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20世纪60年代初期,Tóth基于定水头上边界条件推导出解析解,得出多级次地下水流系统,是水文地质学里程碑式的突破,成功地解决了一系列理论和实际问题.但T6th解析解存在的缺陷也长期沿袭:单纯重视数学模拟而忽视物理机制;将地形控制地下水位看成是普适性规律;忽视给定水头上边界数学模拟的失真.这些缺陷,尤其是忽视物理机制探...  相似文献   
Shallow-delta sedimentary systems receive both terrestrial and marine organic matter. As oil and gas exploration activities determine that the source rocks of the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea, are generally rich in and even dominated by terrestrial organic matter, this has led many researchers to examine the rules governing terrestrial organic matter enrichment in shallow-delta sea sedimentary systems. However, the deep burial of source rocks in deep-water areas and the relatively small amount of drilling undertaken have greatly restricted the study of these rules. In this study, the ‘forward modeling’ research method was used to observe and analyze the deposition and preservation of terrestrial organic matter through flume experiments, where the depositional results were carefully depicted and sampled. The total organic carbon content of selected samples was measured and when combined with qualitative observations and quantitative comparison results, the dominant enrichment areas of terrestrial organic matter were identified. The experimental results show that the overbank parts of the delta front, the dune countercurrent surface, the low-lying parts, the delta front slope area and the shallow-prodelta sea area are where terrestrial organic matter is predominantly enriched. This provides an important basis and guidance for the prediction of the development areas of marine source rocks with terrestrial input in the deep-water areas of the Qiongdongnan Basin.  相似文献   
在地下煤田的开发中,工作面内的小构造、异常体、煤层厚度变化等是需要解决的关键问题,而槽波探测则为这些问题的解决提供了重要的物探方法.本文对河南义马矿区11061工作面进行槽波透射法测量,在巷道显示的煤层厚度变化为1.5~8 m,从理论频散曲线分析速度与厚度关系,确定125 Hz频率槽波主要用于观测厚度约为2~5 m的煤层厚度变化;有效提取了684个频散曲线,并分别拾取了125 Hz时槽波群速度与走时,采用走时层析成像方法获得工作面内煤层速度、厚度以及高应力区分布特征,回采验证了结果的正确性.  相似文献   
新疆北部阿尔泰山西段友谊峰一带发育的喀纳斯群碎屑沉积岩中保留了大量的古陆缘演化及沉积、变质等地质信息。采集了2个层位的碎屑锆石进行同位素年龄研究, 结果显示:2套碎屑岩的锆石U-Pb年龄分布特征相近, 最年轻的岩浆锆石年龄分别为546±4 Ma和545±4 Ma, 代表了沉积时代的下限;较老的锆石年龄可分为太古宙的3063±16 Ma、2548±18 Ma和2541±18 Ma, 古—中元古代的2223~1463 Ma, 新元古代的985~781 Ma, 据此推断, 沉积物源存在前寒武纪结晶基底;较新的锆石变质年龄为421~429 Ma, 与阿尔泰地区强烈的岩浆活动时间相近, 可能与地层遭受后期的热液变质事件有关。结合地质构造演化, 表明新疆北部地区大致经历了太古宙陆核形成阶段、Columbia超大陆形成和演化阶段、Rodinia超大陆汇聚和裂解阶段、震旦纪—寒武纪复理石沉积阶段, 以及加里东期剧烈岩浆活动阶段。  相似文献   
GIS叠置图层方差分量的极大似然估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对GIS叠置中的同名点,以维希特分布密度为似然函数,提出了各图层方差分量的极大似然估计方法。该方法不依赖残差,不需要迭代就能估计未知参数和方差分量。  相似文献   
邴慧  赵淑萍  杜玉霞  黄星 《冰川冻土》2016,38(4):937-942
超声波波速测试作为一种无损检测已经广泛应用到岩土工程行业,该测试方法也是获得岩土体物理力学参数的有效方法.目前鲜有关于冻土的声波测试的技术和方法的报导,已有的冻土声波测试都是在垂直方向上忽略换能器的质量并在常温下快速测试声波通过时间,难以满足测试精度.鉴此,在购置常温声波测试主机的基础上,充分考虑冻土对温度敏感的特性、换能器在水平方向的测试以及土样与换能器之间的耦合程度,设计了一种适用于多种类型的冻土超声波换能器支架和恒温箱的测试系统,恒温箱意在提供适合不同温度下土体的测试环境(-30℃~+30℃),换能器支架可供低温、提供多种尺寸冻土试样的横波和纵波的测试平台.为避免垂直测试中换能器和土样自身对测试的影响,除了支架提供水平测试平台外,在调节换能器与土样接触距离的螺杆顶端放置应变片测试冻土样与换能器之间的接触程度以提高冻土声波波速的测试精度.利用该测试系统对不同负温下冻土样品进行测试,数据结果证明了该测试系统的实用性和良好的测试精度.