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Effects of grazing and climate change on species diversity in sandy grassland, Inner Mongolia, China
To understand the effects of animal grazing activities and climate change on sandy grassland vegetation in northern China, a field grazing and protected enclosure experiment was conducted from 1992 through 2006 in Horqin Sand Land, Inner Mongolia. The results showed that (1) the grazing was primary responsible for changes of the vegetation richness and diversity in the grazing grassland and that changing climate was the main reason for changes in the species richness and diversity in the grassland protected from grazing; (2) light and moderate grazing can promote restoration of the richness and the diversity in the degraded grassland, and heavy grazing could result in a decrease of the richness and diversity; (3) heavy grazing can result in significant decrease of the perennial diversity, and moderate and light grazing promotes increase of the perennial diversity; the grazing, whether heavy or moderate and light grazing, was beneficial to increase of the annual diversity; (4) heavy grazing was not beneficial to diversity of Graminean and Chenopodiaceae, and moderate and light grazing was favorable the diversity of Compositae and Chenopodiaceae; (5) the warm-humid climate was favorable to increase of the richness and the diversity, and the warm-drought climate could result in decease of the richness and the diversity; (6) increased precipitation was favorable to perennial diversity and the diversity of Graminean, Leguminosae, and Compositae, and decreased precipitation had few effects on the annual diversity and Chenopodiaceae diversity. 相似文献
东河砂岩是塔里木盆地主要的勘探目的层和产油层之一。经过多年艰苦勘探和多学科综合研究,现已认识到东河砂岩为晚泥盆世晚期至早石炭世早期海平面上升背景下沉积的一套海侵底砂(砾)岩,在盆地范围内是一个明显的穿时沉积体。东河砂岩以滨浅海相陆源碎屑沉积占优势,局部发育海陆过渡相陆源碎屑沉积。根据盆地内100多口井资料的岩石学特征、沉积特征以及其它指相标志的综合分析,在东河砂岩中识别出滨岸、河口湾、辫状河三角洲以及冲积扇等不同的沉积相类型,其中高能碎屑滨岸相最重要,分布最广。东河砂岩沉积早期和中期,盆地主要为高能碎屑滨岸相和碎屑陆棚相沉积,末期海侵达到最大,盆地内为碳酸盐台地沉积,而轮南及盆地北部一带受物源区的影响,出现混积滨岸和碎屑滨岸沉积。东河砂岩明显具有填平补齐的沉积特征,其砂体厚度在缓坡处减薄、陡坡处增厚、遇孤岛减薄或尖灭,这些沉积特征为形成东河砂岩非构造圈闭奠定了良好的地质基础。满加尔、轮南、塔中、玛扎塔格以及草湖地区都有可能找到该类油气藏(田),展示了东河砂岩非构造圈闭的良好勘探前景。 相似文献
测定了荒漠地区超旱生小灌木红砂在3种生境(山前荒漠、山前戈壁和中游戈壁)下的叶片水分状态、抗氧化酶活性及渗透调节物质含量,以探讨荒漠植物在不同生境下的生理生化特征及对荒漠极端环境的适应机制。结果表明:在3种生境下,红砂叶片相对含水量和叶片水势随着土壤含水量的下降而下降,叶绿素含量随着土壤含水量的下降而升高。随着生境土壤干旱的加剧,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及过氧化物酶(POD)活性逐渐升高,而过氧化氢酶活性下降。在土壤含水量较少的戈壁生境,渗透调节物质含量上升。SOD和POD活性的升高是红砂抵御干旱环境的主要抗氧化保护机制;渗透调节在红砂叶片适应干旱胁迫的过程中发挥着重要作用,高的渗透调节能力使红砂在水分不足的条件下维持较低的渗透势,有利于植物吸水,从而增强其耐旱性。 相似文献
Paleocollapse structure as a passageway for groundwater flow and contaminant transport 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wan Fang Zhou 《Environmental Geology》1997,32(4):251-257
Paleocollapse structure is a rock collapse, resulting from the failure in the geological history of the bedrock overlying
karstified limestone. Depending on the present hydrogeological conditions within the area of paleocollapse and the internal
properties of these structures, they can provide a means to facilitate groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Inactive
paleocollapse structures can be reactivated by human activities such as dam construction, mining underground minerals, pumping
groundwater, and development of landfills. They can also be reactivated by natural events such as earthquakes and neotectonic
movements. In the mines of northern China, sudden inflow of karst water from Ordovician limestone into drifts and mining stopes
through paleocollapse structures has caused significant economic loss. Water pumping tests and accompanied dye traces are
effective approaches of locating water-conducting paleocollapse structures. Grouting is probably the best means of preventing
them from becoming geohazards.
