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McIntosh  K.  Akbar  F.  Calderon  C.  Stoffa  P.  Operto  S.  Christeson  G.  Nakamura  Y.  Shipley  T.  Flueh  E.  Stavenhagen  A.  Leandro  G. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(5):451-474
In March and April 1995 a cooperative German, Costa Rican, and United States research team recorded onshore-offshore seismic data sets along the Pacific margin of Costa Rica using the R/V Ewing. Off the Nicoya Peninsula we used a linear array of ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones (OBS/H) with onshore seismometers extending across much of the isthmus. In the central area we deployed an OBS/H areal array consisting of 30 instruments over a 9 km by 35-km area and had land stations on the Nicoya Peninsula adjacent to this marine array and also extending northeast on the main Costa Rican landmass. Our goal in these experiments was to determine the crustal velocity structure along different portions of this convergent margin and to use the dense instrument deployments to create migrated reflection images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting Cocos Plate. Our specific goal in the central area was to determine whether a subducted seamount is present at the location of the 1990, M 7 earthquake off the Nicoya Peninsula and can thus be linked to its nucleation. Subsequently we have processed the data to improve reflection signals, used the data to calculate crustal velocity models, and developed several wide-aperture migration techniques, based on a Kirchhoff algorithm, to produce reflection images. Along the northern transect we used the ocean bottom data to construct a detailed crustal velocity model, but reflections from the plate boundary and top and bottom of the subducting Cocos plate are difficult to identify and have so far produced poor images. In contrast, the land stations along this same transect recorded clear reflections from the top of the subducting plate or plate boundary, within the seismogenic zone, and we have constructed a clear image from this reflector beneath the Nicoya shelf. Data from the 3-D seismic experiment suffer from high-amplitude, coherent noise (arrivals other than reflections), and we have tried many techniques to enhance the signal to noise ratio of reflected arrivals. Due to the noise, an apparent lack of strong reflections from the plate boundary zone, and probable structural complexity, the resulting 3-D images only poorly resolve the top of the subducting Cocos Plate. The images are not able to provide compelling evidence of whether there is a subducting seamount at the 1990 earthquake hypocenter. Our results do show that OBS surveys are capable of creating images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting plate well into the seismogenic zone if coherent reflections are recorded at 1.8 km instrument spacing (2-D) and 5 km inline by 1 km crossline spacing for 3-D acquisition. However, due to typical high amplitude coherent noise, imaging results may be poorer than expected, especially in unfavorable geologic settings such as our 3-D survey area. More effective noise reduction in acquisition, possibly with the use of vertical hydrophone arrays, and in processing, with advanced multiple removal and possibly depth filtering, is required to achieve the desired detailed images of the seismogenic plate boundary zone.  相似文献   
A simple and effective method of heating divers in extreme cold water has been developed. The local heating concept utilizes a uniformly distributed granular mixture of magnesium and iron particles packed in small sachets. Upon activation by sea water, the two metal mixture behaves as a multitude of short-circuited electrolytic cells, producing thermal energy rather than electrical energy. The 45 mm-square sachets may be placed where heating is required on the diver's body, thus giving rise to the term “local heating”, obviously, the heating system requires no pumping device, or distribution network. Heating rate and duration of output of the sachets are controlled by particle size, and mixture ratio of the constituent Mg and Fe particles.This paper described the development, testing and performance of the heating sachets. Results of live tests in different dive situations are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   
藤壶属(Genus Balanus)是甲壳类蔓足亚纲(Subclass Cirripedia)藤壶科(Family Balanidae)中最大的一属,它在有害海洋附着生物中是主要组成成分。许多种附着于船底、水下设施或建筑物上,致使船舰燃料消耗增加,航速减低,降低浮标浮力,缩小管道通路,侵占某些水产养殖对象的有效附着面,污损养殖架筏和绳索,加快水下金属的腐蚀等,对海防、海运交通、工业和渔业常造成一定危害,同人类的关系颇为密切。随着我国科学事业的发展,特别是附着生物防除工作的进展,对于种类的确切鉴定和生物学及生态学资料需要日益增多,只有在搞清种类的基础上,根据不同种的生物学和生态特征,采取相应的措施,才能有效地进行防除工作。 中国近海的藤壶属,国内外仅有一些零星记载,缺乏全面而系统的报告。我们早在五十年代,就注意到我国沿海常见的一些主要附着生物,特别是当时作为“布纹藤壶” Balanus Amphitrite communis Darwin(=B.reticulatus Utinomi)和“克氏藤壶”Balanus Amphitrite krügeri Nilsson-Cantell(=B.uliginosus Utinomi)描记的两个类型,无论在栖息环境、繁殖习性或幼虫形态上都有显著差异,因而怀疑它们不是一个种内的亚种,而应属于不同的种。为了解决上述和类似的问题,给生态和防除研究工作提供更为准确的基本资料,我们对藤壶亚目的种类进行了系统的研究,本文是研究报告的第一部分。根据的是中国科学院海洋研究所历年采集收藏的标本,共鉴定31种和亚种,分隶于7个亚属,其中有6新种,有9种在我国是首次记录(种名录见190页)。新种的模式标本均保存于中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   
