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舟山枸杞水域的污损生物生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系1988年9月~1989年9月在舟山枸杞乌里西岙水域进行挂板试验的结果。共获污损生物135种,其中,近岸的油库码头获77种,远岸的养殖筏获110种。动物以亚热带高盐性种类为主,三角藤壶Balanustrigunus、小海葵Actinia、柯氏分胞孔苔虫Celleporinacostazii、西方三胞苔虫Tricelariaoccidentalis、艾氏美熄Cltiaedwardsi、广口小桧叶螅Sertularellamiurrensis等占优势,藻类常见的有长石莼Ulvalinza、肠浒苔Enteromorphyintestinalis和日本多管藻Polysiphoniajaponica。枸杞污损生物的附着期主要在夏季,附着量也以夏季最大。不同地点附着量的差异极大。夏季由于近岸三角藤壶大量附着,故生物量明显大子远岸,其他季节均是远岸大于近岸。夏季近岸三角藤壶的覆盖面积达100%,生物量达18119g/m2,占污损生物总生物量的98%。故夏季是污损生物防除的主要季节,三角藤壶是防除的主要对象。与1975~1976年嵊山污损生物进行比较,发现两地污损生物的种类组成和群落结构极为相似,说明10多年以来嵊山  相似文献   
应用车贝雪夫多项式分析过渡季节(6—7月)澳大利亚冷高压与赤道辐合带的关系,得出了对赤道辐合带北移的主要形势以及过程演变特征,最后用合成方法得到它的演变概念模式,为赤道辐合带的北移影响西太平洋及南海地区提供了中期预报的依据。  相似文献   
研究池养条件下鲻鱼MugilcephalusLinnaeus的年龄和生长特性,结果表明,鳞片新年轮主要在10—1月出现;鳞长与体长关系式为:R—0.00907L(0.7764);I—V龄鱼体长和体重相对生长率和生长指标随着年龄增长而逐渐下降;体长与体重关系式为:W=1.2716×10(-5)L(3.0695),体长与全长关系式为:LT=10.3711+1.1806LB,当年鱼体长和体重生长与月龄的关系分别为:LB=8.6669+25.5769t,W=0.1170t(3.5530),vonBertallanffy生长参数L∞=613.25mm,K=0.3412,t0=-0.825,体重生长拐点值为2.46a。  相似文献   
First the scour and deposition patterns of the sandy seabed in front of a vertical breakwater under the action of irregular broken clapotis are investigated experimentally and classified into five types: scour type Ⅰ , scour type Ⅱ, scour type Ⅲ, deposition type Ⅰ, and deposition type Ⅱ . Secondly, the processes of formation of scour and deposition patterns are probed in comparison with those induced by regular broken clapotis and standing waves. Thirdly, the criteria for distinguishing scour and deposition patterns under irregular broken clapotis are presented.  相似文献   
Bathymetric, 9.5-kHz long-range sidescan sonar (OKEAN), seismic reflection and sediment-core data are used in the analysis of two tectonic troughs south of Crete, Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Here, up to 1.2 s two-way travel time (TWTT) of strata have accumulated since the Middle Miocene in association with extension in the South Aegean region. The study area comprises >100-km- long by >25-km-wide basins filled by sediments subdivided into two seismic units: (1) an upper Unit 1 deposited in sub-basins which follow the present-day configuration of the southern Cretan margin; (2) a basal Unit 2, more than 500 ms (TWTT) thick, accumulated in deeper half-graben/grabens distinct from the present-day depocentres. Both units overlap a locally stratified Unit 3 comprising the pre-Neogene core complex of Crete and Gavdos. In this work, the interpreted seismic units are correlated with the onshore stratigraphy, demonstrating that denudation processes occurring on Crete and Gavdos in response to major tectonic events have been responsible for high sedimentation rates along the proximal southern Cretan margin. Consequently, topographically confined sedimentary units have been deposited south of Crete in the last 12 Ma, including turbidites and other mass-flow deposits fed by evolving transverse and axial channel systems. Surface processes controlling facies distribution include the direct inflow