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In this work, uniaxial fatigue tests combined with post-test X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning were conducted on marble samples with different interbed orientations, in order to reveal the anisotropic damage evolution characteristics during rock failure. The dynamic elastic modulus, damping ratio, fatigue deformation, damage evolution, accumulative damage modeling and crack pattern were systematically analyzed. The testing results indicate that the interbed structure in marble affects the damage evolution and the associated dynamic mechanical behaviors. The damage curve in “S” style indicates three-stage trend, namely, initial damage stage, steady damage stage and the accelerated damage stage. The damage index during cyclic deformation for marble presents obvious discrepancy. In addition, a fatigue damage prediction models was employed numerically as double-term power equations based on the experimental data. It is found that the selected damage model is suitable in modeling the rapid damage growth in the early and final stage of rock fatigue lifetime. Moreover, post-test CT scanning further reveals the anisotropic damage characteristics of marble, the crack pattern in the fractured sample is controlled by the interbed structure. What is more, the most striking founding is that the fracture degree is in consistent with the damage accumulation within the steady damage stage. Through a series of damage mechanical behavior analysis, the internal mechanism of the effect of interbed orientation on damage evolution of marble is firstly documented.

鲁中南抱犊崮地区,山体陡峭挺拔,风景秀丽,以有鲁南小泰山之称的抱犊崮为代表,山体顶部主要由古生代寒武纪九龙群张夏组灰岩组成,其下分布由长清群馒头组砂岩、砂质页岩、泥质灰岩、薄层灰岩及朱砂洞组灰岩、泥质灰岩等。“崮”的成因主要是古生代寒武纪灰岩经受了强烈的地壳切割和抬升运动,并遭受长期的侵蚀、溶蚀、重力崩塌和风化剥蚀等多重地质作用而形成抱犊崮所具有的岱崮地貌,作为地质遗迹和地质地貌景观,具有重要的地学研究价值,也是潜力巨大的旅游资源。  相似文献   
This paper describes the scaling up to a day scale of the Ryel hour scale model incorporating the process of hydraulic redistribution (HR). The Ryel model was applied to the Inner Mongolia Huangfuchuan basins to analyze transpiration, evaporation and stomatal conductance of Artemisia tridentate, and to indicate the added value of the feedback by comparing simulations with and without incorporating HR. Five climate scenarios were designed based on 40-y continuous climate data from the study area and the response of HR to the different climate scenarios was modeled. Under 1991 climate conditions, cumulative transpiration and evaporation with HR during the growing season were 161.7 mm and 206.14 mm, respectively, compared with transpiration of 140.7 mm and evaporation of 174.2 mm without HR. Under the five different climate change scenarios, HR influenced evaporation more than transpiration. The effect of HR on transpiration, evaporation and stomatal conductance was very different among the scenarios. Inclusion of HR gave rise to the largest increase in transpiration and evaporation under the T2P0 scenario and the smallest under the T2P2 scenario, but transpiration and evaporation decreased under the T0P-2 scenario. Stomatal conductance significantly increased with the inclusion of HR. The model used in this study has potential benefits for incorporating HR into soil processes, such as water movement and mass transfer.  相似文献   
Deep saline aquifers are one of the most suitable geologic formations for carbon sequestration. The linear and global stability analysis of the time-dependent density-driven convection in deep saline aquifers is presented for long-term storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). The convective mixing that can greatly accelerate the CO2 dissolution into saline aquifers arises because the density of brine increases upon the dissolution of CO2 and such a density difference may induce instability. The effects of anisotropic permeability on the stability criteria, such as the critical time for the appearance of convective phenomena and the critical wavelength of the most unstable perturbation, are investigated with linear and global stability analysis. The linear stability analysis provides a sufficient condition for instability while the global stability analysis yields a sufficient condition for stability. The results obtained from these two approaches are not exactly the same but show a consistent trend, both indicating that the anisotropic system becomes more unstable when either the vertical or horizontal permeability increases.  相似文献   
东海陆架区地热研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对东海陆架八口石油钻井岩岩芯采样,测定其热导率,并求取对应的地温梯度,据傅立叶定律计算单井的热流密度,在56-88.60mW/m^2之间,填补了东海陆架热流值测定的空白。  相似文献   
Aimed at the initial value problem of the particular second-order ordinary differential equations,y =f(x, y), the symmetric methods (Quinlan and Tremaine, 1990) and our methods (Xu and Zhang, 1994) have been compared in detail by integrating the artificial earth satellite orbits in this paper. In the end, we point out clearly that the integral accuracy of numerical integration of the satellite orbits by applying our methods is obviously higher than that by applying the same order formula of the symmetric methods when the integration time-interval is not greater than 12000 periods.  相似文献   
We compare the results of our series of fine analyses based on Dominion Astrophysical Observatory long camera coudé spectra with those of the same stars from the series of automated elemental abundance analyses by Hill (1995) and by Erspamer and North (2003). We usually find good agreement with the results of the first paper for those elements with well-determined abundances and somewhat poorer agreement with results of the second paper.  相似文献   
The Washougal, Washington, U.S.A., howardite fell in 1939. We studied its mineralogy optically and determined the ranges of composition of plagioclase and pyroxenes from measurements of densities and indices of refraction. Notable among many unique xenoliths are a round object whose morphology is that of an armored chondrule; a stratified fragment; and a centimeter-sized dunite xenolith (olivine Fa12.8). The abundances of 27 elements, including all major elements and 15 trace elements (Sc, V, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Sr, Y, Ba, La, Sm, Eu, Yb, Lu and Hf) are reported. To a first approximation, the composition of Washougal corresponds to a mixture of 51 weight percent of eucritic material and 49 percent of a diogenitic component, but excesses of some elements suggest a minor component of chondritic composition  相似文献   
We present the Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera observations for a sample of local elliptical galaxies to study later stages of active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. A sample of 36 elliptical galaxies is selected from the Palomar spectroscopic survey. We detect nuclear non-stellar infrared emission in nine of them. There is unambiguous evidence of circumnuclear dust in these nine galaxies in their optical images. We also find a remarkable correlation between the infrared excess emission and the nuclear radio/X-ray emission, suggesting that infrared excess emission is tightly related to nuclear activity. The possible origin of infrared excess emission from hot dust heated by the central AGN is supported by the spectral indices of the infrared excess emission.  相似文献   
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