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评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体动力学数值模拟国家重点实验室海洋环流模式L30T63和海气耦合模式FGCM 0模拟的热带太平洋年平均状态 ,资料取自L30T63由观测的大气强迫驱动的Control试验、由NCARCCM3大气强迫驱动的Spinup试验、以及相应的海气耦合模式FGCM 0。主要的结论是 :( 1 )在“准确”的海表强迫下 ,Control模拟的海面温度和温跃层与观测结果相当接近 ,模式的固有误差是赤道冷舌过分西伸和东南太平洋温跃层偏浅。 ( 2 )Spinup能模拟出合理的热带太平洋上层海洋环流 ,但存在两个问题 ,即 :暖池区海面温度显著偏高、沿赤道的梯度过大 ;赤道温跃层偏浅、东西向坡度偏小 ,它们分别与CCM3提供的海表短波辐射通量和风应力的系统误差有关。这两个问题很可能是海气耦合模式FGCM 0运行初期误差迅速发展的重要原因。 ( 3)FGCM 0模拟的赤道暖池区上层 1 0 0m的平均温度比观测低 3℃。分析表明FGCM 0夸大了暖池区海洋动力过程的降温作用 ,使得模拟的“暖池”在一定程度上具有冷舌的属性。FGCM 0模拟的热带南太平洋温跃层比观测结果偏浅数十米到 1 0 0m ,以致赤道两侧的上层海洋温度分布趋于对称 ,成为“doubleITCZ”现象在上层海洋中的表现。风应力旋度的系统误差和垂直混合随深度衰减过快  相似文献   
In this paper, we assessed the ecological and biodiversity status in the Bohai Sea through a quantitative survey on mac-rofaunal community at 25 stations in Laizhou Bay and adjacent waters in the autumn of 2006.We tested the robustness and effectiveness of taxonomic distinctness as an ecological indictor by analyzing its correlation with species richness and natural environmental variables and by analyzing other ecological indicators (Shannon-Wiener H' and W statistics from Abundance Biomass Comparison curve).Results so obtained indicated that the benthic environment of the study waters in general is not under major impact of anthropogenic disturbance, but some stations in Laizhou Bay and along the coast of the Shandong Peninsula and even in the central Bohai Sea might be moderately disturbed and showed signs of ecological degradation.The taxonomic distinctness measures △+ and Λ+ were independent of sampling effort and natural environment factors and were compliant to other ecological indicators.Further application of the taxonomic distinctness indicator to assess marine biodiversity and ecosystem health on a larger regional scale with historical data seems promising.  相似文献   
大地电场变化的频谱特征   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
处理了中国大陆地区嘉峪关、昌黎、崇明、蒙城、兴济、宝坻和阳原等7个台的地电场观测数据,应用最大熵谱方法研究了大地电场日变化、地电暴等谱成分的特征. 结果表明,大地电场日变化主要是12 h的半日波成分最强, 24~25 h的全日波和8 h周期成分次之; 地电暴是在大尺度空间同步发生的,其谱值高于日变化谱值约2~3个数量级,主要以较长周期成分为主. 这一结果初步解释了大地电场变化的主要谱成分的生成机制.   相似文献   
正在开展的保持共产党员先进性教育活动,是实践“三个代表”重要思想,加强党的执政能力建设的重要举措,也是国土资源系统进一步加强队伍建设,不断提高管理水平,全面落实“双保”工作目标,更好地服务于经济社会可持续发展的迫切要求。目前,日照市经济社会发展已进入快车道,随着市委、市政府“四大战略”的实施和“五项重点”工作的落实,日照市在推进市场化、国际化、城市化“三化”进程方面取得了巨大进步。特别是在学习考察青岛的成功经验后,全市经济社会进入了新的发展阶段。当前,既要保护好资源,又要保障经济社会发展对国土资源的需求,这…  相似文献   
碰撞造山带与成矿区划   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
邱小平 《地质通报》2002,21(10):675-681
碰撞造山事件与成矿作用具有强烈的对应耦合关系,而且成矿规模与碰撞的强度呈正相关关系。碰撞造山带的壳幔物质相互作用与成矿作用的强度也呈正相关关系,特别是多期次碰撞造山带,均发生过强烈的壳幔物质相互作用,孕育着丰富的矿产资源。详细地研究了碰撞造山的构造演化过程,划分了相应的成矿构造单元和成矿区带。从碰撞造山的角度提出西天山、西昆仑山、阿尔金-北祁连山、东昆仑山、秦岭-大别山、西南三江、康滇陆缘等造山带为重要的成矿区带。  相似文献   
基于空间计量模型的中国城市化发展与城市空气质量关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜磊  周海峰  柏玲 《热带地理》2019,39(3):461-471
采用中国289个地级及以上城市2016年的空气质量指数(AQI)和夜间灯光数据,运用空间滞后模型,从空间溢出效应视角出发探究了城市化发展与空气质量之间的定量关系。从空间滞后模型的估计结果来看,城市空气污染存在显著的空间溢出效应,周边地区空气质量的下降会导致本地空气污染情况加重。在城市发展过程中,城市经济发展水平的提高,引致的城市建设用地的扩张使得空气质量不断恶化;政府管制力的加强对空气污染的治理起到了促进作用,而居民环保意识和城市技术创新水平的提高有利于空气质量的改善。此外,PM2.5质量浓度的上升导致空气质量恶化。公路货运量在统计上与空气质量的关系不显著。从研究结果来看,协调城市发展与空气质量的关系以及加强空气污染防治的联防联控机制,是未来空气污染治理工作的重点。  相似文献   
生态系统健康:理论/概念与评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态系统健康研究是目前生态与环境领域兴起的研究热点之一。在阅读和分析大量国内外文献的基础上,系统总结了健康和生态系统健康的概念,指出引入生态系统健康概念的目的是要得到一个重要生态指标清单,以此开展生态系统健康评价。然后,总结出生态系统健康评价的3种主要方法:指示物种法、指标体系法和指示区域法,并以代表实例阐述了此3种方...  相似文献   
The accuracy and efficiency of the simulations in distributed hydrological models must depend on the proper estimation of flow directions and paths. Numerous studies have been carried out to delineate the drainage patterns based on gridded digital elevation models (DEMs). The triangulated irregular network (TIN) has been increasingly applied in hydrological applications due to the advantages of high storage efficiency and multi‐scale adaptive performance. Much of the previous literature focuses mainly on filling the depressions on gridded DEMs rather than treating the special cases in TIN structures, which has hampered its applications to hydrological models. This study proposes a triangulation‐based solution for the removal of flat areas and pits to enhance the simulation of flow routing on triangulated facet networks. Based on the drainage‐constrained TIN generated from only a gridded DEM by the compound point extraction (CPE) method, the inconsistent situations including flat triangles, V‐shape flat edges and sink nodes are respectively identified and rectified. The optimization algorithm is an iterative process of TIN reconstruction, in which the flat areas are generalized into their center points and the pits are rectified by embedding break lines. To verify the proposed algorithm and investigate the potential for flow routing, flow paths of steepest descent are derived by the vector‐based tracking algorithm based on the optimized TIN. A case study of TIN optimization and flow path tracking was performed on a real‐world DEM. The outcomes indicate that the proposed approach can effectively solve the problem of inconsistencies without a significant loss in accuracy of the terrain model.  相似文献   
农田土壤水分的随机模拟和预报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
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