Based on the ray theory and Longuet-Higgins’s linear model of sea waves, the joint distribution of wave envelope and apparent wave number vector is established. From the joint distribution, we define a new concept, namely the outer wave number spectrum, to describe the outer characteristics of ocean waves. The analytical form of the outer wave number spectrum, the probability distributions of the apparent wave number vector and its components are then derived. The outer wave number spectrum is compared with the inner wave number spectrum for the average status of wind-wave development corresponding to a peakness factor P = 3. Discussions on the similarity and difference between the outer wave number spectrum and inner one are also presented in the paper.  相似文献   
Q.Y. Zhang   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(2):137-151
A comparison of two three-dimensional numerical modeling systems for tidal elevations and velocities in the coastal waters is presented. The two modeling systems are: (1) the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and (2) the MIKE 3 flow model. The model performance results for Singapore's coastal waters show that the predicted tidal elevations from the two hydrodynamic modeling systems are almost identical and are in very good agreement with field measurement data. The simulated tidal current velocities match well with field measurement data at the selected stations, but it seems that the POM provides the slightly better simulation, compared to the MIKE 3 flow model. The depth profiles of the velocities obtained from the two modeling systems may be greatly different at some time, due to the vertical diffusion coefficient calculated from different turbulent sub-models in the two modeling systems. The POM generally predicts larger peak tidal velocities. The maximum speed differences for the model results from the two modeling systems occur in the top and differ from time to time and from location to location, reaching up to 20%.  相似文献   
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper summarizes the results of long-term (2004–2016) comprehensive experimental studies of microphysical parameters and the mass...  相似文献   
In a rheologically layered crust, compositional layers have an upper, elasto-plastic part and a lower, viscous one. When broken, the upper elastic part undergoes flexure, which is upward for the foot-wall and downward for the hanging wall. As a consequence of bending, stresses will develop locally that can overcome the strength of the plate and, therefore, impose the migration of active fault. In the lower, viscous part of each compositional layer, rocks can potentially flow. Numerical modelling of the behaviour of a crust made up of two compositional layers, during and following extension, shows that flow can take place not only in the lower crust but also, and more importantly, in the lower part of the upper crust. The ability of crustal rocks to flow influences the style and kinematics of rifted regions. When no flow occurs, subsidence will affect the extending areas, both hanging wall and foot-wall will subside with respect to an absolute reference frame such as sea level, and there will be a strict proportionality between extension and thinning. In addition, the downward movement of the fault blocks will decrease the local stresses created in the foot-wall and increase those of the hanging wall, thereby imposing a migration of fault towards the hanging wall. This is the behaviour of extensional settings developed on stabilised crust and which evolved in a passive margin. When flow does take place, middle crustal rocks will move towards the rifting zone causing isostatically driven upward movements that will be superimposed on movements associated with crustal and lithospheric thinning. Consequently, fault blocks will move upwards and the crust will show more extension than thinning. The upward movements will decrease the stresses developed in the hanging walls and increase those of the foot-wall. Faults will then migrate towards the foot-wall. Such a mode of deformation is expected in regions with thickened crust and has its most apparent expression in core complexes.  相似文献   