of sediment from alluvial-fan systems and incising mountain rivers onto the Cretan slope, where significant sediment instability processes occur at present. In this setting, seismic profiles reveal eight different types of stratigraphic contacts on basin-margin highs, and basinal areas show evidence of halokinesis and/or fluid escape. The acquired data also show that significant changes to the margin’s configuration occurred in association with the post-Alpine tectonic and eustatic episodes affecting the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
Thesecondorderspectrumoftwo-dimensionalrandomwaves¥DingPingxing;SunFuandYuZhouwen(ReceivedJanuary15,1993;acceptedMay31,1993)A...  相似文献   
Two distinct series of slumps deform the upper part of the sedimentary sequence along the continental margin of the Levant. One series is found along the base of the continental slope, where it overlies the disrupted eastern edge of the Messinian evaporites. The second series of slumps transects the continental margin from the shelf break to the Levant Basin. It seemed that the two series were triggered by two unrelated, though contemporaneous, processes. The shore-parallel slumps were initiated by basinwards flow of the Messinian salt, that carried along the overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. Seawater that percolated along the detachment faults dissolved the underlying salt to form distinctly disrupted structures. The slope-normal slumps are located on top of large canyons that cut into the pre-Messinian sedimentary rocks. A layer of salt is found in the canyons, and the Plio-Quaternary sediments were deposited on that layer. The slumps are bounded by large, NW-trending faults where post-Messinian faulted offset was measured. We presume that the flow of the salt in the canyons also drives the slope-normal slumps. Thus thin-skinned halokynetic processes generated the composite post-Tortonian structural patterns of the Levant margin. The Phoenician Structures are a prime example of the collapse of a distal continental margin due to the dissolution of a massive salt layer.  相似文献   
扇贝的养殖环境及其体内的细菌学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1992年9月~1994年11月,对青岛胶州湾养殖的扇贝及环境中的细菌组成和某些生态学特性进行了调查。养殖区表层海水中异养菌和弧菌平均数各波动于(21.2~39.7)×102/cm3和(7.3~19.2)×102/cm3之间。其中1号和4号站位的菌数比其它越位都高,这和它们靠近码头,受到附近的排水污染有关。在扇贝的消化盲囊和性腺内也分离到异养菌和弧菌,分别为103~105个g和103~105个/g。这些细菌可能因扇贝遇到环境改变防御能力下降时,扩散到其它器官并大量繁殖,因而造成感染而死亡。从对分离菌的药物敏感试验结果看,近年一些菌株对原来敏感的药物产生了抗药性,如四环索和链霉素,今后在育苗过程中避免滥用抗菌药物是十分重要的。  相似文献   
河口只是河流与海洋之间的一小部分水域,但对人类社会的发展和生物的进化起着重要的作用。它不仅是生物种群繁殖、育幼和栖息的场所,而且是溯河和降海鱼类洄游的必经之路,因此,河口对生物种群的繁衍延续和资源补充,以及保持生态平衡具有十分重要的意义。 然而,河口又是生态环境十分脆弱和敏感的水域,同时也是受人类干扰最为严重的区域。因此,河口的生态环境问题愈来愈引起人们的关注,其中包括长江三峡水库的兴建对长江口及其附近海域生态、环境的影响,特别是对位于河口两侧的我国著名两大渔场——舟山渔场和吕四渔场的影响问题。影响渔业资源的因子是多方面而且错综复杂的。本文主要通过长江径流的变化与环境因子变量的相关分析,并根据三峡水库不同蓄水方案,对河口近海渔业的影响问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   
本文介绍了 Kohonen神经网络对输入数据进行聚类方法在卷烟配方中的应用 ,提出了从核心样本动态搜索 BP网络训练样本的新探索 ,摒弃了过去 BP算法中训练样本固定不变 ,互不相交的方法 ,实现了 BP网络和 Kohonen网络动态无缝集成。  相似文献   
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