer), 200 (middle layer), and 320 m (high layer) heights, in combination with the same period meteorological field observation data of the meteorological tower. The vertical distributions of aerosols observed on IAP CAS tower in Beijing can be roughly divided into two patterns: gradually and rapidly decreasing patterns, I.e. The vertical distribution of aerosols in calm weather or on pollution day belongs to the gradually decreasing pattern, while one on clean day or weak cold air day belongs to the rapidly decreasing pattern. The vertical distributive characters of aerosols were closely related with the dynamical/thermal structure and turbulence character of the atmosphere boundary layer. On the clean day, the low layer PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were close to those at 8 m height, while the concentrations rapidly decreased at the high layer, and their values were only one half of those at 8 m, especially, the concentration of PM2.5 dropped even more. On the clean day, there existed stronger turbulence below 150 m, aerosols were well mixed, but blocked by the more stronger inversion layer aloft, and meanwhile, at various heights, especially in the high layer, the horizontal wind speed was larger, resulting in the rapid decrease of aerosol concentration, I.e. Resulting in the obvious vertical difference of aerosol concentrations between the low and high layers. On the pollution day, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at the low, middle, and high layers dropped successively by, on average, about 10% for each layer in comparison with those at 8 m height. On pollution days, in company with the low wind speed, there existed two shallow inversion layers in the boundary layer, but aerosols might be, to some extent, mixed below the inversion layer, therefore, on the pollution day the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 dropped with height slowly; and the observational results also show that the concentrations at 320 m height were obviously high under SW and SE winds, but at other heights, the concentrations were not correlated with wind directions. The computational results of footprint analysis suggest that this was due to the fact that the 320 m height was impacted by the pollutants transfer of southerly flow from the southern peripheral heavier polluted areas, such as Baoding, and Shijiazhuang of Hebei Province, Tianjin, and Shandong Province, etc., while the low layer was only affected by Beijing's local pollution source. The computational results of power spectra and periods preliminarily reveal that under the condition of calm weather, the periods of PM10 concentration at various heights of the tower were on the order of minutes, while in cases of larger wind speed, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at 320 m height not only had the short periods of minute-order, but also the longer periods of hour order. Consistent with the conclusion previously drawn by Ding et al., that air pollutants at different heights and at different sites in Beijing had the character of "in-phase" variation, was also observed for the diurnal variation and mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 and PM10 at various heights of the tower in this experiment, again confirming the "in-phase" temporal/spatial distributive character of air pollutants in the urban canopy of Beijing. The gentle double-peak character of the mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 and PM10 was closely related with the evident/similar diurnal variation of turbulent momentum fluxes, sensible heat fluxes, and turbulent kinetic energy at various heights in the urban canopy. Besides, under the condition of calm weather, the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 declined with height slowly, it was 90% of 8 m concentration at the low layer, a little lesser than 90% at the middle layer, and 80% at the high layer, respectively. Under the condition of weak cold air weather, the concentration remarkably dropped with height, it was 70% of 8 m concentration at the low layer, and 20%―30% at the middle and high layers, especially the concentration of PM2.5 was even lower.  相似文献   
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