Résumé Le Bled Zelfane est un synclinal mio-pliocène sur la bordure septentriono-orientale de l'ile de Kasserine. L'ile de Kasserine est une plate-forme devenue insulaire à partir du Crétacé supérieur et restée émergée jusqu'au Miocène moyen. Ce môle a été soumis apparemment pendant sa période continentale à un climat oxydant de type méditerranéen relativement sec. On note une certaine diversification dans la nature des dépôts en zones basses (secteur de Kasserine) et en zones hautes (secteur du Bled Zelfane). En zones basses, la sécheresse climatique a favorisé la formation de dépôts de gypse, d'argiles rouges et de calcrêtes. En zones hautes, une érosion par lessivage acide a créé des dépressions karstiques dans les calcaires du Crétacé supérieur (Aïn Khamouda) et dans les calcaires du Maëstrichtien (Sidi Mabrouk et Guémata). Le remplissage des cavités karstiques (poches, crevasses) s'est fait avec de l'argile blanche (halloysite), contenant des micro-cristaux de galène, avec de la calamine et des oxydes de fer. Les conditions climatiques étaient trop oxydantes pour que le zinc se dépose autrement que sous forme de calamine. Elles expliquent aussi la présence de paléo-algobactéries (aérobies) sur la calamine. La présence de micro-cristaux de galène dans l'halloysite serait liée à un sulfuretum et non à des conditions réductrices réelles. Il semble en effet que dans ces karsts du Bled Zelfane une flore bactérienne très riche a joué un rôle essentiel dans le piégeage d'éléments lourds et notamment dans la genèse de galènes supergènes et dans la cristallisation de la calamine. Une minéralisation, elle aussi plombo-zincifère, de type stratiforme, s'observe à la base de Miocène inférieur et montre de même des bactéries fossiles à foison.
Bled Zelfane is a Mio-Pliocene syncline on the NE edge of the palaeo-island of Kasserine, a platform which became insular at the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous and remained emergent until the Middle Miocene. During its long emergence this platform was affected by an oxidising, relatively dry, Mediterranaean-type climate. There exists a certain diversity in the sedimentary accumulations in both the lower (Kasserine area) and upper (Bled Zelfane area) sectors of this palaeo-relief. In the lower sectors the dry climate has favourised gypsum, red clays and calcrete formation. In the higher sectors erosion and leaching by acid waters has created karstic depressions in the Upper Cretaceous (Aïn Khamouda) and in the limestones of Maestrichtian (Sidi Mabrouk and Guémata). The karst cavities (pockets and fissures) are filled with white, halloysite clays containing micro-crystals of galena associated with calamine (Zn) and iron oxides. The climatic conditions were too oxidising to permit the formation of Zn other than in the form of calamine. The dry climate is also an explanation for the presence of aerobic palaeo-algobacteria on this calamine. The presence of micro-crystals of galena within the halloysite is probably related to a sulfuretum and not to effective reducing conditions. It would seem that the presence of a rich bacterial flora within the karst at Bled Zelfane has played a significant role in the stabilisation of heavy elements, and especially the supergene genesis of the galena. A Lead/Zinc mineralisation also exists at the base of the Miocene. This latter is diffused through the cement in conglomerates and sandstones.

In this work, uniaxial fatigue tests combined with post-test X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning were conducted on marble samples with different interbed orientations, in order to reveal the anisotropic damage evolution characteristics during rock failure. The dynamic elastic modulus, damping ratio, fatigue deformation, damage evolution, accumulative damage modeling and crack pattern were systematically analyzed. The testing results indicate that the interbed structure in marble affects the damage evolution and the associated dynamic mechanical behaviors. The damage curve in “S” style indicates three-stage trend, namely, initial damage stage, steady damage stage and the accelerated damage stage. The damage index during cyclic deformation for marble presents obvious discrepancy. In addition, a fatigue damage prediction models was employed numerically as double-term power equations based on the experimental data. It is found that the selected damage model is suitable in modeling the rapid damage growth in the early and final stage of rock fatigue lifetime. Moreover, post-test CT scanning further reveals the anisotropic damage characteristics of marble, the crack pattern in the fractured sample is controlled by the interbed structure. What is more, the most striking founding is that the fracture degree is in consistent with the damage accumulation within the steady damage stage. Through a series of damage mechanical behavior analysis, the internal mechanism of the effect of interbed orientation on damage evolution of marble is firstly documented.

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