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional finite volume unstructured mesh model of the west coast of Britain, with high resolution in the coastal regions, is used to investigate the role of wind wave turbulence and wind and tide forced currents in producing maximum bed stress in the eastern Irish Sea. The spatial distribution of the maximum bed stress, which is important in sediment transport problems, is determined, together with how it is modified by the direction of wind forced currents, tide–surge interaction and a surface source of wind wave turbulence associated with wave breaking. Initial calculations show that to first order the distribution of maximum bed stress is determined by the tide. However, since maximum sediment transport occurs at times of episodic events, such as storm surges, their effects upon maximum bed stresses are examined for the case of strong northerly, southerly and westerly wind forcing. Calculations show that due to tide–surge interaction both the tidal distribution and the surge are modified by non-linear effects. Consequently, the magnitude and spatial distribution of maximum bed stress during major wind events depends upon wind direction. In addition calculations show that a surface source of turbulence due to wind wave breaking in shallow water can influence the maximum bed stress. In turn, this influences the wind forced flow and hence the movement of suspended sediment. Calculations of the spatial variability of maximum bed stress indicate the level of measurements required for model validation.  相似文献   
单桩基础周围斜坡海床中的波致孔隙水压力响应与纯斜坡海床存在较大差异。为了解不同波高、波周期条件下,单桩基础周围波浪传播变形及其对斜坡海床孔压振荡响应的影响,在波浪水槽末端铺设了长6 m、坡度1∶16的斜坡砂床进行试验。通过改变桩身位置和波浪参数,测量斜坡段各处波面形态,采集单桩周围孔隙水压力,分析了桩身位置及波浪参数对斜坡海床孔压响应的影响。结果表明:相同入射波条件下,随距坡脚水平距离增加,波高、近底流速和桩周孔隙水压力幅值都随之增大;桩周孔隙水压力幅值分布规律为:桩前孔压幅值明显大于桩侧与桩后孔压幅值。当Keulegan-Carpenter数大于6时,随着波高和波周期增大,马蹄涡产生的负压区使得桩侧海床孔隙水压力与纯斜坡海床孔隙水压力差值迅速增加。  相似文献   
Batch experiments were conducted to comparatively evaluate the inhibition effects and mechanisms of a low-concentration (1%) proline solution cover on the release of pollutants from high-sulfur coal gangue. High-sulfur coal gangue was continuously immersed in a proline solution and in deionized water (as a control treatment) for 540 days. The results showed that the coal gangue in the control treatment was oxidized and generated leachate with poor water qualities, i.e., the leachate exhibited lower pH values, higher redox potential values, higher pollutant concentrations (SO42?, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn), and high levels of acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. However, compared to the control treatment, the addition of the proline solution (1%) significantly improved the water quality of the leachate by significantly reducing the Eh values, the pollutant concentrations (SO42?, Fe2+, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn), and the activity of acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and by significantly increasing the pH value to neutral. The proline treatment significantly inhibited the oxidation of coal gangue and the release of pollutants, mainly by inhibiting the activity of acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and by altering the heavy metal fractions and the mineralogical characteristics. Therefore, in engineering practice, workers should consider using an environmental friendly aqueous proline solution cover to achieve the in-situ control of pollutant releases from coal gangue dumps.  相似文献   
2022年北京冬奥会将在我国举办,比赛项目以雪上项目为主。赛道雪质是雪务工作的核心问题,而目前国内关于竞技型滑雪场赛道雪质研究少有涉及。通过研究以人造雪为主的河北省万龙滑雪场赛道雪质特性,了解我国竞技型雪场目前赛道现状。通过比较,找出与国际雪联要求标准赛道雪质的差距,依据赛道雪质变化特性,提出雪质保持和提升方案,并对影响雪质的要素进行风险评估,以提升我国赛事雪务工作的科研能力和技术水平,为冬奥会成功举办提供科学依据和服务。  相似文献   
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