Received: 26 November 1996 · Accepted: 17 June 1997 相似文献
本工程场地为欠固结厚层填土现状,为保证承台底不脱空,采用粉喷桩加固承台底欠固结填土,并在粉喷桩内施工静压桩的技术对策,这样既加固了填土,又提高了静压桩单桩承载力,获得了良好的效果。 相似文献
准噶尔盆地西北缘克百地区二叠系沉积特征及沉积模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
准噶尔盆地西北缘二叠系是重要的产油层和储集层,通过岩心观察、薄片分析,结合测井和录井资料,对西北缘克百断裂下盘二叠系砂砾岩的沉积环境和沉积特征进行了深入研究。研究表明,该区砂砾岩既有水上冲积扇沉积环境沉积的,也有水下扇三角洲前缘沉积环境形成的。前者主要为棕褐色、泥质杂基含量高、分选和磨圆差,储层物性相对较差;后者经过了稳定水流的淘洗,杂基含量少,钙质或沸石类胶结发育,分选性和磨圆度也较高,其物性条件也明显较好。并据此建立了研究区冲积扇与扇三角洲有机结合的沉积模式,该模式突出了湖岸线的重要性,同时模糊冲积扇与扇三角洲之间的界限。并对冲积扇与扇三角洲各亚相的岩性特征、沉积结构和沉积序列进行了归纳和总结,为该区寻找二叠系优质储层提供借鉴和思路。 相似文献
本研究利用1979—2012年欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的ORAP5(Ocean Reanalysis Pilot 5)海洋/海冰再分析资料和ERA-Interim气象再分析资料,采用回归分析方法,分1979—1998年和1999—2012年两个时间段探讨了南半球热带外地区气候变化对两种不同形态ENSO的响应特征。结果表明,南半球热带外区域气候在1999年前后两个时段对ENSO的响应表现出了较大的年代际变化特征。1979—1998年南半球热带外气候变量对Nio3指数在时间上的相关性和空间上的响应强度都普遍大于Nio4指数,说明这一时段东部型ENSO对南半球热带外区域气候变化的影响要更强一些。在1999—2012年,不同形态ENSO与气候变量的相关性大小并无明显的规律,而且空间响应场的差异性并不大。海平面气压、风场和气温对ENSO变化的响应在南半球冬季表现最为强烈,在夏季最弱。三者在1999—2012年秋季对Nio3指数和Nio4指数的响应场中出现了纬向三波数结构。1999—2012年冬季,有异于海平面气压和风场,在罗斯海和阿蒙森海海域海表气温对Nio4变化的正响应明显强于对Nio3的响应,该特征在混合层温度中也有体现,表明海表气温随ENSO的变化受海洋特征变化影响较大。混合层深度和混合层温度的响应场之间存在很大的相关性,混合层温度响应在秋季表现最强,春季最弱,混合层深度响应与之相反。在1979—1998年,海冰密集度对不同Nio指数变化的响应差异主要出现在海冰结冰季节,而海冰厚度对不同Nio指数变化的响应差异在夏季表现较强。海冰密集度和厚度对Nio3变化响应的年代际差异在秋冬季节更加明显,对Nio4变化响应的年代际差异在秋、冬、春季都较明显。 相似文献